375th Does Scripture Teach a Flat Earth or a Spherical Earth


Does Scripture teach a flat Earth or a spherical Earth?

by Shawn Brasseaux Grace Bible Teacher

Master of Science, Geology arC Ministries


30 APRIL 2017 VERSION 1.0

The Geoid & The Bible


Shawn Brasseaux, M. S.

Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................1

A. My Credentials ........................................................................................................................ 1 B. My Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 1 C. My Paper's Layout ..................................................................................................................2


A. Isaiah 40:22 & "The circle of the earth" ............................................................................... 3 B. Additional Remarks ............................................................................................................... 3


A. Isaiah 40:22 & "The circle of the earth" ............................................................................... 3 B. Additional Remarks ............................................................................................................... 4

IV. THE "CIRCLE" OF ISAIAH 40:22--WHAT IS IT? .......................................................... 4

A. Could "Circle" Really Be Descriptive of a Flat Earth?........................................................... 4 B. Could "Circle" Really Be Descriptive of a Spherical Earth?.................................................. 5 C. "Flat Earth"--Precisely What Does This Expression Mean? ............................................... 6 D. "Circle"--Flat Earth or Spherical Earth? .............................................................................. 7 E. "Circle" and English Lexicographers .................................................................................... 8

V. FLAT-EARTHER ARGUMENTS ....................................................................................... 9

A. Brief Opening Comments...................................................................................................... 9 B. Bible "Proof Texts" for a Flat Earth......................................................................................11

1. Revelation 7:1 & Isaiah 11:12................................................................................................................ 11 2. Exodus 17:12.......................................................................................................................................12 3. Joshua 10:12-13...................................................................................................................................12 4. 1 Chronicles 16:30 ..............................................................................................................................13 5. Psalm 136:6-7.....................................................................................................................................13 6. Isaiah 13:10 & Jeremiah 31:35-36....................................................................................................... 14 7. Isaiah 14:7 ..........................................................................................................................................15 8. Isaiah chapter 29 & Isaiah 30:1 ..........................................................................................................15 9. Isaiah 38:8-9 ......................................................................................................................................15 10. Isaiah 42:5 ........................................................................................................................................15 11. Isaiah 48:13 ...................................................................................................................................... 16 12. Acts 2:20.......................................................................................................................................... 16 13. Matthew 4:8 ................................................................................................................................... 16 14. Revelation 1:7...................................................................................................................................17 15. Isaiah 66:1 (Acts 7:49) & Job 26:10 .................................................................................................. 18

The Geoid & The Bible


Shawn Brasseaux, M. S.

C. Extra-Biblical "Proofs" for a Flat Earth................................................................................18 1. Rambling, Desperate Flat-Earthers................................................................................................... 18 2. "Satellite Images of Earth Are Doctored!"--"Question Everything!"............................................. 19 3. "But, Does Not the Earth `Appear' Flat from God's Perspective?" .................................................. 19 4. "Antarctica is an `Ice Wall,' a Ring That Surrounds Earth and Dams Its Oceans" ........................... 20 5. "We Want More Video and Photographic Proof of a Spherical Earth!"...........................................21 6. "No One Has Provided a Picture of Australia's Skyline Upside-Down!" ...........................................21 7. "Going Around the Earth Does Not Necessarily Mean a Circular Earth!"......................................... 22 8. "Earth Spins Too Fast to Hear Sounds at the Equator!".................................................................. 22 9. "NASA'S Satellite Imagery of Planet Earth Varies Over the Decades!" ........................................... 22 10. "Water is Perfectly Horizontal in Bodies of Water!" ..................................................................... 23 11. Awkward Nomenclature in the Flat-Earther Camp ......................................................................... 23 12. Contradictions in and Dangers of the Flat-Earther Camp ............................................................... 24

VI. AMMUNITION FOR BIBLE CRITICS TO USE .............................................................. 26

A. The (Unbelieving) Science Professor Speaks..................................................................... 26 B. The Critics Speak (Again) .....................................................................................................27 C. The Christians Speak............................................................................................................ 28

VII. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................ 29

A. Where I Stand on Scripture and Science ............................................................................ 29 B. A Special Note to My "Flat-Earther" Brethren in Christ .................................................... 30 C. A Special Note to My "Spherical-Earther" Brethren in Christ ........................................... 30 D. Why This Study Matters ....................................................................................................... 31 E. The Conspiracy That Really Matters .................................................................................... 31 F. Future Studies ...................................................................................................................... 33

The Geoid & The Bible


Shawn Brasseaux, M. S.


A. My Credentials

Most importantly, I have been a Christian for 22 years. I have been a grace Bible teacher for the past 11 years. Hence, I know a few things about the Holy Scriptures. Furthermore, I have an extensive scientific background. Having been trained for nine years at the college level, I received my Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Geology (Earth Science) from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. I was one course shy of a Minor in Geography; thus, I also know a thing or two about geography.

Indeed, I am a young person, so I still have a lot to learn in and about life. Nevertheless, this is the spiritual and educational background that I must work with as I tarry in this temporary world. Before anyone accuses me of being ignorant of Scripture or science, I do politely remind them of this my training. This experience is provided advisedly, that no one flippantly dismiss me as "know-nothing" or "uniformed." It is my hope and prayer that these opening statements enhance the information presented here in this paper.

B. My Purpose

Late last year, a dear Christian emailed me about the "Flat Earth versus Spherical Earth" controversy. He wondered what the Bible taught about Earth's shape-- that is, whether it was flat or spherical. While I had not investigated the matter, it engaged me to study and I prepared a lengthy, written answer for him. He was grateful for that teaching. No one sent me any additional emails on the subject, so I did not bother to address it here on our Bible Q&A website.

Earlier this year, however, email questions resumed concerning the geoid ("shape of Earth"). This issue, while centuries old, has seen a "recovery" in the last decade or so, largely due to the internet. Moreover, during the last several months, it has gained momentum on social networking websites. Various "grace believers" are even now sharing their thoughts on the subject. Sometimes, sadly, these forums have been less than profitable--nay, they have actually been damaging to the Scriptures and to the souls involved. Emails to me reflect this unfortunate fact.

Furthermore, people began asking me for my "scientific expertise" on the subject. At that point, I decided to research this "shape of the Earth" matter even further, looking at Scripture and secular sources, to the intent that I would understand both sides. Hopefully, I would reach a satisfactory conclusion so that I could share it with our ministry audience. In the many months since I first (privately) wrote on this topic, I have come to a much greater awareness of how to approach it. Having carefully refined what I have stated in the past on the subject, I present to you my findings. Is Earth spherical (common view)? Or, is it flat (isolated view)? Does the Bible say?

The Geoid & The Bible


Shawn Brasseaux, M. S.

Rest assured that I do not aim to attack anyone, especially other Bible believers. Friend, my goal is to share with you the discoveries that I have made in recent months, that you may be fully persuaded in your own mind. Above all, I sincerely hope and pray you will be very careful as to what you, the Bible believer, expose your soul to. If this paper causes you to better guard your soul, brother or sister, then the Lord Jesus Christ is glorified, and my goal is accomplished. This special-edition Bible Q&A article #375 is dedicated to the issue--"Does the Bible teach a flat Earth or a spherical Earth?"

C. My Paper's Layout

For several weeks, I devised and studied how to best layout this article on a most convoluted topic. It was very time-consuming to imagine the easiest way for the material to flow in this study. On top of that, I wrestled with what emphases were to be placed where. Being a Christian, I determined it best to outline and discuss the Bible verses used in this controversy. Also, being a scientist, I decided to sketch and examine some of the scientific arguments mentioned in this issue. As this article began to take shape, however, the scientific material became complicated and lengthy. I reached a crossroads at that point--either keep the Bible passages discussion (which was extensive), or retain the science discussion (which was also colossal even in its unfinished form). The overriding factor helped me settle the dilemma.

As you know, friend, this is a Bible ministry and a Bible website. Our primary goal is to see what the Scriptures say. After all, the original question posed to me was, "What does the Bible say about the flat Earth and/or spherical Earth?" The question was not, "What does science say? What do people say?" Scientific principles are always open for debate/change and personal interpretation because science is a continuing process of devising, testing, refining, and disproving ideas. Science has its limitations because people have limitations. However, I must admit. As a scientist, I could not help but preserve some scientific statements in this study. Science is a very useful tool in understanding the natural world in which we live; nevertheless, the authority is the Bible. There can be disagreements about science--these are minor, though, in light of disagreements about Scripture. If we can establish some infallible facts using the Scriptures, then the lies will be easily manifested.

Now, with opening remarks out of the way, we proceed to the gist of the study!

The Geoid & The Bible


Shawn Brasseaux, M. S.



A. Isaiah 40:22 & "The circle of the earth"

The Prophet Isaiah wrote in Isaiah 40:22: "It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:...." (The "he" here, according to verse 18, is the God of the Bible. Scripture says that God "sitteth upon the circle of the earth.")

Friend, based on this verse, you have probably already concluded that Earth is round--or more precisely, spherical (ball-shaped). You are not alone in that deduction. Many people agree with you. Actually, years ago, when I first read Isaiah 40:22, my initial impression was that Scripture declared Earth was spherical. It never once occurred to me that Isaiah the Prophet implied something other than a sphere.

Of course, various and sundry ideas exist concerning the meaning of myriads of Bible verses. A verse clear to one person, due to diverse reasons (religious tradition, no indwelling Holy Spirit, et cetera), may be unclear to another individual. Sometimes, people will use the same verse to argue antithetical points. Unfortunately, that is the case with Isaiah 40:22. Regarding the geoid ("shape of Earth") issue, this verse is considered more cryptic than helpful. A minority of professing Christians contend that Isaiah 40:22 actually indicates Earth is flat. We will address their view in Part III, shortly.

B. Additional Remarks

"Spherical-Earthers" appeal to Isaiah 40:22 to teach that the Earth is spherical rather than flat. To my knowledge, they have no other Bible verses for support. Having one verse for support makes them look weak. Contrariwise, "Flat-Earthers" claim this verse, as well as other Scriptures, as proof of their idea. We will examine all of those socalled "flat Earth" verses in Part V. For now, we will dedicate some time to discussing Isaiah 40:22 as the "Flat-Earther" approaches it.


A. Isaiah 40:22 & "The circle of the earth"

Read Isaiah 40:22 again: "It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:...." (Remember, the "he" is the God of the Bible--

The Geoid & The Bible


Shawn Brasseaux, M. S.

verse 18. God "sitteth upon the circle of the earth.")

A "Flat-Earther" argues that the word "circle" in Isaiah 40:22 does not settle the matter as to a spherical Earth. He or she says that "circle" could still be a true description if Earth were a disk or cigar-shaped. That disk seen from afar would be both flat, and yet, it would look like a circle too.

What I find interesting is that, while some "Flat-Earthers" say that Isaiah 40:22 definitively rules out sphere and only means circle, one "Flat-Earther" actually told me (and others online) that Isaiah 40:22 could be speaking of either a flat body or a spherical body. In other words, to complicate matters, the "Flat-Earthers" themselves are divided as to whether or not Isaiah 40:22 supports their position! (More on this later, in Part IV, Subsection C.) Let me point out here that I know of no "Spherical-Earther" who argues that Isaiah 40:22 is anything but a sphere. The "Flat-Earther" group seems to have a weakness now as well.

B. Additional Remarks

There is more unity in the "Spherical-Earther" camp than in the "Flat-Earther" camp. Since "Flat-Earthers" are divided on Isaiah 40:22, they appeal to other Bible verses to restrict the meaning of Isaiah 40:22, thereby bolstering their position. As mentioned earlier, we will look at those other "flat Earth" verses in Part V. It should also be mentioned that "Flat-Earthers" are not exactly agreed upon as to what shape the Earth is. They are simply united in a globe/sphere being the wrong representation. More will be said about this shortly. Having surveyed the controversy surrounding the wording of Isaiah 40:22, we proceed to meticulously scrutinizing that verse and its "enigmatic" term "circle."


A. Could "Circle" Really Be Descriptive of a Flat Earth?

Returning to Isaiah 40:22 once more: "It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:...."

"Circle" would indeed describe a disk, provided that you viewed it by looking directly at its center and were able to see its diameter entirely (distance across). Imagine a round dinner plate or a tire. They have circular sides and they do in fact appear circular. However, from other angles, they seem to be rectangular. This would be especially noticeable on a tire, something much thicker than a dinner plate. If viewed from the side of the vehicle, its tires appear round or circular (see Figure 1, left). From the front or rear of the vehicle, however, the tires appear to be rectangles (Figure 1, right).

The Geoid & The Bible


Shawn Brasseaux, M. S.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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