Food Groups - Atlantis Wellness

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|Food Groups |Gluten-Free Foods |Foods Containing Gluten |

| |  | |

| | | |

|Breads & Grains |Breads or bread products (bread crumbs, |Bread or bread products (bread crumbs, dressings, |

|  |dressings, etc) made from the following flours: |etc) made from: bread flour, brown flour, |

|  |amaranth, bean, buckwheat, carob, chickpea |"low-gluten" flour, flour, white flour, plain |

| |(gram), corn, Indian Rice Grass (Montina ™), |flour, bromated flour, enriched flour, phosphated |

| |flax, kasha, maize or waxy-maize, masa, millet, |flour, self-rising flour, dorum, farina |

| |finger millet (Ragi), pea, potato, quinoa, rice, |Breads or bread products (bread crumbs, dressings, |

| |sago, soba (made from pure buckwheat), sorghum |etc) containing or made from flours containing any |

| |(milo), soy, sweet, chestnut, teff, yam  |of the following grains: barley couscous, durum, |

| |Breads or bread products (bread crumbs, |far, graham, granary, kamut, oats mir, rye, |

| |dressings, etc) made from the following starches:|semolina, spelt, triticale (a cross between wheat |

| |arrowroot, corn, potato, tapioca  |and rye),wheat or wheat starch, wholemeal, wheat |

| |Breads or bread products (bread crumbs, |bran, wheat germ, cracked wheat, hydrolyzed wheat |

| |dressings, etc) made from "gluten-free" mixes |protein  |

| |Note: Gluten-free bread products taste better |Cereals containing malt or malt flavoring derived |

| |when warmed or toasted  |from: barley, barley malt, barley-malt syrup  |

| |Corn or rice cereals containing malt flavoring |Any foods containing: bran, bulgur, einkorn wheat, |

| |derived from: corn, cornmeal, grits, hominy, |emmer |

| |kasha (buckwheat), cream of rice, puffed rice  |Malt (including malt extract, flavoring, syrup, or |

| |Rice of all types (including wild & flaked rice),|vinegar) |

| |rice crackers, rice noodles, rice spaghetti, rice|Vegetable or wheat starch |

| |wafers |Most crackers, Rusk, Zwieback, & pretzels  |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Note: Enriched converted rice may contain a |Matzo  |

| |barley additive  |Biscuits, cornbread, muffins, pancakes, & waffles |

| | |made form commercial mixes  |

| |Pastas made with the following flours: corn, |Dumplings, macaroni, noodles, & |

| |maize or waxy maize, potato, rice, soy |spaghetti made from wheat flour  |

| |Oriental bean noodles   |Udon (wheat noodles)   |

| |Pure-cornmeal chips & tortillas   |Farina  |

| |Polenta  |Tabbouleh |

| |Popcorn (air-popped or popped in oil)   |  |

| |Yeast  |  |

| |Brand-name recommendations: |  |

| |Schaar | |

| |bionaturae pasta | |

| | | |

|Fruit |All fruits (dried, fresh, frozen)  |Canned fruit in heavy syrup  |

| |Pure fruit juices  |Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice  |

| |Olives  |Thickened fruit sauces  |

| | |Some commercial fruit-pie fillings |

| | | |

|Vegetables |All fresh vegetables (including pickles)  |Most breaded or creamed vegetables  |

|  |All canned or frozen vegetables not containing |Most commercially prepared vegetables   |

|  |ingredients made with gluten | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Milk & Dairy |All raw dairy products are recommended |Malted & instant milk drinks  |

| | | |

| |Homemade chocolate milk made |Commercial chocolate milk or |

| |with cocoa powder |chocolate drinks containing cereal |

| |All aged cheeses, such as Cheddar, Edam , |additives  |

| |Parmesan, & Swiss  |Blue & Roquefort cheese   |

| |Pasteurized cottage & cream cheeses that do not |Processed cheeses, cheese foods, & cheese spreads |

| |contain preservatives or vegetable gum  |containing gluten stabilizers  |

| |Yogurt not containing cereal |Ice cream |

| | |Note: Most individuals that are gluten intolerant |

| | |are also reactive to pasteurized dairy. |

| | |Note: Some ice creams contain wheat flour; contact |

| | |the manufacturer for complete ingredient |

| | |information |

| | | |

|Meat & Other Protein Sources |Fresh fish & shellfish, meat, poultry  |Any meat prepared with barley, oats, rye, wheat, or|

| |Pure-meat cold cuts  |gluten stabilizers  |

| |Meat products (canned meats, hot dogs, sausages) |Breaded meat, fish, shellfish, poultry (croquettes,|

| |made without fillers  |patties, loaves)  |

| |Alfalfa  |Any canned meats, cold cuts, hot dogs, sandwich |

| |Eggs  |spreads, & sausages that contain fillers  |

| |Lentils  |Meat with added HVP (as in some turkey bastings)  |

| | |Freeze-dried meals  |

| |Beans (dried or fresh) of the | |

| |following kinds: adzuki, carob, fava, garbonzo, |Canned baked beans |

| |hyacinth, mung, Romano, tepary, urad   |  |

| | |  |

| |Nuts of the following kinds: acorns almonds, |  |

| |chestnuts, hazelnuts, |  |

| |peanuts (peanut butter),walnuts |  |

| |Peas (dried or fresh) of the following kinds: |  |

| |cowpeas, pigeon, sweet, urad dal   |  |

| |Seeds of the following kinds: flax, mustard, | |

| |poppy, safflower, sesame, sunflower   | |

| | | |

|Soups |Homemade soups not containing barley, oats, rye, |Soups containing barley, oats, rye, or wheat in any|

| |or wheat in any form |form |

| | |Note: Most canned soups and soup mixes contain |

| | |gluten |

| | |Stews containing noodles  |

| | |Bouillon or broth containing HVP  |

| | |Miso  |

| | | |

|Fats & Oils |Butter, lard, & salad dressings not containing |Most commercial salad dressings  |

|  |emulsifiers, gluten stabilizers, or HVP  |Nondairy cream substitutes & some nondairy |

|  |Cream, sour cream, & whipping cream made with |creamers  |

| |gluten-free flours (see list above) or cornstarch|Fat substitutes (Olestra, Oatrim, Replace)   |

| |  |Canola oil & vegetable oils that do not list the |

| |Cooking oils of the following kinds: corn, olive,|full ingredients & sources  |

| |peanut, safflower, sunflower, vegetable   |Cooking sprays that contain grain alcohol  |

| | |Suet (in packets) |

| | |Note: May contain wheat flour   |

| | | |

| |Desserts not containing barley, oats, rye, or |Cakes, cookies, donuts, pastries, & pies prepared |

|Snacks & Desserts |wheat in any form, such as: |with barley, oat, rye, or wheat in any form  |

|  |Fruit ices |Cakes, cookies, & puddings made from commercial |

|  |Gelatin |mixes  |

|  |Most ice creams |Chocolate products made with gluten stabilizers  |

| |Junket |Homemade puddings thickened with wheat flour  |

| |Most sherbets |Ice cream or sherbet containing gluten stabilizers |

| |Homemade puddings: custard, rice, tapioca |Ice cream cones  |

| |Note: Homemade puddings may be thickened with |Jell-O Brand pudding  |

| |cornstarch, which does not contain gluten   |Some commercial candies |

| |Puddings made from mixes not containing gluten |Note: Almond Roca , for example, is dusted with |

| |stabilizers or wheat flour   |wheat flour   |

| |Chocolate, chocolate syrup, cocoa, coconut, hard |  |

| |candy, honey, jam, jelly, marshmallows, pure | |

| |molasses, meringue, sugar  | |

| |Some chewing gum    | |

| | | |

|Baking Products, Condiments, &|Black pepper, salt   |Most white pepper  |

|Seasonings |All herbs   |Ground spices |

|  |Pure spices   |Note: Wheat flour is commonly included to prevent |

| | |clumping   |

| |Balsamic, rice, & wine vinegars   | |

| |Baking powder |Vinegar distilled from grain (white vinegar)   |

| |Note: Must not contain wheat flour; check |Some curry powders & mixes   |

| |ingredient list   |Mustard powder |

| |Bicarbonate of soda   |Note: May contain wheat flour   |

| |Cornstarch   |Some dry seasonings, gravy & stock cubes, & |

| |Corn syrup   |extracts  |

| |Food coloring   |Gravies & sauces prepared with flour containing |

| |Gravies & sauces made with gluten-free flours |gluten (see "Breads & Grains")  |

| |(see "Breads & Grains") or cornstarch   |Mayonnaise containing gluten stabilizers or wheat |

| |Some ketchups & mustards   |flour  |

| |Pure mayonnaise   |Sauces of the following kind: fish, some meat |

| |Note: Avoid completely if you are sensitive to |sauces, most soy sauces (shoyhu), steak, teriyaki, |

| |MSG   |Worcestershire |

| |Soy sauces that do not contain wheat or barley |Most dips  |

| |(try Lachoy or Chun King brands) |Vanilla & other flavorings containing alcohol   |

| |Cream of tartar | |

| |Pure Vanilla | |

| |Flavorings not containing alcohol | |


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