The Doctrine of Creation - Part 1

2016 Systematic Theology Schedule - Part 1Week 1 – Introduction & The Doctrine of the WordWeek 2 – Doctrine of the Word Part 2Week 3 – The Existence and Attributes of God Part 1Week 4 - The Existence and Attributes of God Part 2Week 5 – The Doctrine of Creation Part 1Week 6 – The Doctrine of Creation Part 2Week 7 – The Doctrine of Providence Part 1Week 8 – The Doctrine of Providence Part 2Week 9 – Biblical Anthropology: The Problem of SinWeek 10 – Biblical Christology Part 1Week 11 – Biblical Christology Part 2Week 12 – The Work of Christ Part 1Week 13 – The Work of Christ Part 2Questions or Comments? Please feel free to email Matt Merker @ Matt.merker@, John Joseph @ John.joseph@, or Charles Hedman at Charles.hedman@. Capitol Hill Baptist Church Systematic TheologyCore Seminars Week 5The Doctrine of Creation - Part 1IntroductionSeven Biblical Statements on CreationGod created the universe “ex nihilo” = out of nothing (Gen 1.1; Heb 11.3; Rom 4.17)God created all things (Gen 1.1; Jn 1.3; Neh 9.6; Col 1.16)God created time (Gen 1.1; Ps 90.2; 2Tim 1.9) God created by his word (Gen 1.1-2.3; Heb 11.3)God created as a Triune Act (Gen 1:26; Ps. 19:1; Job 33:4)The universe God created was “very good” (Gen. 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25)God created the universe to show His Glory (Isa. 43:7; Ps. 19) Views of Creation1.Theistic Evolution2.Gap Theory3.Day-Age View4.Literary-Framework View5. Young-Earth Creationism6.Historic-Creationism ................

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