Biblical Leadership Class

Theology 3 and 4

(THE 201 if taken for College Credit)

11th Grade

Mr. O’Brien

E-mail: mobrien@

Course Summary:

In Bible 11, students will first study the history and condition of creation and the human populace. Then, learners will investigate the salvific benefits that are offered to humanity in the person of Jesus in light of His redemptive works. Next, these learners will acquire an understanding on the essence and function of the local and universal church; finally, the students will examine eschatology, the study of last things.

Year at A Glance:

For each theological section of Bible 11, the students will:

1. Articulate the importance of the subject matter

2. Describe the important terminology that is relevant to each topic under investigation

3. Compare and contrast various opinions

4. Explain what the various sections of the Bible say about the subject matter

5. Correlate the gathered biblical information in order to create scriptural conclusions and to evaluate the differing perspectives

6. Utilize the tool of apologetics to defend the biblical view

7. Apply the acquired truths with the prime aim of glorifying God

1st Semester – Theology 3

Creation & Human Beings



2nd Semester – Theology 4



Last Things

Essential Information:

1. Materials: Students will need a Faithlife Study Bible, a 3-Ring Binder with dividers, and an expandable file.

2. Technology: All students should create a shortcut on their computers for the CSY BIBLE app and, if desired, download this app to their phones (highly recommended). This will give students 24/7 availability to homework assignments, project guidelines, and other important data. In addition, students will be able to take in-class polls, experience online learning games, create expressions, and look at memorable class moments.

Shortcut for Computer:

App for Phone:

3. Flash drive: A flash drive is highly recommended to back up files.

4. Assignments and Grading: All work must be typed (12 point) following the standard report format for CSY’s English Department.

Quarterly Grading Chart

|% |Category |Description |

|25 |2 or 3 Quizzes |Quizzes will primarily be based on classroom notes; it is essential for students to seek clarification |

| | |immediately on any concepts that they struggle with. |

| | | |

|30 |Quarterly Test |Towards the end of each quarter, students will have a summative exam. |

| | | |

| | | |

|30 |1 or 2 Major Project(s) |Projects are usually experiential in nature. These will vary from quarter to quarter. |

| | | |

|15 |Homework |These assignments include flipped experiences, Friday Morning Bible summations, exegetical engagements, |

| | |familial recaps and more. |

| | | |

| | | |

|5 |Extra Credit Opportunity |Students will be given one extra credit opportunity per quarter. This opportunity will normally be posted on|

| | |the CSY Bible blog. |

| | | |

5. Student Sources:

Grudem, Wayne. Christian Beliefs. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005.

Harris, Joshua. Why Church Matters. Colorado Springs: Multnomah Books, 2004.

Mahaney, C.J. The Cross Centered Life. Colorado Springs: Multnomah Books, 2002.

6. Discussion Guidelines – SMILES

SEEK the Truth

MASTER Precision

INCLUDE the Voice of All

LOVE Others

ENGAGE Arguments, Not Persons

STAY on Topic

7. Classroom Expectations: All students will sign a classroom agreement form. This signature demonstrates that the students know and understand the classroom standards. These expectations call learners to practice stewardship, accept responsibility, and promote social heath for the glory of God. The motive behind these expectations is to help students perpetually grow as witnesses of Christ. For this reason, Mr. O’Brien will lovingly keep the students accountable. When students breach the classroom contract, they will fill out an infraction form; this reflective process will help students think through their actions, which ought to enable them to experience growth. Students are also expected to fill out a make-up homework form if they do not turn in an assignment on time for any reason.

SPECIFIC Classroom Expectations

Practice Stewardship

1) Do not bring food into the classroom unless given permission.

2) Do not throw items in class.

3) Do not sit or stand on top of the desks or go behind the teacher’s desk.

4) Clean up the area around your desk before you leave the classroom; make sure the desk is in the proper spot.

5) Request permission if you want to borrow an item from the teacher or from a student.

Accept Responsibility

1) Bring the necessary Bible materials to class and take everything that belongs to you when you leave the classroom.

2) Be on time; when you enter the classroom, go to your seat and work on your opening journal.

3) Acquire a pass before you leave the classroom.

4) Follow the tech expectations. Cell phones may only be used when the teacher gives permission. Outside of these times, it should stay in the technology basket.

5) Fill out a make-up form if your homework is late.

Promote Social Health

1) Do not sharpen your pencil during a classroom discussion.

2) Remember, the bell does not dismiss you from class; the teacher will let you know when are permitted to leave.

3) Use the gift of language in a way that glorifies God.

4) Follow the handbook on Boy-Girl Relationships.

5) If you violate a classroom expectation, fill out the online infraction form before you leave the classroom.

About Your Teacher

My name is Matt O'Brien.  I grew up in Quincy, IL.  After “Living like a Corinthian” in my youth, the Spirit of God opened up my depraved eyes, and I received the Lord Jesus.  Instead of continuing my pursuit of a business degree at Southern Illinois University in order to open up a night club, God changed the affections within my heart.  I had a fresh hunger to learn more about the God of the gospel.  Hence, I journeyed to Dallas, Texas to attend Christ for the Nations.  Towards the end of my time at CFNI, I met a virtuous sweetheart named Brooke.  We united in the covenant of marriage a little over two years later.  As a newly wedded couple, Brooke graciously supported my endeavor to continue in education at Criswell College to receive a BA in Biblical Studies.  Her encouragement was also immensely instrumental in helping me to complete a Master’s Degree in Theology at Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary.  


Brooke and I subsequently moved from Dallas to Santa Rosa, CA, where I taught the Bible to HS students; Brooke served as a stay at home mom.  After two years, the Lord transitioned us again; I acceptable a HS Bible position in York, PA at Christian School of York; my family and I also joined CityView Community Church, where I currently serve as an elder on the pastoral team.  


I am blessed to be the father of four children.  Malachi was born in Texas; Selah was born in California, and Isabella was born in Pennsylvania. Recently, Aidan joined the family; there must be something special about PA because this is the first state to give us two kids.  Our youngsters are hectic and hilarious, and one of their favorite things to do is camping, which conveniently gives them an avenue to be energetic and wild in memorable ways.  Brooke enjoys creating all-natural skin products for her business and working as a workout instructor for Les Mills; my prime interests are reading theological and philosophical writings and playing basketball and ping pong.   As a family, our ultimate goal is to bring glory to the Triune God of Scripture in every sphere of life.

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Name _____________________

Grade ____________________

Today’s Date ______________

Assignment ______________________

Assignment Due Date _________________

Reason for turning this assignment in late (cirࠀࠂࠌࠒࠓ࠸࠹࠺࠼࠾ࡆࡑࡓ࡚࡛ࡰࡱࡻࢉ࣏ࣜࣵࣿळॄ॑ॻॾঈৰৱ৺਒ਹ਻਼੐틙쫎쫂몾겳龦閺規莏規莏莏瑺窃穴斏ᔝ啨䬨ᘀ깨㡖㔀脈⨾䌁ᡊ尀脈䩡ᘊ졨뼯䌀ᡊᔐ깨㡖ᘀ깨㡖䌀ᡊᘊ깨㡖䌀ᡊᘊ镨끽䌀ᡊᘊ뽨핔䌀ᡊᘓ뽨핔㔀脈⨾䌁ᡊ尀脈ᘍ幨᭜䌀ᡊ尀脈ᘊ쑨렫䌀ᡊᘍ䙨漮㔀脈䩃ᘍcle one):




How many days late is your assignment?

Same Day

1 Day

2-5 Days

More than 5 Days

To the best of your knowledge, the preceding is true.

Signature: __________________________________



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