
Online Interactive Tutorials_CH412a_0Mon, 11/9 12:03PM ? 1:28:08SUMMARY KEYWORDSmiracles, healing, heal, body, people, healer, mind, teaching, emotions, meaning, book, thought, hypnotherapy, belief, thoughts, called, god, hear, client, filled00:01Welcome, everyone to see h 412 healing with hypnosis. This is the as the time of these recordings, the last section, the last course of clinical training. So congratulations for making this this far. It's also one of the most profound because it's where a lot of things come together. And it's where I introduce a few new topics to you that we haven't fully covered in depth. Have a great story to tell you clan I just saw yesterday. yet. Before we get into that, let's just start with her normal things. So don't forget passcodes and to be sure to give you training manuals, thorough exploration, the healing power of the mind is found within many traditions including mesmerism hypnotism, P and I or PNP. Here psycho neurophysiology New Thought movements, faith healing, the placebo effect, as well as in depth reviews of the books, the sutras on healing and enlightenment, which, of course, is my book. And of course, in miracles, we basically go very deep into healing for many different traditions, I just needed something to put into the school is cataloged yet, there's no way to really embody what this section is about until you just go through it. Offer a definition of health that holistically incorporates mind, body and spirit that comes up in the training manuals explain healing from a mind body perspective where mind is cause on the process of disease and its reversal. That'll be very clear throughout the section yet the story that I'm going to tell in the video, you're going to watch really profound how we can demonstrate just how quickly the mind can heal the body, or at least make major effects on it where your client I'll sit there going, Okay, there's no doubt that my anger and hatred is causing this problem, right, you know, ours, the least seriously influencing this problem. Explain the new thought movement, which will definitely do explain my book, which will do and demonstrate the effective use of these modalities, which we'll do we have the video agenda to show how it comes together. And mostly when you're in house, or just, I wish I had some of the videos, honestly, of what I've seen with my private clients. We'll see how it goes. I've never obviously recorded just this by itself. So I'll pull from every resource I can to show you the miracles of how not just we can reduce symptoms, or we can make a headache go away. I mean, true, long term, profound healing, where issues never come back. There's certain things This works great for there's others, you're not going to see major change. Yeah, when you do, it's awe inspiring. And it's completely worth learning how to work within somebody model, understanding this model, and then applying it whenever possible, for sure. passcode a si, H 412, a 2121 passcode. A for this section 2121. Once again, 2121. Here are clinical training manuals. And all you need to search for 12 healing with hypnosis, it's 52 pages. We're not going to read them all together, it's up to you to dive deeper into these philosophies. People have asked me so many times with for instance, I move in work,03:38or even programming or even when I'm teaching, you know how the words just flow. Part of it is you get out of your own way. Yet if you're not filled with a certain type of knowledge, like I can get out of my own way. But if you want me to speak about electrical engineering, I'm not no I have words that are going to flow. If you asked me to speak about God, or truth or love or forgiveness, or A Course in Miracles based philosophies, or the new thought movement, or my book, the sutras and healing and enlightenment or the power of CO creation, the power of the mind body connection. I can go on for hours because it's my topic. When you're moving your fingers with eye movement, you say, I don't know what to say. This section has a lot to do with what to say. Now, you know with a technique like eye movement therapy or hypnotic programming because it's all the same thing. We bypass the critical factor. We talk directly to the subconscious. We speak right to someone's heart, where their mind isn't rejecting the suggestions but it comes down to you have to just get the new thought. No pun intended on the new thought movement which we'll learn about. You have to get well there's a connection of course of why they I called it new thought, you have to get the new thought into the subconscious mind. And there can be an instantaneous physical effect when that occurs. Okay, so I gave you the startup info, let me tell you a story just happened yesterday. Their client clients, real clients, meaning not students, so I'll respect every bit of confidentiality, yet it was a husband and wife and she was much she was in her 80s. And she was using a walker, very painful legs burning in her legs. Basically, doctors like restless leg syndrome that couldn't really give her a diagnosis about why she was feeling this way. He said they called many different hypnotists didn't feel like anybody felt that they were qualified. Then eventually found me said, you know, with all he said this, like, with all respect to graduates, he's like, we just want to work with the guy. I'm like, Okay, yeah, my pleasure. You got it. I told him my hourly rate, it was gonna be quite a far drive for them. I said, you know, let's, let's do it. I'm like, it's absolutely worth a shot, for sure. And I asked for the prescription. Of course, they came in a few days later, he comes in, and, you know, so open the door for her, she's walking with her Walker, they sit down and we start talking and her eyes are going up when she's telling me about her issue. And she's totally disconnected from her body and her pain. And it was a little harder because she was a little bit harder of hearing. So that's always difficult for my experience, working with someone when and I don't speak very loud. And I speak a lot. So to raise my voice is not the most pleasant thing. So it took some extra effort to speak loud, and I sat closer, and we started doing their dietary intake. And she told me about her symptoms. I didn't care about the diagnosis, the husband wanted to show me a video of what it's like when her legs get really bad. He probably would have been diagnosed as Parkinson's eventually, but it didn't have that diagnosis. I don't want to see the video, there's no need for me to see the symptoms. All I needed to do. And I actually said to him, at some point when the healing was occurring, I said, erase that video. There's no need for you to be showing that to you or to hurt anyone. The past or even the present symptoms. I mean, nothing. The more we started talking, the more her symptoms started exacerbating so her feet would start moving more to the point of shaking. And then she said eventually what she said her hands also could shake like that. That wasn't happening right away. But the more I got her in touch with their emotions that started happening. I said, you know you're talking to me, but you're you know, you're like this when you're talking and so, focus down here be here with me be here with your heart feel what you feel. What do you feel when you talk about this? No, nothing? Well, okay, well, how do your legs feel? And then so she wasn't in touch with her body felt sense. But I said, How does it feel to have this problem with your legs and we just went right into within the first two minutes and right away she says I hate it. I hate myself. I named Gary I'm embarrassed. Eventually I started to get but a gathered admit, of course, he's scared enough. There's so much fear that much anger there has to be fear, sadness, belief systems, you hear this more with people who are in their elder years things like useless.08:52But again, she had those beliefs beforehand. It's just that they become more pronounced. When you get older and you don't have as much purpose then your beliefs of I'm useless. I'm nothing I'm not valuable. That stuff started coming up. Once I had all that information, I just said to her, okay, now, can I ask you Do you have any spiritual religious beliefs? And she said, Oh, it's been three weeks since I've been able to go to church. I just started shaking so much that I can't be there. And it's very embarrassing. So I said, Okay, so your Christian should? Yes. And now you guys when you're listening to all of this, and I'm not a Christian, by definition, although maybe by definition I am. But you know, I I come from a much more broad perspective on things and I honor all the different themes of reincarnation and oversold and my thinking is definitely broader than fundamentalist Christianity, but it can include actually Christianity very easily. So I said to believe in God said yes. And he said, and who would you say? You are in relationship to God. I said, Can we say your child of god damn. She said, I believe I'm going to heaven. Look, I could. I said, Can you imagine, though, that when you're up in heaven, there's the tell you there and there, she's just and there's the light. And you're still filled with hatred is said to me Heaven and Hell on on places, their states of mind, and it doesn't matter where you are, you know, you can go to a good place after you leave your body. And I said, I believe you are. And I don't want to tell her some, some other options that it's not, you know, it's like, sure you go and you're going to heaven. Like, that's your belief. I, of course, I support you in that loud, I want you to think anything else. However, I don't want you going there filled with sadness and anger and fear and hatred. I said, you're in your own hell right now, when you're feeling that. And it really brought out, you know, her, she just became so aware of how much emotion she was carrying inside. And then we saw the body was really shaking, and she was crying. And I said, Look, you're in your 80s. Like, is it a time that we start to let this go? And so I created the willingness for change said, Yes, I haven't you suffer enough with all this emotion? Yes. Can't you see how it's affecting your body, I said, it is scientifically proven that there biochemicals of emotion that are destroying your body right now. And you willing to let this go. We started doing our movement work. It only took about four or five cycles. She basically I just I talked to her about her negative emotions, all the anger, all the hatred, and then I just said, because she said when she's at church, she feels peace. So she used to, I said, Can you remember the peace? You used to feel at church. And then I started talking about and remember the love, you feel? Remember the light. And she she was using she mentioned Christ. So you have to work with in someone's model. I just said and think of the love of Christ. And then we started going into and you're forgiven. Forgive yourself then through the multiple layers of Yeah, butts and checking in. We got in touch with her legs were trying to communicate it was down in her feet or lower legs. About she said, so what are your feet? What do they want to say? They're heavy, and they're burning? Like I you know, just anger and hate and useless independent? And what does that remind you of? And then mom, and she was like, Well, why am I crying? I gotta miss my mom so much. And, you know, won't go into like all little details. But we clear that lamp, we cleared a layer of hatred towards dad, hatred toward yourself, and then hatred towards her body. Because it wasn't only about interpersonal, which is where miracles occur. It also is intra personal relationship to herself, but to her body. And I said you need to stop hating your body, your body doesn't have a will of its own. It's not causing these problems. It's Can you see your mind is doing this, you need to send love and gratitude and forgiveness to body first and nothing wrong. After about the fourth cycle, she goes, well actually was right before that cycle. She goes, I want to get up and walk. And I said okay, hold on a nice13:19weekend clear that last cycle about send love to your body. And then I said, Okay, you ready to see what it's like? And she said, Yes. And she stood up, you know, a little bit cautious. So I held her hand when she stood up. And she looked at me in the eyes, and they were just like, they were just here's so much joy. And I actually didn't even fully get how much appreciation she had because I didn't realize that she really had that much trouble walking. And she walked over, you know, so I was just basically smiling and you know, acknowledging her that she walked over to her husband who's in the room, and they hugged and they cried together. And you know, there there are no words for it. But uh, she said, You know, I need so we're going to continue when I done she's like, I need to go the bathroom and I said her husband was about to hand her the walker to go and I said, Oh, no, no, this is like when you're a church and we throw away the crutches is that this is a miracle in the truest sense of the term. And she walked I held her hand you know, just to be sure that we walked to the bathroom. She I stood there just waiting for a decision being really polite and respectful. She didn't quite know the house and your shoes a bit older. So I walked her back. We sat down, we started hypnotic programming with all those words. You're loved. Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Welcome in the light in peace and love of God. And she got up and again walked out of here just again, like it felt so heavy and out of her control. When she was done Just that state of peace brought so much balance and everything felt light and comfortable. I'm still gonna wait to hear back, I think they're gonna evaluate if they're gonna continue, which is, maybe this is because the money and the drive. But you know, because I said, there's deeper layers here, you know, we're gonna want to start doing some regressions, we're going to want to start clearing out deeper emotions. And so they're going to talk about that. But it was so obvious to them, it's very obvious to me, that's what we're going to talk about during this last course here in clinical about the incredible power of the mind body connection and how miracles occur. That was literally a miracle now, doesn't mean she won't eventually pass away, you know, they leave her physical body, of course not thank God, she can go to heaven with Christ, you know, good, it's good. There's no reason this person sustained her body forever. But why, while she's alive, she'd have to live in pain, and be not not able to walk and shaking to the point of what probably would be diagnosed as Parkinson's, even though the diagnosis wasn't given.16:10The healing is on the mental level. And that literally, and then to see the physical response, where literally somebody can throw away their Walker and walk. That's the miracle. But it's not the physical change that occurred. It's the mental emotional change. So that's what I basically have done for the past 16, almost 17 years now, every single almost day of my life, every time I go into see a client, I'm getting to do that type of work. And I spent years doing and I'll play for you. In this section, you haven't heard yet a lecture that I gave called healing the mind healing the body that speaks to this theme? Well, it's going to be a bit repetitive, because I'm going to talk to you all about this. I want you to hear how given public lectures on this topic. So let's make a little note that wasn't planned. But now that we're started, we'll do the healing the mind lecture. It'll be about an hour, you can even skip it if you want to make it another recording, but I would highly recommend that you listen to it. Let's jump into the training manual because it basically is saying all of this in really no holding back terms. Just this is how it is. To me. It's not even debatable. Unfortunately, with the recording, I don't have to debate I'm just gonna tell like it is. It's up to you to believe what you like. You can sense I hold my passion for this, the demonstrations of this, it's all and there's a reason why it works. Like why does faith healing work? I had some students the other day they just said this does everything. We're doing everything that faith healers do. I said yes. However, without the religious overtones, yeah, with healing. We want to bring in at least the spiritual overtones, if not work within the client religion bring in their religious overtones. They, quite often you'll see this as we go through and look the new thought movement, people are filled with such negative at a young woman the other day or this belief that because of what she did in the past, she's going to hell, like ah, like, you know, there's guilt in this fear of can you imagine the fear of the future if you really believed you're going to hell after you die? No, I don't believe it's just very wrong thinking now I do. I believe that your thoughts can put you into such a situation and to correct your thoughts, that you're creating your own horrible hell right now. It's like, that has to stop. So never underestimate the spiritual or religious benefits of bringing that in, and the power of how destructive that can be when the thinking is wrong. It's very fundamental and people and I don't mean fundamentalist, I mean core of your being, you are brought up believing that there's this God who will punish you who you will go to hell and all the nuns are telling you, you know how bad you are. But it's not just in religion, what's important to remember, it's in religion, because it's in the human psyche. were filled with guilts. We hate ourselves, we punish and attack ourselves. We beat ourselves up for the past, and we hate other people, and we're scared of everyone. Now, you might say, that seems a bit extreme. There are no degrees here. So one major thing to take and please take notes. When you hear a little gems here. There are no degrees. You either have hatred, or you're in peace. The mind can only hold one thought at a time. It's fear, or love. It's complete faith that all of what I'm saying have the ability to heal is true.19:55Or19:57there's doubt inside their faith in Nine knowledge real more than just faith but true certainty. And there's doubt there's true understanding. there's confusion. You want to overgeneralize from this point on in this section of training right now. It's peace, or it's not peace. That's it, you're upset or you're at peace. It's not a question of degree. So I use strong words like hatred, and I'm evil and I'm bad. It doesn't matter if you think you're a little bad and deserve a little punishment, or you're terrible. And you deserve terrible punishment. You can't hold that thought and not expect a result. There are no I had all thoughts here. There are no idle thoughts. No neutral thought. Every thought has creative power. And if you hold even I'm a little angry type thought. You're angry. I'm concerned. You're afraid. I'm worried you're afraid. You them worried about my child, you're afraid those are we have to just look at it. When you sit down to a client. You don't rate their degree of negative belief. You believe the woman I work with? After all the healing there was a belief that had come up she said it was in the intake stupid. I didn't address it because it wasn't directly related. But during the programming, I got to the point where I said, I'm so instead of feeling stupid, you like to feel and know that you are, right. Okay said about intelligent at all know, somebody spent 80 years plus believing that she's not intelligent. And I said, Okay, can we do an AI moving cycle on this? Can we clear that? Yes. Is that you believe in God? Yeah. So please, like listen to the logic again, here. Do you believe in God? Yes. You are a child of God. Yes. You're a reflection of God. You're created in the image and likeness of God? Yes. Anything you say about you? You therefore say about God. Oh, like, Oh, she says, I said, if you say you're stupid, you're saying God is stupid? Because you said God created you. Right? Yes. And God created us stupid. Hmm. There's a flaw in her logic. There's no flaw in this logic. It is theological. It is consistent, and it works across the board. Now again, I respect your beliefs, whatever they are. Yet, I would ask you to be willing to consider this simple way of thinking regardless of what word you use, universe, spirit light God, if it's complete atheism at this stage of agnosticism, but your heart still wants to help people to heal. I would say you want to look at why you know.23:02Have you not yet I would say this, anybody have you not yet at this stage of the training experienced your own experiences of love, and light, and peace and oneness and bless. Because if you haven't, you don't know what it means to be a healer. healers return people to that state. I became a healer, the moment I first experienced that state, I said, Wow, there is a state of unified consciousness in oneness and light and love. And I called it God, I had no problem with realizing Oh, this is what they mean by God. I knew at that moment, the truth of the eternal nature of the soul. So reincarnation to me, Well, sure, I must have lived before and I know I'll be I'm eternal. That was known in that very moment, and the desire to share that with others. And it wasn't just peace, and bless, enjoy. Here was health. It was the perfect state of being to be in a perfect state of health. If you haven't experienced a glimpse of that yet, you need to do some more hypnotherapy to be what we call the healed healer. There's no such thing. We're all healing. You know, we're all here on the planet. We all still have issues. We're all still growing and learning and working through our stuff. Yet, when you have a client who says I'm stupid, and you say, Oh, I'm stupid, too. I guess some of us are just the stupid ones. No, no, no way. So I said to her, and I just quoted scripture. I said, the Bible says Christ said, you have this same mind as I think it says I'm like, you have the same mind as Christ Jesus. And again, I'm just I'm using her words are not necessarily words I might use. But I need to show her she's wrong. And I'm going to use her thinking, her own thinking, her own religion to show her why she's wrong. I don't say I Are you have to believe every single word in the Bible, but if you have somebody who is religious and There's something in the Bible that's beneficial. that contradicts what they're thinking. We utilize that. And so this model that there is truth, you are reflection of that truth. That truth is pure intelligence and pure goodness. And it has never changed its mind about you to be able to just say these things with confidence with conviction, with authority. Once out, it was stated in Scripture and the New Testaments Christ spoke with one as one with authority. What does that mean? He spoke with authority. I remember when I first started contemplating, can I just say this stuff to people? You know, like, Who am I to say this stuff? Who might perform miracles? And who am I to do it in a kind of religious context? Well, just like I'm saying about everyone else, I'm also a child of God. I said to that woman, know when I was saying to her with the eye movement, you have the same mind as every other child of God, you're just as smart and intelligent and bright as every other child of God. And I said, Remember, Christ said you will do greater things in him? How could he say that if he didn't believe in you? I believe in you, because I see and know who you truly are. This section of training begins with you. Seeing your client has perfect, whole incomplete, you cannot believe that they're sick, or damaged or broken. I don't care what her body is saying. I don't care how well I care because I wanted to tell me what her mind is telling. The body is a communication device, her feet, her legs, were trying to tell her something. It was telling us she was filled with anger and hatred. So towards yourself and others, which means to unforgiveness filled with unforgiveness, the answer? forgiveness. So let me give you a little I'll just say it, I'm just gonna get a notepad but please write this down. One problem, one solution. There's one problem. There's one solution, the one problem is separation. The one solution is oneness. That's it. Problem one problem always, always, always, always, always like please get it if you get it you can heal anyone really like anyone who's willing and open. You can't force this change. But the problem that everyone has who has a problem is separation. Because again I'm saying it's about this unified experience of oneness So the solution is the that experience of oneness, oneness with God oneness with spirit oneness with the universe oneness with that, which is real.27:47The way to get there is forgiveness. The reason you're not there is guilt. So the mechanism for the atonement, the at one meant feel at one is forgiveness, always. So when you go back and a lot of why I how I got into understanding this was I meditated on a lot. I mean, a lot. And I'm talking about just days and days locked in a room and months, just you know, meditating and reading and studying and meditating and reading and studying and, and in practicing with clients. How do you perform miracles? They occur, there's no doubt that miracles occur. Look at the miracles of Lord's friends, the people are healed, you know, in churches, they are throwing away their crutches and the blind do see, you know, not lame, it's terrible word, but the lame do walk. Why how you know, like, what's the NLP understanding Meaning, if someone else can do it, so can you not only as the healer, but the one who's being healed if they can experience healing, if their neighbor can, but they're not what happened to their neighbor, that's not happening in them. We have to know with absolute certainty that that change can occur, we need to know where it occurs, we need to know why it occurs, it occurs in the mind, it only occurs in the mind. Spirit doesn't need to be heal. And the body doesn't need healing. The body is as we've talked about in anatomy, physiology and after effect. It's the result of your thinking. It's being affected by your thinking. So when I had get her into her anger and her fear and her body starts shaking even more, and the pain gets stronger, I said, Can you see the connection? Are you willing to let go of all this stuff? And of course in miracles I think we'll get to this cohort this quote later. It says the only problem the one fundamental error says the one fundamental error that a patient uses that word. The one fundamental error a patient comes in with is the belief that anger brings him something that he wants. And by justifying attack, he is protecting himself to the extent that he is willing to let that go to that extent is he truly saved or healed? The one fundamental problem is anger, meaning unforgiveness once you learn it's only about forgiveness, then we go back to that concept, that in the Bible, when Christ was performing these miracles, what was he doing? Everybody was forgiven, you're forgiven, you're forgiven, you're forgiven. It was just your sins are forgiven you, meaning stop punishing yourself. You can use any words you want, you're not a sinner, stop punishing yourself. The concept that he died for your sins means stop punishing yourself, you're not a sinner. That's the essence of it all. The person who comes in asking for help is attacking themselves. That woman came in saying, help me. Okay, well, then stop hating yourself. Because that's the biggest emotion that was there. And she didn't realize, so they will come in asking to get rid of their symptoms. But they won't necessarily be asking to get rid of the cause they haven't made that connection. And they think it has something to do with diagnosis or medication or doctors or she had no idea. You know, she tried start telling me her medical story about well, I had this major shaking went to the hospital, they gave me a shot, and I slept so good for a few days. Okay, I don't know what they did to numb your body and brain. But they never got rid of your hatred. I got the same effect in 1000 times more beatific by clearing her mind. That's it. Now, how quickly and I said this to her, I said, How quickly can you change your mind that you just have to know the error that you want to correct in the mind? Like, you're stupid, you're not stupid? How quickly can we change that, you need some form of logic to be able to change it. So during this section of training, I'm going to teach you the 10 Minute Miracle Cure. Now, it doesn't have to be 10 minutes, and I don't have a better name for it. So I just call it the 10 Minute Miracle Cure. But the concept is how can within 10 minutes, we make the change I'm talking about with this woman, because you know, they sign an intake form, they tell you their story, which is usually unnecessary. But we build rapport. So that's part of the, you know, when I say 10 minutes with me with this woman took a half, maybe 45 minutes total. But you know, again, we're doing a two hour session one way or another, this is part of you know, it's a profession. And this the way we work well, so no rushing.32:48Also, we're being very thorough, I'm not rushing things. However, this technique that we'll get into later, there'll be those moments. When it's like, wow, this is the perfect, it's happens a lot with students, you'll be in class, you would tell me about an issue. And you're just in the perfect place of what's called miracle mindedness, you're ready for that miracle, you're able to let the shift occur, that will manifest physically like that. I know it took all this time for us to get to this part of the training. Yet, now that you're here, you're going to hear things that you probably won't hear in any other hypnotherapy school, you're going to hear techniques and levels of understanding that aren't necessarily taught, you know, I'm sure that the pieces of the puzzle all over the place. Yet I can tell you what I'm doing and what we're you're doing, what our graduates are doing and what you'll be able to do. And again, we're not the only people on the planet doing it. But there's a system here, you'll be taught, unlike anything else that I've seen before. It's very fast. It's very effective. I can't say it works with everybody, but not because the techniques or the principles don't work. Because people are capable of tremendous delay, they will eventually get healed might take 20 lifetimes that they'll eventually do it. I said to somebody the other day, she was complaining about uh, she understands all this and she said, You know, I have this pattern my life. It's causing all these problems. I know it's me. She said, I know it's me, that couldn't be anybody else doing it but me. So I said, well, let's find the root cause of it in the very first session we did it Can you see that this thought system this way of being which again was guilt that we just did, I could have told her the beginning. It's guilt. You're doing it to yourself means you're attacking yourself. Somehow you're angry at yourself. You're doing it. So why what what's where that come from? Quite often we need to find the cause of the thought to be able to let it go be The person has evidence that the father's true. mom kept telling me I was stupid over and over again or I failed that one big test, and everybody else passed, I must be stupid. And then I keep telling you, you're intelligent, you're intelligent. Yeah, you keep believing you're stupid. Sometimes it's very important to bring that to consciousness. However, remember, the mental law dominant effect, the strongest emotion always wins. So if I am very authoritative, and I don't mean aggressive, I just mean certain. There's no debating what I'm saying here. When it comes to me working with a client, I'm not questioning is this person stupid, they are not stupid. If I say that with total conviction, and I have really good reason why I believe it, which I am going to be completely theistic about, or at least a spiritual about. If I completely believed the depth of my being, there's no way this person in their essence can be stupid or bad, or useless or dumb, or worthless, or any of that stuff. If I know the truth of who they are, because of my own understanding of who I am, and who they are, and how they were created as God, can we get to use that word now as God created them. There's just no way that these beliefs can be true. Sometimes we do need to get to the memory. So we'll get to the 10 Minute Miracle Cure, you're going to see how we bring that into it. All right, training manual. This is from A Course in Miracles. And it acknowledges the term psychotherapy, there's a whole section, it used to be an addendum, now it's part of the main text in the whole, by when you get the book. And if you haven't gone through it, you really can't recommend enough that you start A Course in Miracles. One way to start, if you're not familiar with it, is read Marianne Williamson's book or return to love or return to love by Marianne Williamson. It's very nice. You can hear it on YouTube on audiobook for free, at least right now. Unless YouTube changes things as they've been can't watch free, long free full length movies anymore, usually. But the audiobooks tend to be full length unabridged, and free. So go check out Marianne Williamson or return to love, you'll get a very nice introduction to A Course in Miracles, you hear the teachings of love, forgiveness, and the letting go of guilt in the empowering nature of the philosophy.37:35If you start reading a Course of Miracles from so from first page, it's kind of hard to get the whole essence of it, it's a good idea to go to a local class. Probably within driving distance of where you are, there'll be a Course of Miracles study group, usually they sit in a circle, there'll be a facilitator, someone who's leading the group, yet that person is basically just they're facilitating, they're the ones who maybe know a little bit more about the text, how to facilitate a group, but everybody is considered equal, everybody is welcome to share their thoughts and to discuss and usually read paragraphs and talk about it. That's a good place to start. When I used to lead those groups, I would always quite often give an intro to what is of course in miracles. And no matter how much you've studied it, it can hurt to hear again, things like this is a course and love. It's a course that leads you from fear back to love. It's a course it's rooted in teaching you forgiveness and what America is and the true nature of miracle. Think about it, there is such a book that teaches you how to perform miracles. It's channeled, it's not of human origin. It's the most trustworthy texts that I've personally ever read. It's boring. But if you're willing to take the time, you know, it's not this fun and string story. It's not like listening to the abraham hicks materials or you know, even my book the sutras on healing and enlightenment. While it's highly inspired by a Course of Miracles, it might be even a little bit easier reading. Some of the other texts that we'll discuss are a little bit outdated. The language is a little bit older question miracles came about in the early 70s. So its language is quite modern. So it's using the term psychotherapy. The term itself is not referring to Freudian analysis. It's not referring to one specific profession. It refers to any relationship where two people have come together to heal the mind. That's all the psychotherapy meaning therapy, by definition therapy or therapeutic really means to help. So therapy to help the mind so psychotherapy now we'll get into it if you look at it that way. psychotherapy is where's my green arrow. psychotherapy is the only form of therapy there is to stop and take it for a moment. You have to believe this to be able to utilize it. If you're still doubting, then you walk into your session with your client doubting. psychotherapy, healing the mind is the only form of therapy there is. That's why I became so passionate about hypnosis when I first heard about it, and I dropped out of acupuncture school because I knew healing the mind was the only thing but I just never found a way to do it. I didn't believe in what the universities were teaching. I didn't believe what the medical schools were teaching, not that it's bad or wrong. It just wasn't teaching this. And acupuncture wasn't teaching this. I had an acupuncturist, just within the past week brought in his daughter mother came into and and you know, he has hypnotherapy training and background himself. And I, after we did the healing, and it took two, two sessions. So they stayed overnight in the area, a total of three, five hours of five and a half hours of work. That's it five and a half hours done within a two day period. Five and a half hours. That's it, I mean, really, compared to a person's lifetime. Even if 10 years old, 20 years old, 30 years old, five hours is nothing. You know, this is fast. At the end of the session, everyone was convinced the girl the parents that she was healed of the issue.41:37I want to get a total issue doesn't matter, like whatever it is, because it won't matter. The issue won't matter, whatever it is the healing principles apply. I said while we're all sitting together at the end, is that I know you're an acupuncturist. And you know I respect that. I said, but can you see that needles never could have done what we did? He said, yeah. He said, that's why we brought her here. And I say yeah, and can you see that? herbs never could have done this. He said, Yeah, and how Chinese medical massage never could have done this. And energy work rebalancing or energy never could have done this. When we get to my book, the sutras on healing and enlightenment, we'll talk about healing, because that term is used in those fields versus true healing. Now, I know some people might take offense to that, but that's why I use this. And I said, if you're doing massage, we can say you're healing. But there are levels of what it means to be a healer. In acupuncture, it said the lesser physician works on the bodily level. The next level up mid range physician works in the energy level, the true healer works in the spirit mind level, but spirit doesn't need healing. So really, the true healer works in the mental level. Please hold the thought and really a lot of what this section is about 52 pages, which again, we won't read all together, all I'm gonna just drill into your head is you have to believe this with all your heart because again, your belief Your mind is only mind. Since only the mind can be sick, only the mind can be healed, only the mind is in need of healing. This does not appear to be the case. For the manifestations of this world seem real indeed. It sure seems like a person is physically sick, it sure seems like their physical body is causing their issue. The body has no will of its own. The body has no mind of its own. The body has no intelligence of its own. The body has no sensation of its own. I know that's not what you might believe. So please be open to re thinking it. My bicep cannot flex itself. My mind did that. There's no pain in this body right now. If there were, I would immediately be looking at what thought is causing that pain. The moment I had the thought my I felt a little bit a hunger feeling. And I was like, Yeah, okay, maybe it's time for a snack. But uh, it was the subconscious thought that I was aware of immediately that when I mentioned Yep, the mind causes it that brought on a sensation in the body. But that's it. Only the mind. I'm not saying, you know? Well, I would be saying we can get to the point that the body wouldn't need food. There are documented cases of that, by the way to support what I'm saying. Not that we're here to heal, to raise the dead or to cause people never need to eat. I'm not going to these extremes. But there are cases in religious literature of saints who no longer needed to eat. And in fact, if you really wanting to convince yourself of this and scientific levels, NASA has studied a saint. I don't know his name at the article somewhere some someplace. There's a great Trying to get to a place a place in his life of what's called Nydia I and II D ay ay ay ay, ay Nydia, i n e di. They're called breatharians people who live only by lifeforce, not through food, it is documented, NASA was very interested in this. And they brought in this guy, and he started teaching how to do it. Again, I meditate every morning I stare into the sunlight for a little while, I purify my thoughts. And you know, they and they teach you there's there's don't do it because people have died. But there are, you know, you're just not ready. But there are people who are purified themselves so much purified their died, purify their thoughts, where they literally don't need to eat. Now, again, you know, don't don't do that, because some people written books and now have deaths on their hands, you know, for people who tried to do the methods in the books. But NASA started studying this one, honestly, guy, I think you know that you call him a saint who got to that point of purification? And like, wouldn't that be great for astronauts, you know, what if we could eliminate the food problem?46:11The thing is, you don't get to that state through NASA training, you get to that state through profound training and love and forgiveness and spirituality. So I don't think they made a lot of progress. But anyway, that's how powerful your mind is. And of course, there are cases it's in the Bible. It's in Autobiography of a Yogi by paramahansa Yogananda By the way, that book Autobiography of a Yogi by paramahansa Yogananda has a. And if you couldn't catch the name, if you don't know the name, just google Autoblog Autobiography of a Yogi. And you'll find in new see the big name parlimen Honza Yogananda. In that book, which is profound, there's a section called the law of miracles. And he talks about why miracles occur. It doesn't influence me as much as the other texts, I'm going to pull. But I read the book about four times, and it is really, either he's lying, which is not, or the things he's saying are just telling you, your world, most people's worldview is not, we just we're not seeing what's really going on a quantum universe, a universe where thought manifests into form instantly, is absolutely becoming more and more an accepted reality. But again, I don't care for it to be proven. I've done it enough with my clients to see if somebody walks in with hepatitis C. And then they come back, and it's no longer in their bloodstream. If somebody comes in with cancer. And it's medically This is all medically documented, it's no longer in their bloodstream. If somebody comes in the first miracle I saw, I was studying with a medical intuitive healer. I learned at the time Reiki, which to me isn't a really big deal. I respect Reiki practitioners. I have first and second degree Reiki. But you're basically putting your hands and letting the energy flow through. There's some other levels of even thought transference, sending healing thoughts on a mental level, or doing a long distance, which we'll be talking about in this section, long distance healing, but we'll talk about in a much more profound way, then you may think so anyway, I you know, Reiki is great. But again, you have to heal on the mental level. And Reiki is catching on to that, too. It's not just putting your hands on there. I knew Reiki and I was in acupuncture school. So I knew a good deal about, you know, traditional Chinese medicine, but I was studying with this medical intuitive healer. And this other gentleman who is really just a man of faith, he came in with the Bible in one hand and Course in Miracles in the other and and he was powerful. I mean, he really believed in he was like, he was becoming a faith healer himself. The medical intuitive healer was unbelievably psychic, and then also had his own methods of healing. And I was young, but they was like 23, but they knew he was just the three of us. We do weekly study groups for quite a while. So I study with this great medical intuitive healer and learned how to basically do medic, you know, I think we talked about it, of course, in the beginning of this training with intuitive hypnotherapy. So I got a lot of what I know about how to feel what other people feel from him, the gentleman who came in with the Bible, and of course, miracles, broke his arm, sometime during our like during the week, and he called us and he said, You know, I have the X rays and my arms in a splint, and I want us to heal it. And this is our chance to practice so the three of us got together. I only do what I could do at the time I did Reiki and I learned a lot after quite a few, maybe even more Working with these two gentlemen. So I do what I could, the medical intuitive healer, he was doing all of his stuff. Of course, even the gentleman with the broken arm, I forget their names. This was not quite but almost 20 years ago now. He came back in, I think it was like a week or two later. And when we met up for the group, the arm was completely healed, he said during and he fed felt profound heat in his arm there. And when he came back in the x rays showed completely healed. That was my first experience of that. I guess I can say, you know, now, in hindsight, it was hard to leave acupuncture school after two years.50:50And you know, and Reiki was beautiful, but I just kept asking why how, and, you know, it's I don't think it occurred to me as much at that time, some of what I was learning about, oh, and then when I got into my private practice after hypnotherapy school, about 25 years old, or so, and I see hepatitis C instantly. I mean, it took like a week to get the blood results back whatever or to, but to see completely gone from the bloodstream where the doctors like, she doesn't have it anymore. I'm like, Okay. And then to see tumor shrink, you know, in cancer totally healed. To see multiple sclerosis totally healed. I mean, you know, at some point you catch on and say, there's something going on here. So I just started giving public lectures again, I'll let you hear one of those are like, wow, this is all true. And there's principles behind it. So again, um, a lot of this is just, I just need to convince you to buy into what I'm saying. Because that's the essence of it. It's like, Well, where's the techniques, you know, the techniques, you know how to put people into trance, you know, how to bypass a critical factor, you know, how to bring up their memories. Sometimes the memories are past life. So you know, we'll get into that stuff later, in transpersonal. But you basically know, you know, breath work, you can bring up any block that's inside of someone, you pretty much know how to heal it. Now, what you want to be drilled into your head with our books and teachings. So when I'm going to just teach you now about what to say how to think it's, it's not moving your fingers, the right words that are coming have to come out of your mouth. Having a lot of these quotes and these understandings has been huge fuel for that. The manifestations of this world seem real indeed, it seems like the bone is broken. You cannot believe it. It. Here's our major teaching, I may have told this to you. When I was working with a medical intuitive healer, the other gentleman was gone for a little while. And I think, I don't remember why maybe it's during that time when he was injured. But anyway, I remember a few times where I got to work just alone with him. And he started teaching me really in depth and he had me start tapping into higher self, which will do and transpersonal. And I really, I was very spiritually minded, but I you know, and they were teaching me he was actually saying, you're going to be a teacher, I want you to start teaching us. I'm like, I know some stuff, but he's like, you need start practicing teaching you you're going to be a teacher. He was right, obviously. So that was the first time I started teaching those two about what I knew. And yeah, I was nervous and didn't know a lot of what to say. Yet I started realizing there was a lot in there. Anyway, he had me he was teaching me how to connect to my higher wisdom. As I did, and I started asking questions and receiving answers. I asked how can I heal my girlfriend at the time who had alterative colitis? I said how can I heal her of colitis? And he the voice her voice said she's already healed? I said No, she's not she's sick. It was just learning how to talk to spirit so now I learned you don't argue with spirit. It said she's already healed and then the voice left because when an argue with me I was looking not too long ago and Facebook just seeing you know were googling her name to see where she added her life whatnot. And and I saw her mean colliders can literally lead to cancer. It can kill you, it can lead to surgeries to remove your colon. She or parts of your colon. I don't know. You know her whole story. We are not in touch anymore. But I saw her with her husband and three beautiful children and something she wrote, you know, she's not Prem all over the internet the way I am. But I'm her one little web thingy. Whatever was said. It was like a Facebook entry said, I am so very blessed all the blessings in my life. The voice that came to me and said she's already healed was telling me you need to stop believing people are sick. So this training right now I know it's gonna be a lot of talk is not for me to give you an all die. Well, there are more techniques you haven't learned yet. But it's not new techniques. It's a thought system. You have to stop believing in sickness. One of the first times I heard that somebody came up55:37I was on Sabina Nash Ramos 22 or so. And a spiritual community. And somebody there in the group were in said, Oh, I'm sick. I don't want to get by sick. You know, I have a cold. And this one other gentleman said, Oh, no problem. I don't believe in germs. I'm like, Oh, never heard it before. He just said I don't believe in germs. And I just took it on. I said, damn, right. All right. I don't believe in germs. So now whenever students or clients will come into my office, and we're in a small room, and they go, Oh, I don't know if I want to be in here because I'm sick. I don't want to make you guys sick. I'm like, I don't believe in germs. And I don't get colds. Yeah, it's it's got it's been years and years and years since I've had a cold. And even if I start to notice it, I immediately because I you know, having the human experience too. Which means I have thoughts and emotions, too. If I start noticing that type of feeling in my body, I immediately look at what thought or what emotions going on. It's no longer Oh, I just got I got a cold. First of all, what is cold? What is this thing? Like if you're in cold weather, you get a cold. That's not how it works. That's a belief system, also. So a cold we know is a virus. So antibiotics don't kill viruses, but we still give the antibiotics which we know is a big problem. And people think they're getting better. Okay, so that's all placebo effect right there. You say all but it kills the bacteria. So it makes it easier to kill the virus? I don't know. I'm not a scientist in that way. But that all sounds to me like a bunch of hooey. I think placebo effect is proven to be 30% or more of medicine. Okay, so a cold First of all, that virus is already in your body. You have those that bacteria and viruses, all that stuff is floating in the air. It's in your body right now. It's your healthy immune system that keeps you from letting those bacteria or viruses proliferate to the point where you would call it Oh, now I have a cold meaning now I have my immune system was unable to keep those little guys under control, because they're all over the place. You have that right now. But why aren't you getting sick? If you're consistently getting sick, you need to look at your beliefs and emotions, of course in miracles has a line that I think I've read a given to you, but please start using it. Again, nothing out of sickness. Again, nothing out of sickness. It's like I don't need it. I don't want it. And I have no purpose in it. The only purpose in it is to serve as a communication to look at your beliefs in emotion. So what did that woman who I started with just saw yesterday? What was the benefit of her illness, no benefit whatsoever. The only benefit that you could see from a spiritual perspective is it's screaming at her that she needs to look at her unforgiveness, because she's saying, you know, when I die, I'm gonna go to heaven. We're going to take all those negative beliefs and emotions with you. And then God's probably going to say, I know you don't believe in it. But now you need to go back and reincarnate because you're not done yet. You know, you got some more cleaning up to do, again, I respect all the traditions, but in hypnotherapy, or you know, we're pretty well have come to the conclusion that this is not your first experience on the planet and it won't be your last. So sure, you'll go up to the astral plane, you can be in the astral light, you can be back there with mom and dad and angels and God and see Christ and beautiful. Sure. Especially if you believe in that and faith in that then you would experience that. We'll talk about all that in transpersonal. But the point is, everybody's gonna say, you know, we love you so much. Yeah, you're filled with hatred. You have to purify that. So what is the benefit of her body screaming at her with pain? There's no benefit to that, except it makes her look at her beliefs and emotions which need healing. That's, that's the big picture. And when we get to transpersonal you talk about like, really the spiritual journey that has to happen. It's inevitable. He had shaken delay it for lifetimes, literally saving her years and lifetimes of suffering by performing miracles. Okay, so back to where the green arrow is don't believe the manifestations of this world are real. They're only communications telling us something wrong with your mind. There are no colds, there's no sickness, there's no cancer, there's no ulcerative colitis, I get to see that healed three times in my practice, because I felt so1:00:31at the time anyway, now I feel more compassion. But at the time, I felt so bad for my girlfriend at the time, I had colitis that I was part of my dedication at that time at a very young age to learn how to heal people, and spirit, you know, fortunately and law of attraction, I attracted people who have that condition, so that I could demonstrate to myself it could be healed. And at the time, I was afraid Well, what if I get it? Thinking is if there's an IT, there is no hit. There is no Australia of colitis, there isn't. There's none of it exists. It's thought made manifest. And I shared similar thoughts with her. But I also had very different thoughts she had because her upbringing was Catholic, by the way. We were attracted to each other because we both were deeply spiritual. And we're both just attracted to each other, but the belief system that was inside of her, and I said her parents and like, why did you fill her head with the belief in the devil and demons and Satan, this poor girl, we're having premarital sex, and this poor girl believes that we are sinful, and we're gonna go to hell, and we're gonna attract demons. Which by the way, eventually, I started feeling that stuff in the room, and I'm like, She's like, see, they're there. And I said, Yeah, you attracted them. I'm like, I've had sex before. It ever tried to demons, you have this terribly strong belief, because uh, your upbringing, again, it goes back to quite often these terrible religious beliefs, that you're a sinner, that you're bad that you deserve punishment. And her fear and her basically are angry at herself for being such a bad person, being a sinner was eating her way inside. And once I learned enough about it, I realized, I'll never manifest that disease. Because I'm not doing that to myself. We shared some similar thoughts. But here's the thing. And again, I'm sharing these stories to, really because this is what healing is about. We were sitting on a bench looking out over a beautiful, like, we were just getting to know each other, we're sharing our spiritual beliefs and choosing, you know, believe in God and Goddess in heaven, and somehow go to God. And I said, you'd see that God is everywhere right now. You don't see that God is in the lake. And God is in this bench. And God is in you and Goddess in me, that goddess, the love that's filling the air right now. And she just started crying. And she knew what I was saying was true. But she was filled with conflict, because God also is this guy who will punish you, and his demons will get you. And the devil will get you. I'll tell you, you know, like, really? I'm not saying her name. And so one day, when I sense the entities in the room to that day, and she was like, You sent them to lunch? And I said, Well, yeah, but you pull that into reality. But it was so negative, we left the house, and we drove to the beach to be in a really pure area. And she looked at me and she said, I'm even afraid you might be the devil. You know, is that like I am you you got issues, um, you need sessions. But that was kind of at the time I started realizing, of course, wait, she's doing all this not me. You know, I'm sitting here talking, I had my own purification that go over the years. But I was talking about love and unified presence. I'd had my own spiritual awakening before I met her. So I knew there's a one unified presence of love, which is the ultimate healing force. And it's always right here now. Her beliefs kept her feeling separate from that, even though they were done in the name of religion. Her physical manifestation of ulcerative colitis was the result. And it wasn't from childhood abuse. It wasn't from it was from that it was from being eaten away inside with guilt and pain. And I said to her parents one day, I'm like, Why? You know, like, I went to church with them a couple of times, just to be nice. It was my thing at the time. But basically, you know, I, you know, I was born Jewish, so I was raised Jewish, that wasn't my thing, but I sat there with them and I'm like, God, I'm not hearing all this Hellfire damnation saying perfectly nice things. I don't agree with everything I'm hearing but this is unlike, you know, I said Where did she get This and like they actually said, we don't know we didn't really teach and all this and the other children there for other kids, they were doing what the Bible says to procreate and fill the planet with people to overpopulate. Anyway, they she had two sisters and a brother and nobody had all sort of colitis, her mother and father didn't have ulcerative colitis. Why did she manifest that?1:05:24I'm not saying it's because she was religious because our family is very religious, she was filled with guilt, and fear. And, and it doesn't matter what religion or non religion you have if you're filled with hatred, because remember, guilt is hatred. Guilt is self anger, guilt is self attack. The manifestations of this world to be in this quote right now are not real. Quantum Physics tells you this world is not real Hinduism, Buddhism, this world will tell you, what you're seeing is Maya. It's an illusion. Maya is a Sanskrit word meaning what you perceive is not reality. And of course, in miracles, perception is illusion. The entire world you see, you're not seeing the real reality of what is your physical senses do not perceive the real world, you are perceiving a mirage an illusion. If you want to be a healer, you need to consider the body as a mirage. It's an illusion. Okay, your body is not causing its own sickness, doesn't cause its own pain, doesn't cause its own movement. And it doesn't have its own, doesn't have its own sensations. It doesn't have its own well. Those are mental attributes. everything I just said intelligence, the ability to move, things will. everything I just said those are all mental attributes attributed to the physical. That's the mistake people make you're attributing mental attributes to your body, your body does not have memory, it doesn't have emotion, it doesn't have thought it doesn't have intelligence, it can't move itself. When you leave your body, your body is like a dead corpse. I said that to the woman the other day. This just yesterday, I said, you know, you do know that your body is not causing its own shaking right now. It's causing its own pain. You're doing this, when you're out of your body, you know, your body is just going to be clay, you know, it's just a light Earth, it's a lump of Earth. It has matter, whatever that is, which is energy. It has no will of its own, it's so important to understand that as a healer, don't believe in illness. Okay, that was one paragraph 52 pages. Again, I really want you to understand this section, while it's going to be a bit longer. If you're serious. You're not just trying to get a certification, but you're serious about healing humanity, you must understand these principles and have them drilled into your head. Miracles enable you to heal the sick and raise the dead. Well just focus on the sickness part. Because you made sickness and death yourself. Again, these are not creations of God, nor did your body create them. If God created sickness and death, you can never get rid of them. You can change what God created. But God never created sickness and death. Your body never created sickness and death. Mind manifested this mind made this. we collectively made this not created but made we made this. I'm not going to talk about raising the deck because I haven't done it yet. So it wouldn't be, you know, in integrity to talk about it. But I have seen as I've told you, and I will tell you a few. Because again, you know, there's only so much time, but the miracles that I've seen of healing the sick have occurred and have been medically documented. And because I'm so convinced we can do this. I'm going to subscribe to everything in this quote, except I can't tell you how to raise the dead yet. Although the principles probably apply to that to miracles enable you to heal the sick and raise the dead because you made sickness and death yourself and therefore can abolish both. Again, there's created and there's made, which created cannot be changed what God created you can change. But God didn't create sickness and death according to these philosophies. You did because you made it up, we can easily heal it. If God created us perfect we can change that. If God created us sick, we couldn't change it. But God didn't create us sick. God didn't create you as broken die. God didn't create you as a sinner. God didn't create you as bad and stupid and useless. That's why we can perform miracles because all those things are things you made up including their belief in sickness including The belief in death but again, you know, we won't go there. You notice it, Alex and you, you are a miracle.1:10:10All miracles are extensions of love, you are a miracle, you are an extension of love. You are a miracle capable of creating in the likeness of your Creator. Everything else is your own nightmare and does not exist. Only the creations of lighter Rael. you're capable of creating in the likeness of your Creator. You can create as God creates, God extends the kingdom, God extends like God extends himself. You can extend yourself you can extend love, you are meant to do that. You are meant to extend the kingdom to God is God's Spirit, a spirit light is light, yet, it's not static, it is an ever expanding being, what would be the point of creation, if it was just okay. Here we are, we're done. We're expanding, we're evolved, not evolving, where the South right word extending is the best word, we are extending what we are, we are collectively co creatively extending the kingdom, you are part of that in You are so powerful, that if you put into that extension, the thought, I'm a sinner. You know, like you can feel it. Like I won't even use that word and talk about that much more. Because when we talk about a powerful you are, you do not want to put into the pot of creativity into this cauldron of is bubbling out of expression, all those negative thoughts, they can only instantly have negative manifestations in the realm of thought, and then very quickly into emotion and eventually into physical matter. Fortunately, the thought doesn't manifest physically right away, so you have time to correct it. So if I said I'm bad, am I causing negative emotion, but a won't cause a physical symptom? Unless I hold it long enough? the physical plane is like kindergarten. It's like training ground. It's saying, look, you don't realize how powerful you are. So we're going to put you in a place where your thoughts won't instantly manifest because God forbid your thinking instantly manifested. No, it does actually, your thought instantly manifests in emotion instantly causes your astral body to change its vibratory frequency. If you hold down long enough, your physical body will eventually start to suffer from it. He said only the creations of light are real. Remember, we talked about the causal plane, the mental plane, the higher mental plane. That's where there's perfect and right ideas. These are the creations of spirit. You are a creation of spirit. You are literally an idea in the mind of God. And it's a perfect and right idea. And everything about who you are, is perfect and right meaning harmonious and beneficial and good. These are just human words yet. There's nothing negative or sinful or bad or useless or anything like that, about you. That's been created a can change all the rest of it as your own nightmare, and doesn't even exist. In spirit. None of it exists. The healer who's aligned with spirit cannot buy into it. You can't believe in sickness, you can't believe in illness. You can't believe you know, death. I'm okay with physical bodily death. It's, I won't be complaining when it's time. No, it'll be a joyous really. So no biggie.1:13:45We get to transpersonal and training, I've left my body so many times to out of body experiences. It's no big deal. I call it the final projection. And where we go afterwards, doesn't matter to me. Wherever I can be of service is where I'm going to go. Just Hi. Gotta love you. Where Where can I exist forever. So where can I be of service? Is there still suffering? Yeah, there's still beings who need help. Okay, where can I go? That's all it is. So death is nothing. It's a completely meaningless word. The body doesn't die, it just returns back into the elements. I call your fingernail off, doesn't die. It just those cells eventually just returned back into Earth. Whatever. Same with the body, no big deal. It's not death, and you don't die because your eternal spirit. There's no death. There's no such thing as death. And if you want to go far enough again, in raising the dead in Christ resurrection, any Christian of faith doesn't believe in death. The resurrection is proof in the realm of faith for Christians. And there was over a billion I think there's 2 billion now. 2 billion Christians who believe in the resurrection believe there is no death and when I fully understand it in half, their mind might not be fully convinced of it. But that teaching is saying, the resurrection is the one proof we need, that death can be overcome. And then of course, the miracles that saints have shown along the way. Over the years, Christ wasn't the only one that showed, there's no such thing as death. They buried Yogi's under the ground for two weeks where there's absolutely no oxygen. And then they ended them, like, some of died. But others they've brought back up out of, they weren't dead, they were just out of their body, the body needed very, very little to live. But it's also filled with prana filled with lifeforce filled with spirit. And then they come back into their body, when it's time to dig them back out of the ground, you know, so you have to be very, very evolved to do this. So don't do that either. You know, don't stop eating, don't bury yourself under the ground. But all of these stories that are found in religious and spiritual literature, are really good solid evidence, if you want to use that I don't know how well it holds up in scientific scrutiny. But there have done scientific studies of those who are breatharians. And they're proven, although again, the studies aren't proliferated, because they're since not mainstream. But it is true, people have gotten to the point where they can live only on light. Only the creations of light are real. Okay. Moving on, and then we'll take a break eventually. And we'll work to change our learning style as we go, you know, showing you videos and audio, whatnot. transpersonal hypnotherapy and healing the spiritual nature, the human being, the concept, remember, this is from fundamentals, we acknowledge superconscious, but we didn't give it a whole lot of power, even though it has all the power during your fundamentals training. We started doing core transformation and alluding to the fact you can tap into it. Some of you have already experienced that in your own life in your own way. I'm preaching to the choir to a lot of you. But some of you that do the training. I like whoa, like, I didn't believe any of this. But now at this stage, I've had enough experiences to say Yeah, well, at least I see my classmates have had experiences where I can say, yeah, you know, that there is a superconscious you can go into the realms of healing. If you don't, you can use whatever word you want. But you can't go into the realms of healing without superconscious. If you don't acknowledge this reality, then you're tapping into limited power with the subconscious and very limited power with the conscious miracles occur because of this descending energy. Because of this vortex. When you get a person back into alignment with their vortex use abraham hicks language, everything will come back to balance the system will heal itself. So superconscious mind is right there. What is that? It's in the infinite organizing itself. It's perfection, it knows exactly how to heal your mind, to heal your emotions and to heal your body. Mostly, you just need to get out of the way. Yeah, your client is in the way. And sometimes, you know, we're in the way so the healer needs to heal themselves.1:18:20There's negative beliefs and emotions in the subconscious, they manifest in the conscious mind, but don't just see this triangle as a mental thing. See it as a bodily thing. Remember the order of manifestation, our anatomy, physiology, teaching, from these higher levels of spirits, comes down to our body, your conscious mind, is the most external level of you. On the mental level. Your physical body is the most external level of you, you know, like the thing we know here, the conscious mind and the body. But this night, you it's the tip of the iceberg, the bigger part of us subconscious. And it's what's in between super conscious and conscious or all the healing energy in the body. So when you want to get all that healing energy to flow into the body, the energy knows how to reorganize the system. It does it perfectly. In fact, when you're out of the way you don't even have to think about it it you know, it just keeps the body healthy. The subconscious is so filled with anger and hatred and fear and all the negative beliefs the lightest doesn't get through and you wonder why the body decays and starts getting sick and old so quickly. It basically explains a lot. Okay, so just hold this model. Remember, we have this in our training. Let's just cover this page, then we'll take a break. What is health, the overall condition of an organism in any given time? Fair enough easy definition but the reason why On this page is because we don't want to focus on what is disease, we want to focus on what is health, the soundness, especially a body mind, freedom from disease or abnormality in medical, the technical term homeostasis and abilities, organism, ability to efficiently respond to challenges stressors, and effectively restore and sustain a state of balance. So how do you bring a person back to that state of balance? That's really the question not? Which diagnosis Do we need to come up with? What diagnostic code from insurance billing Do we need to find? And what medicine or procedure Do we need to use? That's fine, you know, again, they everybody has their place. And if family member of mine If I you know, really needed medical care like that, I would go to a doctor, it's, you know, the physical body. For instance, when I want to think just last night, I cut my fingernails. If I if I want to cut my fingernails, I don't go into prayer. And if I want to shave, I don't meditate. There is a physical body. When I want my haircut, I don't go to church. There is a physical body, in the sense that there's a physical body, you know, who's gonna deny that there's a thing here that needs attention. Again, when I want to put on a suit, I don't visualize it, I go, Well, first, I buy it and then go into the closet, you know, I put it on. So because there's a physical body, absolutely, doctors have their place. But there's not only a physical body, and that's why massage therapists have their place and energy healers have their place, and chakra healers have their place. And psychologists have their place. Yet healers, where you can call metaphysical healing is about changing the mind, using spiritual principles, but not thinking that spirit needs to be healed. So again, health is the restoring of the mind back to sanity. Literally, when you're sick, your mind is insane. It is not seen to have thoughts that attack yourself. And that's what we're saying sickness is the result of self attack auto immune disease, you have attacked yourself. auto immune, the immune system is attacked itself. That is the physical manifestation of guilt. There are a lot of diseases now that are characterized as auto immune, your body, or your mind has attacked itself and your body's reflection of your mind.1:22:57If you want health, you simply return a person back to number five piece Remember, we're in the medical hypnotherapy training section. I'm just like peace. It's just peace is just peace. And I couldn't get passionate about that section. Because all you have to do when I was working with a woman yesterday, all I did was say that she was shaking. I said feel the anger. And then I said, remember what it's like when you're at church. Completely body completely instantly stopped. That that was it. There's like nothing more to say. Although, of course in miracles is 1000 pages long science and health with the key to the Scriptures is a good 800 pages long. My book is 400 pages long. Why do we need so much teaching on this? Because there's so many confused thoughts. You need so much new artillery to it's not a battle. But you know, so many ways of helping the transform all the wrong thinking that's been proliferated through human culture through consciousness. In the field of alternative medicine, the term is used to describe one's overall state of being as wellness. An acupuncture school I learned the concept though they were teaching us how to restore harmony and balance, not how to diagnose but they do diagnose, and they do prescribe and they do have treatment protocols. It's more holistic, but what I'm saying is in this level, you can't get more holistic and focusing only on the mind because the mind connects to the emotions the emotions connect to the body you're looking at and the spirit of course, is the spirits part of all of it right or the spirit is the source of all of it. We're looking at all of it. We're just wise enough to realize focus in the mind. Now usually our clients come to us when the body is so far gone, that it might be beyond our ability to make any physical change. But that doesn't change this truth that the mind is what needs healing the mind is what needed healing. Remember, I was talking about the woman I dated who had also had of kaleidos God, I pray, you know, I hope she has healed her mind completely. And that then all that physical stuff has gone and done with yet she held that we met in her early 20s. If you have if a person, let's see her is healed. But if a person held those thoughts for 20 more years, whatever, it's gonna have a physical effect, and the body just can't keep its state itself in balance. It's it's kind of trying I mean, it's not doing anything but its natural state is to be healthy. This picture, health is balance and harmony at all levels. This again comes from my book, the sacred geometry, meditation. Remember, we looked at when did I show you this was in psycho neuro immunology, the heart math Institute, where heart math has mapped out the geometry of love the energy body, the energy grid of compassion, and it looks like this love for the energy of love form star tetrahedral patterns. In a three dimensional six planets stars, you can consider that and snowflakes if you want us keep it simple. But if you remember that image of the physical bodies, or remember the aura, so this heart shape here is an example. These are very, mostly straight lines, circles, and spirals and arches, in sacred geometry are feminine. And then there's a lot of straight lines here which are masculine. So there's only one of 175 different pictures in My Sacred Geometry book, but it's a picture for me, that represents perfect balance, perfect harmony, perfect symmetry. Everything is just clear, this is what your wire would look like geometrically. When you're in a perfect state of harmony and balance in transpersonal training, I'll introduce you to the almohad meditation system. It's what I've been using since my early 20s. It came to me in my own revelations and meditation to help keep my energy system aligned. Primarily I keep it aligned through choosing thoughts of love and peace and forgiveness. However, sometimes the energy body through meditation can really benefit a lot from things like Tai Chi yoga. This meditation system is more of like an internal Tai Chi or Qigong, it rebalances you based on these underlying grids, but again, if your thoughts are filled with hatred and anger, that don't really matter, but this just as an example of a picture of the body meditation when everything is perfectly aligned. Alright, I'm going to show the next page what is healing. Let's come back to that after break. ................

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