

Online Personality Tests

1. First, go to Naviance. If you have not yet taken the Meyers Briggs test on your Naviance account, take it now and write your personality results here (the four letters in parentheses): _______________________

If you are unable to take the Meyers Briggs test on Naviance, then you can use the substitute test below (the “Jung Test”). Be aware, however, that other online tests below may not have been scientifically developed.

2. Go to and take the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II Test (KTS II). Write your results here (the four letters in parentheses): ________________________

From this website, you can also print out a short report describing your personality.

3. Go to and try out various online tests below, whichever ones catch your interest.

1. Take the Jung Test (I-E, S-N, F-T, J-P) – Short Test (53 questions)

The test will give you a four letter personality type. Record it here: _____

Copy your percentages for each letter below:

Introverted (I) _____% Extroverted (E) _____%

Sensing (S) _____% Intuitive (N) _____%

Feeling (F) _____% Thinking (T) _____%

Judging (J) _____% Perceiving (P) _____%

Click the link “for more information on your Jung type” at the bottom of the page. Do you agree? Go to and click on your 4 letter personality type. Read the description. Do you agree?

2. Take the Big 5 Test – Short Test (50 questions)

The test will give you percentage results for each of the Big 5 personality traits.

Copy your percentages below:

Extroversion _____%

Orderliness (conscientiousness) _____%

Emotional Stability (neuroticism) _____%

Accommodation (agreeableness) _____%

Inquisitiveness (openness) _____%

Read the descriptions for each. Do you agree?

Click the link “for more information on the Big 5 personality traits” at the bottom of the page. Read around; it’s lengthy.

3. Take the Freudian Inventory Test (36 questions)

Copy your percentages for each of Freud’s stages:

Oral _____%

Anal _____%

Phallic _____%

Latency _____%

Genital _____%

Read the descriptions for each. Do you agree?

4. Take the Maslow Inventory Test (36 questions)

Copy your percentages for each of Maslow’s needs:

Physiological _____%

Safety _____%

Love/Belongingness _____%

Esteem _____%

Self-Actualization _____%

Read the descriptions for each. Do you agree?

5. Take the Eysenck Test (46 questions)

Copy your percentages for each of Eysenck’s traits:

Extroversion _____%

Neuroticism _____%

Psychoticism _____%

Read the descriptions for each. Do you agree?

6. Take the Famous Leader Test (9, 18, 27 or 45 questions)

Which leader does the test suggest you are most like? _________________________

7. Take the Classic Movie Test (9, 18, 27 or 45 questions)

Which classic movie does the test suggest you are most like? ______________________

8. Take any of the remaining Similar Minds personality tests that you have time for. Record your results.

9. Go to and take the Kingdomality Test. What is your medieval vocational personality? _______________________

10. If you have time, you can also take the following test: and compare your results on this test to your results on the other tests. At the end of the test, you can also click on the links showing your recommended careers. Do you think those career paths suit you?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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