Upper extremity paresis


Upper extremity paresis

Distal upper extremity paresis. Upper extremity poststroke paresis. Bilateral upper extremity paresis. Proximal upper extremity paresis. Upper extremity paresis icd 10. Left upper extremity paresis icd 10. Right upper extremity paresis icd 10.

arto Paresis is a weakening of the motor function of hands and feet or muscle systems due to improper functioning of the brain and its departments responsible for motor activity. In case of non-time treatment of this disease the person runs the risk of paralysis, which has lost all the motor function. It is essential to identify the disease. In addition, it is necessary to know how we are treated in this case. Most people who associate weakness in your muscles with normal stretching or damage, not really knowing what it is. However, paresis is considered a progressive disease. Cause of disease The disorder of the functioning responsible for the movement of the upper and lower extremities of the body, mainly due to the stronger violations of the spinal cord and brain or parts of the nervous system. This pathological process may occur for the following reasons: the severe wound; brain stroke cancer; the circulation of improper blood in the brain; some infectious and inflammatory diseases. In medical practice, based on the severity of the disease, the limb paresis is divided into following types: deep and easy. On the mechanism of the disease was isolated central peripheral paresis, mixed or psychogenic of the lower limbs. In Addition, the disease is classified according to how deeply affected hands and feet. In medical practice, they distinguish themselves: monoparesi ? paralysis of a hand or foot hemiparesi ? a complete defeat of a party of the human body; paraparesi is a disorder of the motor function of the arms, legs and other centric parts of the body; I'd feared the loss of all the limbs. In Addition, the disease is classified according to where injury: flabby and spastic. When the flaccid paresis is absent protective reflections of the organism, and pathological signs and sinkinesia. Violations in nerve activity lead to the atrophy of muscle groups whose activity is controlled. Polineurite can cause a symmetrical paralysis of the foot and lower leg. Plexus violated due to unilateral paresis, which is found in muscle fibers of the pelvis. The spastic paresis in several cases is weakness of the distal leg. Upper and lower limbs in children This unpleasant disorder is congenital or acquired in nature. In frequent cases, children are paralysis of a higher end, which appears as a result of injuries to the brachial plexus during childbirth. The motor activity of the child's hands is limited or absent. It is parallel to the body, it has a flattened appearance in the joints. It happens that paresis is noted on the hand and on the foot with the same side or exclusively on the feet. This problem is possible, when an innate threshold of the spinal cord develops. Paralysis can occur in the child with age, if at the time of birth he was sick brain. Typically, thisoccurs when the child reaches 2 years of age. Only an experienced neurologist, highly qualified and able to properly diagnose and prescribe appropriately appropriateThe basis for the purchased cut can be a disease of the nervous system in children. Symptoms are increased muscle tone, the appearance of pathological reflexes. All this is observed with the normalization of the functioning of the spinal cord. As mentioned earlier, the child needs to identify the disease much harder than in adults. Usually paresis is considered the result of congenital trauma. Although in some situations, doctors make this conclusion, but actually the disease is not present or is not as bright symptoms. After some time you can make this diagnosis of the child or more accurately establish the stage of the existing disease. In most cases, in young children this disease passes quickly. Define the pathology existing in a child who can already walk, even too difficult. Doctors say that when a child moves to the socks, it says improper muscle tone and the development of paresis. While such phenomenon can be said of other pathological processes. Therefore, when a problem child are named massage, physiotherapy and recreational gymnastics. Disease Treatment Paresis is not a disease, which occurs independently. Rather, it reflects other pathological processes that occur in the human body. Therefore, before an effective treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause of paresis and find a way to resolve it more quickly. For example, when peripheral nerve injury stitched when detected spinal stroke, a repair treatment is performed. With tumor tumor, nerve structures divasam, it is a surgical procedure. TOOOOOOTogether with etiotropic therapy it should be a symptomatic treatment, as muscle tissue can atrophize without the need for physical activity. In frequent cases, paresis of the lower limbs treated with gymnastics exercises and massages. Therapeutic exercises recommended for deep paresis, as it is able to normalize the vestibular, cardiac and vascular apparatus, the musculoskeletal function of muscles, ligaments, bones and joints. With the help of some exercises the pain is relieved, the pressure returns to normal, there is dizziness, nausea. Sport in this pathological phenomenon involves the implementation of inactive movements. It is important to stress that their implementation must work both ways, regardless of whether they are interested or not. All physical movements should be performed uniformly and synchronously. Time shouldn't be fast. To avoid fatigue, gymnastics should not be more than 3-5 times. In case of paresis of the legs, the effective result is obtained with the massage, which helps to normalize the blood circulation and to influence the withdrawal spasms of the total muscles of the body. In addition, because of the massage sessions can be achieved to prevent potential damage to the tissues The massage should be performed immediately on both lower limbs, so you should perform two specialists. First massaged two feet, then two hips, etc. In addition, the patient patient be able to relax the spacious muscles. To do this, if the leg muscles have increased the tone due to the change of the bust, the patient should bend alive or perform a circular movement on the body. It should be noted that when the paresis of the ends caused by a spinal race, it should not be used to treat only gymnastics and massage. Furthermore, the patient must take vitamins and minerals. The paralysis of the limbs as a result of the spinal blow of the spinal blow (cerebrospinal) is characterized by an irregular movement of the blood in the spinal cord, resulting in supporting the flow of blood through the ships that nourish it. The prognosis of paralysis depends on the nature of nervous damage. Thus, to determine how the ship concerned and configuring the aspect of the race, the doctors are a list of characteristic symptoms of the syndromes of the following: front ischemic poliomyles. Transfiguration of the syndrome. Ischemia of the spinal transversal section. Central-medullary ischemia. Brown-Sekara syndrome. Low (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). The ischemic front polyomyelitis syndrome The upper and lower limbs making a few progress. They are some reflections, muscular atrophy of the limbs. Preobrazhensky syndrome is characterized by the absence of any sensitivity of all the patient's limbs or paralysis. Typical of a massive blow every spinal cord area. The ischemia of the center-medullare of the syndrome observed the paralysis of both legs caused by spinal racing, also reduces sensitivity on the interested side. The lenses of the ends are observed in the ischemia syndrome of the spinal cross section. When center-medullary ischemia also occurs in the paralysis of the limbs and the reduction of sensitivity on the side that is concerned. Spinal blow therapy should be conducted in the Department of Neurology. The treatments will depend on the existence of pain. As a rule, initially the patient is prescribed drugs that carry out heart restoration activities and blood vessels, normalize blood pressure and regulate metabolism. In some cases, assigned to massage therapy and physiotherapy. Therefore, the paralysis of the limbs is one of the most serious diseases that can seriously influence the quality of the life of the patient's life and cause dangerous health effects. To prevent this problem, it is necessary in the early stages of the disease to consult an expert specialist. The doctor will be able to determine the cause of the development of paralysis and to prescribe the appropriate therapy for each individual patient. 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