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AP World History

Study Guide: Chapter 14

The Latin West (1200-1500)

1. Define or describe the following: Latin West, demographic, guild, Gothic cathedrals.

2. Discuss the demographic struggles throughout Europe during the fourteenth-century. Also, discuss the reasons for the boom in the European population from 1100 to the mid 14th century.

3. Discuss the factors that contributed to the declines of urban areas as well as the factors that contributed to the urban revival throughout Europe during this period.

4. Discuss the biggest reason for population decline in the mid 14th century. Discuss the causes of and symptoms of the plague known as Black Death as well as how many people died.

5. Describe in detail the social and economic impacts of the plague on Europe. (353-354)

6. Analyzing the map on page 354, what does this map show about how the plague arrived and then spread throughout Europe during the mid-fourteenth century?

7. Discuss the causes and consequences of the mini-industrial revolution of medieval Europe.

8. Describe the Hanseatic League and the Champagne fairs and discuss how they represent two examples of how government policy actively supported free trade between merchants.

9. Describe the Renaissance and discuss what caused it to start when and where it did.

10. Discuss how Europe’s acquisition of philosophical and scientific texts from Muslims is an example of the trade of ideas during the post-classical age.

11. Discuss the significance of the university within the Latin West. How did the system operate? What impact did the writings of the classical Greek philosopher Aristotle have on university research? Define “scholasticism” and “humanists”.

12. The major technological innovation of this time was the printing press. Who developed the printing press and what impact did it have on the European population and the Renaissance.

13. Discuss the Great Schism and the impact it had on papal authority. Describe the One Hundred Year War and discuss how it marked a turning point in military technology.

14. a. Describe in detail the “new monarchies” in France and Europe in regards to the new shift of power. b. Discuss the three events that happened in Spain in1492.

“Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil.” 

― Niccolo Machiavelli


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