Bill of Rights Study Sheet

Bill of Rights Study Sheet

1. First Amendment – protects 5 freedoms: religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.

2. Second Amendment- guarantees the right to serve in a state militia and to bear arms.

3. Third Amendment- limits government’s right to house soldiers in citizens homes.

4. Fourth Amendment- protects people from unwanted searches and seizures.

5. Fifth Amendment-. Protects rights of accused persons, guarantees that no one may be denied life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

6. Sixth Amendment- protects the rights of an accused person, including right to trial by jury and to be represented by a lawyer.

7. Seventh Amendment- guarantees the right to a jury trial in civil cases where the amount is over 20.00.

8. Eighth Amendment- prohibits excessive bail or fines, forbids cruel and unusual punishment.

9. Ninth Amendment- rights listed are not the only rights of the people.

10. Tenth Amendment- powers not specifically assigned to the national government belong to the states or the people.


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