Ordering Information: Connecting SentencesTopic and commentPlace the topic at the beginning of the sentence and place the comment at the end of each sentence. The topic or comment of the first sentence, then often becomes the topic at the beginning of the next sentence.Example:In this part of the tropical rainforest you can see the size of commercial logging. Logging has been taking place here for over 30 years and ….Underline the topic in the text below, highlight the comment.A relatively new but major environmental issue is deforestation. Deforestation may be defined as the clearing of forest areas which takes place on a massive scale. It is this massive scale of destruction which worries environmentalists and scientists. These experts claim that the clearing of large areas of forest such as the rainforest could have disastrous effects. These could include; the loss of habitat for plants and animals, damage to fertile forest soils and increased global warming. It is the effect on global warming which is most worrying in terms of the long-term future of the planet.2. Complete the sentences below.Air pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems. ____________________ may be defined as the ………Motor vehicles are one of the biggest causes of air pollution. ____________________ burn fossil fuels and emit various gases into the atmosphere.One of the most serious effects of air pollution for humans is health problems. _________________ can include: lung disease, asthma and allergies.In addition to this, global warming is another major effect of air pollution. _________________ results from increased amounts of CO2 gas being released into the atmosphere which causes average temperatures to rise.Look at these examples from students’ introduction to the ‘deforestation’ essay. What is the problem with the ordering of information and topic and comment in the first example?Tropical rainforests can be found in large areas of South America, Central Africa and South East Asia. These are areas of constant high temperatures and rainfall. This climate allows many species of plants and animals to thrive. 70% of all plant and animals species on Earth are found in the rainforests. Deforestation may be defined as the clearing of forests which…Tropical rainforests can be found in large areas of South America, Central Africa and South East Asia. These are areas of constant high temperatures and rainfall. This climate allows many species of plants and animals to thrive. 70% of all plant and animals species on Earth are found in the rainforests. These rainforests are slowly being destroyed and reduced in size by deforestation. Deforestation may be defined as the clearing of forests which…Read the paragraph below. Underline the topic in the text below, highlight the comment.There are many causes of deforestation such as; agricultural land use and commercial logging. Agricultural land use is one of the biggest causes of deforestation. Enormous areas of forest are cleared for cattle grazing. This grazing is to meet demand for beef in other parts of the world (Evans, 1989). Deforestation is also caused by ‘slash and burn’ farming which is a traditional method of agriculture in tropical rainforest. Small areas of the forest are cut down or burned and a group of families will settle there for a number of years before moving to another part of the forest. In addition to this large areas of tropical rainforest are also destroyed by commercial logging. These loggers build roads into the forest and large areas are cleared for the valuable timber logs. These logs are sold around the world to make furniture and the construction industry (The Death of the Forests, 2002).Now, look back at the essay you have written on Desertification and edit your paragraphs following the information above. ................

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