Successful Children’s Ministries

David Boyd

Depths of the Heart

What are the guides to help us instill a deep faith in the spiritual life of a child. Only through a deep faith can we hope to see our kids live for God throughout the tough years that lie ahead.

The Power of the Altar

The altar is the center of a child’s most intimate moments with God. It is the place where the Spirit of God cements the lessons of the day in the foundation of kid’s lives.

The Holy Spirit and Contagious Compassion

Kids need to discover how to hear the voice of God in their daily lives and learn to act on His directions. Discover how to help kids hear God and act with contagious Godly compassion.

Externally Focused Children’s Ministry

Thriving churches endeavor to meet the needs of the lost people in their communities. A large portion of these needs center around children’s ministry. A children’s ministry that is outwardly focused can to a great extent cause a church to thrive and can have a huge impact on the kingdom of God.


Every year, talented leaders with great ministry opportunities fall prey to weaknesses due to lack of self-leadership in the basic areas of relationships, balance, spiritual growth, self-improvement, and intellectual stimulation. This class examines the course you are on and provides the opportunity to regroup and reassess your future path and goals.

Growing Your Team Equals Growing Your Ministry

Growing your team is equivalent to growing your ministry. Many leaders fail to move beyond themselves, and their ministry always reaches its maximum potential due to lack of team participants.

Sticky Kids Ministries

What makes a kids ministries grow? It’s when visiting families stay. Kids coming to outreaches are drawn into the fold of the church. It’s not a big church thing. Sticky kids ministries can happen in any church size. Make em stick to your church and grow!

Sticky Faith

From the book by that name. What makes the faith of a kid stick? What prepares them for life. What causes them to stand tall when others stoop to the pressure of their peers.

Divine Moments

“Speak Lord your Servant is listening” I Sam. 3:10. Samuel was having a divine moment with God. God desires every child to know His voice, hear His words, and walk in His ways. Be the guide that walks kids towards Divine Moments with God.

Coach, Teacher, Mentor and Friend

Can the children’s teacher be described any better than that? In a world that encourages leaders to be game show hosts, ring masters, and entertainers your kids really need a coach, teacher, mentor, and friend.

Building the Spiritual Foundation of Kids

This class centers on learning to present your lessons in ways that impact kids forever. Kids have an insatiable desire to grow in God. This class centers on keys to make classrooms lessons spiritually impacting lessons.

Next-Gen Defense of the Faith

The next Generation is facing challenges to their faith far surpassing that of previous generations. It becomes the responsibility of the teacher to adapt their teaching to help fortify the personal faith of this growing generation.

The Growing and Thriving Ministry Team

Without question one of the most difficult challenges of any kids’ leader over the ministries of kids in a church is to build the ministry team. Unlike perhaps any other ministry in the church, children’s ministry rises and falls on the team.

Caring for the Heart of your Ministry Team Members

Ministry to kids is often stressful, lonely, and without adequate support. Strategic care must be exercised to insure team members remain spiritually strong, mentally healthy, and physically able.

Critical Elements of a Quality Kids’ Church or Classroom

Developed through brainstorming sessions with numerous children’s pastors and leaders, this class centers on the five key moments in kids’ church and classrooms deemed to be the most critical.

Quadrupling your BGMC Giving

Looking for simple ways to raise BGMC funds? Ways that don’t require large amounts of work or manpower? Then this class is for you.

The Art of Captivating Object Lessons

Object lessons can captivate the mind of a child and solidly place the message of God's Word deep into their hearts. This class displays a rapid-fire delivery of tried and true object lessons with powerful gospel lessons. This generation needs the truths of God's Word as the center of their lives.

Attentive Classroom Students

In today’s society with an ever increasing percentage of kids with short attention spans it is critical to learn the secrets of veteran teachers as they create a learning environment captivating the mind of the kid. This class centers on spiritual principles as well as practical applications, activities, and games designed to create an environment for learning that is both fun and well managed.

Amazing Teaching Lessons

Illusions are object lessons designed to amaze kids. Whether food coloring is used to create an unexpected color change, or a hidden pocket is used to produce a "washed clean" hanky, illusions can be used to implant a gospel message into a child's memory forever. Kids love to figure things out. This makes them perfect attention "grabbers and holders" for teaching kids.

The Object Lesson Game Show

This interactive class is designed to ignite creativity in the minds of teachers just like you. I promise your creative juices will come to the surface. Your confidence will grow. Your kids will be amazed at the difference.

Leading your Kids in the Power of the Holy Spirit

This session walks teachers through the step-by-step process of introducing kids to the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and teaching them the purpose, power, and this gift of the Holy Spirit.

Classroom Games with a Purpose

Games are a great and easy way to add excitement and interest to any classroom or children's church. Excitement brings kids back and encourages them to invite their friends. Games can be a quick but important segment of class time. Games can also be used as an important part of teaching.

10 Signs of a Healthy Kids’ Ministries.

Is the kids’ ministry of your church healthy? Seasoned experts have tabulated signs to look for to show spiritual health in the kids’ ministries of your church.

10 Signs of Spiritual Growth in Kids

Are the children in your ministry growing spiritually? This class centers on signs showing spiritual growth in kids and methods to make this happen.

Champion Kids and Champion Parents

Champion kids are those who will live for God the rest of their life! Champion Parents partner with the local church to raise champion kids. Learn techniques for building champion kids and parents.

Blazing BGMC Fund-raising Ideas

Dozens of ways to raise money for BGMC or for any fundraising need. Learn to choose a few fundraisers that are not labor intensive yet reap a great result!

Recruiting- The Growth Factor

Recruiting is the growth factor for kids’ ministries. When new leadership is raised up, classes can grow, split, and multiply. Without new leaders classes stagnate and momentum drops. This class will center on tried and true remedies for attracting and placing new leaders in ministry.

Ministry Minded Kids

Kids who minister are kids who have a deep and growing passion for the lost around them. They have discovered the unique gifts that God has invested in them. Learn who to grow Ministry Minded Kids.

Mary Boyd

Teaching to Change Lives

How does a teacher know that their class has been successful? How do you know you are making a difference in a child's life? Teaching to change lives is a class designed to show the teacher the elements that should be in a successful class, and the goals of discipleship that should be sought after in a child's life.

Creating a Heart of Compassion in Kids:

Kids can know the heart of God and they can develop a heart of compassion for the lost. This class will focus on ways to challenge kids to become sold out to God and to equip them to reach the lost of this world.

Compassionate Kids:

Kids can know the heart of God, and they can develop a heart of compassion for the lost and those less fortunate. This class will focus on the steps to challenging kids to do great things for God and make a difference in this world.

Teaching Kids to Pray

Prayer is the lifeline that kids will use throughout their life to connect them with God. Prayer is the key to deepening the spiritual life of a child. When they learn to pray, they learn to talk with God. They learn to know Him, hear Him, walk with Him, and follow Him. Prayer is prelude to ministry.

10 Signs of a Healthy Kids’ Ministries.

Is the kids’ ministry of your church healthy? Seasoned experts have tabulated signs to look for to show spiritual health in the kids’ ministries of your church.

10 Signs of Spiritual Growth in Kids

Are the children in your ministry growing spiritually? This class centers on signs showing spiritual growth in kids and methods to make this happen.

Motivating Kids (and adults) to Give to Missions

This session focuses on missions education and stewardship for children. Teaching kids to care, pray, and give. This session centers on creative ways of teaching kids and their parents to give to missions.

Difference Makers:

You can make a difference in the lives of your kids by what you teach and how you teach. You are more than a teacher. You are also a coach, mentor, and friend. Kids need to be challenged to live for God the rest of their lives. Be a difference maker!

Secrets to BGMC Success:

Does your BGMC program need new life? Need new ideas? Do you feel like you’ve reached a plateau? This class will give you secrets that will make your BGMC program exciting and successful in your church.


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