The Battlefront in World War I - Old History Website

The Battlefront in World War I

Bell Ringer- Which country made the biggest impact in the Allies winning the war?

Russia’s role in the war

• Map- Russia is responsible for attacking Germany from the East, France and Britain attack Germany from the West

• Russia is ruled by Tsar Alexander, the king of Russia- he sends men to battle without proper equipment

• Russians are getting killed- the war is unpopular, plus the people are starving

• Vladimir Lenin leads a Communist Revolution in Russia- he helps kill the Tsar and his family, and takes over the gov’t

• Communism- favors helping the poor, sharing all goods in society, and everybody is considered Equal

• Germany had helped Lenin get power in Russia, Lenin promised to exit the war with Germany

• Russia exits the war, thus Germany now only has to fight France on the Western Front

America enters the fighting over in Europe

• Tug of War- U.S. breaks the stalemate

1. Once German troops are 50 miles from Paris, America officially enters the war and turns the tide at the battle at Chateau-Thierry

2. U.S. uses newer technology, the Tank, to fight off Germans which is a major advantage

3. U.S. uses new technology, the Airplane, to bomb German lines

4. Eventual Armistice- cease fire- November 11, 1918

• 50,000 U.S. men die, 8 million around the world- 5,000/day

• Around the world an influenza epidemic had begun

• After war- continued death- starvation, disease, injuries

The Ending to the War to End All Wars

• Woodrow Wilson went to Paris to work with Europe to create a peace settlement

• He wanted to set up the League of Nations- countries band together to make sure that no further wars could happen.

• In the League of Nations, an attack on one country would count as an attack at all the countries

• Wilson felt that NO country deserved spoils- rewards for the war, and he also thought no country should pay Reparations- payment for lost income and damage

The Conference of Paris

| |Italy |France |Great Britain |United States |

|Leader |Vittorio Orlando |Georges Clemenseau |David Lloyd George |Woodrow Wilson |

|Destruction to country |Some |Major!! |Little |None |

|Loss of Life |About 1 million |Over 3 million |About 1 million |50,000 |

|Goals of Peace Conference |To take some land in the Baltic|To take part of Germany, to |To gain reparations and spoils |To make peace with no spoils, |

| |region and in Africa from |humiliate and destroy Germany, |through taking land from |no reparations, and to create |

| |Germany, and reparations- Crush|to gain reparations and spoils-|Germany- Crush Germany so they |an international peace keeping |

| |Germany so they can never rise |Crush Germany so they can never|can never rise again |organization.- Can’t we all |

| |again |rise again | |just get along?? |

The end of the Paris Peace Conference

• Treaty of Versailles- Germany is forced to sign the treaty- if they don’t sign, they will be invaded

• U.S. Congress refuses to ratify this treaty, against Woodrow Wilson- we don’t want to get dragged into European wars

• What will happen if the U.S., the most powerful country does not join the peace keeping group?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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