Chinese Union Version




2008 - 2009


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|Qty |Prod # |Description |Size (Cm) |Binding |Pages |ISBN |Price |

|Chinese Union Version |

|Shen Edition |

| |1CH011002 |CU33AX(R) Chinese Bible |8.5x12.5 |Red hardcover, gold|1518 |9789622933996 |21.95 |

| | |Pocket size, Double-column text, Illustrations, | |stamping, orange | | | |

| | |References, Ribbon marker | |stained edges | | | |

| |1CH011030 |CU34AXZ(R) Chinese Bible |10×14 |Leather duo-tone |1493 |9789622938939 |20.95 |

| | |Pocket size, Vertical script, Double column text, | |(red/tan), zipper | | | |

| | |Chapter and section headings, Illustrations, Ribbon| | | | | |

| | |marker | | | | | |

| |1CH011031 |CU34AXZ(G) Chinese Bible |10×14 |Leather duo-tone |1493 |9789622938977 |20.95 |

| | |Pocket size, Vertical script, Double column text, | |(green/tan), zipper| | | |

| | |Chapter and section headings, Illustrations, Ribbon| | | | | |

| | |marker | | | | | |

| |1CH011005 |CU37AXZ Chinese Bible |10x14 |Black leather, gold|1518 |9789622934238 |35.95 |

| | |Pocket size, Double-column text, Illustrations, | |stamping, Zipper | | | |

| | |References, Ribbon marker | | | | | |

| |1CH011004 |CU38AX Chinese Bible |8.5x12.5 |Black leather, gold|1053 |9789622934078 |39.95 |

| | |Pocket size, Double-column text, Illustrations, | |stamping | | | |

| | |References, Ribbon marker | | | | | |

| |1CH011014 |CU43A Chinese Bible |9x13 |Hardcover, red |1503 |9789622930025 |6.95 |

| | |Compact, Double-column text, Index, Illustrations, | |stained edges | | | |

| | |Ribbon marker | | | | | |

| |1CH011008 |CU53A Chinese Bible, Black |11.5x15 |Hardcover, gold |1503 |9789622930049 |9.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Maps in colour, Illustrations, | |stamping, red | | | |

| | |Index | |stained edges | | | |

| |1CH011007 |CU54AX Chinese Bible |11x15.5 |Black imitation |1503 |9789622933637 |36.95 |

| | |Special thin paper, Double-column text, Ribbon | |leather, gilt | | | |

| | |marker, Maps, Illustrations, Chapter and section | |edges, gift box | | | |

| | |headings | | | | | |

| |1CH011007 |CU54AX Chinese Bible |11x15.5 |Green imitation |1503 |9789622933651 |36.95 |

| | |Special thin paper, Double-column text, Ribbon | |leather, gilt | | | |

| | |marker, Maps, Illustrations, Chapter and section | |edges, gift box | | | |

| | |headings | | | | | |

| |1CH011007 |CU54AXR Chinese Bible |11x15.5 |Red imitation |1503 |9789622930292 |36.95 |

| | |Special thin paper, Double-column text, Ribbon | |leather, gilt | | | |

| | |marker, Maps, Illustrations, Chapter and section | |edges, gift box | | | |

| | |headings | | | | | |

| |1CH011009 |CU57AX Chinese Bible |10.5x15.5 |Black genuine |1503 |9789622933675 |49.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Ribbon marker, Maps, | |leather, gilt | | | |

| | |Illustrations, Chapter and section headings | |edges, gift box | | | |

| |1CH011009 |CU57AX Chinese Bible |10.5x15.5 |Red genuine |1503 |9789622930308 |49.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Ribbon marker, Maps, | |leather, gold | | | |

| | |Illustrations, Chapter and section headings | |stamping, gilt | | | |

| | | | |edges, gift box | | | |

| |1CH011009 |CU57AX Chinese Bible |10.5x15.5 |White leather |1503 |9789622933668 |49.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Chapter and section headings, | |cover, gift box | | | |

| | |Illustrations, Maps, Ribbon marker | | | | | |

| |1CH011019 |CU57AXDU Chinese Bibles Marriage Set (Set of 2) |12x16.5 |Two high-quality |1503 |9789622933705 |105.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Extra thin paper, Chapter and | |leather Bibles, one| | | |

| | |section headings, Illustrations, Maps, Ribbon | |red and one white | | | |

| | |marker | |in one box | | | |

| |1CH011010 |CU57AXZ Chinese Bible |10.5x15.5 |Black leather, gilt|1503 |9789622933682 |69.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Ribbon marker, Maps, | |edges, gift box, | | | |

| | |Illustrations, Chapter and section headings | |Zipper | | | |

| |1CH011010 |CU57AXZ Chinese Bible |10.5x15.5 |Red leather, gilt |1503 |9789622930322 |69.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Ribbon marker, Maps, | |edges, gift box, | | | |

| | |Illustrations, Chapter and section headings | |Zipper | | | |

| |1CH011021 |CU57AXZTI Chinese Bible |10.5x16.5 |Genuine leather |1503 |9789622934436 |54.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Illustrations, Ribbon marker, | |cover, Zipper | | | |

| | |Thumb index | | | | | |

| |1CH011011 |CU63A Chinese Bible, Black |12.5x18.5 |Hardcover, gold |1503 |9789622930100 |11.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Ribbon marker, Chapter and | |stamping, red | | | |

| | |section headings, Illustrations, Maps in colour | |stained edges | | | |

| |1CH011012 |CU063A Chinese Bible Ref. |15x22 |Hardcover, gold |1503 |9789622930179 |18.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Illustrations, Chapter and | |stamping, red | | | |

| | |section headings, References, Maps in colour, | |stained edges | | | |

| | |Ribbon marker | | | | | |

| |1CH011016 |CU67A Chinese Bible |14.5x21.5 |High quality |1503 |9789622930124 |DISC. |

| | |Double-column text, Ribbon marker, Illustrations, | |leather, gold | | | |

| | |Chapter and section headings, Clear print, Maps in | |stamping, gilt | | | |

| | |colour | |edges, gift box | | | |

| |1CH011023 |CU67AZ Chinese Bible |19x13 |Leather, zipper, | |9789622935235 |69.95 |

| | |Chapter and section headings, Ribbon marker, | |gilt edges, gift | | | |

| | |Illustrations ,Maps in colour | |box | | | |

| |1CH011013 |CU067A Chinese Bible Ref. |14x21 |Leather cover, gilt|1503 |9789622930193 |69.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Maps in colour, Ribbon marker, | |edges, gift box | | | |

| | |Chapter and section headings, Illustrations, | | | | | |

| | |Marginal references, India paper | | | | | |

| |1CH011028 |CU83A Chinese Bible Large Print |18×26 |Black hardcover | |9789622938779 |24.95 |

| | |Chapter and section headings, Ribbon marker, Easy | | | | | |

| | |to read text | | | | | |

| |1CH011029 |CU87A Chinese Bible Large Print |17.3×25.7 |Black leather, gilt| |9789622938809 |71.95 |

| | |Chapter and section headings, Ribbon marker, Easy | |edges | | | |

| | |to read text | | | | | |

| |1CH011001 |CU93A Chinese Bible Giant Print |20.5x28.5 |Black Hardcover, | |9789622932715 |DISC. |

| | |Double-column text, Illustrations, Maps in colour, | |gold stamping, red | | | |

| | |Ribbon marker | |stained edges | | | |

| |1CH011006 |CU95AF (R) Chinese Bible |22x30 |Red imitation |1503 |9789622935396 |75.95 |

| | |Giant print, Double-column text, Maps in colour, | |leather, gold | | | |

| | |Presentation page, Ribbon marker | |stamping, gilt | | | |

| | | | |edges, gift box | | | |

| |1CH011027 |CU97AFBK Chinese Pulpit Bible Leather |23x21 |Leather | |9789622934627 |109.95 |

| | |Double column text, Ribbon marker, Maps | | | | | |

| |2CH011001 |CU283A Chinese New Testament |18x24.5 |Hardcover, red |377 |9789622930377 |17.95 |

| | |Large print, Double-column text, Chapter and | |stained edges | | | |

| | |section headings, Illustrations, Ribbon marker | | | | | |

| |2CH011002 |CU353A Chinese New Testament with Psalms and |11x15 |Flexible vinyl |516 |9789622933361 |7.95 |

| | |Proverbs | |cover, gold | | | |

| | |Double-column text, Illustrations | |stamping, red | | | |

| | | | |stained edges | | | |

| |3CH011001 |CUNP560A 1 Chinese Gospel of Matthew |9.5x13 |Paperback | |9789622936478 |0.95 |

| | |Chapter and section headings, References | | | | | |

| |3CH011005 |CU560A 5 Chinese Acts |9.5x13 |Paperback | |9789622930476 |1.50 |

| | |Chapter and section headings, References | | | | | |

|Shangti Edition |

| |1CH021008 |CU34R Chinese Bible |9x13 |Imitation leather, |1503 |9789622935983 |26.95 |

| | |Pocket size, Cardboard slip case, Ribbon markers, | |gilt edges &gold | | | |

| | |Colour maps, Horace Knowles line drawings, Words of| |stamping, Burgundy | | | |

| | |Christ in red | | | | | |

| |1CH021011 |CU55XZ Chinese Bible Jean Cover |10.2×14.9 |Jean cover |1503 |9789622938540 |35.95 |

| | |Vertical script, Chapter and section headings, | |w/zipper, silver | | | |

| | |Illustrations, Maps, Ribbon markers | |edges | | | |

| |1CH021012 |CU54XZ Chinese Bible Duo tone |10.2×14.9 |Duo-tone imitation |1503 |9789622938571 |31.95 |

| | |Vertical script, Chapter and section headings, | |leather (black & | | | |

| | |Illustrations, Maps, Ribbon markers | |brown) w/ zipper, | | | |

| | | | |gilt edges | | | |

| |1CH021002 |CU63 Chinese Bible |12.5x18.5 |Hardcover, gold |1503 |9789622930094 |11.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Ribbon marker, Chapter and | |stamping, red | | | |

| | |section headings, Illustrations, Maps in colour | |stained edges | | | |

| |1CH021001 |CU063 Chinese Bible Ref. |15x22 |Hardcover, gold |1503 |9789622930162 |26.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Illustrations, Chapter and | |stamping, red | | | |

| | |section headings, References, Maps in colour, | |stained edges | | | |

| | |Ribbon marker | | | | | |

| |1CH021005 |CU67 Chinese Bible |14.5x21.5 |Genuine leather, |1503 |9789622930117 |33.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Ribbon marker, Illustrations, | |gilt edges, gift | | | |

| | |Chapter and section headings, Clear print, Maps in | |box | | | |

| | |colour | | | | | |

| |1CH021007 |CU067 Chinese Bible Ref. |14x21 |Leather cover, gilt|1503 |9789622930186 |83.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Maps in colour, Ribbon marker, | |edges, gift box | | | |

| | |Chapter and section headings, Illustrations, | | | | | |

| | |Marginal references, India paper | | | | | |

| |1CH021010 |CU93 Chinese Pulpit Bible |28.5x20.7 |Hardcover | |9789622932708 |122.95 |

| | |(Special Order) | | | | | |

| |2CH021003 |CU222 Chinese New Testament |6.5x8.5 |Vinyl cover, gold |414 |9789622930353 |4.95 |

| | |Pocket size, Single column-text | |stamping | | | |

| |2CH021004 |CU393 Chinese New Testament with Psalms and |14x21 |Hardcover, gold |1368 |9789622931077 |19.95 |

| | |Proverbs, Large Print | |stamping, red | | | |

| | |Single-column text, References | |stained edges | | | |

| |2CH021001 |CU357 Chinese New Testament with Psalms and |11x16.5 |Leather, gold |511 |9789622930414 |15.95 |

| | |Proverbs | |stamping, gilt | | | |

| | |Double-column text, Chapter and section headings, | |edges, gift box | | | |

| | |Illustrations, Maps (fold-out) | | | | | |

| |2CH301001 |RS/CU273DIChinese-English New Testament |13x19 |Hardcover, gold |740 |9789622930483 |15.95 |

| | |Chinese and English on the same page, | |stamping, red | | | |

| | |Illustrations, Maps in colour, Ribbon marker | |stained edges | | | |

|Chinese Union Version with New Punctuation |

|Shen Edition |

| |1CH031002 |CUNP53A Chinese Bible |12.5x16.5 |Black hardcover, |1464 |9789622934481 |15.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Easy-to-read, Maps, Ribbon | |gold stamping, red | | | |

| | |markers, Introduction to each book, Word list, | |stained edges | | | |

| | |Theme and word index, Bible history, Comparison of | | | | | |

| | |CU and CUNP names of persons and places | | | | | |

| |1CH031004 |CUNP53AX Chinese Bible |11.5x15.5 |Hardcover |361 |9789622935037 |23.95 |

| | |Double column text, Ribbon marker, References, Maps| | | | | |

| | |Weight: 0.335 Kg | | | | | |

| |1CH031017 |CUNP55AXZ Chinese Bible Jean Cover |13.5×18.2 |Jean cover w/ |1455 |9789622938533 |35.95 |

| | |Vertical text, Chapter and section headings, | |zipper, silver | | | |

| | |Subject index, Word list, Maps, Chronology, | |edges | | | |

| | |References, Ribbon markers | | | | | |

| |1CH031018 |CUNP54AXZ Chinese Bible Duo-Tone |13.6×18.5 |Duo-tone |1455 |9789622938564 |31.95 |

| | |Vertical text, Chapter and section headings, | |(brown/blue) | | | |

| | |Subject index, Word list, Maps, Chronology, | |imitation leather | | | |

| | |References, Ribbon markers | |w/ | | | |

| | | | |Zipper, gilt edges | | | |

| |1CH031005 |CUNP57AX Chinese Bible |14.8x9.8 |Hardcover | |9789622935044 |46.95 |

| | |(Special Order) | | | | | |

| |1CH031001 |CUNP57AXZ(B) Chinese Bible |11.5x17 |Black leather, gift|1464 |9789622934863 |55.95 |

| | |New punctuation, Double-column text, Introduction, | |box, Zipper | | | |

| | |Word list, Theme and word index, Bible history, | | | | | |

| | |Helps, Maps, Ribbon marker | | | | | |

| |1CH031006 |CUNP57AXZTI Chinese Bible |14.8x10.2 |Leather, zipper, | |9789622935075 |DISC. |

| | |(Special Order) | |Thumb index | | | |

| | |Thumb index | | | | | |

| |1CH301038 |KJV/CUNP53AX Chinese-English Bible |12×17 |Brown hardcover |1891 |9789622938335 |25.95 |

| | |Parallel Chinese & English, Maps, Map index | | | | | |

| |1CH301042 |KJV/CUNP57AXZ Chinese-English Bible |12×17.5 |Leather, zipper, |1891 |9789622938342 |44.95 |

| | |Chinese & English texts side by side, Two ribbon | |gilt edges, gift | | | |

| | |markers, Maps | |box | | | |

| |1CH031003 |CUNP63A Chinese Bible |15.5x21.7 |Hardcover, gold |1464 |9789622934498 |19.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Easy-to-read, Maps, Ribbon | |stamping, red edges| | | |

| | |markers, Introduction to each book, Word list, | | | | | |

| | |Theme and word index, Bible history, Comparison of | | | | | |

| | |CU and CUNP names of persons and places | | | | | |

| |1CH031007 |CUNPCS063ATI Chinese Bible |13.2×19.2 |Hardback, Thumb |1294 |9789830300801 |29.95 |

| | |Double column text, References, Maps, Timeline, | |index | | | |

| | |Wordlist | | | | | |

| | |Weight: 0.505 Kg | | | | | |

| |1CH301003 |KJV/CUNP67ADI Chinese-English Bible |14.5x21 |Leather |1891 |9789622933583 |DISC. |

| | |Single-column text, Ribbon markers, Maps | | | | | |

| |1CH081009 |CUNPSS37 Chinese Bible |8.7×13 |Leather |1310 |9789812200167 |DISC. |

| | |Simplified script, Double column | | | | | |

| | |text, Chapter and section headings, | | | | | |

| | |Ribbon marker, Maps | | | | | |

| |1CH001001 |Chinese Annotated Bible |15.5×27 |Hardcover, thumb |1538 |9789622936577 |27.95 |

| | |Simplified script, Double-column text, Thumb | |index, gold | | | |

| | |indexed, Introduction before each book, Footnotes, | |stamping | | | |

| | |Diagrams of chronology of events, Word list, Colour| | | | | |

| | |maps | | | | | |

| | |Weight: .945 Kg | | | | | |

| |1CH301040 |NRSV/CUNPSS52ATI Chinese-English Bible |14.5×21.5 |Vinyl, thumb index,| |9789622938526 |25.95 |

| | |Chinese & English texts side-by-side, Chapter and | |gilt edge | | | |

| | |section headings, Maps, Ribbon markers, Map index, | | | | | |

| | |Footnotes | | | | | |

| |1CH081004 |CUNPSS053TI Chinese Bible |10.8×15.5 |Hardcover, |1310 |9789812200587 |27.95 |

| | |Simplified script, Double column | |thumb index | | | |

| | |text, Chapter and section headings, | | | | | |

| | |Centre column references, Ribbon | | | | | |

| | |Maps | | | | | |

| |1CH081006 |CUNPSS057TIZ Chinese Bible |11.8×17.5 |Leather, zipper, |1310 |9789830300672 |DISC. |

| | |Simplified script, Double column | |thumb index | | | |

| | |text, Chapter and section headings, | | | | | |

| | |Centre column references, Ribbon | | | | | |

| | |Maps | | | | | |

| |1CH081001 |CUNPSS63A Chinese Bible |13.5x19 |Hardcover, gold |1310 |9789813099845 |DISC. |

| | |Simplified script, New punctuation | |stamping | | | |

| |1CH081008 |CUNPSS067TIZ Chinese Bible |20.5×13.8 |Leather, zipper, |1310 |9789812200112 |DISC |

| | |Simplified script, Double column | |thumb index | | | |

| | |text, Chapter and section headings, | | | | | |

| | |Centre column references, Ribbon | | | | | |

| | |Maps | | | | | |

| |3CH011001 |CUNP560A Chinese Matthew | |Paperback | |9789622936478 |0.95 |

| |3CH031003 |CUNP560A CHinese Gospel of Mark | |Paperback | |9789622936461 |0.95 |

| |3CH031001 |CUNP560A Chinese Gospel of Luke | |Paperback | |9789622936454 |0.95 |

| |3CH031002 |CUNP560A Chinese Gospel of John | |Paperback | |9789622936447 |0.95 |

|Shangti Edition |

| |1CH041002 |CUNP53 Chinese Bible |12.5x16.5 |Black hardcover, |1464 |9789622934504 |11.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Easy-to-read, Maps, Ribbon | |gold stamping, red | | | |

| | |markers, Introduction to each book, Word list, | |stained edges | | | |

| | |Theme and word index, Bible history, Comparison of | | | | | |

| | |CU and CUNP names of persons and places | | | | | |

| |1CH041001 |CUNP63 Chinese Bible |15.5x21.7 |Hardcover, gold |1464 |9789622934511 |33.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Easy-to-read, Maps, Ribbon | |stamping, red edges| | | |

| | |markers, Introduction to each book, Word list, | | | | | |

| | |Theme and word index, Bible history, Comparison of | | | | | |

| | |CU and CUNP names of persons and places | | | | | |

| |1CH081014 |CUNPSS53 Chinese Bible Simplified Script |13×20 |Hardcover |1313 |9780888345684 |11.95 |

| | |Double column text, Chapter and section headings, | | | | | |

| | |Introduction/Outline to each book of the Bible, | | | | | |

| | |Maps, Word list, References, Chronology | | | | | |

| |1CH081015 |CUNPSS53 Chinese Bible Simplified Script |13×20 |Paperback |1313 |9780888345707 |9.95 |

| | |Double column text, Chapter and section headings, | | | | | |

| | |Introduction/Outline to each book of the Bible, | | | | | |

| | |Maps, Word list, References, Chronology | | | | | |

| |1CH081010 |CUNPSS37Z Chinese Bible |10×13.8 |Leather, zipper, |1309 |9789812200266 |36.95 |

| | |Simplified script, Ribbon marker, Timeline, Maps | |gift boxed | | | |

| | |Weight: 0.25 Kg | | | | | |

| |1CH081011 |CUNPSS53 Chinese Bible |10.5×15.5 |Hardcover |1310 |9789830303635 |DISC. |

| | |Simplified script, Double column text, Chapter and | | | | | |

| | |section headings, References, Ribbon marker, Maps | | | | | |

| | |Weight: 0.355 Kg | | | | | |

| |1CH081003 |CUNPSS60 Chinese Bible |12.5x18.5 |Colourful paperback|1310 |9789813099913 |19.95 |

| | |Simplified script, New punctuation | | | | | |

| |1CH081012 |CUNPSS62 Chinese Bible |13.2×19.2 |Vinyl |1310 |9789812200570 |20.95 |

| | |Double column text, Ribbon marker, Maps, Timeline | | | | | |

| | |Weight: 0.515 Kg | | | | | |

| |1CH301009 |CUNP53DI/NRSV Chinese-English Bible |13.5x19 |Hardcover |1896 |9789622936362 |34.95 |

| | |Diglot, Section headings, References, Ribbon | | | | | |

| | |markers, Maps, Map index | | | | | |

| |2CH301005 |CUNPSS/CEV260DI Chinese-English New Testament |15.5x22 |Paperback |420 |9789812200617 |19.95 |

| | |Introduction to each book, Chapter and section | | | | | |

| | |headings, Footnotes | | | | | |

| |2CH301011 |PNTSS943 Chinese Parallel New Testament |18.2×26 |Hardcover |747 |9789622938595 |39.95 |

| | |6 versions side-by-side: Greek, CUNP, TCV, Lu | | | | | |

| | |Chen-Chung, Studium Biblicum, NRSV; Chapter and | | | | | |

| | |section headings, Footnotes | | | | | |

| |2CH301007 |CUNP/TCV263 Chinese New Testament - Study edition |15×22.5 |Hardcover |511 |9789830300870 |DISC. |

| | |TCV & CUNP texts side by side, , Section headings, | | | | | |

| | |References, Word list | | | | | |

| |7CH301001 |CUSS/PINYIN Concordance to the Bible |15.5×22 |Colour Hardcover |922 |9789622936508 |15.95 |

| | |Chinese Simplified Script and Pinyin, Allows you to| | | | | |

| | |locate Bible verses and check the phonetics of | | | | | |

| | |Chinese characters, List of hard to find words, | | | | | |

| | |Chinese in simplified script, Alphabetical index of| | | | | |

| | |the Chinese words in Pinyin | | | | | |

| | |Weight: 1.205 Kg | | | | | |

|Revised Chinese Union Version |

|Shangti Edition |

| |2CH091001 |RCU260BK Chinese New Testament |13×19 |Paperback |463 |9789622938656 |4.95 |

| | |Chapter and section headings; Line drawings; Colour| | | | | |

| | |maps; Word list and other features | | | | | |

| |2CH091003 |RCU260BR Chinese New Testament |13×19 |Paperback |463 |9789622938618 |4.95 |

| | |Chapter and section headings, Line drawings, Maps | | | | | |

| | |in colour, Word list | | | | | |

| |2CH091002 |RCU264 Chinese New Testament Duo-Tone |14×20 |Duo-tone (red/tan) |463 |9789622938601 |12.95 |

| | |Vertical text, Chapter and section headings, | |imitation leather, | | | |

| | |Illustration, Maps in colour | |gilt edges | | | |

| |2CH091004 |RCU363P Chinese New Testament with Psalms & |13×19 |Hardcover |567 |9789622939110 |9.95 |

| | |Proverbs – Youth Edition | | | | | |

| | |Double column text, Chapter and section headings, | | | | | |

| | |Footnotes, Bible reading plan, Maps in colour, | | | | | |

| | |Special sections for youth | | | | | |

| |2CH131001 |RCUSS260 Chinese New Testament |13×19 |Paperback |411 |9789622938878 |4.95 |

| | |Double column text; Chapter and section headings; | | | | | |

| | |Footnotes; Maps in colour | | | | | |

|Today’s Chinese Version |

| |1CH051002 |TCV047P Chinese Bible |19×13 |Leather |1600 |9789622934016 |65.95 |

| | |Double column text, Chapter and | | | | | |

| | |section headings, Ribbon marker | | | | | |

| | |Maps | | | | | |

| |1CH051003 |TCV53X Chinese Bible | |Hardcover | |9789622936164 |DISC. |

| |1CH301012 |TCV/TEV53XDI Chinese-English Bible |13.5×18.5 |Hardcover |1926 |9789622937772 |27.95 |

| | |Double column text, Chapter and section headings, | | | | | |

| | |References, Ribbon marker, Maps, Map index | | | | | |

| | |Weight: 0.675 Kg | | | | | |

| |1CH051001 |TCV63P Chinese Bible |12.5x18.5 |Hardcover w/gold |1700 |9789622934573 |12.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Introduction to each book, | |stamping | | | |

| | |Chapter and section headings, Historical chart, | | | | | |

| | |Illustrations, Word list, Maps | | | | | |

| |2CH051003 |TCV230P Chinese New Testament |10.5x14.5 |Paperback |450 |9789622934764 |1.95 |

| | |Pocket size, Double-column text, Index, Word list, | | | | | |

| | |Chapter and section headings, Introduction to each | | | | | |

| | |book, Annie Vallotton line drawings, Maps | | | | | |

| |2CH051001 |TCV240P Chinese New Testament |13x18 |Paperback, silver |448 |9789622934771 |5.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Index, Word list, Chapter and | |coated | | | |

| | |section headings, Introduction to each book, Annie | | | | | |

| | |Vallotton line drawings, Maps | | | | | |

| |2CH051002 |TCV240PC Chinese Catholic New Testament |13x18 |Paperback, gold |448 |9789622930568 |5.95 |

| | |Double-column text, Index. Word list, Chapter and | |coated | | | |

| | |section headings, Introduction to each book, Annie | | | | | |

| | |Vallotton line drawings, Maps | | | | | |

| |2CH301002 |TCV/TEV240DI Chinese-English New Testament |13x18 |Burgundy Paperback,|669 |9789622935259 |6.95 |

| | |Complete New testaments in two languages, Chinese | | | | | |

| | |and English on facing pages, Introduction to each | | | | | |

| | |book, Chapter and section headings | | | | | |

| |2CH301003 |TCV/TEV243DI Chinese-English New Testament |14x18.5 |Hardcover w/silver |669 |9789622935358 |11.95 |

| | |Complete New testaments in two languages, Chinese | |stamping | | | |

| | |and English on facing pages, Introduction to each | | | | | |

| | |book, Chapter and section headings | | | | | |

| |2CH301007 |TCV/CUNP263 Chinese New Testament - Study edition |15×22.5 |Hardcover |511 |9789830300870 |18.95 |

| | |TCV & CUNP texts side by side, , Section headings, | | | | | |

| | |References, Word list | | | | | |

| |3CH051002 |TCVCS530 Chinese Gospel of Matthew |10x18.5 |Paperback |54 |9789622938144 |1.50 |

| | |Double-column text, Annie Vallotton line drawings | | | | | |

| |3CH051003 |TCVCS530P Chinese Gospel of Mark |10x18.5 |Paperback |34 |9789622938151 |1.50 |

| | |Double-column text, Annie Vallotton line drawings | | | | | |

| |3CH051004 |TCVCS530Chinese Gospel of Luke |10x18.5 |Paperback |50 |9789622931893 |1.50 |

| | |Double-column text, Annie Vallotton line drawings | | | | | |

| |3CH051005 |TCV530PChinese Gospel of John |10x18.5 |Paperback |40 |9789622932975 |1.50 |

| | |Double-column text, Annie Vallotton line drawings | | | | | |

| |3CH051001 |TCV560P Chinese Who is Jesus? |10.5x18 |Paperback |90 |9789622933439 |1.50 |

| | |Word list, Selection with helps, Illustrated with | | | | | |

| | |photographs | | | | | |

| |3CH301002 |SSTCV/TEV540DI Chinese-English Book of Acts |11x9 |Paperback |135 |Not assigned |.50 |

| | |Simplified script | | | | | |

| |9CH051001 |TCV560P Meditations by a Stream |14×14.5 |Hardcover |380 |9789622938113 |17.95 |

| | |Daily meditations taken from | | | | | |

| | |Today's Chinese Version covering | | | | | |

| | |one complete year. | | | | | |

| |3CH301005 |NR/TCVTEV1 Chinese-English New Reader Book 1 |13x19 |Paperback |31 |Not assigned |.50 |

| |3CH301006 |NR/TCVTEV2 Chinese-English New Reader Book 2 |13x19 |Paperback |33 |Not assigned |.50 |

| |3CH301007 |NR/TCVTEV3 Chinese-English New Reader Book 3 |13x19 |Paperback |31 |Not assigned |.50 |

| |3CH301008 |NR/TCVTEV4 Chinese-English New Reader Book 4 |13x19 |Paperback |45 |Not assigned |.50 |

| |3CH301009 |NR/TCVTEV5 Chinese-English New Reader Book 5 |13x19 |Paperback |86 |Not assigned |.50 |

|TCV690P Words of Wisdom Booklets (WW): |

|Small books in full colour present Bible stories at a level that children can read for themselves, Bright and attractive pictures, Background information for |

|parents, Questions to make children think, Useful for Sunday school or for home. |

| |3CH051016 |WW1 The Crucifixion of Jesus |14x18 |Paperback |32 |9789622931305 |2.50 |

| |3CH051017 |WW2 Jesus is Alive |14x18 |Paperback |32 |9789622931312 |2.50 |

| |3CH051018 |WW3 The Prodigal Son |14x18 |Paperback |32 |9789622931329 |2.50 |

| |3CH051019 |WW4 Ruth |14x18 |Paperback |32 |9789622931336 |2.50 |

| |3CH051020 |WW5 The Good Samaritan |14x18 |Paperback |32 |9789622931343 |2.50 |

| |3CH051021 |WW6 Jesus is Born |14x18 |Paperback |32 |9789622931350 |2.50 |

| |3CH051022 |WW7 The Miraculous Change |14x18 |Paperback |32 |9789622931978 |2.50 |

| |3CH051023 |WW8 The Messenger Inside the Fish |14x18 |Paperback |32 |9789622932500 |2.50 |

| |3CH051024 |WW9 Miraculous Healing |14x18 |Paperback |32 |9789622933576 |2.50 |

|683P Chinese Children’s Bible (32 volumes projected) |

|Full colour illustrations throughout, Easy-to-read type, Actual Bible text, For ages 6 & up. |

| |3CH051006 |TCV CB1 Chinese Children’s Bible Vol.1 |21.5x26 |Hardback |35 |9789622933910 |6.95 |

| |3CH051007 |TCV CB2 Chinese Children’s Bible Vol.2 |21.5x26 |Hardback |35 |9789622934139 |6.95 |

| |3CH051008 |TCV CB3 Chinese Children’s Bible Vol.3 |21.5x26 |Hardback |35 |9789622934399 |6.95 |

| |3CH051009 |TCV CB4 Chinese Children’s Bible Vol.4 |21.5x26 |Hardback |35 |9789622934559 |6.95 |

| |3CH051010 |TCV CB5 Chinese Children’s Bible Vol.5 |21.5x26 |Hardback |35 |9789622934870 |6.95 |

| |3CH051011 |TCV CB6 Chinese Children’s Bible Vol.6 |21.5x26 |Hardback |35 |9789622935280 |6.95 |

| |3CH051012 |TCV CB7 Chinese Children’s Bible Vol.7 |21.5x26 |Hardback |35 |9789622935532 |6.95 |

| |3CH051036 |TCV CB8 Chinese Children’s Bible Vol.8 |21.5x26 |Hardback |35 |9789622936331 |6.95 |

| |3CH051037 |TCV CB9 Chinese Children’s Bible Vol.9 |21.5x26 |Hardback |35 |9789622936515 |6.95 |

| |3CH051038 |TCV CB10 Chinese Children’s Bible Vol.10 |21.5x26 |Hardback |35 |9789622937666 |6.95 |

| |3CH051039 |TCV CB11 Chinese Children’s Bible Vol.11 |21.5x26 |Hardback |35 |9789622937956 |6.95 |

| |3CH051040 |TCV CB12 Chinese Children's Bible |21.5x26 |Hardback |35 |9789622938120 |6.95 |

| | |Volume 12 | | | | | |

|Other Versions |

| |1CH061002 |NCB63 Chinese New Cantonese Bible |15.5×21.8 |Hardcover |1057 |9789622938854 |16.95 |

| | |Double column text, Chapter and section headings, | | | | | |

| | |Maps, Bible reading plan, Chronology | | | | | |

| |1CH061003 |NCB67 Chinese New Cantonese Bible |15×23 |Leather, gilt edges|1106 |9789622938908 |49.95 |

| | |Double column text, Chapter and section headings, | | | | | |

| | |Maps, Bible reading plan, Chronology | | | | | |

| |1CH071001 |LU63 Chinese Bible Lu’s Translation |15x21.5 |Hardcover, gold |2363 |9789622930339 |30.95 |

| | |Double-column text, References, Section headings | |stamping, red | | | |

| | | | |stained edges | | | |

| |6GR301014 |GNT/RCU/NRSV Greek-Chinese-English New Testament |13×19 |Red Hardcover | |9789622938816 |49.95 |

| | |Horizontal text, | | | | | |

| |3CH301011 |PT453 Chinese Parallel Pentateuch |18×26.5 |Hardcover |571 |9789622938885 |26.95 |

| | |Hebrew (Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia), CUNPP, | | | | | |

| | |TCV, Lu Chen-Chung Version, Studium Biblicum | | | | | |

| | |Version (Catholic), New Revised Standard Version | | | | | |

| |2CH301008 |PNT943 Chinese Parallel New Testament |19×27 |Laminated Hardcover|749 |9789622937796 |29.95 |

| | |Six column text with: | | | | | |

| | |- Greek | | | | | |

| | |- Four Chinese translations: | | | | | |

| | |Chinese Union Version | | | | | |

| | |Today’s English Version | | | | | |

| | |Lu Chen-Chung Version | | | | | |

| | |Studium Biblicum (catholic) Version]) | | | | | |

| | |- English (NRSV) | | | | | |

| | |References, Section headings | | | | | |

| | |Weight: 1.28 Kg / Caselot qty: 16 | | | | | |

|Other Products |

| |3CH301003 |CU/NIV Chinese-English Gospel Bridge | |Paperback | |9789812202635 |2.95 |

| | |Clear text conveying the message of God’s love, a | | | | | |

| | |very good evangelistic tool | | | | | |

| |7CH001001 |The Word Comes to the East |27.3×19.8 |Paperback |91 |9789622939127 |19.95 |

| | |Published in commemoration of 200 years of | | | | | |

| | |Christianity in China since the arrival of | | | | | |

| | |Missionary Robert Morrison, this book recounts the | | | | | |

| | |history of how they got the Bible, translating it | | | | | |

| | |into their language, and the people who contributed| | | | | |

| | |to this work. | | | | | |

| |7CH001003 |My Favourite Verses Booklet & DVD |16.5×16.5 |Paperback |125 |9789622939172 |9.95 |

| | |Testimonies and favourite Scripture passages of 60 | | | | | |

| | |Chinese disciples of Christ from all walks of life.| | | | | |

| | |Features Bible verses and testimonies on facing | | | | | |

| | |pages, inspiring true stories, and accompanying DVD| | | | | |

| | |with stories delivered. | | | | | |

| |3CH011006 |Chinese God is Our Shelter | |Paperback | |Not assigned |.50 |

| | |and Strength | | | | | |

|Comic Books |

| |3CH051030 |Chinese Comics Abraham: The Unending Journey |18.5×26 |Paperback |32 |9789623270458 |1.95 |

| | |Full colour cover and text, Easy-to-read text, | | | | | |

| | |Dramatic highlights of this Bible character | | | | | |

| |3CH051031 |Chinese Comics Joseph: Man of Destiny |18.5×26 |Paperback |32 |9789623270465 |1.95 |

| | |Full colour cover and text, Easy-to-read text, | | | | | |

| | |Dramatic highlights of this Bible character | | | | | |

| |3CH051013 |Chinese Comics Moses 1: Man Who Led His People from|18.5x26 |Paperback |32 |9789623270496 |1.95 |

| | |Slavery | | | | | |

| | |Full colour, Dramatic highlights of this Bible | | | | | |

| | |character | | | | | |

| |3CH051014 |Chinese Comics Moses 2: Father of a New Nation |18.5x26 |Paperback |32 |9789622930502 |1.95 |

| | |Full colour, Dramatic highlights of this Bible | | | | | |

| | |character | | | | | |

| |3CH051015 |Chinese Comics David 1: David the daring Shepherd |18.5x26 |Paperback |32 |9789623271585 |1.95 |

| | |Full colour, Dramatic highlights of this Bible | | | | | |

| | |character | | | | | |

| |3CH051029 |Chinese Comics David 2: |18.5×26 |Paperback |32 |9789623272490 |1.95 |

| | |Israel’s Most Famous King | | | | | |

| | |Full colour cover and text, Easy-to-read text, | | | | | |

| | |Dramatic highlights of this Bible character | | | | | |

| |3CH051032 |Chinese Comics Elijah: |18.5×26 |Paperback |32 |9789623270472 |1.95 |

| | |Prophet of Fire | | | | | |

| | |Full colour cover and text, Easy-to-read text, | | | | | |

| | |Dramatic highlights of this Bible character | | | | | |

| |3CH051033 |Chinese Comics Jeremiah: |18.5×26 |Paperback |32 |9789623270489 |1.95 |

| | |Day of Disaster | | | | | |

| | |Full colour cover and text, Easy-to-read text, | | | | | |

| | |Dramatic highlights of this Bible character | | | | | |

| |3CH051025 |Chinese Comics Jesus 1: |18.5x26 |Paperback |36 |9789623270533 |1.95 |

| | |Born to be King (birth) | | | | | |

| | |Great way to introduce youth to the life of Christ,| | | | | |

| | |Entertaining yet informative, Attractive full | | | | | |

| | |colour cover and text | | | | | |

| |3CH051026 |Chinese Comics Jesus 2: |18.5x26 |Paperback |36 |9789623270540 |1.95 |

| | |Friend for All | | | | | |

| | |Full colour cover and text, Easy-to-read text, | | | | | |

| | |Outlines the significance of Jesus’ earthly life | | | | | |

| |3CH051027 |Chinese Comics Jesus 3: |18.5x26 |Paperback |36 |9789623270557 |1.95 |

| | |The Mighty Saviour | | | | | |

| | |(death & Resurrection) | | | | | |

| | |Full colour cover and text, Easy-to-read text, | | | | | |

| | |Outlines the turn of events as Jesus is killed and | | | | | |

| | |then raised back to life | | | | | |

| |3CH051034 |Chinese Comics Peter: |18.5×26 |Paperback |32 |9789623271608 |1.95 |

| | |The Great Fisherman | | | | | |

| | |Full colour cover and text, Easy-to-read text, | | | | | |

| | |Dramatic highlights of this Bible character | | | | | |

| |3CH051035 |Chinese Comics Paul: |18.5×26 |Paperback |32 |9789623272353 |1.95 |

| | |Man with a Mission | | | | | |

| | |Full colour cover and text, Easy-to-read text | | | | | |

|Audio |

| |2CH113001 |Chinese Cantonese Union New Testament, Psalms and |16x23 |Plastic case | |9789622931855 |119.95 |

| | |Proverbs on cassette |x6.5 | | | | |

| | |32 Cassettes in 2 albums | | | | | |

| |2CH112002 |Chinese Cantonese Union New Testament on CD | | |17 CDs |9781574494778 |59.95 |

| | |17 CDs | | | | | |

| |2CH112001 |Chinese Cantonese Union New Testament on cassette |13x22 |Plastic case | |9781574490701 |59.95 |

| | |18 Cassettes in 1 album | | | | | |

| |2CH122002 |Chiinese Mandarin Union NT (Dramatized) On Cassette|13x22 |Plastic case | |9781574493429 |49.95 |

| | | | | | | | |

| | |13 Cassettes | | | | | |

| |2CH122003 |Chinese Mandarin Union Dramatized NT On CD | |Plastic case | |9781574493351 |59.95 |

| | |20 CDs | | | | | |

Chinese Price List May 2008


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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