Honors English 6 Vocabulary

Honors English 6 Vocabulary

1. Elude (v)- 1. Avoid being found or caught, especially through trickery. 2. Unable to find or achieve what you want. 3. Unable to remember a fact.

2. Exude (v)- To show a lot of a particular feeling.

3. Insinuate (v)- To say something that seems to mean something unpleasant without directly stating it.

4. Insolent (adj)-Rude, not showing respect.

5. Irrefutable (adj)-Cannot be proven wrong.

6. Impervious (adj)-1. Not affected or influenced by something 2. Not allowing anything to pass through.

7. Illicit (adj)-Not allowed by law or approved of by society.

8. Preempt (v)-To make what someone is about to do unnecessary or ineffective by acting first.

9. Premonition (n)-feeling that something bad is about to happen.

Fill in the correct vocabulary word in the blanks below. Words may be used more than once. You may add –ed or –ing to the words.

1. He was arrested for possession of drugs.

2. We have evidence that you were cheating on the test.

3. He was to the noise around him.

4. The robber the police after the break-in.

5. On the morning of the big game, the team confidence.

6. The teenager slammed the door on her parents.

7. The Army General thought it was better to attacks, instead of just reacting to them.

8. I couldn’t shake the that something bad was going to happen when I got home.

9. Even though I just met her, her name me.

10. Are you that we didn’t deserve the award?

11. The netting around the tent is to the mosquitoes that are trying to get in.

12. Even though they always make it to the play offs, the championship seems to

them every year.


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