2017 National Training Institute Agenda

[Pages:3]2017 National Training Institute Agenda

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

7:30 - 8:30 a.m. C8:o3f0fe-e1(0L:0ib0eart.ymF. oyer) 1O0p:0e0n-in10g:1K5 eay.mn.ote:

Workshops AM 10:15 ? 11:45 a.m.

BO# 1 Courageous Spirits Brave Heart Elena Giacci

BO# 2 Enhanced Safety Planning for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence Pierre Berastain Ojeda, Heidi Notario

Registration and Coffee

Opening Plenary: McArthur Safety and Justice Challenge


BO# 3

BO# 4

BO# 5

BO# 6

BO# 7

BO# 8

From ClientCentered to

New York State's Collaborative

Supporting Healthy

SRC Elaina Roberts

SVAAs and the Evolution of

Language Access: Deaf and Hard of


Response to the

Engagement: A

Prison Rape

Holistic Approach to Elimination Act

Working with

Christopher Bromson,

Survivors of Human Lindsey Crusan-

Trafficking Kristy Muse, Eirik Bjorkman


Relationships for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder Mary Worthington

Advocacy as a Profession (SVAA Symposium Members Only) TBA

Hearing Tuyet Duong, Wendy Lau, JD

UNDER #1 Bathrooms, Bullies, and Bystanders michael munson

UNDER #2 Addressing Ageism: Increasing Older Victims' Access to Victim Services Juanita Davis, LaTrice Hogan

NCVBA 10:15-11:00 a.m. High Profile Litigation: Celebrity Defendants Brad Edwards 11:00-11:45 a.m. Strategic Litigation in Advancement of Crime Victim Rights Meg Garvin

11:45 ? 12:30 p.m.

L1u2n:3ch0 ? 1:45 p.m.

1:45 - 2:00 p.m.

Workshops PM1 2:00 ? 3:30 p.m.

BO# 1 Advocating for Campus Sexual Assault Survivors' Rights Under Title IX and Beyond Cari Simon, Adele Kimmel

BO# 2 I Can't Believe I'm Free: Working with Victims of Family Violence, Including Abuse in Later Life Trudy Gregorie, Candace J. Heisler

BO# 3 TBA Steve Siegel


Afternoon Plenary:


BO# 4

BO# 5

BO# 6

BO# 7

Opening Doors:

Resolving the

Serving Male


Alternative Reporting Paradox: Working Domestic Violence Collaboration to

Options for Law

in Victim Services Survivors in


Enforcement and VAWA Forensic Compliance Joanne Archambault, Kimberly A. Lonsway, Ph.D.

and being the Victim of a Workplace Bully Karen Kalergis, Roi Holt

Shelter Myra Ricard, Lawrence Wilson

Academies & Practice (SVAA Symposium Members Only) TBA

BO# 8 Tribal Mapping Samanta Wauls, Kaylana Gates



We Know What to Access to Justice:

Do So Let's Do It! Language Access

How Listening to for Victims with

Survivors Can Limited English

Broaden Our


Vision for

Wendy Lau, JD,

Inclusion and

Leo Martinez


Charlene Allen

NCVBA 2:00-2:45 p.m. Spoliation of Evidence, Tour of the Dark Web Mark Lanterman 2:45-3:30 p.m. Asst. AG in Oregon Donna Maddux

3:30 - 3:45 p.m. Workshops PM 2 3:45 - 5:15 p.m.

Critical Missing

Defining Victims'

Links to Elder

Rights to Fairness,

Justice: Coalitions of Dignity and Respect

Faith and


Community-Based Seymour

Elder Abuse

Programs & Shelters


Schroeder, Joy

Solomon, Esq.

Creative Problem Solving: Mass Casualty in Native American Communities Gayle Thom, Marlys Big Eagle

Raped or


"Seduced"? How Trauma,

Language Helps


Shape Our Response Fatigue, and

to Sexual Violence Suicide: Risks to

Claudia Bayliff, Law Enforcement


and Service


Working in Sex

Crimes Against


Stacy Cecchet,

Scott Klein

Break Using VOCA to Increase Safe Housing Options for Domestic and Sexual Violence Victims: Updates and Innovations Larisa Kofman, Susan Williams, Cris Sullivan, Anne Menard

Curriculum Fundamentals: History, Culture and Learning Methods (SVAA Symposium Members Only) TBA

Building a Multidisciplinary Response to Serving Homicide Survivors TBA

What Really

Bringing the

Happens to Our Margins of the

Children? An

Margins to the

Overview of Child Center - Securing

Victimization in Collective

the United States Liberation for ALL

Chris Newlin, Zoe Flowers


3:45-4:30 p.m. Negligent Supervison of Criminals Mike Haggard 4:30-5:15 p.m. Chowchilla School Bus Case Ray Coucher

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

7:30 - 8:30 a.m. C8:o3f0fe?e1(0L:i0b0erat.ymF.oyer)

Registration and Coffee Case of

Workshops AM 10:15 ? 11:45 a.m.

BO# 1




Violence Prevention



Doar,Cha'koya Smith

BO# 2 Civil and Criminal Case Options for Elder Abuse Keeley Frank, Dana N. Goldberg, Esq.

BO# 3 Community Voices in Police Reform: A Collaborative Approach Nazmia Comrie, Meghan Maury, Julianna Wiggins Stratton

BO# 4 Creating Effective Support Groups for Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Joshua Beckett, Milena Lukic

BO# 5 Guiding Organizational Responses to Vicarious Trauma: New Tools & Strategies for Success Lisa Tieszen, Katherine Manners

BO# 6 Increasing Access to Services for those Vulnerable to Human Trafficking Jenna Novak, Caroline Diemar

BO# 7 The Intimate Partner Violence Intervention: Victim Safety and Offender Accountability Rachel Teicher, Shay Hager

BO #8




Shifting the

LGBTQ Voices and 10:15-11:00 a.m.


Victimization OR Neurobiology of


Beyond the Letters: Trauma


The ABC's of

Chris Wilson

Supporting VOCA Working with

11:00-11:45 a.m.

Administrators to LGBTQ Survivors Proving Emotional &

Enhance Efforts michael munson


to Better Identify,

Impact of CSA

Reach and

Michael Dolce

Resource Un-


Underserved and




Aleese Moore-


Olga Trujillo

11:45 a.m. - 1:20 p.m. 12:B00uf?fe1t:1L5unpc.mh .

Workshops PM 1 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.

Fly into the Eye of the Storm: Use Anxiety as Your Ally and Stop the "Fight or Flight" Lisa Hartwell, PsyD, RN, Sarah Richardson, M.S., M.Ed

House of Horrors: The Mills and Akers Investigation Michelle Scott, Ethan Ontjes, Glenn Covington

Lessons Learned from the Military's Multidisciplinary Approach to Victim Support Kimberly Dickman, Dominic Angiollo

Partnering to Provide Accessible and Appropriate Services for LGBTQ+ Survivors of Sexual Violence Katie Kondrat, Samaa Abdurraqib


Afternoon Plenary: Historical Trauma

Understanding What's Next?:

Protecting Access

the Types of Elder Innovations in

to Safety and

Abuse and

Increasing Legal Justice for

Resources for

Assistance for


Responding Shelly Jackson, Laura Ivkovich

Crime Victims Kathrina S. Peterson, Meg Garvin, Gene Nelson, Kristen Uhler McKewn

Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence and Trafficking Rosie Hidalgo, Ceclia FriedmanLevin

Accessing Justice: Outreach that

Are Your Services Works: Effective

Available to

Strategies for


Reaching Young

Tuyet Duong

Men of Color

Survivors of


Chris Scott,

Michael Rowe

Hidden in Plain Sight: Women, Gender-Based Violence, and Jails Anne Patterson, LMSW, Sharon Richardson, Kaitlin Kall

1:30-2:15 p.m. Claiming PTSD Damages at Trial Robert Glassman 2:15-3:30 p.m. Matter of Consent: Civil v. Criminal, Adult v. Minor Dave Ring

3:00 - 3:15 p.m. Workshops PM2 3:15 - 4:45 p.m.

Blending of Victims' Rights Nina Salarno Besselman

Enhancing and Evaluating the Impact of Community-Based Domestic Violence Services: Building Partnerships Colloquium Michael Polenberg, James Meagher

Enhancing Victim Services for Boys and Young Men of Color Harmed by Crime Paul Barrett, Lisa O'Connor


Oh, the Possibilities: Providing



Effective Counsel Compensation

Best Practice

to Survivors of Grace Call

Approaches to

Campus Sexual

Service Provision for Assault in



Survivors of Sexual Proceedings


Beth S. Posner

Stacey Phillips,

Cynthia Totten, Linda


Who is at High


Risk for Violent Program: Using

Victimization and Cutting Edge

Who is Most Likely Technology to

to Access

Bring Justice to


Crime Victims

Findings from the Special Agent

National Crime

Michael Eberhardt


Survey for the

Victim Assistance


Heather Warnken,


Janet L. Lauritsen,


Introduction to CommunityCentered Evidence-Based Practices Josephine V. Serrata, Ph.D.

3:00-3:45 p.m.


Creative Collections


and Recovery

Prisoner Reentry Strategies

and Victim Services Michael Cohen,


Erin Olson

Kirby, LMSW,

4:00-5:30 p.m.

Allison Hastings

Case Workshops

Thursday, December 7, 2017

7:30 - 8:30 a.m. Coffee (Liberty Foyer)

Workshops AM1 8:30 ? 10:00 a.m.

BO# 1 Civil Remedies for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking

Jessica Dayton,Tulin Acikalin, Lauren Zorfas

BO# 2 Innovative, MultiDisciplinary Approaches to Identifying and Supporting Victims of Human Trafficking Allison Newcombe, Michelle Guymon, Amber Davies, Dhananjay Manthripragada

BO# 3 Perspectives of Victims and Survivors: Court and Community Challenges Julia Weber

BO# 4 Removing Barriers of Care and Transforming Services for Survivors of Violent Crime Aswad Thomas, Robert Rooks, Shakyra Diaz, Aqeela Sherrils

Registration and Coffee

BO# 5

BO# 6

BO# 7



Building our

Practices for Grief Pathways to

Community of

and Healing Catherine Willett, Nina Armstrong

Crime and Prison: Practice: Impact


on SVAA Quality


and Sustainability

Social, and Legal (SVAA

Impact of Sexual Symposium


Members Only)

Mahri Irvine


BO #8 Who's Your Trusted Contact? Lauree PetersonSakai

UNDER #1 Leveraging Victims Compensation to Create Access Olga Trujillo

UNDER #2 Abuse of Older Adults: Practical Strategies for Reaching and Serving Older Victims of Crime Juanita Davis, LaTrice Hogan

NCVBA 8:30-9:15 a.m. Empowering Crime Victims, Even When We Can't Represent Them (Ethics)

Mike Finnegan 9:15-10:00 a.m. Getting a Winning Verdict in Your Personal Life (Ethics) Gary Gwilliam

10:00 - 10:15 a.m. Workshops AM2 10:15 ? 11:45 a.m.

11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.

At the Center: Using the SART Model to Create SurvivorCentered Programs in Detention Kathrina S. Peterson, Christina Presenti, Linda McFarlene

Its "Not Just Kids Stuff": Intrafamilair Juvenile Sexual Abuse Lisa Eder, Lliana Espondaburu, Teresa Froehlke

Oregon's Response to Sex Trafficking Amanda Monaco

Supporting Male

Survivors of



Sanchez, Anne



When Your

Writing from the

Offender is a

Heart: Poetry as a

Victim,"Identifying Resource for

and Supervising Healing

Victims of

Richard Gold

Intimate Partner


James Henderson,


Taking Action: Assisting Victims of Financial Fraud Laura Cook, Susan Arthur

Emotional Wellenss and the Helping Professional Julie Thomas

How Safe are

Leaving the Silo:

Americans with Embracing the

Disabilities? The Concept of

Facts About


Violent Crime and and Evidence-

their Implications Based Treatment

Sandra Harrell

Chris Newlin, MS


Closing Plenary: Facebook

10:15-11:00 a.m. Representing Survivors of K-12 School Sexual Violence Monica Beck 11:00-11:45 a.m. Neogotiations Tips and Settlement Strategies Mary Alexander, Phil Gerson, Jeff Anderson


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