Scripture readings = Deuteronomy 6:7; Titus 2:4, 5

HOME 1a One’s place of residence DOMICILE b: HOUSE

2. the social unit formed by a family living together

3a a familiar or usual setting: congenial environment; also: the focus of one’s domestic attention

{Webster’s 9th New Collegiate Dictionary}


- Place of peace

- Place of rest

- Place where you can be yourself

- Place to learn about yourself

- Place of constancy, growth

- A place to ask questions

- A place of comfort and (re)assurance About (P. 99) having a normal home life, what is considered normal for you?

- Place that defines and builds gender roles

- Place to foster spiritual growth and a spiritual relationship with God

- An oasis from social life

- A place of unconditional love

Tell me:

- What is the purpose of your home?

- Does it meet your social, spiritual, and emotional standards?

- After studying today’s lesson, what would you like , or want, your house to represent? What would you change?

- List five things you would want your children to depart with socially, spiritually, and emotionally when they become of age and/or leave home.

The assignment on Page 100 instructs us to complete an acronym; the book based it on the word, home; however, I have used my first name because when I have one of my own it will be MY home, which I believe should be a reflection of yourself. If you have not completed the assignment yet, it is a must do; it may even reestablish your priorities, which we just learned in the previous lesson, Chapter 17! Please do not rush through this assignment, but really think about what the word, home, or your name means to you. In the meanwhile, below is an acronym of what I have described for the home I aim to have someday:


B less the Lord in my house!

A cknowledge God as head of my household, my life, and all that transpires in and around my house!

R eceive those that visit my home with an overabundance of love!

Beautify my home with beautiful things, beautiful people, aesthetics, the Word, biblical application, love, & affection!

Accept those who visit my home as they are, encouraging to become more and/or stay Christ like in their lifestyle.

Rejoice in the Lord our God through praise & worship in my home for what He has and will do!

Anoint my house with oil and the Holy Spirit to cast our demonic forces, spirits, presence, anything not of His will, His way, His Word, the Holy Spirit, and/or of Jesus Christ to be cast into the blood of Jesus to be delivered or consumed!

Spiritual home away from church




Parallels how God, Christ, and the church play a role in your life


You can go to God in prayer with prayer, questions, and petitions.

You can be comforted.

You can receive Blessed Assurance.

You can let God shape you for your purpose.

You can foster spiritual growth.

You can fortify your spiritual relationship with God.

You can seek refuge from trouble, the cares of life.

You can be loved so many ways, incessantly and unconditionally.

You can seek peace.

You can depend on God.

You can see spiritual growth.

You have an example through Christ, His Word, and chosen men, women of God.

You have salvation through Jesus Christ.

You have it all and can have even more; are you at home in your house?


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