Bone & Muscle Study GuideCopy and complete the following matches 1-55 on a separate sheet of paper.Head Obicularis oculiPeriosteumSynarthrosesSkeletalPectoralis majorFlat Muscle SpasmEpiphysisDiaphysisSphincterLatissimus dorsiStrain triceps brachiiMasseterEndosteumfrontalisgastrocnemiusHinge endosteumOsteoblastsStomachDeltoidpivotOrigin orbicularis orisContractibilityLactic acidfaceAppendicularTone rheumatoid arthritiskyphosisGreenstickgouthemopoiesisSkull myasthenia gravisaxialprotectscoliosisfibromyalgiaPosture sacrumcompoundabductiongrade IIIosteoarthritisHernia atrophyosteoporosishypertrophyadductionextensibilityThoracic vertebraeelasticityradius1. The end of long bones7. The inner lining of long bones 13. The elbow is this type joint2. Outer covering of long bones8. Suture joints of the skull 14. Ribs are this type of bone3. The shaft of long bones9. These cells form bone 15. Muscle of the low back4. This type of muscle is voluntary10. Special circular muscles 16. Muscle on anterior chest5. Posterior muscle of humerus 11. Muscle that raises eyebrows 17. Muscle that aids in chewing6. Tearing of a muscle 12. Muscle on the posterior tibia18. Lateral thumb side bone of forearm19. Muscle allows you to wink your eye20. Muscle that contracts when you whistle21. An organ that is made of smooth muscle22. The zygomaticus major muscle is located on the ____23. This joint has bones that rotate across each other 24. An autoimmune disease of the skeletal system25. This bone is a part of the pelvis and vertebral column 26. Being hunchback is also called this spinal disorder 27. Painful stiff joints caused by loss of articular cartilage 28. Uric acid deposits causing joint pain are symptoms of ___29. Maxilla, parietal, Vomer, and Frontal are all bones of the ____30. The skull, sternum, & vertebrae are components of the ___ skeleton31. Bones such as the skull, ribs and pelvis function to ________ organs of the body32. The 2 motions of the shoulder when you perform “jumping jacks”33. Bones of the vertebral column that articulate with the ribs34. Uneven posture with unequal leg lengths causing curvature of the spine35. Mrs. Nelson is now 2” shorter in height and recently fell and fractured her hip, what disorder may she have36. Incomplete separation of a bone by falling on an outstretched arm, may cause this type of fracture37. Sitting straight in your seat and walking without hunching will improve your ______38. A fracture where the ends of bone are protruding through the skin39. Jim Bob just got off his cast, his doctor ordered physical therapy to treat his muscle _____40. The process of healthy blood cells being formed in long bones41. Muscle pain, fatigue, sleeping difficulties, depression and exercise intolerance are all symptoms of what condition42. Complete tear of a ligament would be categorized as a ________________ sprain43. Symptoms of this autoimmune disorder include: fluctuating weakness around the eyes, difficulty chewing, and difficulty swallowing44. The masseter, orbicularis oris, and orbicularis occuli are all muscles of the ____45. Weight training 3-4 times per week will cause muscle _____46. Static stretching of skeletal muscles improves muscle _____47. This muscle abducts the shoulder48. Anaerobic exercise over prolong periods of time may cause buildup of ________49. A bulging through a weak abdominal muscle50. This occurs when muscles relax and return to their original shape51. Flexing the bicep muscle will improve this muscle’s ______52. The attachment of muscle to the non-movable bone is considered the muscle’s _____53. Regular exercise and training will improve muscle ______54. S/Sn of this condition may include waking up in the middle of the night with severe calf pain55. The bones of the arms and legs make up the ____ skeleton ................

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