English Department 2012

English DepartmentSantiago, abril 20185257800-228600114300-228600Saint Gaspar CollegeMisioneros de la Preciosa SangreFormando Personas ?ntegrasCiclo: Educación ParvulariaNivel: Pre-KinderEstimados Apoderados,Junto con saludarlos y esperando que sus hijos (as) hayan tenido un buen inicio escolar, les informamos y compartimos las unidades y contenidos que se cubrirán durante el a?o en la asignatura de inglés. La finalidad es que ustedes puedan acompa?ar a sus hijos e hijas en el proceso de aprendizaje de este nuevo idioma, a través de juegos, canciones y/o preguntas acerca del vocabulario de las distintas unidades. El texto a utilizar este a?o incluye el sitio web (elt/mouseandme) que contiene las canciones e historias animadas que serán vistas en cada unidad, por lo que se recomienda que los alumnos visiten esta página, en la compa?ía de un adulto, ya que esto les permitirá reforzar parte del vocabulario que se cubrirá durante el a?o. Se ruega revisar cada historia y canción durante el mes que corresponde a la unidad que las contiene con el fin de mantener la expectativa en los alumnos (as) frente a los temas a tratar en las próximas unidades. Al ingresar al sitio web deben hacer clic en el número 2, correspondiente al libro del nivel de su hijo (a), que se encuentra debajo del nombre del libro “Mouse and Me!”.Agradeciendo desde ya su apoyo y colaboración, les saludan atentamente,______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Miss Bárbara Castro M. Miss Mónica Chamorro Miss Marcela Doty Profesora de Inglés Ed. Parvularia Jefa del Departamento de Inglés Jefa de Ciclo de Ed. Parvularia MESCONTENIDOSMarzoHello!New Words: hello, goodbye, girl, boy, sunny, windy, rainy, cloudy, no, yes, yellow, red, blue, green, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.Abril1. I want to be a robotNew Words (Actions): Dance, clap, point, sit, down, stand up, wave. Smart Topic New Words (Move your Body): Run, jump, climb, stretch, we’re strong!Nursery New Words (Playground Games): Play hopscotch, roll the hoop, throw the beanbag and catch the ball.New Structures: Let’s [dance, clap, point, etc.] / Can you [play hopscotch, roll the hoop, throw the beanbag, etc.?Phonics: Initial s sound.Math: 1-6.Value: Joining in and having a go.Mayo2. I want to be a monsterNew Words (Face): Ears, nose, eyes, mouth, sad, happy.Smart Topic New Words (Dirty and Clean): Hands, face, dirty, clean. Nursery New Words (First Aid): Elbow, finger, knee, toeNew Structures: It’s got [ears, nose, eyes, etc.] / What’s the matter? / What hurts?Phonics: Initial n and m sounds.Math: 1-6.Value: Being friendly.Junio3. I want to be an artist New Words (Colours): Pink, grey, orange, brown, black, white. Smart Topic New Words (Big and Small): Book, pencil, big, smallNursery New Words (Shapes): Circle, square, triangleNew Structures: It’s [pink, grey, orange, etc.] / What is it?Phonics: Initial and final t and initial p sounds.Math: 1-7.Value: Tidying up.Julio4. I want to be a birdAgosto5. I want to be a superheroNew Words (Family): Mummy, daddy, sister, brother, granny, grandad.Smart Topic New Words (Bird Life Cycle): Bird, nest, eggs, baby birds.Nursery New Words (Relationships): Friend, teacher, family.New Structures: Here’s my [mummy, daddy, sister, etc.] / Who’s this?Phonics: Initial d and initial and final g sounds.Math: 1-8.Value: Working as a team.New Words (Outdoor Toys): Slide, swing, climbing frame, bike, scooter, trampoline.Smart Topic New Words (Instruments): Drum, piano, guitar, trumpet.Nursery New Words (Indoor Toys): Bricks, animals, costumes, jigsaws.New Structures: It’s a [slide, swing, climbing frame, etc.] / What are these?Phonics: Initial c/k sound. Math: 1-9.Value: Helping someone in need.Septiembre 6. I want to be an explorerOctubre7. I want to be an astronautNew Words (Animals): Snake, crocodile, monkey, parrot, lion, elephant. Smart Topic New Words (Habitats): Trees, grass, river, rocks.Nursery New Words (Animal Actions): Eating, walking, sleeping, running.New Structures: I can see a/ an [snake, crocodile, monkey, etc.] / What’s it doing?Phonics: Initial and middle i sound.Math: 1-10.Value: Being patient.New Words (Space): Astronaut, rocket, earth, sky, stars, moon. Smart Topic New Words (Daytime and Night-time): Daytime, night-time, sun.Nursery New Words (Flowers): Seeds, soil, water, light.New Structures: Let’s go to (the) [earth, stars, moon, etc.] / What do they need?Phonics: Initial a sound. Math: 1-10.Value: Being kind to others.Noviembre8. I want to be a princeNew Words (Fruit): Apples, pears, oranges, bananas, cherries, strawberries.Smart Topic New Words (Hungry and Thirsty): Hungry, food, thirsty, drink.Nursery New Words (Drinks): Milk, juice, water.New Structures: I like [apples, pears, oranges, etc.] / What’s he/she drinking?Phonics: Initial o sound.Math: 1-10.Value: Sharing. ................

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