Identifying adjectives and nouns worksheet

[Pages:2]Identifying adjectives and nouns

Grade 1 Adjectives Worksheet

Circle the adjectives and underline the nouns. Ignore the verbs (actions words)!

bird happy yellow big

walk egg

Nouns are words for persons, places or things. Adjectives are words that describe nouns.

eat shiny blue rock lamp

salty water chair



dirty arm

girl fluffy large

donkey furry smile warm apple

Reading & math for K-5

Identifying adjectives and nouns

Grade 1 Adjectives Worksheet


bird happy yellow big

walk egg

Nouns are words for persons, places or things. Adjectives are words that describe nouns.

eat shiny blue rock lamp

salty water chair



dirty arm

girl fluffy large

donkey furry smile warm apple

Reading & math for K-5


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