Dr. Pauline Rose Clance. Clinical services are ...


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Barton, J.A. (2002). The impostor feelings, gender-role egalitarian perceptions and gender traits of female psychologists. Dissertation, Oklahoma State University. Dissertation Abstracts International; Section B: The Sciences & Engineering, Vol 62 (8-B), 3791, Mar, 2002.

Almasi, M.R. (April, 2002). Trade self-doubt for success: Do your achievements make you feel like a fraud? Here are four ways to get over “impostor syndrome” – life lessons. Shape Magazine.

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Ferrari, J.R., & Thompson, T. (2006).  Impostor fears: Links with self-presentational concerns and self-handicapping behavior.  Personality and Individual Differences, 40, 341-352.

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McGregor, L., Gee, D.E., & Posey, K.E (2008). I feel like a fraud and it depresses me: The relation between the imposter phenomenon and depression. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 36(1), 43-48.

Gould, J. (July/August, 2008). Get real. Feel like an impostor? You’re not alone. Monitor on Psychology, American Psychological Association, 39(7), 76-78. (I have PDF)

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French, B. F., Ullrich-French, S. C., & Follman, D. (2008). The psychometric properties of the clance impostor phenomenon scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 1270-1278.

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More Magazine (2009). The Most Powerful Woman in Media? Vivian Schillar, CEO of National Public Radio, talks about female work culture and her experience of the Impostor Syndrome and impostor feelings.


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