Elijah’s real name is Eliyahu. Eliyahu means: “Yahuweh is Elohim”.

We know that Messiah makes reference to John (Yohanan) the immerser as being Eliyahu. It is believed by the Jews that Eliyahu was a Zadok priest. In my study of Eliyahu throughout the Word, I see that this is very possible. John (Yohanan) was also a full blood Zadok priest. His father, Zechariah, was performing his Temple service at the time Yohanan’s soon conception was announced to him. (Luke 1:5-24, 57-80) Messiah Yahushua and Yohanan were cousins, making Messiah both of the line of Judah and of Levi.

Yohanan came in the spirit and power of Eliyahu. He was not Eliyahu reincarnated. Luke 1:13-17: “But, the messenger said to Zechariah, `Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer is heard. Your wife, Elisheva shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Yohanan…for he shall be great before Yahuweh…and he shall be filled with the Set-Apart Spirit, even from his mother’s womb, and he shall turn many of the children of Israel to Yahuweh, their Elohim. And he shall go before Him in the spirit and power of Eliyahu—to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the disobedient to the insight of the righteous, to make ready a people prepared for Yahuweh’ ”.

Yohanan was a forerunner of Messiah. He fulfilled the calling of Eliyahu to come—Malachi 4:4-6—to restore the teaching of Torah to the House of Israel.

Eliyahu was a prophet to the House of Israel—the northern ten tribes of Jacob. Messiah said, “I was sent ONLY to the lost sheep of the House of Israel”—the northern ten tribes of Jacob, who rejected the Torah for a man-made religion by Jeroboam, their first King, after the death of Solomon and the splitting of the Kingdom into two. Thus the passion of our Father now is to restore the House of Israel back to the Torah and to the House of Judah, making the twelve tribes of Jacob one again, around Messiah and the Torah. (Ezekiel 37:15-28)

Father has raised up ministries and individuals in this day to also go forth in the spirit and power of Eliyahu, to restore the Torah to the House of Israel, and to prepare the way for the coming of the return of Eliyahu, and the return of Messiah.

We have entered the first year of the last seven-year cycle before Messiah comes, and now is the time for Eliyahu to return and lead a company of people who will be empowered to restore all things back to the Covenant of Yahuweh.

The Orthodox Jews believe he is here now, also, as I do. In the mid point of these last seven years (2012), he and another “witness” will join together as

Yahuweh’s “two witnesses” and be joined by the Bridal remnant to do “exploits” for Yahuweh in the face of anti-messiah. I have written extensively on the Bride and these two witnesses, but for one article, refer to “The Two Witnesses, The Bride of Messiah, The Forerunning Companies, and the Fleeing Remnant”.

In the Kingdom, the Zadok priests (Ezekiel 44:15-24) will restore the pure

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worship of Yahuweh, and define what is set-apart unto Him and pure, and what is not set-apart and what is defiled. In this manner, Yohanan the baptizer was Messiah’s forerunner—as the returning Eliyahu now will be the forerunner of Messiah’s second coming.

Yohanan was most likely in the direct lineage of the High Priest--direct descendant of Aaron, through his son Eliezer, through Phinehas, through Zadok. This is why he could proclaim Messiah the perfect sacrifice—the “Lamb of Elohim who takes away the sin of the world”. (John 1:29) Only a High Priest can proclaim a sacrifice to be perfect. Not only was Messiah the Passover Lamb but His blood was sprinkled on the mercy seat in heaven, as the Atoning Sacrifice of Yom Kippur. (Refer to the article “Yom Kippur”)

Eliyahu has already returned, and is beginning his ministry, as we have now entered the first year of the last seven-year cycle before Messiah comes.

As of sunset, September 29, 2008/going into 2009 on the creation calendar, we entered the first day of Daniel’s 70th week. Please refer to “The Yom Teruah Report” sent from Jerusalem October 1, 2008/09.

We know from Malachi 4:5-6 (referring to the command in Deuteronomy 6:6-7) that Eliyahu comes to restore the teaching of Torah by fathers to their children, so that the children come to know, fear and obey the Elohim of Israel. He comes to restore, also, the children to the fathers—Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Greek-invented counterfeit religion of Christianity, touting the hate of Greece and Rome against Yahuweh and His Torah, said “You don’t have to obey the Torah—you’re under grace”. It was a total perversion of the whole Bible, the nature of Yahuweh, the nature of His Kingdom, the nature of Messiah, and the whole plan of salvation. (For an in-depth study that searches to the root of this pagan-based counterfeit back to the first century, refer to my mini-book: “The Foundation of Deception”)

Messiah Yahushua asks in Luke 18:8: “When I come will I find faith on the earth?” He’s not talking about people who believe in Jesus, or Yeshua, or even about Torah-guarding believers in Yahushua/Yahshua. He’s talking about Hebrew-style faith—evidenced by obedience to the Father’s Covenant Torah. He’s talking about “works”--obedience to Torah, that prove citizenship in Father’s Kingdom. Salvation is about a Covenant with the Elohim of the Bible. It is about submission to His Kingdom right-rulings. It is about submission to follow the King, forsake all to do so (Luke 14:25-33) Those outside of the Covenant of the Kingdom who are lawless—Torah-less—rebelling against His teachings and instructions (which is the meaning of “Torah”), and have no part with the real Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Ya’cob of the Bible.

Eliyahu must return to bring the teaching of the Torah back into the earth, as well as to aid in the separation of a marked remnant from all of the tribes of Jacob unto Yahuweh and Yahushua (Ezekiel 9:1-11; Revelation 3:12; 7:1-8; 14:1-5; 22:3-5), preparing the way for the end-time company of Eliyahu to begin to go forth and do “exploits” during the time of the anti-messiah.

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This is why it is the time for Eliyahu to return on earth, beginning his end-time work of preparing Yahuweh’s people for the days ahead, and to set in motion Yahuweh’s plans for the last days. In the days to come, Eliyahu will be known by Yahuweh’s set-apart sealed remnant—the Bridal remnant.

In the ancient Hebrew wedding, Eliyahu was considered the attendant of the Groom, and Moses the attendant of the Bride. (For information on “Ancient Hebrew Wedding Ceremony” and how Messiah fulfills it, refer to the article by that name) This is why Yohanan the baptizer said in John 3:28-29: “You yourselves are witnesses to me that I said, `I am not the Messiah, but I am sent ahead of Him. He that has the Bride is the Bridegroom, and the friend of the Bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the voice of the Bridegroom. So, this joy of mine is complete.’ ”

The expression “friend of the Bridegroom” means the attendant. Also in Mark 2:19, Yahushua calls the Apostles “friends of the Bridegroom”. The attendants at Messiah’s wedding will include Yohanan the baptizer, the Apostles, as well as Eliyahu and others of the Prophets, with Moses attending the Bride. The groom’s attendant waits for the seven days outside the wedding chamber. When he hears the voice of the Bridegroom after seven days, he knows that the marriage has been consummated, and it is time for the door to open, so that the Bride and Bridegroom can proceed to the wedding feast. As you see from Revelation 19, the wedding feast is after His return, on earth.



I Kings chapters 17, 18, 19, 21

II Kings chapters 1-10, 13

Zechariah 4:2-3, 11-14 with Revelation 11:3-19

Malachi 4:4-6 with Matthew 17:11 and Acts 3:19-21

Matthew 11:1-5; 17:1-13; 27:46-49

Mark chapters 6, 8, 9, 15

Luke 1:15-17; 4:25-26; 9:27-37

John 1:21-23; 3:22-30

Romans 11:2

Jacob 5:17-18

Please look up and study the Scriptures not written out. Ask the Spirit of Yahuweh to teach you. He is the only valid Teacher of pure, undiluted, undefiled Truth. Those taught by Him, know the real Messiah (John 6:45)

Those taught by Him are not going to be easily deceived. Those taught by Him, are led to others who are taught by Him for confirmation. The remnant is tiny!

When I was in Ferry Hill, England, Shabbat eve, July 11, 2008, before going to sleep, Father led me to re-read I Kings 17, 18, and 19, to pay particular attention to details in the story of Eliyahu. I’ve been seriously studying and teaching the Tenack (misnamed “Old Testament” by Replacement Theology)

since at least 1963, so I am very familiar with this passage of Scripture. But, as I read, He revealed more things about the ministry of Eliyahu. The next

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morning, Shabbat, July 12, 2008, while having my morning coffee, the lady I was staying with said that one of Don Esposito’s newsletters had been sent to her e-mail via a lady I send articles to in Nevada. She read the letter to me and my spirit began moving in excited waves of joy.

A few days before going to the UK on June 12th, I was given a vision in which I had a brief conversation with Eliyahu. The description of Eliyahu in Don’s newsletter fits exactly what I saw in the vision.

October 18, 2008/09 was Shabbat. I was in a hotel at the Jaffa Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. I was listing and asking Father all sorts of personal questions, which included the ministry of Eliyahu and my ministry. As I was crying and talking to Him, He abruptly, and urgently said: “Go see Emily--now”. Emily was with her husband and seven young children on the roof of the Petra Hostel, just near me at the Jaffa Gate in the Old City, in a succah, which overlooked the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives—awesome view! She was about to give birth to their eighth baby. Her carpenter husband was all ready to deliver the baby on the roof, when the baby was ready. He’d had experience with the last ones. The baby was born in the succah on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, on Simchat Torah, on October 21st. (John 7) How fitting: Messiah was born in a succah at the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem, delivered by his foster father Yoseph, a carpenter. How fitting since this family guards His Torah! I quickly obeyed Father and went to see Emily. I know that “urgent” tone in His voice. It was a miracle that I met with them anyway—long story. But, while there, I saw a young German couple whose wedding reception I had attended five years before with Don Esposito’s group in the Old City of Jerusalem. They told me that Don was going to have a meeting nearby that afternoon at 2:00PM. I asked the lady what he was going to speak on. She said, “ELIYAHU”. Coincidence? – No--that’s my life—being led by set-apart (mo’edim) appointments. Don not only taught on things that I had been shown in the Word, but introduced new revelation that answered every one of my 25 questions I was asking Father that morning! What if I had not obeyed, or put off seeing Emily til later? I would have missed the set-apart appointment He had for me. This is what I mean when I say that His people are “led by the Spirit”. He always confirms to us what HE SHOWS US. It is dishonest research to try to find someone who agrees with you—that’s pitiful. If you love truth, He will teach it to you and bring you the confirmation!

Here is the main body of Don’s newsletter, with more clear detail regarding the meeting with Eliyahu--given by Don at his October 18, 2008 Shabbat meeting in the Old City of Jerusalem:

“Greetings Brethren in the Wonderful Names of Yahweh and Yahshua:

Is Eliyahu Here?

There is an excitement in the air of Jerusalem that has not been there in a

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long, long time. We have now gotten two separate reports of two credible witnesses that have claimed that they have seen a being that they believe to be Eliyahu… The first report came from the Garden Tomb where I met Petra (Don’s wife), one of the places that claims the resurrection happened there. The person who reported it said he saw a man sitting and praying. He said this man was dressed in a first century long, beige sackcloth garment. He had a full dark beard and thick dark hair, and looked about 30 to 35 years of age, and with full vigor. When he came near the man, the man spoke to him in

Aramaic--the same language that Yahshua spoke when He was on the earth in the first century. The person who met him speaks fluent Hebrew, and understood Aramaic, and asked him his name. He said `Eliyahu’. Then he disappeared. And when this person asked all the other people around him what they thought of the man in the sackcloth garment, everyone said: `what man’?

Another couple was coming from the south of the country and saw Eliyahu again in the Judean Desert. No one is sure whether this was an angel or one of the witnesses, but there is certainly a buzz going around Jerusalem that the time is now, and we need to get ready, as many things are happening and will be happening soon. The first time I was ever in Israel in 1997, I saw a man that fits this description and I always remembered that when he looked at me, I just melted and will never forget that experience. I find it most interesting that this Eliyahu spoke Aramaic, since it is virtually a dead language and very few

people in the world still speak it.

The other situation that I want to make you aware of is the water situation in

Israel—it is extremely grave. The water level of the Sea of Galilee and the other two main aquifers have all turned past the bottom red line, and are approaching the final black line where irreversible damage will be done to the already trouble water here. This is the lowest that the water level has ever

been since records started to be kept, and is one of the plagues that Yahweh mentions will come on Israel for her sins. Isn’t it interesting that the worst drought in the country’s history was equated with Eliyahu in Scripture, and this drought comes just as Eliyahu might be appearing on the scene?” (Italics mine)

My comments: In Jerusalem they have a special hospital for those they have to bring in, with the “Jerusalem Syndrome”. These are people who think they are “Jesus” or “Elijah” or “Moses”, some other Biblical character, who are causing trouble with their weirdness. A friend who works at the Jaffa Gate told me that every week they have several sets of “the two witnesses” come by. He says you know they are not the real ones because they do not have the nature of our Father and Messiah at all. It is unusual for Don to write something like the above because he is known as a strong advocate against flakiness, weirdness and fanatical religiosity. He disdains mysticism and supernatural

things that are not of the Word and the Father. So, for Don to report this is phenomenal!

Unfortunately, some wonderful remnant people who believe in Messiah

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Yahushua and guard the Torah of Yahuweh are deceived into thinking they are Eliyahu himself because they do not understand that there is a spiritual mantle of Eliyahu given to the end-time Eliyahu remnant company who move in his authority, and in alignment with his work in the restoration of all things. When Eliyahu comes, he will set things straight. In the meantime, we must be humble, contrite, and “tremble at His Word”. (Isaiah 66:1-2)


Malachi 4:5-6: “I am sending you Eliyahu the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day of Yahuweh”.

Matthew 17:11: “Eliyahu is indeed coming first, and shall restore all things”.

Acts 3:19-21: “…He sends Messiah, pre-appointed for you, whom heaven must receive until the restoration of all things, of whom Elohim spoke through the

mouth of all His set-apart prophets since of old”.

What “all things” is he to restore? According to the Word, as a prophet to the House of Israel—the ten northern tribes of Jacob, scattered by Yahuweh into all nations AMONG the gentiles from 1,000-722 BCE, who lost their understanding of who they are, so are “lost sheep”—his ministry is to primarily to restore the Torah. The word “Torah” simply means the teachings and instructions of Yahuweh and Messiah Yahushua to be a good citizen in the Kingdom of heaven, and how to have the best life possible on earth now. The foundation of Torah is in the first five books of the Bible. They are NOT the “law of the Jews” or “the law of Moses”—they are the teachings of Yahuweh! The Roman-based Church really messed up our thinking by using words they added to the Bible that do not carry the Hebrew meaning—like substituting the Hebrew word “Torah” or the Greek “nomos” (meaning teachings) for the Latin word for judicial Roman law.

Hosea 2-3 tells us a little about the restoration of the House of Israel. Many who are not “Jewish”—from the one tribe of Judah--or Levite of the one tribe of Levi, are having an identity crisis. The Jew/gentile myth is deceiving millions. It carries a spirit of arrogance, haughtiness, religious pride and spiritual self-righteousness, of Judah (the “elder brother) over the “prodigal son”. There is a 99.99% chance that you are from one of thirteen tribes--or grafted in if you are not a descendant of Jacob. (For complete information exposing this lie, touted by Messianic Jews and many Jewish people, see the articles, “Are You A Gentile?” and “Who Are The Ten?”) If you are in Messiah, you are NOT a gentile (pagan, barbarian, heathen, foreigner, stranger, alien). Elohim never ever in the Bible calls His people “gentiles”. He made NO Covenant with gentiles (Jeremiah 31:31). He says He will destroy all gentiles. But, if you are in Messiah, you have been restored to the Covenant/Torah of Yahuweh (Ephesians 2:8-19).

It is amazing how many lies and deceptions you can clear up for yourself, if you

take the time alone with Him in the Word, and let HIM teach you! The lazy fall for every lie and deception that is coated in cherry syrup.

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Eliyahu would speak fluent Aramaic and Hebrew since he interacted so much with the King of Syria (Aram) and grew up in Gilead (now northern Jordan).

It is very possible that Eliyahu is now introducing himself to the marked remnant—the “witness company” from all the tribes of Jacob—all thirteen.

Eliyahu and Moshe (Moses) are the two olive trees that stand before the “Master of all the earth”, as mentioned in Zechariah 4, Revelation 11, and Matthew 17. They represent the whole house of Israel. Moses--the prophet to the House of Judah--and Eliyahu, the prophet to the House of Israel. They stand before the Master (Zechariah 4:3, 11, 17) of the earth—Yahuweh and Yahushua Yahuweh. These two also stood with Messiah Yahushua on Mt. Hermon, when He was transfigured in His esteem before three of His Apostles. (Matthew 17:1-11) Revelation 11:4: “These are the two olive trees and the two lamp stands that are standing before the Elohim of the earth”.

In I Kings 18:12, Eliyahu confronts Obedyahu, and asks him to go tell Ahab that he has come. Obedyahu fears lest “the Spirit of Yahuweh takes you to a place I

do not know”. In other words, they were used to Eliyahu popping in here and there by the Spirit. Like Deacon Philip in Acts 8, those filled with the Spirit of Yahuweh often have to move miraculously in order to fulfill His will. Of course Eliyahu would be in the Negev Desert—the “Arabah”. I lived in the Arabah, in Aqaba, on the Jordan side—a port on the Red Sea. I cried in the wilderness for those eight years I was there: “Prepare the way of Yahuweh…” I saw the straight highway—it is literal!

Isaiah 40:3: The voice of one crying in the wilderness, `Prepare the way of Yahuweh; make straight in the Arabah a highway for our Elohim’ ”.

The Arabah is that stretch of desert between the base of the Dead Sea and the Red Sea. This prophecy refers to priest, Yohanan the immerser, as the spiritual Eliyahu that came to forerun Messiah’s first coming. But, it also refers to the literal Eliyahu who is in the earth now, and his forerunning company.

How wonderful to hear that some are awake and ready for the coming events-- recognizing that Eliyahu’s appearing means the last seven-year cycle before Messiah comes is here.

(For details on the timing of the last seven-year cycle before Messiah comes, the 70th week of Daniel, please refer to the trilogy: “The Shmittah Year Prophecy”, “The Forty Eight Hour Transition”, “The September 12, 2007 Report from Jerusalem”, and other articles, like “Pole Shift” and “What Are the Elite Doing to Prepare Their Ark”.)

Revelation 11:6a: “These (witnesses) possess authority to shut up the heavens so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy…”

Jacob 5:17-18, speaking of the two witnesses: “Eliyahu was a man with feelings like us, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain. And it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the land brought forth its fruit”. Forty-two months the

rain didn’t fall in the days of Eliyahu. For forty-two months (3½ years) this will happen before Messiah comes. The witnesses prophesy for 42 months also.

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The drought that dried up the brook Cherith and caused Eliyahu have to flee to Lebanon for survival, began at the word of Eliyahu – (I Kings 17:1) He was protected during the drought by obeying Yahuweh’s leading, first at the brook, and then by going to the widow’s house in Lebanon, where Yahuweh had provision for him, and for her and her son. (Psalm 33:18-19)

I have been to this brook, near the Jordan River across from Jericho. Just above this little brook Cherith is the very mound on which Eliyahu went up to heaven in a whirlwind years later. It is in the Biblically correct place.

I had the privilege of actually talking to two of the Jordanian archeologists who discovered this real “baptism site” (John 1:28) from an ancient map, while I was at this site. For about two hours we “fellowshipped” via the Scriptures about Eliyahu and what happened at that site. About fifteen strategic Biblical

things happened at that place. I asked them “where was the “Brook Cherith”? They said it was the dry wadi (river bed) just below the hill where Eliyahu went up to heaven. Here he was, sitting there patiently, waiting to hear the Word of

Yahuweh, and behind him was the mount on which He would go up to heaven in a whirlwind—that gave me chills to think about it. It is also the area that Jeremiah speaks of as “the jungle of the Yarden”—the Jordan River. I found out that the Jordanian archeologists and the chief Israeli archeologists have regular meetings in Aqaba, to discuss mutual excavations and findings. There are 120 Biblical sites in Jordan alone. They Jordanians and the Jews go by the Bible to find things—isn’t that awesome!

You notice I try to keep changing the “J” words to use the “Y” Hebrew letter? The “J” is only 500 years old in the English language, or any other language. Thus the evil ones have kept from us the real Name of our Father and Son—using the “J”—calling Him “Jesus”—to hide the use of the Greek god Iesous, from which “Jesus” is transliterated. (For an in-depth study on His Names and

Titles, please refer to the study: “The Hebrew Names and Titles of Elohim”)

In November of 2005, I had the privilege of standing just above the town of

Tishbe, high up in the mountains of Gilead in north Jordan where Eliyahu was born and raised. The Name of Yahuweh had not been spoken in that region

most likely from the time of Eliyahu. Oftentimes, Father sends me to places to bring His Name into the earth, and the name of the Savior, Yahushua Yahuweh. This was one of those times. I stood at the corner of the ancient church built there to commemorate Eliyahu, and looked over the ledge towards the valley and mountains in the direction of Jerusalem. I called out with a loud voice, “Yahuweh!” As soon as His Name left my lips, there was a crash of thunder, which rolled loudly across the heavens in the area over the valley and mountains facing Jerusalem. A called out a second and a third time, and each time, as soon as His Name left my lips, there was instantly a crash of thunder, which rolled across the heavens quite loudly. The two intercessors who were with me also heard it and were stunned. At a time when His Name was still

used, Eliyahu used it, and perhaps stood in the presence of Yahuweh in that very place (I Kings 17:1). Now, he comes from the presence of Messiah

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Yahushua to begin his end-time work once again. He will not be in the face of Ahab this time, but in the face of anti-messiah.

What about the drought in Israel? Speaking of the two witnesses: “These possess authority to shut up the heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy…” (Revelation 11:6a) Revelation 11:6b: “…and they possess authority to smite the earth with all plagues.” Thus, as Don reported, the judgment of drought is evident in the incredible low level of Lake Kinneret. It is so low that the pumps are in danger of being exposed.

My vision in late May 2008: I had a vision of Eliyahu and four others who stood near him: Moses, Daniel, the Apostle Yohanan, and Enoch. Eliyahu was indeed a “hairy man”, as the Scriptures tell. He had thick, almost black hair, hair on his arms and legs, and a full beard. He had very dark brown eyes, full of compassion, yet great strength. He wore sandals. He wore a garment of sackcloth, belted in at the waist. The garment came below his knees but not totally to the ground. He was very pleasant. He spoke in English—because I sure don’t know Hebrew or Aramaic. He looked about 35 years old. He definitely looked full of vigor and vitality. He was not a big man—maybe 5’ 10” with a normal frame. But, he had a commanding personality that held gentleness also. In our conversation he answered a personal question I asked him. What he told me was greatly confirmed that Shabbat in the Old City—October 18, 2008/09.

In I Kings 19:9-10, he is in a cave on Sinai, and Yahuweh asks him what he’s doing there. He says: “…I have been jealous for Yahuweh, Elohim of hosts, for the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant. They have thrown down Your altars, and they have slain Your prophets with the sword…”

The spirit of Zadok comes from the grandson of Aaron—Phinehas…Numbers 25. Because of his zeal for the right-rulings of Yahuweh, and his stand against sin, Father promised him an everlasting priesthood.

What is sin? I John 3:4 tells us that sin is “transgression” against His Torah. The word “transgression” means to break away, revolt, rebel and do apostasy”. The Christian church was founded on the arrogance: “You don’t have to obey the Torah of Yahuweh”. It therefore made sin the “in thing”. In fact, Greco/Roman Christianity made it is a sin to obey Yahuweh, and anyone that did, they set out to kill.

The time of separation is at hand! (Matthew 10:34-39) The siding with either Yahuweh and Yahushua or the religion of Ba’al (the fake counterfeit in all its varying aspects) is happening quickly. Eliyahu again waits to confront the prophets of Ba’al.

Those who side with Yahuweh and go forth to bring the message of division and set-apartness have an Eliyahu anointing. As Don said, “You either side with Yahuweh, or you’ll die with the prophets of Ba’al”. Ba’al means “Lord”. In the Bible, the word “Lord” is used 6, 823 times—and each time, if you look at

the Hebrew word it is “YHWH”—Yahuweh. Ba’al’s consort is Ashteroth, or Ishtar, or Easter in English… who was the “Queen of Heaven”—thus between

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Ba’al and Ashtertoth, Eliyahu was confronting what would become the counterfeit religion, the Jeroboam-type religion of Christianity. Even the word “Christ” came from the worshippers of the god Serapis in Alexandria, Egypt, as reported by the Roman Emperor Hadrian. The foundation of this religion is opposed to the Torah/Covenant of Yahuweh, having created another “God” and another “Messiah” to fit their lies.

Today, the message of Eliyahu is: TAKE SIDES! The wrath of Yahuweh is coming to destroy the priests of Ba’al, and their followers. You can’t worship the Elohim of the Bible and other gods--not once you learn Truth. When you learn Truth, then you are responsible to go to the High Priest—Yahushua—and repent of your sin of believing in false gods. (Leviticus 4) Those who try to straddle the fence will die, as He comes to vomit out the “lukewarm”. (Revelation 3:15-18)

Father gave me this prophecy while I was in Jordan:

“Tell My people that praying `the sinner’s prayer’ does not insure their salvation. Many are depending on this prayer to save them. Only absolute adherence to Me and obedience to My Word will save them in the days to come. My wrath is blazing hot against the lukewarm. Take Sides! Take sides, I say! …”

I Kings 18:17-29: After the priests of Ba’al did all they could to get their god to send fire on their sacrifice, they were bleeding and exhausted. Notice they cut themselves to try to get Ba’al’s attention. Many today are cutting themselves—which is a purely demonic thing. Eliyahu, then, steps up to bat. First he “repairs the altar of Yahuweh”—verses 30-32. This is Eliyahu’s task now—to repair the altar of Yahuweh that had been broken down by the worshippers of Ba’al. First he “took twelve stones, according to the number of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word of Yahuweh had come saying `Israel is

your name’. And with the stones he built an altar in the Name of Yahuweh”.

Those in the Eliyahu company, repair what the House of Israel has broken down by their Christian religion (based on Ba’al and Astheroth). He rebuilt the altar in the Name of Yahuweh. Those who fear Yahuweh, use His right name. Messiah came in the Name of His Father—to use some other name is blasphemy. His Name is Yahu-shua—“Yahuweh Saves”, or “I AM Salvation”. Verses 36-37: Then Eliyahu prays a short, simple, prayer to his Friend: “Elohim of Abraham, Yitshak and Ya’cob, let it be known today: You are Elohim in Israel, and I am Your servant, and have done all these things at Your Word. Answer me, O Yahuweh, answer me, and LET THIS PEOPLE KNOW THAT YOU ARE YAHUWEH ELOHIM, AND YOU SHALL TURN THEIR HEARTS BACK TO YOU AGAIN.”

Is this your driving passion – To let people know His Name so that they will learn to fear His Name, and to turn their hearts back to the Torah of Yahuweh? If not, why not? Your eternal reward is now being set in stone. If you are a part of Yahuweh’s passion in these end days to re-unite the whole House of

Jacob back to Him and His Messiah, are you spending priority time to lead others back to the Torah of Yahuweh? (Read in context: Jeremiah 32:41) The

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whole focus of His Word is on this time-period and this particular matter…since this is why Messiah came and died.

There is a company of Eliyahu and a company of Zadok. Eliyahu was zealous like Phinehas (Numbers 25:13). In my trilogy on the Zadok Priesthood, number three, “Elijah and Zadok Unite”, I speaking of set-apartness and what He requires to be a part of His Kingdom. He will not allow anyone in His presence who is Torah-less/lawless: Matthew 7:21-23; 13:24-50; 25:1-12)

My desire to talk to Eliyahu is increasing to a deep fervor. The Bridal remnant will join the witnesses for a time to stand with them, and with the remnant of Yahuweh’s people, especially the house of Judah in Jerusalem, during the reign of anti-messiah. Since at least 2000, the ministry Yahuweh has given me from Ezekiel 2 and 3 and 33:1-7 is to be a watchman for the House of Israel—to

prepare the way of Yahushua Yahuweh, to restore the Torah to the “lost sheep”, to instruct His people in His Truth and His set-apartness, and to be a gatekeeper for Him. He has raised up many to do this in the last eight-ten years, for this is the season of Eliyahu in spirit and in actuality.

In the Haftorah reading for the Torah text of Exodus 32, the Orthodox Jews have put I Kings 18:17-41-—the contest between Eliyahu and the prophets of

Ba’al and Ashteroth. In Exodus 32, after the golden calf disaster, Moses calls all who will stand with Yahuweh to come forward. The Levites and priests come forward. They had the sword attached to their belt. This is what Ephesians 6:10-18 describes—the garments of the High Priest—the garments of the Levitical house of Aaron. We have this spiritual armor of Elohim—the spiritual garments of the High Priest—to do spiritual warfare—the “sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of Elohim” and “the belt of truth”. They went forth and slaughter all who were instrumental in getting the people to worship the golden calf—and about 3,000 people died that day. The Levites—sons of Zadok—

carried the passion for the honor of Yahuweh from Phinehas.

According to the Orthodox, as expressed in DNA Traditions by Rabbi Klieman, Eliyahu was a priest. He was from the tribal region of Gad, but he not called a Gadite. This is why Yohanan the immerser is identified with Eliyahu. Yohanan was full-blooded Levite. Messiah, being his cousin, was also part Levite. In fact, when Aaron the Levite married, he married a woman who was a 100% of the tribe of Judah. From the very beginning the descendants of Aaron were both of the tribe of Levi and the tribe of Judah.

As DNA Traditions shows, a special “Y” chromosome in the male Levites can be traced back to Aaron. This is how we know that the lineage of Aaron through his son Eleazer and his grandson Phinehas, through Zadok the High priest under David and Solomon, has come down to today. Ezekiel 44:15-24 tells us that in the future, under Messiah’s reign, the sons of Zadok will tend to the Temple worship, and teach the difference between the profane and the set-apart, and the pure and the defiled. They will be the judges of rightness. Therefore,

Eliyahu had every right to slaughter the 450 prophets of Ba’al and Ashteroth for he was a Zadok priest.

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Eliyahu must return to bring the teaching of the Torah to the House of Israel. The House of Judah has preserved the Torah for us. They have always considered their main prophet to be Moses. The Jews never totally let go of Moses at any point. But, the House of Israel sure let go of the passion of Eliyahu for Yahuweh!

Indeed, Eliyahu must come first to restore all things. He must restore a remnant of the House of Israel back to Torah. If there is no guarding of the Torah by an obedient remnant on the earth, Messiah will have to destroy all of His creation when He comes. (Malachi 4:5-6)

When Messiah comes and we have Zechariah 12:10-13:1—the House of Judah will be restored to Messiah—and Ezekiel 37:15-28 will take place!

Without the blood of Messiah, the Torah by itself cannot save us. Without the Torah, the real Messiah cannot be known! (John 5:46-47; 6:45)

I am appalled at the so-called Messianic people who mix Christian paganism with Jewish man-made doctrines. It is like a baby being ½ in the womb and ½ out. They play games with the Covenant. Many Christians are learning about “Hebrew roots”—but do not know Yahuweh—His nature, His ways, His thinking, His rules of communication with Him, because they do not guard His teachings and instructions (Torah). They compromise it to fit their lifestyle. They do as they please on His set-apart day (Shabbat), on His Festivals, and with His other directives also. They have NO FEAR of Yahuweh—because they do not know Him, or His Messiah—they still have their Christian illusion of who this illusive “God” is. (Refer to the article: “The Sign of Identification”)

There are only three reasons, listed in the Scriptures as to why He comes in wrath to judge and destroy all those who are Torah-less: 1) The rejection of Him, and His right to rule by Torah over the earth, 2) Transgression against His Torah (sin), and 3) The harming of His people and His Land. The Messiah is the living, embodiment of Yahuweh’s Torah—the Word made flesh—therefore, to reject Yahuweh’s Torah is to reject the Messiah of Israel!

(For a study refuting the blasphemy against His Torah, study “Forever Settled in Heaven”—it should answer a lot of your questions)

What is meant that Eliyahu will “restore ALL THINGS”? It has to do with the Covenant that Yahuweh gave to us at Sinai—when we were betrothed to Yahushua. The Ten Commandments are the basic terms of the marriage covenant—the characteristics that Messiah must have in His Bride. The foundational teachings of Christianity teach people to break commandments one through four.

The Torah was given so that we could be His people. Read the Torah! For an over-view, read the book of Deuteronomy. Read the Prophets—beginning with I and II Kings! The prophets prophesied at the time of the Kings. Therefore, we are to guard His teachings and instructions for right standing in the Kingdom

of heaven. It is our instruction manual as to how to please Him, and be good citizens of the Kingdom.

During my time in Israel, I desire to meet with Eliyahu. The Jews say that

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when Eliyahu comes, he will distinguish between the 13 tribes of Jacob. He will clarify what tribe we belong to. It is interesting that the “144,000” marked/sealed Bridal remnant are named by tribes—Revelation 7. Our inheritance is by tribe—Ezekiel 47:13-48. Eliyahu will also clarify the ministry of the end-time remnant, as to their calling from the foundation of the world.

Those like Noah are now sealed into the ark of Psalm 91:1, from this Yom Teruah 2008/2009, which began the first year of the last seven-year cycle before Messiah comes. (Genesis 7:10-16) As per Scripture, they have to be sealed before the “trumpet judgments”—cataclysmic cosmic judgments—begin. Eliyahu knows who the set-apart remnant is, for they will interact with him. They are SET-APART unto Yahuweh—marked, sealed, and highly focused. When I had the vision of Eliyahu, with him, to his right, was Moses. Behind Moses was Enoch. To Eliyahu’s left was the Apostle Yohanan and behind him was Daniel. Eliyahu and Enoch did not die—they were translated into the Kingdom in heaven. Moses died, but was immediately resurrected and taken into heaven. Satan was really frustrated and tried to get Michael the archangel to tell him where Moses’ body went. (Jude verse 9) Yohanan the Apostle was promised to preach all over the world before Messiah came. At the time of that promise he was 95 years old. There is no record of his death. In fact, the Romans tried and tried to kill him, but couldn’t. Daniel was promised that at the “end of days” he would arise to his final calling. I believe that there will be two witnesses, as Revelation 11 tells us, a set-apart, chosen from the foundation of the world, company that will work with them, and the “other three”. This is my “belief” that is very strong in my spirit. I do not speak of it as dogma. But, these five bring together the whole history of His people from the earliest time to the present.

As Moses and Eliyahu stood with Messiah on the top of Mt. Hermon in north

Israel, Messiah was transformed and His deity esteem was manifested to three of His Apostles—Peter (Kepha), James (Ja’cob) and John (Yohanan). (Matthew 17:1-11) This was a picture of the coming wedding. From Kepha’s response, he knew it. He was just 2,000 years off in his timing. How did Kepha know that the two standing with Messiah were Eliyahu and Moses? Because he understood the Hebrew wedding ceremony! The Jubilee is the time of the restoration of all things in completion. Messiah comes ten days before Yom Kippur, at Yom Teruah—the Feast of Trumpets—so is He is present on earth at the shofar of Jubilee. During the time from the end of Yom Teruah to just before Yom Kippur, He is in the “chupa” (wedding chamber) with His Bride, instructing her on all she should know to be a proper Queen of a King.

Eliyahu comes at Passover time, so the Jews have said by tradition. They put an empty cup, plate and utensils on the table with an empty chair, in the hopes that Eliyahu will come. No one is to drink of that cup except Eliyahu—or

Messiah. That’s the “cup of redemption” that Messiah drank when He re-confirmed the established covenant of Yahuweh (Jeremiah 31:31; Matthew 26:28) Yohanan the immerser was also born at Passover—Aviv 15, because

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Messiah was born exactly six months later on Tishre 15, on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles.

The Jews are looking for a full-grown Eliyahu to come to announce the timing of Messiah’s coming. The physical Eliyahu will most likely begin to announce Messiah’s coming on Aviv 15, 2012, and begin his ministry as a “witness who prophesies” (Revelation 11). Now he is gathering his company, and beginning his ministry of the restoration of all things—his forerunning ministry of preparation for the last 3 ½ years of great tribulation. His name is “Eliyahu”—Yahuweh is Elohim. His name is the one direct statement by the set-apart ones that divides His people from Lucifer’s people. It is the one statement that without one being marked and sealed for protection would get the set-apart ones killed. It is the one qualifying statement that sets one apart—as the division on Mt. Carmel—from the children of Baal and Asteroth/Ishtar/Easter. This identification statement excludes all other gods and the people who worship them. Is your Elohim Yahuweh?

Yohanan the immerser was of the bloodline of Aaron and Phinehas and Zadok, as was Eliyahu. Both carried the message of “take sides” for judgment is coming. (John chapters 1, 3 and I Kings 18) Messiah comes to make division, separation, but the forerunners do also. Do you want to be a part of these last days, and see these things unfold? If so, adjust your priorities to make sure that you are free enough, so as not to miss anything. Eliyahu is in the Land of Israel, and soon His set-apart ones will know him. HalleluYah! Soon, the Jews will know Him. It is very likely that he will preach Messiah Yahushua to the Jews who are seeking Messiah! During the 3½ years of tribulation, there will be many Jews seeking to know Messiah ben Yoseph. The forerunning company will also be there to lead them to Yahushua Yahuweh. Already, there are many rabbis and other Orthodox men who are meeting in secret, having believed in

Messiah Yahushua as the “Suffering Servant” of Isaiah 53, who are studying the Prophets. The rabbis have forbidden them to study the Prophets, especially putting an edict against the reading or study of the book of Daniel. For in Daniel, we find the exact day when the Suffering Servant would appear in Jerusalem…Passover 28 CE.

Therefore, they are finding Him. But, more and more will find Him in the coming days. And when He comes, we have Zechariah 12:10, and the restoration of the whole house of Judah and Israel back to Messiah and to the Torah of Yahuweh. How thrilling!

We have so much to look forward to—why waste time on useless nonsense! It is time to fear Yahuweh, side with Him, and obey Him. I will update you on Eliyahu as I learn more… But, realize, as Steve Quayle has said publicly, that “Eliyahu is here NOW, NOW, NOW!”

Shalom, love and joyful blessings in Messiah’s Name,


October 27, 2008, Israel

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