Top Video Resources For High School Religion Curriculum

Elective Option A: Sacred ScriptureSacred Scripture: A Catholic Study of God’s WordVideo Title and DescriptionURL Video Link1. Dei VerbumDocumentsDuring the Second Vatican Council, the Council fathers focused on Sacred Scripture. This video looks at how the "Word of God"(Dei Verbum) came toshape the teachings that emerged from the Council.. Intro to BiblicalLanguagesBeginners information on biblical Hebrew and Greek. Students will see what the written languages look like and sound like.. Codex Amiatinus, the Oldest Latin Vulgate BibleKhan Academy exploresthe oldest full Bible in theLatin vulgate translation... InterpretationDeep misunderstandings how to interpret theBible are dealt with by Bishop Robert Barron as he seeks to recover a Catholic approach to biblical interpretation.5. The Four Senses ofScriptureAn introduction to the Catechism’s treatment of the Catholic tradition of interpreting the Bible through looking at the literal, the allegorical, the moral and the anagogical sense.. The Question ofAuthorityThe biblical foundation of apostolic authority is reviewed and the differences between Catholic and Protestant approaches to authority are covered.. TypologyThis video looks at the meaning of biblical typology through the lens of the Emmaus story in Luke’s Gospel. in this story, Jesus himself gives us this technique for interpreting Scripture. Examples of typology are introduced.. LectionaryThe video shares a brief explanation of the Sunday readings contained in the lectionary. Dr, Brant Pitre explains what the lectionary is and how it’s organized. This is a starting point for showing the relationship between Scripture and Liturgy.. The Bible and theMassThe relationship between the Mass and the Bible are discussed. Students will see that ultimately the Scriptures are for the sake of liturgy in both Old and New Covenants.. The Liturgy of theWordThe role of Scripture in Catholic worship is examined.. Lectio DivinaIn this video, Fr. Josh Johnson teaches us how to read Scripture prayerfully and come away with something we can do to improve our faith in God.He demonstrates how lectio divina is a helpful guide in our walk toward eternity.. Marital Imagery inScriptureDr. John Bergsma covers the marital imagery throughout the Bible that begins in the Garden of Eden and ends in the Wedding Feast of Revelation.. Book of RevelationThe Book of Revelation is probably the most misunderstood and confusing books in theBible. Bishop Robert Barron offers a Catholic approachto understanding the last of the Bible.14. Books Not in theBibleThis video gives an overview of the criteria for choosing the canon of Scripture and the Catholic reasons why some books are not part of the official canon. ................

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