Creating a Student Bill Of Rights - Bailey401

Group Members:_______________________________________________

Creating a Student Bill Of Rights

The first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution detail the rights of the people and the states in the United States. You have freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the right to a jury of your peers because it is stated in the Bill of Rights.

Use the amendments as a model to create a Student Bill of Rights. Write 10 laws that you would like to see passed to protect the rights of students at Quaboag Regional Middle High School. Underneath each law explain why it is necessary for the good of students and the school.

When your group has completed its Bill of Rights you must write a short essay -- your own "Federalist Paper" -- to persuade other students to ratify your Bill of Rights. Remember, the Federalist Papers were used to persuade the residents of New York to vote for the ratification of the Constitution.

All of your work will be completed on the following pages of this packet. I have listed below a simplified version of the Bill of Rights for you to refer to. Furthermore, you can look to your student handbook for ideas.


Bill of Rights

Amendment 1: Freedoms of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition

Amendment 2: Right to Bear Arms

Amendment 3: Freedom From Quartering Troops

Amendment 4: Freedom Against Unreasonable Search and Seizure

Amendment 5: Rights of the Accused

Amendment 6: Right to a Speedy, Public Trial

Amendment 7: Right to a Trial by Jury

Amendment 8: Limits to Bail and Punishment

Amendment 9: Powers Reserved to the People

Amendment 10: Powers Reserved to the States


Assessment: This will count as a 40 point project grade. Each group will present their Bill of Rights and read their "Federalist Paper." Students will vote on the best Bill of Rights and the winning group will receive a prize (something sweeeeeeet)! See attached grading rubric.

Law I:

Why It's Necessary:


Law II:

Why It's Necessary:


Law III:

Why It's Necessary:


Law IV:

Why It's Necessary:


Law V:

Why It's Necessary:


Law VI:

Why It's Necessary:


Law VII:

Why It's Necessary:



Why It's Necessary:


Law IX:

Why It's Necessary:


Law X:

Why It's Necessary:


Quaboag Regional Middle High School "Federalist Paper"

Complete your short, persuasive essay in the space provided. Remember to include specific details about why this Bill of Rights is necessary and important for students at your school.






















Student Bill of Rights/Presentation Rubric


Teacher Name: Mr. Bailey

Group Members: _________________________________________________

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Content x2 |Shows a full understanding|Shows a good understanding|Shows a good understanding|Does not seem to |

| |of the topic. |of the topic. |of parts of the topic. |understand the topic |

| | | | |very well. |

|Collaboration with Peers |Almost always listens to, |Usually listens to, shares|Often listens to, shares |Rarely listens to, |

| |shares with, and supports |with, and supports the |with, and supports the |shares with, and |

| |the efforts of others in |efforts of others in the |efforts of others in the |supports the efforts of |

| |the group. Tries to keep |group. Does not cause |group but sometimes is not|others in the group. |

| |people working well |"waves" in the group. |a good team member. |Often is not a good team|

| |together. | | |member. |

|Preparedness |Student is completely |Student seems pretty |The student is somewhat |Student does not seem at|

| |prepared and has obviously|prepared but might have |prepared, but it is clear |all prepared to present.|

| |rehearsed. |needed a couple more |that rehearsal was | |

| | |rehearsals. |lacking. | |

|Listens to Other |Listens intently. Does not|Listens intently but has |Sometimes does not appear |Sometimes does not |

|Presentations |make distracting noises or|distracting noises or |to be listening but is not|appear to be listening |

| |movements. |movements. |distracting. |and has distracting |

| | | | |noises or movements. |

Total Points Earned ________ x 2 = ________/40


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