
Production DocumentOperation BlastBryan Soleroarindil@Dominic SantoroSol17opacus@Camron WeeksCamron.Weeks@Nicholas Guzmansamuraimobster@TJ Farniethomasfarnie@Michael HernerMherner002@Kahran GhosalkarKjoel86@Alex HernandezMr_alex_hernandez@Tristan Helminkfourtytwo@Andrew Kilmasmrandk@Hao Zhu Chenjonnyhzc@Game Charter……………………………………………………………………………1Interactivity……………………………………………………………………………….6Detailed Design Breakdown………………………………………………………….13Characters……………………………………………………………………………...19Weapons………………………………………………………………………………..31Power-ups……………………………………………………………………………...44Levels and Maps………………………………………………………………………49Combat System………………………………………………………………………..57Game Logic, Algorithms, and Rules…………………………………………………58Reference of Key Elements…………………………………………………………..67Art and Production Design……………………………………………………………69Technical Design Overview…………………………………………………………..84Milestone Deliverables………………………………………………………………..85Development Environment…………………………………………………………...86System Architecture…………………………………………………………………...87System Architecture Flow Chart……………………………………………………..88System Architecture Context Model Description…………………………………...89Module Breakdowns…………………………………………………………………..90FX Manager…………………………………………………………………………….91Memory Map……………………………………………………………………………93Code Review Plan……………………………………………………………………..94Integration Plan………………………………………………………………………...95Testing Plans…………………………………………………………………………..96Game Folder Hierarchy…...................................................................................97Game CharterVision StatementOur vision as team N Squared is to create a game that will serve to display the astonishing talents and skills in the areas of programming and art through the development of a creative and enjoyable game. To meet this goal, we plan to create a game that is innovative and of exemplary quality. Furthermore we will implement quality assurance, quality control, and frequent debugging to accomplish our goals as well as creating a feasible schedule and holding to it as well as we can. Through dedication and hard work we plan to achieve our goal and present a game worthy of presenting during Final Project Presentation and to GP Staff.Meeting ScheduleThe schedule will take into account for all the team including Internal Producer(s) during Month One of Final Project having a second class, Month Two of Final Project all art and programmers have a second class, online or on campus. Month Three of Final Project Internal Producer(s) have a second class and Month Four of Final Project all art team members have a second class.During the pre-production phase, which includes development of the design document and technical document, we will meet at school in one of the Final Project rooms, Open Labs or available room designated by the Internal Producer(s) between four to eight hours six days a week. Task will be assigned at the beginning of the work day and will be submitted for review by the determined deadline. The whole team will put forth full effort during the meetings.During the production phase, we will meet in Final Project rooms, Open Labs or available room designated by the Internal Producer(s). If no rooms are available we will meet outside of school at a team member's house (TBD). We will meet eight hours a day at least six days a week. At least three times a week the leads will go to school to test the game build on the test machine. Sunday will be left free for all team members to go home and rest up unless the Internal Producer(s) deems it necessary to meet, or ask a team member to complete an assignment before the next meeting on Monday. All meetings will be presided over by one or more of the Internal Producer(s) and the team are expected to maintain a high level of productivity and efficiency during the meeting period.?Hours Worked Per WeekTeam N Squared will be meeting for the next five months, six days a week. The hours per week will be at least 48 hours, but will not exceed 60 hours. If the Internal Producer(s) deems working on the seventh day the team is expected to work 5 hours, max 8 hours. Teams are required to meet certain deadlines during the week; if a certain team member is behind he/she will be taking that assignment home and try to complete it before the next meeting. All team members are required to take a lunch/dinner break for one hour before the fifth hour of the work day. All team members can freely take small breaks on their own discretion between 10 to 15 minutes.?Emergency Plans When Things Go WrongIn the event of a team member becoming too ill to attend a meeting, the team member is to notify the Internal Producer(s) promptly by email, Skype, or a phone call. The team member is to maintain communication with the team though Skype and work from home. If the team member is too ill to work, the Internal Producer(s) will reassign the team member's tasks, if necessary.In the event of a team lead becoming ill to attend a meeting, they will follow the above procedures. If the team lead is too ill to work at all, the Internal Producer(s) will either appoint an acting team lead or direct team member to report to the other team leads.If the work location must be changed due to any circumstances, the Internal Producer(s) will procure a new location and inform all team members of the change.In the event of a lag in the schedule, the Internal Producer(s) will notify the team that we have entered crunch time and will be meeting on the weekend, or for longer hours during the day.Any team issue which occur during the project(ex. Lack of cohesiveness, miscommunication, subpar performance for any reason, etc.), the Internal Producer(s) will be notified by email or either in person and action will be taken by the Internal Producer(s) or the team leads to rectify the situation by sending documentation on what happened to the GP staff and External Producer(EP) and Art Director(AD).Any weather related issues such as flood or a hurricane will be dealt with by the Internal Producer(s). If a new location must be found, the Internal Producer(s) will find it and notify the team. If the meeting must be rescheduled, the Internal Producer(s) will pick a new meeting time and notify the team as well as adjust the schedule accordingly.In the event the Internal Producer(s) had an emergency or fallen ill, they will follow the above procedures. If the Internal Producer(s) is too ill to work at all, the team leads will take over assigning task and keep constant communication with the Internal Producer(s).??Decision-Making ProcessAny team decisions that need to be made for the game will be done in team meetings. Discussion during these meetings will be limited to 20 minutes per discussion point. If the team cannot come to a decision after 20 minutes of discussion, the Internal Producer(s) will make the final decision. Any team member is allowed to dispute this final decision either in a subsequent meeting or by submitting a change request form to the team leads or the Internal Producer(s). It is up to each team member to voice their opinion on any given topic and they waive their right to complain constructively if they choose not to speak during a team meeting.Rules of ConductWhen any team member doesn’t follow Rules of Conduct the Internal Producer(s) are subject to follow the disciplinary actions listed below in order of warnings:For a first offense of a minor rule, such as tardiness or creating a distraction, the team member will be notified by the Internal Producer of the infraction and asked to curb that behavior. A repeat offense of a minor rule will be treated as a first major offense.For the first major offense, the team member will be notified by the Internal Producer and be given a warning, and the action conducted will be documented and saved for future involvement.If the team member infracts upon a major rule for a second time, he will be pulled outside with both Internal Producers notifying him of the ongoing problem; a document will also be written up and sent to the GP staff to advise them of a potential situation.If the team member continues to infract upon the established rules for a third time, another document will be written up and sent to the GP staff requesting a meeting be held with the offending team member.All Team members are expected to show respect to one another. Fighting, negative sarcasm, insulting is not to be tolerated and will be dealt with via appropriate channels. Any critiques given to any team member are to be constructive only and the person giving the critique should have a possible solution ready when making the critique.All team members are expected to show up on time to all meetings. If a team member is late they must have a valid excuse. With or without an excuse, the tardiness will be documented. If a team member knows ahead of time that they will be late, they must notify the Internal Producer(s) promptly. All team members are expected to behave in a professional manner. Any issues related to anything outside the workplace are to be kept outside the workplace. If the issue is dire, the team member may approach the Internal Producer(s) for guidance and/or conflict resolution with the situation. Any grievances among the team member are to be kept civil during the work day. There will be no sabotaging of other team member's work or property; this will not be tolerated and will be dealt with via appropriate channels.All team members are expected to work in a professional environment, not using YouTube unless it's work related, not playing games unless one is on break or lunch/dinner break, not surfing web sites that are not work related, idle chit-chat only if it involves work related topics, and not having loud music that will agitate all team members . All team members are not to abuse small or lunch/dinner breaks; this will not be tolerated and will be documented as tardiness or two hours out.Team RolesThese are the roles that students in Final Project will have to take part in. Furthermore, given the team’s size, each student will have two or more roles in order to complete all tasks and complete the ultimate objective of creating a game.Internal Producer: Santoro, Dominic and Solero, Bryan. Leads the team in each meeting, schedules project tasks and meeting times, manages all project risks and constraints, and maintains the morale and work ethic of each team member in order to lead them to success.ArtistsArt Lead: Klimas, Andrew. Assist the Internal Producers in leadership and maintenance of the art team and relate information given by the Internal Producers and GP Staff to the artists.Environmental Artist: Herner, Michael. Model all 3D assets needed to lay out each level of the game.Technical Artist: Chen, Hao Zhu. Develop all rigs, scripts, and GUI for 3D assets that need to be animated in the game.Animator: Chen, Hao Zhu. Animate all 3D assets that need to be animated in the game.Character Artist: Chen, Hao Zhu. Create all 3D characters that will be featured in the game.UI Artist: Herner, Michael. Design and create all menus and HUD assets for the game to help the user be aware of and navigate through the game world.Effects Artist: Klimas, Andrew. Create all visual effects, weapon projectiles, and skybox assets for the game.Concept Artist: Chen, Hao Zhu; Herner, Michael; and Klimas, Andrew. Create all 2D conceptual art for the game to act as a guideline for how game’s art elements will look and feel.ProgrammersTech Lead: Farnie, TJ. Assist the Internal Producers in leadership and maintenance of the development team and relate information given by the Internal Producers and GP Staff to the programmers.AI Programmer: Weeks, Camron “Dante”. Generate AI Logic for all not-player-controlled (NPC) assets such as enemies and remove any bugs or errors found during creation.Graphics/Rendering Programmer: Ghosalkar, Kahran. Create a functioning import and export system for all art assets and remove any bugs or errors found during creation.Tech Engineer: Ghosalkar, Kahran. Create a functional game engine for the entire game to run on, create collision boxes for all 3D art assets found in the game world that can be collided with, and remove any bugs or errors found during creation.Scripting Programmer: Farnie, TJ. Create all scripting events, gameplay triggers, and events, and remove any bugs or errors found during creation.UI Programmer: Guzman, Nicholas. Relay all statistical information to the user in real time via the HUD, and remove any bugs or errors found during creation.Animation Programmer: Helmink, Tristan. Create an exporter for all animations and remove any bugs or errors found during creation.Special FX Programmer: Ghosalkar, Kahran. Create all effects and shaders in the game world and remove any bugs or errors found during creation.Gameplay Programmer: Hernandez, Alex. Create a front-end audiovisual feedback system for the game including a camera system and audio manager.InteractivitySummaryOperation BLAST is a competitive sidescroller with tons of shoot 'em up action. In the game, the player runs and guns through hordes of enemies while evading their attacks. To add to the action, players will split up and compete in their own separate planes, trying to best each other's scores. GoalThe goal of the game is to best your opponent's score and complete the level. As you kill enemies, your score increases. Faster killing also allows for a score multiplier to build up, further increasing the points awarded for killing an enemy.Defeat the end bossInterface1. Score - The current amount of points the player has received. This number will change when certain actions have been completed (See Reference of Key Elements pg.62). At pre-determined point amounts; 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000 etc. the score will render twice as large to alert the player of their accomplishment and fade away after a second.2. Lives – Shows the number of lives the player has. When a player has died, if they have a life they may use it to return to the game where they left off, with 3 second invulnerability. This will use one of the lives. When the player uses up their 3 lives without successfully completing the level they trigger the lose condition.3. Health Bar - One bar represents 1 hit for the player. When hit, one bar will be destroyed via an explosion. And the player flashes for 2 seconds with invulnerability.4. Weapon – Displays the current weapon of the player. This image only changes when the player receives a pickup or the current pick up expires. Also displayed is the current amount of ammunition for the current weapon.5. Player Identifier/Combo Multiplier - Shows the current multiplier of the specified player. It is shown under the player identifier symbol. When the multiplier changes a larger number flashes on the screen and scales down as it sets to its location, this process will only take a second. See (Reference of Key Elements pg.62).6. Ultimate Bar - Applies to pickups. It is a way for players to clear the screen yet also attempt to hinder the other player. A bar underneath the player’s health will fill up over time at a rate of 2% per second times the current multiplier, when the bar fills up it will flash to indicate that an ultimate is ready to be used. If a player has one of the 4 obtainable weapons they may activate the attack that will do damage and if the other player is hit by the attack they will lose half their multiplier and will be affected by an affect.MenusThe Main Menu presents a conveyer belt that carries enemy robots to the foreground on the right side of the screen. On the torso of the robot will be the selectable options. On the bottom left the title of the menu will be displayed. A selection option will be a cursor looking like a bullet on the left side of the selectable option, when the player presses up or down the bullet moves in the appropriate direction, signifying the highlighted option; the audio associated with this action is a single bullet being fired lasting 1 second. Any additional information pertaining to the highlighted option explaining what the option is will be displayed in the bottom left under the title of the menu. When an option has been selected bullets will fill the foremost “enemy” option screen, the sound associated with this is a machine gun bullets hitting a metal surface, lasting for 1.5 seconds. The enemy falls forward and under the viewable screen, at the same time as the enemy is falling off screen the conveyer belt moves and the next enemy is brought to the foreground presenting the selected menu, a 2 second transition. This same procedure will be used for all menu transitions including the back option, with the only exception being the Start option. When the Start option has been selected, the same sound effect of a machine gun will play. Explosions will begin to fill the entire screen, accompanied by explosion sounds. After the screen has been completely filled, the explosions will fade revealing the character select screen.Main MenuHigh Score TableOptions MenuControl MenuCharacter SelectPause MenuControlsCombat ControlsKeyboardPlayer 1A - Move LeftD – Move RightS - Crouch or ProneW – JumpQ - Aim Up-LeftE - Aim Up-RightZ- Aim Down LeftC – Aim Down RightF- Alt FireSpace – Fire1 – Ultimate ?Player 2I - JumpJ - LeftL - RightK - Crouch or ProneU - Aim Up-LeftO - Aim Up-RightM – Aim Down-Left; - Aim Down-RightN – FireH – Alt Fire8 - UltimateControllerLeft Joystick - MovementRight Joystick - AimingRight Trigger – ShootLeft Trigger – Alt FireA Button - JumpX Button - UltimateInteractive RhythmA typical play session should last 6-8 minutes. A level of the game should last 6-8 minutes as well. Play is broken down to three phases that either the player and AI or two players will experience: light wave, heavy wave, and rest period. The light wave is a wave of enemies that will contain 3-6 enemies of both types (melee and ranged) on the screen at once. A heavy wave contains 6-10 enemies of both types (melee and ranged) on the screen at once. A light wave of enemies should take 10 seconds to kill, while a heavy wave will take 20 seconds. Single enemies should take the player 2 seconds to kill. Depending on the weapon, groups of enemies would take the same time to kill due to AoE damage. The rest period will be an area of the level that does not spawn enemies, allowing the player reprieve or the opportunity to clean up any remaining enemies.?At pre-designated parts in the level, the players will split up and take separate paths on different planes. Immediately after this, the players will enter a shooting gallery area. Here the players will compete to see who can clear their screen of enemies faster. After this section, the rhythm of light, heavy, and rest will resume until the players hit a pre-designated merge point, and rejoin each other on the same plane. . As players progress further into the game the spawn timer between enemies will decrease, which will result in an increase of enemies. Enemy health will also increase as the players get further into the level.?The rhythm then resumes in this manner until the end of the level is reached. Here the player will fight the end bossThe waves of enemies will spawn from both the front and back of the screen. Both enemy types will spawn, and while it will be random, it will always be in the ratio of 2:1 melee to ranged.How the Player Marks ProgressPlayers progress by moving right on the screen. The player’s score or multiplier increases as the player gets more kills thus showing progression. As the multiplier increases, enemies are worth more points. A player regresses as the player loses lives and their score is reduced. Detailed Design BreakdownFront End Flow ChartGame Flow ChartGlossary of TermsCharactersPlayer charactersAttributesHeight – Height of the characterWidth – Width of the characterSpeed – Rate at which the character movesJump Height – Height the character may jumpHealth – The amount of damage the player can take before dyingLives – The amount of times that the player can lose all their health before the game endsCharge – The amount of charge the character has. When full, the player may use their ultimate move if they have collected a weaponBehaviorsRun - Move at the Speed of the characterJump – Move vertically until the player reaches the Jump Height. While jumping, the player is still free to move laterally in either direction at Speed.Shoot – Fire the currently equipped weaponGo Prone – Lie on the ground with the weapon pointed forwardAim – Align the weapon forward, 45 degrees up, 45 degrees down, straight up, or straight downCollect Pickup – When colliding with a weapon pickup, receive the associated weapon type that the pickup representsEnemiesMeleeAttributesHeight – Height of the enemyWidth – Width of the enemySpeed – Rate at which the enemy movesHealth – Amount of damage the enemy can sustain before dyingJump Height – Height the enemy may jumpDamage – Amount that the enemy’s attack will remove from the player’s life barBehaviorsRun – Move horizontally at the Speed of the enemyExplode – Suicide attack when colliding with playerJump – Move vertically until the enemy reaches the Jump Height. The enemy will continue in the direction they were previously moving at SpeedRangeAttributesHeight – Height of the enemyWidth – Width of the enemyHealth – Amount of damage the enemy can sustain before dyingProjectile Speed – How quickly the enemy’s bullet will travelDamage – Amount that the enemy’s attack will remove from the player’s life barBehaviorsShoot – Fire a projectile at the targeted playerFlyingAttributesHeight – Height of the enemyWidth – Width of the enemyHealth – Amount of damage the enemy can sustainSpeed – Rate at which the enemy movesBehaviorsShoot- Fire a projectile at the targeted playerMove – Move at SpeedProjectile Speed – How quickly the enemy’s bullet will travelDamage – Amount that the enemy’s attack will remove from the player’s life barBossAttributesPhase – The current phase the boss is in, three differentRocket Speed – Speed the projectile travels atDebris Speed – Speed the projectile falls down the screenSmart Laser Speed – Speed the projectile travels atSmart Laser Pause – Length of time the smart laser pauses before resuming movement towards playerLaser Speed – Speed the projectile travels atStomp Speed – Velocity that the enemy stomps their foot down atSmash Speed – Velocity that the enemy smashes their fist atHealth – Damage the enemy can take before dyingHeight – Height of the enemyWidth – Width of the enemySpeed – Rate at which the enemy movesDamage – Amount that the enemy’s attack will remove from the player’s life barBehaviorsChange Phase – The enemy changes phases, granting access to a new set of moves as well as a full life barShoot Rocket – Fire a rocket at the player at Rocket SpeedShoot Smart Laser – Fire a laser at the player at Smart Laser Speed, which will track the player for 3 seconds, then delay for Smart Laser Pause, then head towards the player again. This process repeats 4 timesStomp – The enemy thrusts his foot down at the player at Stomp SpeedDrop Debris – The enemy drops items from the top of the screen down at the player, which fall at Debris Speed. The items will start at the far left, then the center, then the right. At this point it will go back to center then far left, creating a back and forth waveSmash – The enemy raises his fist and smashes it at the player at Smash SpeedShoot Laser – The enemy fires a projectile at the player that travels at Laser SpeedMove – Move at Speed towards the playerWeaponsAttributesRate of Fire – How quickly the weapon fires per secondAlt Rate of Fire – How quickly the weapon can use its alternate firing methodRange – Distance that the weapon will be able to deal damageAlt Range – Distance that the weapon’s alternate fire will be able to deal damageDamage – Amount of damage the weapon dealsAlt Damage – Amount of damage the weapon’s alternate fire dealsAmmo – Amount of ammunition the player starts with after pick up of weaponAlt Ammo Usage – Amount of ammunition the weapon’s alternate fire consumesProjectile Speed – How fast a bullet moves across the screenAlt Projectile Speed – How fast the alternate fire moves across the screenKill Box – The collision box of a weaponAlt Kill Box – The collision box of the alternate fireAlt Fire – The secondary fire of the weapon. Differs for each weaponAoE – Area that the weapon may damage enemies with one shotUltimate – A powerful move, able to kill multiple enemies at once and lower the other player’s combo multiplier should they be hit. Differs for each weaponUltimate Effect – The effect that the ultimate will apply to the other player, should they be hit by the ultimateBehaviorsShoot – The process of firing a bullet that travels at Projectile Speed Fire Alternate – The process of firing the weapon’s alternate fireFire Ultimate – The process of firing the weapon’s ultimate moveObjectsCrateAttributesPosition – Where the crate starts on the screenContents – Weapon pickup the crate containsHeight – Height of the crateWidth – Width of the crateBehaviorsExplode – Explodes when the player shoots it, dropping a weapon pickupFloating CrateAttributesPosition – Where the crate starts on the screenContents – Weapon pickup the crate containsFall Speed – How quickly the crate floats downwardMove Speed – How quickly the crate moves left and rightHeight – Height of the crateWidth – Width of the crateBehaviorsMove – The crate moving horizontally at Move SpeedFall – The crate dropping vertically at Fall SpeedLand – The crate colliding with the ground or a platform, becoming a normal crateExplode – Explodes when the player shoots it, dropping a weapon pickupFlamethrower Pickup?Attributes?Position – Location of the pickupLifetime – The time until the pickup despawnsHeight – Height of the pickupWidth – Width of the pickupBehaviors?Collect – Giving the player the associated weaponRocket Launcher Pickup?Attributes?Position – Location of the pickupLifetime – The time until the pickup despawnsHeight – Height of the pickupWidth – Width of the pickupBehaviors?Collect – Giving the player the associated weaponShotgun Pickup?Attributes?Position – Location of the pickupLifetime – The time until the pickup despawnsHeight – Height of the pickupWidth – Width of the pickupBehaviors?Collect – Giving the player the associated weaponLightning Pickup?Attributes?Position – Location of the pickupLifetime – The time until the pickup despawnsHeight – Height of the pickupWidth – Width of the pickupBehaviors?Collect – Giving the player the associated weapon?Explosive Barrel?Behaviors??Explode – After being shot twice, explodeLevelsBehaviorsPlane Swap – Forcing the players to separate on to different paths, one in the foreground, one in the backgroundCharactersName/IDBarron (The Bulk)?Brief DescriptionHot headed war veteran, who loves to see things blow up?Visual DesignExaggerated proportions, leg length is the same head height; torso slightly longer than legs, also the widest part of the body. On top, Barron, wears an unfastened Kevlar helmet. He has high cheek bones and a wide jaw, with black mutton chops that frame his cleft chin. Barron is not wearing a shirt displaying the definition of his muscles. Stretching from the upper right pectoral to the bottom right pectoral stretches an old battle scar. Hanging from his left shoulder, laying across his chest he has an ammo strap fully loaded. On his left arm he wears a rust colored armband around his bicep. On both hands he has black fingerless gloves. Barron wears ACU Trousers, black combat boots. The trousers are accompanied by a black belt. The right trouser leg is tucked in; the left trouser leg is not. Around his left thigh Barron wears a grey holster with a black strap.?BehaviorsRunJumpShootGo ProneAimCollect Pickup?AttributesHeight: 2 unitsWidth: 1 unitSpeed: 3 units/secondJump Height: 3 unitsHealth: 3Lives: 3?Name/IDClaire (Sassy Lass)?Brief DescriptionRogue militant, enjoys long walks on the beach?Visual DesignClair has a round face with black hair framing the right side of her face. Her eyes are elongated and larger proportioned with high arching eyebrows. Claire has a band-aid on her right cheek. On top of her head she is wearing a green beret with a single gold armed forces crest. Claire is wearing a white fitted tank top with, a black ammo strap across her left shoulder. She has a slim torso, and exaggerated hips. A white bandana is tied around her left bicep. She is wearing blue cargo pants tucked into black combat boots. There is a wide black belt holding her pants up, with a utility holsters attached. Around her left leg she carries a knife.?BehaviorsRunJumpShootGo ProneAimCollect Pickup?AttributesHeight: 2 unitsWidth: 1 unitSpeed: 3 units/secondJump Height: 3 unitsHealth: 3Lives: 3??Name/IDWeebos Striker ?Brief DescriptionPrimary soldier of the robot army?Visual DesignWeebos Striker is a white humanoid cyborg. Every section of the Weebos Striker is a capsule with one side wider than the other, progressing outward from the torso. The head is smooth with a single red circular lens centered where the face would be. The torso is split in two sections; from the head the torso is wide then becomes thin about two thirds of the torso, this section sits on a sphere. Where the hand would be are three exaggerated claw shaped blades.?BehaviorsRunExplodeJump?AttributesHeight: 1.5 unitsWidth: 1 unitSpeed: 2 units/secondHealth: 2Jump Height: 3 unitsDamage: 1?Name/IDWeebos Assaulter?Brief DescriptionSupport soldier of the robot army?Visual DesignWeebos Assaulter is similar to the Weebos Striker. The color of the Assaulter is Bright red, and the proportions of the capsule sections are slightly more exaggerated than the Striker. Instead of claw shaped blades for hands, the Assaulter only has wide wrists. There is a yellow ring around the wrist.?BehaviorsShootExplodeAttributesHeight: 2 unitsWidth: 1 unitHealth: 1Projectile Speed: 4 units per secondDamage: 1Name/IDWeebos HeliosBrief DescriptionAerial unit of the robot armyVisual DesignSilver Egg shaped robot with propeller blades extending from the top. There is a cross section hatch on the bottom.BehaviorsShootExplodeMoveAttributesHeight: 1 unitWidth: 1 unitHealth: 1Speed: 3 units per secondProjectile Speed: 4 units per secondDamage: 1??Name/IDWeebos Ultimus?Brief DescriptionGeneral and leader of the robot army?Visual DesignThe Weebos Ultimus is broken into three parts, first the head; second the torso and arms, and the third part being the hips and legs. The face of the Ultimus has a single red lens in the center. The torso appears in three parts, a thin frame with large shoulder plates that overlap other metal plates appearing staggered and angular, rounding out just above the hips. The biceps are sleek and then, while the forearms are thicker and angular. The hands are two thirds the length of the forearm and are sharp claws. Below the torso begins the hips, this connection is exposed and very mechanical looking with overlapping sheets of metal, the thigh is half as long as the calf of the Ultimus. Beginning at the knee the calf bells out until the foot. The foot is slightly wider than the widest part of the leg and thins as it approaches the heel. The foot is slightly longer than the diameter of the base of the leg.Boss PhasesBehaviorsChange PhaseShoot RocketShoot Smart LaserStompDrop DebrisSmashShoot LaserMoveAttributesPhase: 1 through 3Rocket Speed: 2 units per secondDebris Speed: 3 units per secondSmart Laser Speed: 4 units per secondSmart Laser Pause: 1 secondLaser Speed: 10 units per secondStomp Speed: 4 units per secondSmash Speed: 3 units per secondHealth: 80 per phaseHeight: 7.5 unitsWidth: 10 unitsSpeed: 5 units per secondDamage: 1WeaponsName/IDMachine GunBrief DescriptionA rapid fire automatic gun, with unlimited ammoVisual DesignThe female character holds an Mp5. The male character holds a M60.Well used metal shows the wear and tear of constant use.? BehaviorsShootAttributesDamage - 2Rate of Fire – 3 per secondRange –16 unitsAmmo – UnlimitedKill Box – See graph diagram below concept artAoE – NoneProjectile Speed – 4 units per secondTransitionsWhen a player picks up another weapon, this weapon will disappear and the new weapon will flash into the characters hands with its appropriate sound effect. If that weapon runs out of ammo that will disappear out of player’s hands and the machine gun will return to their hands with Sfx_CockingGun.* .Machine Gun Kill Box1 Box = 1 UnitName/IDFlamethrowerBrief DescriptionA short-range weapon that deals incredible AoE damage.Visual DesignEither character can hold this backpack fueled M2A1-7BehaviorsShootFire AlternateFire UltimateAttributesDamage – 2Alt Damage - 2Rate of Fire – 10 per secondAlt Rate of Fire – 1 per secondRange – 6 unitsAlt Range – 16 unitsAmmo – 100Alt Ammo Use – 20 Killbox – See graph diagram below concept artAlt KillBox – See graph diagram below concept artAoE – Attack passes through all enemies, dealing equal damage to all affected targets and lighting them on fire. Alt Fire - Creates a large fire ball that moves across the screenProjectile Speed – 6 units per secondAlt Projectile Speed – 3 units per secondUltimate – Two waves of flame spawn at the player, each traveling towards opposing edges of the screen. The waves follow the ground, destroying all enemies in their path, and reducing the other players’ score multiplier should he be hitUltimate Effect – The player will be slowed, having their movement speed cut in half, and their rate of fire cut in halfTransitionsWhen a player picks up the flamethrower, the weapon in the player’s hands will disappear and this one will flash into the characters hands with its Sfx_flamethrower.* sound effect. If this weapon runs out of ammo that will disappear out of player’s hands and the machine gun will return to their hands with Sfx_CockingGun.* . When using the ultimate fire it will switch the skybox to something flashy to catch the player’s eye for a quick second.Flame Thrower Hit Box1 Box = 1 UnitAlternate Fire Kill Box1 Box = 1 Unit?Name/IDShotgunBrief DescriptionA short range multi-shot, stock pump weaponVisual DesignMilitary M-4. BehaviorsShootFire AlternateFire UltimateAttributesDamage – 5Alt Damage - 5Rate of Fire – 1.3 times per secondAlt Rate of Fire – 1.3 times per secondRange – 16 unitsAlt Range – 16 unitsAmmo – 25Alt Ammo Usage - 5Killbox – See graph diagram below concept artAlt Killbox – See graph diagram below concept artAoE – 5 bullets arc out from the gun, expanding until they go off screen. The bullets will start at the barrel of the gun in a tight formation, widening the arc as they travel further away from the gunAlt Fire – Fires a slug that will pierce through several enemies.Projectile Speed – 3 units per secondAlt Projectile Speed – 6 units per secondUltimate – The bullets of the shotgun do not dissipate, but instead bounce around the screen, reflecting the vector when proper collision occurs, for the next 5 seconds. They will destroy any enemy they collide with, and reduce the other players’ score multiplier by 2 should he be hitUltimate Effect – The player will have their left and right lateral movement controls switchedTransitionsWhen a player picks up the shotgun, the weapon in the player’s hands will disappear and this one will flash into the characters hands with its Sfx_GunPump.*. If this weapon runs out of ammo that will disappear out of player’s hands and the machine gun will return to their hands with Sfx_CockingGun.* . When using the ultimate fire it will switch the skybox to something flashy to catch the player’s eye for a quick second.?Shotgun Hitbox1 Box = 1 UnitShotgun Projectile Spread1 Box = 1 UnitAlternate Fire Kill Box1 Box = 1 UnitName/IDLightning GunBrief DescriptionAn auto target weapon, low in damage, and range, but arcing over multiple enemies in rapid succession with a max of 3 enemies. The arc will collide with one enemy and checks a perimeter of 2 units. An enemy in the perimeter will be hit and then pass on to the next enemy. The lightning gun fires off a bolt of lightning, when the bolt hits an enemy, it will be an electricity line from the player to the enemy. Once it arcs to the next target, the line will be reset and will be between the two targets only. This process will repeat. The lightning arc will only ever be between two points on the screen at once.Visual DesignThe lightning gun is a futuristic weapon with simple a form. The handle is smooth black, with no protection around the trigger. A trigger that when pulled retracts inside the handle. The barrel is twice as long as the grip is long; the grip extends at an angle causing the grip to extend behind the length of the barrel. Protruding out of the barrel is a metal rod the same length as the barrel. Near the end of the rod it begins to expand to become wider, creating a flat circular surface. A short tiered cone sits on the flat surface.BehaviorsShootFire AlternateFire UltimateAttributesDamage – 1.5, 1.0, 0.5Alt Damage - 2Rate of Fire – 2 per secondAlt Rate of Fire – 10 per secondRange – 8 units with consecutive hits increasing range up to a max of 14Alt Range – 8 unitsAmmo – 75Alt Ammo Usage - 15Killbox – See graph diagram below concept artAlt Killbox - See graph diagram below concept artAoE – After making contact with the initial target, the bullet will find the next closest enemy within a 4x5 unit area centered around the target. It does this twice for a total of 3 potential hits. Each jump decreases the damage.Alt Fire – Fires a sustained lightning bolt that functions like the flamethrower’s primary fireProjectile Speed – 6 units per secondAlt Projectile Speed – 14 units per secondUltimate – A single bolt of lightning strikes the ground at a designated spot. The spot will be shown as a blue-lit area, and after a delay of 0.5 seconds, the lightning will strike. A new bolt will strike immediately. This behavior is repeated for the next 5 seconds, with the bolts becoming quicker and quicker. Each bolt will lower the time between the next bolt by 0.05 seconds. They will destroy any enemy they collide with, and reduce the other players’ score multiplier by 2 should he be hitUltimate Effect – The player is grounded, and can’t jump for 4 secondsTransitionsWhen a player picks up the Lightning Gun, the weapon in the player’s hands will disappear and this one will flash into the characters hands with its Sfx_Lightning.*. If this weapon runs out of ammo that will disappear out of player’s hands and the machine gun will return to their hands with Sfx_CockingGun.*. When using the ultimate fire it will switch the skybox to something flashy to catch the player’s eye for a quick second.?Lightning Gun Killbox1 Box = 1 UnitLightning Gun Ricochet Effect1 Box = 1 UnitAlternate Fire Kill Box1 Box = 1 UnitName/IDRocket LauncherBrief DescriptionA low ammo weapon that fires a low moving projectile that explodes, highly damaging a large areaVisual DesignRPG-7BehaviorsShootFire AlternateFire UltimateAttributesDamage – 5Alt Damage - 5Rate of Fire – 1 per secondAlt Rate of Fire – 1 per secondRange – 16 unitsAlt Range – 16 unitsAmmo – 5Alt Ammo Usage - 2Killbox – See graph diagram below concept artAoE – After making contact with a target, the rocket explodes in a blast radius of a 6x7 unit centered on the point of impact. This deals the full 5 damage to all enemies within the blast radius.Alt Fire – Fires the rocket in a curved fashionProjectile Speed – 3 units per secondAlt Projectile Speed – 3 units per secondUltimate – An air raid is called in. The entire ground except for one 1 unit wide will be covered in bright red X markers. After a delay of 2 seconds, bombs will be dropped on the marked spots. They will destroy any enemy they collide with, and reduce the other players’ score multiplier by 2 should he be hitUltimate Effect – For the next 5 seconds, any kills made by the player have their point value given to the other playerTransitionsWhen a player picks up the Lightning Gun, the weapon in the player’s hands will disappear and this one will flash into the characters hands with its Sfx_Explosion#.*. If this weapon runs out of ammo that will disappear out of player’s hands and the machine gun will return to their hands with Sfx_CockingGun.*. When using the ultimate fire it will switch the skybox to something flashy to catch the player’s eye for a quick second.Rocket Launcher Kill Box1 Box = 1 UnitRocket Launcher Explosion Box1 Box = 1 UnitAlternate Fire Kill Box1 Box = 1 UnitPower-upsNote: All Pickups have a lifetime of 10 seconds. When the pickups lifetime is at 5 sec will begin to flash. The pickups will flash at a rate of 1 second, meaning they will be visible for 1 second, then invisible for 1 second, alternating until they despawn.Note: All Crates exist until destroyed by player. Crate content will be specific to the area in level that they are spawned. The contents will all be predetermined. (see Map & Intensity Timeline pg.xx). Name/IDCrateBrief DescriptionA crate that is placed in the level, which when destroyed will produce a power upVisual DesignA wooden crateBehaviorsExplodeAttributesPosition – On ground plane, coming in from the screen on the right. Determined by level placement.Contents – Random weapon pickup of four possible onesHeight – 2 unitsWidth – 2 unitsName/IDFloating CrateBrief DescriptionA crate that floats to the ground (and becomes stationary) from the top of the screen using a parachute. As the crate falls, it will move at a low lateral speed, so that it travels in a diagonal towards the ground. This crate will not be collidable with anything except for the level and bullets.Visual DesignWooden crate with parachuteBehaviorsMoveFallLandExplodeAttributesPosition – Top of screen, centeredContents – Random weapon pickup of four possible onesFall Speed – 2 units per secondMove Speed – 2 units per secondHeight – 2 unitsWidth – 2 unitsName/IDFlamethrower PickupBrief DescriptionWhen this pickup collides with a player that player gets the Flamethrower weapon at full ammo (see Combat System pg.47)Visual DesignThe Flamethrower pickup is a 3-D rectangle with a red “F” on the front. There is a fire particle effect emitting from it.BehaviorsCollectAttributesPosition – Location of spawning crateLifetime – 10 secondsHeight – 1 unitsWidth – 1 unitsName/IDRocket Launcher PickupBrief DescriptionWhen this pickup collides with a player that player gets the Rocket Launcher weapon at full ammo(see Combat System pg.47)Visual DesignThe Rocket Launcher pickup is a 3-D rectangle with a white “R” on the front. There is particle effect of explosions emitting from it.BehaviorsCollectAttributesPosition – Location of spawning crateLifetime – 10 secondsHeight – 1 unitsWidth – 1 unitsName/IDShotgun PickupBrief DescriptionWhen this pickup collides with a player that player gets the Shotgun weapon at full ammoVisual DesignThe Shotgun pickup is a 3-D rectangle with a yellow “S” on the front. There is particle effect of shotgun shells emitting from it.BehaviorsCollide and be picked up by playerAttributesPosition/OrientationLifetime?Name/IDLightning PickupBrief DescriptionWhen this pickup collides with a player that player gets the Lightning weapon at full ammos Visual DesignThe Lightning pickup is a 3-D rectangle with a blue “L” on the front. There is particle effect of sparks emitting from it.BehaviorsCollide and be picked up by playerAttributesPosition/OrientationLifetimeLevels and MapsName/IDBeach\Jungle\City LevelGoalGet more points than your companion at the end of the level, by gaining points, by killing minions and gaining point multipliers for multiple kills in a short period.Level TravelRunJump1 second to traverse screen-height3 seconds to traverse screen-lengthScale12 Units Height672 Units Width Environmental Interactions - BehaviorsExploding BarrelsSpawning MinionsPlane SplitsShooting GalleriesRest PeriodsBoss FightAttributesSpawn PointsAmbient Environmental Aspects / Objects in the LevelPlatformsExploding BarrelsTime2-3 minutes to traverse level unimpeded by combat8-10 minutes to traverse level with combat, shooting galleries and rest periodsMap & Intensity TimelineKeySG: Shooting Gallery/Split (Not the first one) Light: Light ActionHeavy: Heavy ActionRest: Period of clean upStart ---->Level Walkthrough – Verbal MapTutorialEnter The levelPlayer(s) will have full health, and have the machine gun (infinite ammo)The Player(s) will be temporarily "trapped" in a Shooting GalleryThey will learn movement controlsMove leftMove rightJumpProneDown Jump (through platforms)And the fact that they can stand on platformsThey will learn firing controlsAngular aimUp LeftDown LeftUp RightDown RightShootThey will see Crates, power ups, and Explosive Barrels which they mist destroy/collect to continue to the rightCrates will drop power ups that when the player touches will change their current weaponThese power ups will have an ammo counter so we will introduce the Weapon Type & Ammo Remaining visualsThese will give them points and we will introduce the Score & Multiplier visualsThis will also demonstrate the Continue Forward visualIf a single player is playing an AI companion will accompany them, and act as the second player.The AI will not complete the Tutorial area For youThe Player(s) will walk to the rightThey will be introduced to melee enemiesThese will run to and damage the player and we will introduce the Health Bar & Lives visualThe player, using their weapon, may damage the melee enemies and gain points The Player(s) will be introduced to ranged enemiesThese will fire bullets that travel across the screen toward the player, that they can avoidThe player, using their weapon, may damage the ranged enemies and gain pointsThe Player(s) will be introduced to flying enemiesThese will fire bullets down that travel down the screen toward the player, that they must avoidThe player, using their weapon, may damage the flying enemies and gain pointsThe Players Will encounter Light Resistance Melee, Ranged, and Flying enemiesThe players Will Experience Heavy ResistanceThe number of enemies that appear in a zone is described in Interactive RhythmThe Player(s) will continue to the Right while enemies continue to be spawned and try to damage the playerThe Player(s) will come to an area, where they must clear any previously spawned enemies before continuing, A Rest AreaThe Player(s) avatars will pose and say a line, and the two players will be moved to separate planes, A Plane SplitOne Player cannot directly affect the others plane, while on split planesThe Player(s) will be temporarily "trapped" in a Shooting Gallery, each on their own planesThe a certain number of enemies will be spawnedWhen either side is cleared the other side is clearedThe first person to clear their side gets a large point bonusOnce both sides are cleared the Player(s) may continue to the rightThe players will continue on the separate planesMeeting Light and Heavy resistanceThe Player(s), on their separate planes, will encounter a Rest Period where the must clear any enemies that have been previously spawnedWhen no enemies remain The Player(s) avatars will pose and then will be moved to the same plane again, A Plane MergeRepeated ZonesThe Player(s), continuing to the right will encounter varying patterns of Light, Heavy, Plane Split sections, Shooting Galleries, and Rest Periods as displayed in the Intensity TimelineBossThe Player(s) (If they have survived) will come to the BossThis is a Shooting GalleryThe players will be riding motorcyclesThis is only a visual(motorcycle model) and somatic(motor sound effects) change as game play will remain the sameThe Boss has 3 PhasesEach phase has its own health barThe Death of one triggers the next phasePhase 1The Player(s) must avoid Falling DebrisDebris (Enemy Spawned Bullets of large size, and slow movement)Crates (Mixed in with the falling Debris)The Player(s) must avoid the Feet of the BossStomping (Enemy Spawned Explosions of large size)The Player(s) must damage the Legs of the BossPhase 2The Player(s) must avoid Debris in the road by jumpingDebris (Enemy Spawned Bullets of large size, and faster movement)Crates (Mixed in with the road debris)The Player(s) must avoid Eye Lasers from the Boss's EyesEye Blasts (Enemy Spawned Explosions of large size)The Player(s) must avoid the Hands of the bossSmashing (Enemy Spawned Explosions of large size)The Player(s) must damage the Torso of the BossPhase 3Crates fall from skyThe Player(s) must avoid Missiles from the Bosses HeadMissiles (Enemy Spawned Bullets of large size, that spawn explosions on collision) The Player(s) must avoid Eye Lasers from the Boss's EyesEye Blasts (Enemy Spawned Explosions of large size)The Players(s) must Avoid Smart LasersSmart Lasers (Similar to the Lighting Gun's discharge, but each lasers lives longer and only spawns another when they die)The Player(s) must damage the bosses headWhen the final phase is defeated the Game goes to the Game Score screenDeath, Dying, End ConditionWhen a player is damaged they lose a portion of healthWhen they have no health they dieWhen a player dies they lose a life and re-spawn near their death positionWhen the player loses all their lives they remain out of the combatWhen both players lose all lives(or the single player loses all lives) the game goes to the Game Score ScreenCombat SystemPlayer combat is all rangedAttacking is handled by pressing the fire or alt. fire button (see Controls pg.8)Five weapon typesDefault machine gunShotgunLightning gunFlamethrowerRocket launcherAll weapons aside from default have limited ammoAll weapons aside from default have an alternate fireAll weapons aside from default have an ultimate Weapon pickups received via floating crates or stationary creates dropped by an off-screen plane or placed in the levelAiming is in one of the 8 cardinal directionsUpDownLeftRightUp-RightUp-LeftDown-RightDown-Left??Game Logic, Algorithms, and RulesInteraction Component MatrixChart does not account for ownership of bullet or explosionPart 1 PlayerPlatformCratePower Up PlayerNANANACollides/ Changes players weapon (2)PlatformCollides (1)NACollides (9)Collides (9)CrateNANACollides (9)NAPower UpCollides/Picks Up/Changes held weapon (2)NANANAWeaponHoldsNANAChanges (2)BulletCreates (3)Conditionally stops (7)Collides/Stops/Takes damage (10)NAExplosive BarrelNANACollides (9)NAExplosionNAConditionally blocks (8)NANAMelee EnemiesCollide/Takes Damage (4)NANANARanged EnemiesCollide/Take Damage (4)NANANAFlying EnemiesCollide/Takes Damage (4)NANANATriggersTrigger (Position) (5)NATrigger (Death) Trigger (Pick Up)BossCollides/Takes Damage (6)NANANAPart 2WeaponBullet Explosive Barrel Explosion PlayerIs Held byDamages (11)NADamages (12)PlatformNAConditionally Collides (7)Collides (9)NACrateNADamages (11)Collides (9)NAPower UpChanged by (2)NANANAWeaponNAProduced by(3)NANABulletProduces (3)TBDCollides/Stops/Takes damage (10)NAExplosive BarrelNADamages (11)Collides (9)Damages (12)ExplosionNANAProduces (8)NAMelee EnemiesNADamages (11)NADamages (12)Ranged EnemiesIs Held byDamages (11)NADamages (12)Flying EnemiesNADamages (11)?Damages (12)TriggersNANATrigger (Death)NABossNADamages (11)TBDDamages (12)Part 3Melee EnemiesRanged EnemiesFlying EnemiesTriggersBoss PlayerCollide/Damage(4)Collides/Damages (4)Collides/Damages (4)NADamages (4)PlatformCollides(13)Collides (13)NANANACrateNANANAProduceNAPower UpNANANAProduceNAWeaponNAHoldsHoldsNATBDBulletCollides/Stops/Takes damage (11)Collides/Stops/Takes damage(11)Collides/Stops/Takes damage(11)ProduceCollides/Stops/Take damage (11)Explosive BarrelNANANAProduceNAExplosionCollides/ Takes Damage (12)Collides/ Takes Damage (12)Collides/Takes Damage (12)ProduceCollides/ Takes Damage/TBD(Produce?)Melee EnemiesCollides (13)Collides (13)Collides (13)ProduceTBD (Produce?)Ranged EnemiesCollides (13)Collides (13)Collides (13)ProduceTBD (Produce?)Flying EnemiesCollides (13)Collides (13)Collides (13)ProduceTBD (Produce?)TriggersTBD(Trigger(Death)?)TBD(Trigger(Death)?)TBD(Trigger(Death)?)NATBD(Trigger(Death)?)BossTBDTBDTBDProduceTBD (Produce?)Interaction Matrix Assets Required Key1) SoundsSfx_footstep.*, AnimationsAnim_Male.* & Anim_Female.*ProneRunJumpStand/Idle2) Specific Weapon Transitions are described in the Weapon DescriptionSound“Time to Rock-IT” – Sfx_pUp_Rockit.*“I Call Shotgun” – Stx_pUp_Shotgun.*“Shocking” – Sfx_pUp_Shocking.*“I’m On Fire” – Sfx_pUp_Fire.*“Awwww” – Sfx_pUp_Basic.*3)SoundsSfx_machinegun.*Sfx_shelldrop.*Sfx_shotgun.*Sfx_electricity.*Sfx_flamethrower.*ParticlesMuzzle_D.*Muzzle_smk_D.*Smoke_D.*Explo_D.*BulletMG_D.*BulletSG_D.*Rocket_D.*Flame_D.*Elect_D.*AnimationsAnim_Male.* & Anim_Female.*Shoot4)SoundsSfx_female.*Sfx_male.*Sfx_robot.*AnimationsAnim_Enem.*Take damageAnim_Helio.*Take damageAnim_Male.* & Anim_Female.*Take Damage5)SoundsSfx_male_d1.*Sfx_male_d2.*Sfx_male_d3.*Sfx_male_d4.*Sfx_male_d5.*Sfx_male_d6.*Sfx_female_d1.*Sfx_female_d2.*Sfx_female_d3.*Sfx_female_d4.*Sfx_female_d5.*Sfx_female_d6.*AnimationsAnim_Male.* & Anim_Female.*Special 6)SoundsSfx_female.*Sfx_male.*AnimationsAnim_Male.* & Anim_Female.*Take Damage7)SoundsSfx_mbullet.*Sfx_rbullet.*Sfx_wbullet.*ParticlesBulletMG_D.*BulletSG_D.*Rocket_D.*8)SoundsSfx_explosion_#.*ParticlesExplo_D.*9)AnimationsCrate_float.*Crate_static.*Pow_machine.* Pow_shotgun.* Pow_lightning.* Pow_flame.* Pow_rocket.*Explo_Barrels.*10)SoundsSfx_mbullet.*Sfx_rbullet.*Sfx_wbullet.*ParticlesBulletMG_D.*BulletSG_D.*Rocket_D.*AnimationsCrate_float.*Crate_static.*Explo_Barrels.*11)SoundsSfx_explosion_#.*Sfx_mbullet.*Sfx_rbullet.*Sfx_wbullet.*Sfx_female.*Sfx_male.*Sfx_robot.*ParticlesBulletMG_D.*BulletSG_D.*Rocket_D.*Muzzle_D.*Muzzle_smk_D.*Smoke_D.*Explo_D.*BulletMG_D.*BulletSG_D.*Rocket_D.*Flame_D.*Elect_D.*AnimationsCrate_float.*Crate_static.*Explo_Barrels.*Anim_Enem.*Take damageAnim_Helio.*Take damageAnim_Male.* & Anim_Female.*Take Damage12)SoundsSfx_explosion_#.*Sfx_female.*Sfx_male.*Sfx_robot.*ParticlesExplo_D.*AnimationsAnim_Enem.*Take damageAnim_Helio.*Take damageAnim_Ultimus.*Anim_Male.* & Anim_Female.*Take Damage13)SoundsSfx_robot.*Sfx_footstep.*AnimationsAnim_Enem.*JumpShootRunKey Game AlgorithmsSpecial AI conditions:In the event both the player and ranged enemy are on the same platform, and the ranged enemy’s firing line is blocked by platform geometry.FAQWhat’s the overall objective of the game?The main objective is to beat your opponent’s score by killing enemies and stealing pickupsHow many enemies are in the game?We will have 3 different types of enemies: a melee type, a range type and an aerial type. We also have a final boss that appears at the end of the level.How many weapon types will be in the game?There will be 5 different weapon types: Machine gun, Flamethrower, Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, and a Lightening gunHow high can the player jump?1.5 times their heightCan a player gain extra lives?No, there aren’t any extra life pickups or any ways to get more lives. How do we handle the plane-swapping events?Plane swapping will be handled with a simple cutscene animation that lasts approx. 2-3 seconds where the players will break off and head towards their respective planes.What happens when the player AI dies on the second plane?They re-spawn from their locationCan enemies shoot towards the Z-Plane?No just along the X and Y-PlaneWhat will happen if one of the players goes inactive in multiplayer?The AI player will take over the characterAre all projectile speed the same?No, they vary between each weapon type.Do all enemies have an AOE effect after their deaths?No, they just do a death animation.How much damage does a player take when they are hit with either a melee attack or ranged attack?The player will only ever lose 1 bar from their life.When a player is hit can they immediately be hit again?No, the player will have invincibility for 2 seconds.Can I pick up more than one weapon? No, the weapon you currently have equipped will be replaced with the new weapon. Can I run out of ammo?Yes, there are four weapon types that can. The Flamethrower, Shotgun, Lightning Gun and Rocket Launcher.If I run out of ammo what happens?Your weapon will switch back to the default weapon, the Machine Gun.How is the difficulty?The level will increase in enemies as the players progress further into it.Reference of Key ElementsScoringEach player receives points by completing actions. When a player completes an action the value of the action is added to their score and displayed to the player in the HUD. The “Lives left” point value will be calculated when the player meets a win/loss condition. All actions are worth positive points with “Death” being the only exception. The actions that are worth points are as listed below:Item / ActionScoreCollecting Pickups+500Kill Melee Enemy+50Kill Range Enemy+100Kill Boss+750Death-1000Lives left+1000 per life?ActionCombo IncreaseHits+(Hits * Weapon Damage)MultiplierThe max level is 4. The combo multiplier affects all scores i.e. If you are level 3 and you kill a melee enemy, your score increase will be 3 x 100. Your combo will decrease at a rate of 10% per second per level if you do not hit an enemy.?Winning/LosingWinning the game is achieved by beating your opponent's score after level completion. When all lives have been lost or the end boss has been beaten, the level is completed and the score is tallied with the winner being displayed and the loser being shown crying.?Completion:After the final boss has been defeated, we go into a cut scene where the boss will fall to the ground and create a massive explosion completely obliterating him all of his robot minions, sending a shower of metal and machinery flying everywhere. Barron and Clair high five each other, climb back onto their Harleys and ride into the sunset as the credits slowly roll onto the screen.Death:If both players lose their lives, the screen will slowly fade to black. Both Barron and Claire will be on the screen bloodied and bruised, hanging their heads in shame while the “Game Over” text is displayed above them.?TransitionsSaving and loading in the game will primarily only consist of the scores for the characters. The score will be saved when a win/loss condition has been met and the score has been tallied up. The player will not be able to save their progress throughout the level. Loading of the game will only include the leader board. Upon loss of life for the player the player will return to the screen from where they were killed, the player will be given invulnerability for 2 seconds before being able to receive damage again.In between game states there will be a transition state in which required assets will be loaded, and a simple animation will be displayed to inform the user the application has not ceased running. The transition screen will also include a progress bar that will inform the user how much has already been loaded. This transitional period will not exceed GRC standards.RewardsWe reward our players with points throughout the level by killing enemies, getting weapon pickups, finishing the shooting gallery (reference pg.45) first, and doing more damage to the boss. Upon level completion you will gain points for each extra life.Art and Production Design3D Art & Animation DeliverablesExplosive Bombs - Orange barrels with a warning labelExplo_Barrel.*Decorative signs - Subtle signs that lead the playerDeco_Sign.*Small plants Grass - luscious greenGrass_sm.*Grass_tall.*Vines - rich greenVine_hori.*Vine_diag.*Medium plantsBushes - medium tropical plantPlant_trop.*Ferns - large tropical fernPlant_fern.*Large plantsTrees - ficusTree_ficus.*Tropical - tropical treeTree_trop.*Three types of rocks Boulder - large debris from rock formationRock_bould.*Cliff - large rock formationRock_cliff.*Large flat rocksRock_flat.*PlatformsMetal - robotic platformPlatform_metal.*Platform_msupport.*WoodPlatform_wood.*Platform_wsupport.*StonePlatform_stone.*Platform_ssupport.*AccessoriesSailorAcc_sail.*Top hatAcc_top.*MilitaryAcc_milit.*VikingAcc_vik.*Trucker hatAcc_truc.*Foam cowboyAcc_cow.*Drinking cup hatAcc_cup.*SombreroAcc_somb.*Biker helmetAcc_bike.*FedoraAcc_fedora.*Southern belleAcc_belle.*Bombardier gogglesAcc_bomb.*Bald cap with moustacheAcc_baldTiaraAcc_tiara.*Powdered wigAcc_wig.*Pirate hatAcc_pirate.*Rice FarmerAcc_rice.*Eye patchAcc_eye.*Animal earAcc_animal.*Yakuza PompAcc_yaku.*CatwalkWoodenCatwalk_wood.*Catwalk_wsupport.*MetalCatwalk_metal.*Catwalk_msupport.*CratesCrate_float.*Crate_static.*Pick upsPow_machine.* Pow_shotgun.* Pow_lightning.* Pow_flame.* Pow_rocket.*Freight ContainerContainer_1.*Container_2.*Container_3.*TrainsTrain segmentTrain_seg.*Train_head.*Train tracksTrain_track.*Train platformTrain_platform.*BridgeBridge surfaceBridge_surface.*Bridge supportBridge_support.*Bridge archBridge_arch.*BuildingsBeach hut/house, small and mediumBuilding_sm_beach.*Building_md_beach.*City building, large and mediumBuilding_md_city.*Building_lg_city.*Robot enemies Melee - StrikerEnem_striker.*Ranged - AssaulterEnem_assaulter.*Flying – HeliosEnem_helio.*Boss - UltimusEnem_ultimus.*Destroyed buildings - City and JungleDbuild_city.*Dbuild_jung.* Robot structuresCapsule - LargeRobostruct_caps.*Building - MediumRobostruct_build.*Back drops CityBdrop_city.*BeachBdrop_beach.*MountainBdrop_mount.*Jungle Bdrop_jungle.*Animated backdrops Animated objectsBprop_anim_city.*Bprop_anim_beach.*Bprop_anim_jungle.*Bprop_anim_mount.*SceneryBdrop_anim_city.*Bdrop_anim_beach.*Bdrop_anim_jungle.*Bdrop_anim_mount.*Male character animationsMaleProneRunJumpStand/IdleShootTake damageRespawnSpecialASpecialBSpecialCVictoryCryAnim_Male.*Female character animationsFemaleProneJumpRunStand/IdleShootTake damageRespawnSpecialASpecialBSpecialCVictoryCryAnim_Female.*Enemy robot animationsRobotAnim_Enem.*JumpShootRunTake damageHelioAnim_helio.*FlyTake damageShootUltimusAnim_Ultimus.*RunShootSmashTake damage2D Art (HUD/Menu/Particle/Textures) DeliverablesParticlesFireFire_D.*Muzzle flash - from gun barrelMuzzle_D.*Muzzle smoke - from gun barrelMuzzle_smk_D.*SmokeSmoke_D.*Explosion - barrel and rocketExplo_D.*SteamSteam_D.*WaterWater_D.*Bullet - Machine gun and shotgunBulletMG_D.*BulletSG_D.*RocketRocket_D.*Flame - FlamethrowerFlame_D.*Electricity - Electricity gunElect_D.*TexturesExplo_barrel_D.*Deco_sign_D.*Grass_sm_D.*Grass_tall_D.*Vine_hori_D.*Vine_diag_D.*Plant_trop_D.*Plant_fern_D.*Tree_ficus_D.*Tree_trop_D.*Rock_bould_D.*Rock_cliff_D.*Rock_flat_D.*Platform_metal_D.*Platform_msupport_D.*Platform_wood_D.*Platform_wsupport_D.*Platform_stone_D.*Platform_ssupport_D.*Catwalk_wood_D.*Catwalk_wsupport_D.*Catwalk_metal_D.*Catwalk_msupport_D.*Crate_float_D.*Crate_static_D.*Pow_machine_D.*Pow_machine_S* Pow_shotgun_D.*Pow_shotgun_S.*Pow_flamethrower_D.*Pow_flamethrower _S*Pow_lightning_D.*Pow_lightning_S.*Pow_rocket_D.*Pow_rocket_S.*Container_1_D.*Container_2_D.*Container_3_D.*Train_seg_D.*Train_head_D.*Train_track_D.*Train_platform_D.*Bridge_surface_D.*Bridge_arch_D.*Bridge_support_D.*Building_sm_beach_D.*Building_md_beach_D.*Building_md_city_D.*Building_lg_city_D.*Enem_striker_D.*Enem_assaulter_D.*Enem_helios_D.*Enem_ultimus_D.*DBuild_city_D.*DBuild_jung_D.*Robostruct_caps_D.*Robostruct_build_D.*Bdrop_city_D.*Bdrop_jung_D.*Bdrop_mount_D.*Bdrop_beach_D.*Bprop_anim_city_D.*Bprop_anim_beach_D.*Bprop_anim_jungle_D.*Bprop_anim_mount_D.*Scene_anim_city_D.*Scene_anim_beach_D.*Scene_anim_jungle_D.*Scene_anim_mount_D.*Acc_sail_D.*Acc_milit_D.*Acc_vik_D.*Acc_truc_D.*Acc_cow_D.*Acc_cup_D.*Acc_somb_D.*Acc_bike_D.*Acc_fedora_D.*Acc_belle_D.*Acc_bomb_D.*Acc_bald_D.*Acc_tiara_D.*Acc_wig_D.*Acc_pirate_D.*Acc_rice_D.*Acc_eye_D.*Acc_animal_D.*Acc_yaku_D.*Explo_barrel_S.*Deco_sign_S.*Grass_sm_S.*Grass_Sall_S.*Vine_hori_S.*Vine_Siag_S.*Plant_Srop_S.*Plant_fern_S.*Tree_ficus_S.*Tree_Srop_S.*Rock_bould_S.*Rock_cliff_S.*Rock_flat_S.*Platform_metal_S.*Platform_msupport_S.*Platform_wood_S.*Platform_wsupport_S.*Platform_stone_S.*Platform_ssupport_S.*Catwalk_wood_S.*Catwalk_wsupport_S.*Catwalk_metal_S.*Catwalk_msupport_S.*Crate_float_S.*Crate_static_S.*Container_1_S.*Container_2_S.*Container_3_S.*Train_seg_S.*Train_head_S.*Train_Srack_S.*Train_platform_S.*Bridge_surface_S.*Bridge_arch_S.*Bridge_support_S.*Building_sm_beach_S.*Building_md_beach_S.*Building_md_city_S.*Building_lg_city_S.*Enem_striker_S.*Enem_assaulter_S.*Enem_helios_S.*Enem_ultimus_S.*DBuild_city_S.*DBuild_jung_S.*Robostruct_caps_S.*Robostruct_build_S.*Bdrop_city_S.*Bdrop_jung_S.*Bdrop_mount_S.*Bdrop_beach_S.*Bprop_anim_city_S.*Bprop_anim_beach_S.*Bprop_anim_jungle_S.*Bprop_anim_mount_S.*Scene_anim_city_S.*Scene_anim_beach_S.*Scene_anim_jungle_S.*Scene_anim_mount_S.*Acc_sail_S.*Acc_milit_S.*Acc_vik_S.*Acc_Sruc_S.*Acc_cow_S.*Acc_cup_S.*Acc_somb_S.*Acc_bike_S.*Acc_fedora_S.*Acc_belle_S.*Acc_bomb_S.*Acc_bald_S.*Acc_Siara_S.*Acc_wig_S.*Acc_pirate_S.*Acc_rice_S.*Acc_eye_S.*Acc_animal_S.*Acc_yaku_S.*Pause MenuPause_menu_D.*Game MenuMenu_D.*HUDLifeHUD_life_D.*AmmoHUD_ammo_D.*ScoreHUD_score_D.*MultiplierHUD_multi_D.*Sound Effects DeliverablesMale hit – deep male voice, suggesting pain is inflicted, gruntSfx_male.*Male dialogue – 6 different dialogues“Did ya see that?” - Sfx_male_d1.*“Boo-Yah” - Sfx_male_d2.*“Haha” - Sfx_male_d3.*Sfx_male_d4.*Sfx_male_d5.*“Maba-Sploom!” - Sfx_male_d6.*Female hit – mid-toned female shriek, suggesting pain is inflictedSfx_female.*Female dialogue – 6 different dialogues“Did ya see that?” - Sfx_female_d1.*“Boo-Yah” - Sfx_female_d2.*“Haha” - Sfx_female_d3.*Sfx_female_d4.*Sfx_female_d5.*“A little girl could do this… oh wait” Sfx_female_d6.*MotorcycleMotor Hum – Sfx_motor_hum.*Motor Rev – Sfx_motor_rev.*Shift Gears – Sfx_motor_shift.*Pop Clutch – Sfx_motor_pop.*Robot noise – hollow metallic sounding beeps and boopsSfx_robot.*Weebo Ultimus“BOOM” – Sfx_boss_stomp.*Gears grinding – Sfx_boss_walk.*“Crunch” – Sfx_boss_smash.*Crawl Scrape – Sfx_boss_crawl.*Missile Deploy – Sfx_boss_missile.*Eyebeam – Sfx_boss_eyebeam.*Machinery sound – series of pumping pistons and some gearsSfx_machine.*Footsteps – generic foot scuffling against the groundSfx_footstep.*Machine gun – intensified large bubble wrap being poppedSfx_machinegun.*Sfx_CockingGun.*Shell drop – thin empty metal tube hitting concrete surfaceSfx_shelldrop.*Shot gun – a gun pump followed by a quick, loud and full sounding burst then two shells hit the floorSfx_shotgun.*Sfx_GunPump.*Electricity – low buzz, a rumbling hum, a hint of mechanical whirlingSfx_electricity.*Flamethrower noise – amplified sound of tires leaking air, with a bit of crackling paperSfx_flamethrower.*Bullet contact – Metal – metallic thunkRock – sound of two large rocks smacked togetherWood – sound of a stake being impaled through plywoodExplosion –Sfx_explosion_1.*Sfx_explosion_2.*Sfx_explosion_3.*Power Up Collection“Time to Rock-IT” – Sfx_pUp_Rockit.*“I Call Shotgun” – Stx_pUp_Shotgun.*“Shocking” – Sfx_pUp_Shocking.*“I’m On Fire” – Sfx_pUp_Fire.*“Awwww” – Sfx_pUp_Basic.*Character DIALOGUES:Shotgun:Claire: I’ve got shotgun.Either: Shotgun!Flamethrower:Barron: Oh, a flamethrower. I used to have one of these; burned off all the hair on top of my head lighting a cigar.Claire: A flamethrower, lovely. This ought to be hot enough to melt solder.Either: Burnt it up! Flame on!Rocket:Barron: HA! A rocket lawn chair! Now THIS is what I was looking for.Claire: Rocket-propelled grenades: a simple solution to a messy problem.Either: BOOM baby! They don’t stand a chance!Lightning:Barron: Heh-heh, somebody tazed me with one of these lightning guns during a bar fight. I’ll bet that was the last time he ever thought of doing that.Claire: I wonder how our robotic friends will like a little power surge?Either: 1.21 gigawatts! Set phasers for death!Ultimate moves:FlameI love the smell of napalm…. Period.Heat Wave!LightningYou’re about to be thunder struck!Lightning Storm!ShotgunLet me show you a bullet storm…Shotgun Barrage!Rocket LauncherCalling down the thunder!Airstrike!General PickupsThis is my kind of machineI usually don’t like machines, but this is an exceptionThis must be my lucky dayI have the POWER! (just like in he-man)Ooh shinyWhat does this button do?Hell yeah!Let’s do it!Rock and roll!Plane swappingSometimes being around you is too muchTime to make like a banana and splitI just work better aloneIf we were dating, here is where we would “Split-Up”Claire: I’ve got top!Baron: Ha ha!Claire: Ugh. Claire: Try not to miss me.Baron: You’re breakin’ my heart! (sarcastic) Claire: Race ya’!Baron: You’re on! Baron: First one to finish buys dinner!Claire: Oh you’re taking me some place classy.Attacking bots:Barron: I love bashing robots to bits! Just look at those parts fly! There goes an arm. And there’s a leg! Watch out for that head, looks like the eye is still glowing. Oh-ho! That one blew up completely!Anyone need scrap metalIf you were music, you would be heavy metalWhen I’m done you’re going to be one hell of a cheese graterYou are now a holy robot....ha-haMy toaster hurts more than thatMy blender is scarier than youKick down sparky!Ha ha!*hard/insane laughter*Oh man, I love this job!Take a seat!Mass produced morons!God bless cannon fodder!Destroying objects:Barron: Smash! Bash!! BLAMMO!!!Claire: I wonder who’s trying to move all of this cargo through an open warzone.Fireworks… check!Always lights up my moodCampfire songs anyone?Robots roasting on an open fire.Another generic crate… eh?Boom!It’s… beautiful…I love Lamp!Final bossIntro:Baron: Let’s ride!Claire: How long have you been waiting to say that?Baron: Forever and a day!Phase 1:Claire: Hey Barron, can you even reach the shift pedal with those stubby legs of yours?Barron: You know, Claire, I’m amazed you haven’t tipped over, being top-heavy and all. *Boss Crash* What in the unholy stromboli of Nick Nolte is that?Claire: Looks like we missed one: the big one.Baron: Bigger they are…Claire: Harder they fall!Phase 2:Barron: You see that? I blew his kneecaps clean off! All on my own!Claire: Regardless of the fact that what you just said is patently untrue, he’s not DEAD yet.Claire: This guy’s more persistent than you!Baron: Tell me about it!Transition:Both: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAW! (Duke’s of Hazard yell as they ramp off in to the air)Phase 3:Barron: Why won’t this motherf*explosion* die?Claire: Maybe it’s because he heard what you said about his sister.Barron: Hey! I saw what I saw. You can’t sit there and tell me that she wasn’t trying to su-WOAH! This guy really does not like me, does he?Ending dialogue:Barron: Well, that’s the last of that now, isn’t it.Claire: Yup, looks like we finally put the Ultimus down for good. One thing still bothers me though.Barron: Oh yeah? What’s that?Claire: Terminal velocity is about 120mph, or 2 miles every minute, and we must have been in free fall for at least a good 3 to 5 minutes. That means we must have fallen for at least 6 to 10 miles: that’s the depth of the whole troposphere… and on top of that, we lived through it.Barron: So… what’s the problem?Claire: You really don’t understand anything, do you?Barron: I understand you think I’m hot.Claire: You wish!*fading banter and laughter as characters walk toward the setting sun*Music DeliverablesMenu ScreensFast paced techno metalExample: Megaman X - Storm EagleIn GameFast paced hardcore metal Example: Contra Hard Corps: Uprising Stage 2 Jungle ThemeBoss Stage 1: Just DrumsStage 2: Drums and Bass GuitarStage 3: Drums, Bass Guitar, fast paced heavy GuitarExample: Two Steps from HellScore ScreenFast paced cheery victory musicExample: Song Of Storms Dubstep Mix - Ephixa Technical Design Overview Milestone DeliverablesDevelopment EnvironmentToolVersionUseDirectX9 June 2010 SDKRender Models to screenRender Textures to screenAudioKinetics Wwise2011.1Play audio on events caused by objectsVisual Studios C++ compiler2008Compile the game codeMaya2010/ 2011Create and animate modelsCreate level and level objectsLua5.1.4Interface and edit game details to reduce compile timeFX Composer2.1Write and debug shadersAlienbrain9.0.0.10674Archive and share work and documents among the team3D Coat3.5Paint directly on existing modelsPhotoshopCS 4Create textures for models and levelsCreate concept artTouch up colorsSystem ArchitectureSystem Architecture Flow ChartSystem Architecture Context Model Description Module BreakdownsFX ManagerThis module is responsible for controlling all of the audio/visual effects in the game. It will create compositions of the various effect pieces and will coordinate between all the components such as: shader effects, particle effects, sound effects, animations, etc. It will internally deal with the timing issues in one central location required to ensure effects run smoothly. Effects will be stored and read-in from LUA script. DependenciesAccess to the following: (FX Manager can not be written until the following modules are completed)TimerLUA Script LoaderSound ManagerParticle ManagerAnimation ManagerAccessed by the following:Cut-scene managerMain Game EngineEffect Script Example// Our Fire EffectEFFECT fire {Duration(2.0);Sound(effect_fire_crackling, 0.0, 1.0);Emitter(particle_fire, 0.0, 0.5);Emitter(particle_smoke, 0.25, 1.0);Shader(heat_wave, 0.0, 1.0);};// One instance of our FireINSTANCE fire_1 {Effect(fire);Position(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);};Associated RisksRisk:Affected Resource:PCRFLUA integration with C++ code may not get completed because of library incompatibilityMike Lebo.5.3.65Response or avoidance:Support Lua library building with examples from LuaWikiIf not done by FF2Use simple text parsing to read in effect filesIf not done by alphaHardcore effects in C++ function callsTime to Complete EstimateFX Manager Total 5 daysResearch 1 dayImplementation 2 daysEffect pieces integration 1 dayTiming Issues 1 dayTesting 1 dayIntegration 1 dayModule Author(s)Mike LeboMemory Map?RAMLimit per thread: 128Total Limit: 256Executable3-4MbInternal Data Structures 200instances*16 Kb =3.2 Mb TOTALCustom MeshOr.X Format20core* 800verts* 32b= 512 KbTOTALCustom Animation DataOr.X Files 20core* 30 sec * 30 frames*25bones* 16b = 7.2 MbWwise Sound Banks30 Mb?GRAMTotal Limit:256Custom MeshOr.X Format512 Kb (see above)Custom Animation DataOr.X Format7.2 Mb (see above)Partials1000particals* 48b = 4.8 KbTEXTURES.Png/.Bmp/TBDOr.Dds?Code Review PlanSchedule: WheneverLocation: Full Sail meeting roomsOwnership of ModulesEveryone is the author of their own modules/code. If any person wishes to modify code authored by someone else, he is required to ask for permission from that author to do so. Under no circumstances will anyone modify code he does not have ownership of.Coding standardsEveryone is required to follow the standards outlined in the StudioCodingStandards document. Exceptions to that rule are as follows:Function/method comments are only required for important, unique, or hard to understand functions. It is up to the author to decide if it is such.Functions are allowed for structs. This allows the code to use a memcpy to copy structs that need functions.ConsequencesIf anyone fails to follow the above rules, he will be subject to the donut offense.1st time: Warning2nd time: Written Warning3rd time: Donut offence! He must buy donuts for the entire team.All subsequent offences will automatically be a donut offence. Integration PlanIntegrationPerson in charge: TJ Farnie.Review: Internal ProducersSchedule: Before the end of the day, during the final 2 hours of work every session. Details: Module must be complete and tested before integration, and then tested again afterwards. If the module works as required and no bugs are found, as “safe” snapshot of the code will be created and archived.Rollbacks: If code freeze occurs and a know crash is in the build. A roll back to a previous “safe” snapshot of the code will occur.Source Control: AlienbrainCheck In/Out: Only the current author of the module can check in/out any module at a time.Special CaseIf a module is of critical importance and must be implemented ASAP, the author must request an immediate meeting to get that module integrated.Testing PlansMaintaining the Bug DatabasePerson in charge: Nick GuzmanThe game will be tested and the bug database will be updated immediately after the integration phase. All team members are responsible for maintaining a list of all the bugs they have found since the previous database update and must be submit them to the person in charge. The bugs are then assigned to the author of the broken code/module. Working on bugsThe person assigned to working on a bug fix must do so as soon as a bug is found. The rules on working on bugs are as follows:The person has 2 Hours to fix as a team.If it cannot be fixed, must request immediate help.If it requires more time, a roll back will be performed.Game Folder Hierarchy ................

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