A Teacher’s Manual For The Study of The Doctrines Of Grace - Thirdmill

A Teacher's Manual For The Study of

The Doctrines Of Grace

Based On The Westminster Confession of Faith The Book, "Unlocking Grace" by Smalling

Prepared By

Rev. Roger L. Smalling, M.A. Presbyterian Church In America


Intro to The Doctrines of Grace 5

Sovereignty of God


God's Attributes as the

basis of Sovereignty


The Doctrine of Means


Over Evil


Historical Background of

Reformed Theology


Total Depravity


Original Sin


Free Will and Responsibility 28

Faith As A Gift








Limited Atonement




False Faith


Covenant Of Grace


Blessings of the Covenant


The Church and the Covenant 72

Third Millennium Editor's Note: We happily pass this sizable resource on to the Internet community on behalf of Rev. Smalling. We have only edited this course slightly, believing that most people will cut and paste from this complete source of lecture notes, tests, student instructions, and handouts that are presented here, thus muddling up our ordinarily impeccable work of formatting.

Doctrines of Grace Prospectus

The Manual

This is a teachers'manual designed to help teach the Reformed Doctrines of Grace. It contains lesson plans, group exercises and quizzes...all the nuts and bolts necessary for a teacher, familiar with the material, to teach the course.

It follows the general outline of the book "Unlocking Grace" by Roger Smalling, available from Deo Volente Publishers. The course is NOT based on this book. Unlocking Grace is for homework reading to familiarize the student with the general course content before coming to class. The Bible is the only textbook we use during the classroom sessions.

We recommend also as homework reading selected portions of the Westminster Confession of Faith, or the London Baptist Confession of 1689 for homework reading. These may be downloaded from various Internet sites.

Verses quote are from the New King James, since this is the text used in Unlocking Grace.

The Purpose Of The Course

The Doctrine of Salvation course is designed to give the student a clear perspective of the Reformed view of salvation, so that he may see it as a defensible system in accord with Scripture and reason. "Grace" will become clearly defined. This in turn should have practical consequences in the student's life as he sees better how his relationship with God is meant to function.

The course will examine eight doctrines in particular.

o Sovereignty of God o Depravity of Man o Justification o Election o Atonement o Unity of the Church o Security of the Believer o Covenant Relationship with God of the Believer

Group Exercises

These break up the monotony of lecture, allowing the students to interact with the material and with one another. This way, the students often convince themselves before the teacher convinces them. (Note: Some of these group exercises were written by Rev. Emiliano Donoso of Ecuador.)

For teachers involved in training leaders, these exercises give an opportunity to see how people relate to one another in a group setting.

Final Exam

There is a sample Final Exam at the end. We suggest administering an exam of this sort at the end of the course, including informal settings such as Sunday School or home Bible studies. Tell the students that they do not need to turn the exam back in if they don't want to. It is only to help them see weak areas in their understanding. After administering the exam, discuss the answers. Usually it turns out the students enjoy this more than they thought they would. HINT: Never tell students in advance that they are going to do this.


There is a separate file that goes with this manual for overhead transparency templates.

Handouts and Verse Lists

The links called handout are usually files or articles by other authors that explain more fully the point under discussion. Some have been extracted from Internet sites. Copyright laws permit educators to use such material in a limited fashion for educational purposes as long as they are not sold or used for any commercial purpose.

The links called Verse Lists go to the full texts of a list of references. This helps the teacher avoid having to look up lists of verses.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to print only the manual with none of the additional material above, then when you must be careful to find the end of the manual and print only those pages. That is why all the overheads, handouts and verse lists are at the end. Use the `FIND'on your word processor to search for END OF MANUAL. That will tell you how many pages you need to print to get the manual only.

For MINTS Students Only


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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