AP Psychology - JonesatCMA

AP Psychology Cerqueira Guide Unit 9: Personality, Psychological Disorders & TherapyX. Personality (5–7%)??Compare and contrast the major theories and approaches to explaining personality: (e.g., psychoanalytic, humanist, cognitive, trait, social?cognition, behavioral)? Speculate how cultural context can facilitate or constrain personality development, especially as it relates to self-concept (e.g., collectivistic versus individualistic cultures).? Identify frequently used assessment strategies (e.g., the MMPI, the TAT, and evaluate relative test quality based on reliability/validity.? Describe and compare research methods (e.g., case studies and surveys) that psychologists use to investigate personality. ? Identify key contributors to personality theory (e.g., Alfred Adler, Albert Bandura, Paul Costa and Robert McCrae, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers).XII. Abnormal Behavior (7–9%)? Describe contemporary and historical conceptions of what constitutes psychological disorders.? Recognize the use of the DSM as the primary reference for making diagnostic judgments.? Discuss the major diagnostic categories, including anxiety and somatoform disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia, organic disturbance, personality disorders, and dissociative disorders, and their corresponding symptoms.? Evaluate the strengths and limitations of various approaches to explaining psychological disorders: medical model, psychoanalytic, humanistic, cognitive, biological, and sociocultural.? Identify the positive and negative consequences of diagnostic labels (e.g., the Rosenhan study).? Discuss the intersection between psychology and the legal system (e.g., confidentiality, insanity defense).XIII. Treatment of Abnormal Behavior (5–7%)? Describe the central characteristics of psychotherapeutic intervention.? Describe major treatment orientations used in therapy (e.g., behavioral, cognitive, humanistic) and how those orientations influence therapeutic planning.? Compare and contrast different treatment formats (e.g., individual, group).? Summarize effectiveness of specific treatments used to address specific problems.? Discuss how cultural and ethnic context influence choice and success of treatment (e.g., factors that lead to premature termination of treatment).? Describe prevention strategies that build resilience and promote competence.? Identify major figures in psychological treatment (e.g., Aaron Beck, Albert Ellis, Sigmund Freud, Mary Cover Jones, Carl Rogers, B. F. Skinner, Joseph Wolpe).DateClass infoRead tonight Topics to know/class activitiesM 4/13595-600Personality definition. Psychoanalytic perspective: Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams. Freud’s theory: the unconscious, free association, psychoanalysis. Figure 15.1 – the iceberg! Dreams: manifest v. latent content. Ego, id superego. Psychosexual stages – know table 15.1. Defense mechanisms – know all!? T 4/14Reading quiz 595-600.600-612Other psychoanalytic theorists: Adler, Horney and Jung (collective unconscious, archetypes). Projective tests (TAT, Rorschach), +/-. Evaluating Freud’s theory. Humanistic perspective: Maslow, self-actualization. Rogers and person-centered (GAE), unconditional positive regard, self-concept. Evaluating the humanist perspective (are people basically good?). W 4/15613-636Trait perspective: Allport, traits, Myers-Briggs test. Factor analysis, Eysencks’ dimensions. Kagan/temperament. Personality inventories (temperament MMPI). Big Five Factors: CANOE. Traits – situational??Social-cognitive perspective: Bandura, reciprocal determinism (fig. 15.6). Internal v. external LOC. Seligman: learned helplessness. Optimism vs. pessimism. (Review explanatory styles.) Positive psychology. Situational assessment. The self: spotlight effect, self-esteem. Self-serving bias. Th 4/16651-59Psychological disorders: how to define, understand and classify? (disturbing/dysfunctional, maladaptive, distressful – and often deviant/abnormal (ask Jones) How deviance is defined – note the example of homosexuality in 1973. ADHD (p.652). Ways of understanding: medical model, biopsychosocial (be aware of culture-bound disorders, but don’t memorize). Fig. 65-1. Classifying disorders: the DSM-5 () – skim the changes. The power of labeling: Rosenhan’s experiment, stereotypes/stigma and self-fulfilling prophechies. Insanity and responsibility. Rates: can you tell the most common disorder? How does the US compare to the world? p.658: what makes us resist and be vulnerable to disorders? (nature/nurture)F 4/17661-669Anxiety disorders: GAD, panic disorder (panic attacks), phobias (know symptoms of each). Do not learn lists of phobias: main ones to know are agoraphobia and social anxiety disorder. OCD: obsessions are ____ and compulsions are ____. See 66.1. Common compulsions? checking & cleaning. PTSD: who gets it, why’s it overdiagnosed, resiliency). Explanations: learning, biological (know examples of each), and brain changes. M 4/20671-682NOTE: This section should be called DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS, not mood disorders. Major depressive disorders (five signs/2 weeks – see 67.1). #1 reason for ___? Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia). Bipolar disorder (old name “manic-depression,” mania, link w/creativity). Note seasonal pattern (FYI, p. 673). Summarize the GREAT info on depression (67-2). Explanations: biological (genetic, brain changes) and social-cognitive (know examples of each). Rumination. Explanatory styles (p. 680 & fig 67.5: stable, global, internal). Vicious cycle (fig. 16.9) – “bad moods feed on themselves.”T 4/21Reading quiz 671-682684-691SKIM THESE PAGESas you take notes:693-701Schizophrenia: “split mind,” not split personality. (It’s a psychosis – ask Jones about neurosis). S terms to know: Delusions v. hallucinations (which sense?), paranoia, word salad, disturbed thinking from selective inattention. Emotions: inappropriate/flat affect and behaviors: repetitive, even catatonia. 68-2: age of onset, prevalence (__%), equal gender, role of stress. Negative and positive symptoms. Acute v. chronic. Explanations: brain (dopamine, PET scans, maternal virus (!), genetic, psychological factors (possible warning signs 690).Somatic symptom and related disorders (this is very confusing!). As you read about/take notes on somatic symptom disorder and conversion disorder, consider this from the DSM-5: “In conversion disorder, the presenting symptom is loss of function (e.g., of a limb), whereas in somatic symptom disorder, the focus is on the distress that particular symptoms cause.” Illness anxiety disorder (hypochondriasis) = normal symptoms are _______?Dissociative disorders: what’s dissociation (normal) vs. what’s DID (really complex – and is it real?) Read the final paragraph p. 696.Eating disorders: distinguish between anorexia and bulimia and binge-eating (similarities? Differences?) Personality disorders: what are they (in general) and FOCUS on antisocial. W 4/22Content quiz: anxiety, OCD, PTSD, depressive & schizophrenia disorders. 708-13,716-725Still to come!Th 4/23728-37Still to come!F 4/24740-748Still to come!M 4/27-----ReviewT 4/28Test, Unit 9 NOTE: THIS TEST COUNTS AS 2 TEST GRADES! ................

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