Joanikije: Đukanović thinks that the state is his

How to create a Serbian world – how to make a strategic triangle Belgrade-Banja Luka-Podgorica?The processions are a kind of national consciousness. They show that no group of minions gathered at the top can decide on the fundamental matters without asking the people. They brought us what the people lacked – national cohesion13/06/2020 07:25It would be normal that the Serbian nation and its three centres Belgrade, Podgorica and Banja Luka have one single voice in relation to identity and cultural issues and make agreements and have a joint approach whenever possible regarding every other big thing.And then, it would be natural that what they agree together, they finance and implement together.And Milo ?ukanovi?, who was declared himself as being a Serb by 1998, does not support the general national project. And not only that! He took the anti-Serbdom as the foundation of his personal relations and the relations that Podgorica has with the NATO Alliance, leading Western countries and all Balkan countries.In the matter of Srebrenica, ?ukanovi? a priory took the side of the Muslims. Although the Republic of Srpska established two commissions that are to bring the truth to the light, ?ukanovi? took the side against the Serbs, without thinking.Metropolitan Amfilohije even said that such behaviour is pro-Ustasha.In Montenegro ?ukanovi? is tearing the Serbian nation apart: he is building the Montenegrin identity with the elements of Croatian in it and in parallel he works against every Serbian national issue to such an extent that he is even endangering himself and his position of a leader and even the real interests of his Montenegrin state.And the question naturally arises – for whose benefit is he doing that?Is it for the benefit of the EU that is gathering its forces to survive its internal divisions and for which it would be the worst time ever for the soft belly of its integration – the Western Balkans - to enter into conflicts, and over nothing else but violation of the fundamental rights of a nation?Or is it for the benefit of America, NATO-America that is happy to see any destabilization of Europe, because it proves that America is still needed as the global policeman?It is not just a coincidence that Podgorica published the other day that if “the sovereignty of Montenegro is jeopardized by Serbs”, Montenegro will request a NATO intervention. When in April Milorad Dodik, on behalf of the leaders of the Republic of Srpska, voiced his opposition to the visit of Milo ?ukanovi? to B&H, he did it because of ?ukanovi?’s anti-Serbian and pro-American policy that aims to destroy the Serbian nation. And he did it because of the understanding that ?ukanovi? is destroying Serbs by implementing American instructions that are absolutely different from the interests of the EU and inflict serious damage to the European future of the Western Balkans.The fact that ?ukanovi? chose to conduct pro-American policy does not allow Podgorica to render decisions independently and to render decisions that would be good for Montenegro. It also hinders the implementation of the good decisions and intentions that the Balkan Serbs already made regarding national and supra-national integrations.Why is the anti-Serbian agenda a higher priority for ?ukanovi? than the European agenda?The answer can be found in the understanding of the Russian factor in the Balkans, or to be more precise in the American opinion that the “Serbs are small Russians”, and the Russian factor has to be destroyed.?ukanovi? is important particularly for the attack against the Orthodox area whose Western borders are the borders of the Republic of Srpska, Eastern Herzegovina and Montenegro.What to do and how to create a Serbian world – using the analogy with the Russian world? How to make the strategic triangle Belgrade-Banja Luka – Podgorica for all? Written and said by: the Bishop of Budimlje and Nik?i? JOANIKIJE; the senior research adviser of the Institute for political studies in Belgrade, the founder of the geopolitics in Serbia Milomir Stepi?; the editor-in-chief of the portal IN4S Gojko Rai?evi?; dean of the Banja Luka Faculty of Security Predrag ?erani?; and Serbian politician and lawyer from Bar, professor of the faculty of Law of the University in Kosovska Mitrovica and author of the book “Conequences of EU integration” Dejan Mirovi?.Joanikije: ?ukanovi? thinks that the state is his fiefdom where he can rule as he likesPresident ?ukanovi? interfered seriously in the internal matters of the Church with an intention to change its status and its organization.In such a way he violated the Constitution of Montenegro in the most serious way, since according to the Constitution the church is separate from the state.He accuses us that we are a foreign anti-state element, that we do not recognize the state of Montenegro and its independence – which is not true.When we criticize him because of his anti-church actions and use obvious evidence showing that he does not respect the Constitution and autonomy of the Church, he accuses us of attacking the state.He thinks that the state is his fiefdom where he can rule as he likes.Such a deviant opinion is most probably a consequence of his thirty-year long rule.Now he wants to establish a church.The more he goes into the subject the more ignorance he shows. He is neither baptized nor in possession of any basic knowledge about the Church. He produced inequality among confessions.SOC suffers serious discrimination in Montenegro in comparison with the Roman-Catholic and Islam confessions. Our basic religious and property rights are endangered and, since we are the Orthodox majority in this country, the consequence of that is instability of Montenegrin society. And it is ?ukanovi? who is the most responsible for all of that, since he has all the power in his hands.Stepi?: If Montenegro remains Serbian and Orthodox, it will naturally belong to the civilization with the centre in RussiaWhat is the geostrategic and geopolitical reach of ?ukanovi?’s moves?These things that ?ukanovi? is doing are a part of the geostrategic fight led by the Western civilization using NATO as its fist. ?ukanovi? has no choice because he would lose power and for him it means he would go to prison.Montenegro is a NATO creation used to close the last gate to the sea surrounding the Balkans, the last valve that could be used by Serbs – and that means by Russians – to have access to the Mediterranean. However, NATO has no insurance.If Montenegro remains Serbian and if the domination of SOC remains – the job is not done. The job will be done only by civilizational conversion.The basis of global civilizations is the religion. That is why Milo’s goal is not only to rename SOC, but to implement conversion of the Orthodox into Catholics and Uniates. Montenegro is of such nature that it cannot be “non-Serbian”. It can be either Serbian or extremely anti-Serbian – neo-usthashoid or quasi-ustashoid creature. That is why we can see increasingly extreme moves.In order to guarantee the position of NATO, ?ukanovi? has to take Montenegro to the West, i.e. to the Western civilization. If Montenegro remains Serbian and Orthodox, it will naturally belong to the civilization that has its centre in Russia. In Montenegro we can now see what Huntington defined as the condition of “a country torn apart” – belonging to one civilization, while its political leadership leads her to another.And NATO’s signature is also behind the “commemoration of Srebrenica”.Milo has to go there and he has to support the Bosniaks because NATO ordered him to be an anti-Serb.Dodik’s reaction of loudly opposing his visit to B&H was not an overreaction at all.Srebrenica is a part of the project of closing the ring around Serbia.Russia is the centre of Euro-Asia and a ring is being closed around it. The same is done to Serbia as the centre of the Balkans. That is a well-known American “anaconda” strategy – circling and strangling.Montenegro plays the role of completing the circling which is pro-American, anti-Serbian and – anti-Russian.Dodik cannot prevent that by himself. I think that for the entire year both the Republic of Srpska and Serbia had to resist the scenario in Srebrenica that is being prepared for the 25th anniversary.The manifestation will be huge and I would not be surprised if they tried to declare again that we are a genocidal nation. Many will go to Srebrenica, and Dodik reacted – all of them can come, but you will not, because you represent Montenegro that is still Serbian. It hurts much more that Montenegro recognized Kosovo* than that America did.And now the stigma that was related to Montenegro is being slowly removed.What consequences can the events in Montenegro have for the European interests in the region? Why is he so much tied for the interests of NATO that he is not afraid of what EU will say for the violations of human rights? What will in the end the people who are Milo’s pillars of power say about that??ukanovi? is a product of NATO and not of EU or European sovereignists. He is a descendant of the pre-Trump Washington and he is surviving thanks to that. As such he submitted the state and people to himself and to the interests of those that he really represents, instead of submitting himself to the state and the interests of the people. He and his minions on the top are not there to represent what is good for Montenegro or for the region.But the process of changing sides will start and an increasing number will be taking the side of people. Not only because nobody will have the promises and opportunistic expectations honoured. The cracks appear in the very structure of the society – in the families and tribes.There is a person going to the church processions and the police officer, who is his neighbour who goes to the street to beat him. The community is small, it is only 620 000 people and they are very much connected by family ties. It is well known on the level of individuals who is in the procession and who is in the police.That is why I expect that the police and the army structures will be the first to disobey. The man who was brought to demolish St Basil’s lodgings abandoned his demolishing excavator and left …?ukanovi? will play the card of conflicts and then he will say: we are a NATO country and this attack comes from the outside. In the last elections he set up the whole story about the attempted coup.What will be happening with the church processions?Withdrawal of the law should not be the only goal, because ?ukanovi? will come up with something new. The processions have an effect of changing the atmosphere in the society - the atmosphere in which we feel we cannot do anything and that decisions will be made by somebody else, by the big ones, without us being able to do anything.The Church processions are a kind of national consciousness. They show that a group of minions gathered on the top cannot decide on the fundamental matters without asking the people. The processions brought to us what we, the people, lacked – the national cohesion.Processions of support to our people in Montenegro were organized in Serbia and in the Republic of Srpska. They showed that Serbian nation is united, regardless of the fact that it is divided by Tito’s artificial borders.Rai?evi?: The processions prove that it is people that have raised against ?ukanovi?Serbs should create their own Serbian world – the cultural area where all the Serbs are the same. We are divided on many grounds, starting from whether we are Serbs from Podgorica or Serbs from Chicago, all the way to the political and ideological divisions. A Serb in Paris is a Serb, just like a Serb in St Andrea or in Belgrade.An example of the separatism was the idea on “Serbian Athens and Sparta”. The Serbs from the Serbian Athens being the “super Serbs” by their intellect, and those from Serbian Sparta by their heroism. ?ukanovi? is the continuity of that permanent split in the Serbdom. The role of the media and intellectuals in Serbia should be to unite the Serbian world.Natural pillars of the unification are Belgrade, Banja Luka and – instead of Podgorica as it is – is should be Cetinje (just like it was in the period of the Princedom, Kingdom and the theocratic Montenegro). Metropolitan Amfilohije will worthily stand in the position and do what the secular authorities should do.* What is the role of the church processions? Have they re-serbianize and made people Orthodox on a more massive scale? Have they encouraged some politicians from the ruling structures to re-examine or to change sides even?The Serbs of all enslaved countries during the five centuries under the Turkish rules looked up to Cetinje expected what will come from there. From the birth of the Kingdom of Serbia, all Serbs were looking to Belgrade which in time became a Yugoslav city, while the historic role of the beacon was taken over by Pale and Banja Luka. Montenegro was forgotten by everybody as if it was lost.When I went to Belgrade, I used to avoid communicating, to avoid being identified as a Montenegrin. And now I proudly say I am from Montenegro.The Law on Church woke up even the last Serb and Orthodox person and the whole world could see it watching the church processions.There are many examples in the history that families changed their religion or nation. The Sokolovics had a Turkish vizier and a Serbian Patriarch. Such processes led to divisions and conflicts. I hope that the church processions have stopped that process, and that in the census in 2021 we will show that the Serbs are all those who speak Serbian and go to Serbian Orthodox Church. Because the Church and the language define a nation.People rose against ?ukanovi?. However, ?ukanovi? knows that a part of his political companions do not share his views of the “sovereignisation of Montenegro” and the brutal moves against Serbia and Republic of Srpska. It is one thing to make a sovereign decision that the country should join EU, and it is a completely different thing to recognize Kosovo as a sovereign country.* What would be the bridge for such politicians to cross to the side of the people? And why is ?ukanovi?, being aware that he undermined his position by recognizing Kosovo, is undermining himself again with Srebrenica or destruction of Serbian Orthodox Church?For the third decade already he has been ruling by creating divisions and inspiring fear. That is how he split the Serbian national tissue to the corpuses that are diametrically opposite.The Montenegrin part denies everything Serbian and is now in the last stage – the stage of Croatisation, while the other part of the split tissue remains faithful to St. Sava and Kosovo vow.To stay in power for 4 more years, ?ukanovi? needs to uniform the Montenegrin electorate that is inevitably joined by the part of Montenegro of other confessions that makes 25% of the population. For three decades ?ukanovi? has been repeating to them to beware of the Serbs and Serbian knife. Unfortunately we did not come closer to the Bosniaks and we did not explain that they are manipulated by the same ?ukanovi? who was arresting, beating and extraditing them in the 1990s.The Bosniaks are carried away by the “Stockholm syndrome” and they meet all his requests, just like the blacks in USA vote for the Democrats. When the change comes we should reach our hands to everyone and they should abandon the policy of the ustasha leader Sekula Drljevi? and come back to the roots – Montenegro of the Petrovi? Dynasty.?ukanovi? served to Milo?evi? first, and then to the Western centres - to Washington, to Brussels and NATO. The reasons why he served to “international community” are clear; his political decisions from 1991 and 1992 explain that. I refer hear to sending of the Territorial coast guard and going to the Dubrovnik battle field, to the smuggling of cigarettes with the Italian mafia where the budget of the Western states suffered billions of damage. After that he served to NATO.In 1999 he went from Dubrovnik to Brussels and drew the targets in Montenegro for NATO to hit in the air strikes. Clinton and Chirac confirm that in their conversation.It cannot be said today that ?ukanovi? serves the EU. EU does not have one single goal regarding Montenegro. And who does Washington serve? Trump’s America is in conflict with the “deep state”. It is certain that what ?ukanovi? is doing with the church cannot be well received in the Christian world. And it is certain that he is serving himself as one of the 20 richest statesmen in the world (according to the list of the London Independent).?erani?: Dodik said to ?ukanovi? what Serbs on both sides of the Drina river think?ukanovi? has become a factor of unrest, not only in Montenegro but in the region.He started interfering inappropriately into the political circumstances in B&H and even more in Serbia. In Montenegro, he is in conflict with all citizens who have a rational view of the situation in Montenegro, not only with the Serbs. He treats them brutally.Demolition of the lodgings of the Basil of Ostrog shows that he cannot accept that the time comes for everything, even for saying farewell to the political stage.?ukanovi? is not able to see his position realistically and that is why he is a factor of unrest. He is rejected as the exhausted tool both in EU and in America.He can still serve for the prevention of the Russian influence in Montenegro, which is not even close to be as strong in Montenegro as the influence of America. That is what he can still be used for. However, the West itself is in huge problems and the Western centres understand that he brings more harm than benefit. I believe that this is the year of his fall – and it will happen through the will of the people.The church processions are starting again and he will not manage to remain in power through dictatorship.* What role did ?ukanovi? play in relation to Srebrenica, as a person coming after all from the Serbian corpus? And what was the role of Dodik?Dodik said what the Serbs on both sides of the river Drina think. The politician who speaks what he thinks is never mistaken.Dodik was right because he knows ?ukanovi? and he knows what would happen if ?ukanovi? came to Srebrenica.I watched ?ukanovi?’s long performance in the Face Television. He himself offered to go to Srebrenica! The interviewer asked: Will you come to Sarajevo if Dodik is against it? He said: No, I will not, but I would eagerly come to Srebrenica. That was followed by the invitation to him to come to Srebrenica. ?ukanovi? tries to ignore the problems he has with his own people, and wants to deal with the problems in B&H, Serbia and the region. He harmed all of us, Serbs, Montenegrins and Bosniaks. A large part of the voters that used to support ?ukanovi? has realized that with him it is impossible to go forward.Mirovi?: ?ukanovi?’s fall will pass without criminal prosecutionIs ?ukanovi? an obstacle for the European future of the Balkans?I do not have a high opinion about the consistency, moral principles or respect for human rights in the EU – they showed it all at the time of corona. But Mr ?ukanovi? went so far in violating the laws and basic legal and civilization norms that even the hypocritical Brussels administration does not feel comfortable if their name and the policy are connected with him.Not only because he has a bad reputation in the international community, but also because the European Agency for Detecting Cross-border Frauds has been publishing for years that illicit trade, primarily of cigarettes, is done through ports in Montenegro.After a Montenegrin ship was stopped in Germany with a half of ton of cocaine, we could see that it became unbearable even for the hypocritical EU and its double standards. ?ukanovi? became a burden for the EU administration. However, he plays the American card and he meets the American wishes even when there are no conditions for that.It could be seen when the Patriarch from Constantinople said to him that there was “no Montenegrin church”. He tried the Ukraine scenario at that time. His fall will certainly not happen without criminal prosecution that will be initiated by the opposition. And it will not refer to the coup only.Provocative actions; demolishing of churches like in the Middle Ages, or like the Taliban do in Afghanistan; attacks against monks, clergy and believers – all of that shows that he is planning some sort of emergency situation for the next elections. Or, to be absolutely clear, he plans to have elections like in Albania, where only the ruling party would participate and get the power with 20 or 30% turnout.These provocations of the people – not only Serbs but the others as well, and closing of the borders on the eve of the tourism season – suggest in my opinion that he will introduce an emergency and effect a coup, but this time before the elections, unlike last time when he did it after the elections.* What are the consequences of the ?ukanovi?’s pro-American course for Montenegro and the region?He was a hyper Serb, and a great friend of Moscow, and now he is a champion in following American interests in the Balkans. That is the policy of “let me be in power whatever happens to the people”. Thus, he harms Serbs in the region as well as other nations, and he harms all the nationalities that live in Montenegro.I cannot understand that the country with 600 000 people, 200 km of coast, two mountain resorts and all the preconditions to live on tourism can be in such a poor economic situation and crisis. That is beyond comprehension for me. Unless you take into account that he destroyed everything to remain in power.A completely opposite example is the Metropolitan Amfilohije who built and restored several hundreds of churches in the last thirty years. It means something can be done if you are not self-centred.He led Montenegro – that is a UN member and whose sovereignty nobody disputes –to emergency state with the huge national debt, unfinished strategic roads due to the corruption, undermined tourism, continuous scandals and affairs and armed conflicts and high crime that is spilling over the region and reaches Ukraine even. ................

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