Bible Study “Understanding the Anointing” - Razor Planet

Bible Study "Understanding the Anointing"


Anoint means to pour on, rub on, or smear on. Anointing means power and authority given by God to do something.

According to Romans 12:3, God has given us "the measure" of faith in order to have the potential of serving Christ. As we all know, not everyone accepts the wonderful gift of Jesus Christ. Obtaining salvation is the first step in being anointed. Once a person accepts Jesus and their Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit now dwells in them.

Having the "anointing" means having the Holy Spirit infilling you. The anointing of the Holy Spirit is given through people to demonstrate God's love and power. Jesus is refered to as the Christ which means "Anointed One". Because we are joint heirs with Christ we are also anointed.

In Biblical times and today, we anoint with oil to symbolize blessing, protection, and empowerment. It also signifies the call on one's life. For example, the President may be voted into office and is given the name "President-elect" which signifies the intent of serving in that office. Until he is sworn in, he does not have the power to operate in that office. The same principle applies as believers. We cannot operate under the power of God unless we are filled with his spirit or anointed.

Since Jesus left His spirit on earth we he ascended into heaven in John 14:16, all people who accept Jesus as their saviour and begin to live for Him are anointed for a specific purpose in God's kingdom. It is up to us to receive and operate under this anointing.

Be careful not to confuse talent with anointing! Someone may be a great singer but that does not make them anointed. Isaiah 10:27 says that it's the anointing that destroys the yoke of the enemy. You should be able to identify with the spirit of Christ within them. As they sing it sould appeal to your spirit not your flesh!

The anointing is given for the following reasons: - To preach the gospel to the poor:Luke 4:18 - To heal and restore people: Luke 6:19 - To proclaim freedom to those in bondage and set them free: Acts 10:38 - To reveal the heart of God: 2 Corinthians 4:3-4

The anointing can be stifled by people who refuse to use it correctly according to the will of God. Pride, jealousy, bitterness, and unforgiveness can prevent the flow of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. It can also hindered by the recipient of the anointing.

God can use anyone to do anything but in the kingdom of God there are different degrees or levels of anointing. The levels are determined by your relationship with God and your faith. We move from glory to glory and as we move up, we experience new adversity which works our faith. "New levels, new devils!" The anointing gives wisdom: 1John 2:27

"Although there is great pleasure and joy in the anointing because it is the presence of God, it is not given for the vessel it flows through, its given for the one it flows to." God anoints us to go out and do the works of Christ.

One anointing...different manifestations: 1 Corinthians 12:4-12 & 1 John 2:20

The anointing is sacred, the anointing is the Holy Spirit, and all believers in Christ can operate under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

We must be careful what we say about our brothers and sisters and especially our leaders in Christ. Matthew 12:31 and 1 Chronicles 16:22.

Confirmation of the anointing: 2 Corinthians 1:21-22

God has made the anointing available to all of us, but it is up to us to embrace it and move in it in order to edify the kingdom of God.


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