NWT template

General Reports

AMH Clients Missing a Diagnosis

The new AMH Clients Missing a Diagnosis report includes adults who are active clients within an open Adult Mental Health (AMH) Case Management workgroup, and who do not have a current diagnosis recorded. The report does not consider whether or not the diagnosis codes are billable for claiming. The claiming process has edits and proofing messages built in to determine billable codes.

[pic]Reference: The AMH Clients Missing a Diagnosis report displays with a blue icon, indicating that it is a report with Enhanced Grid features. See the Grid module for details on how to use the enhanced grid features.

Tools – General Reports

[pic]To Access the AMH Clients Missing a Diagnosis report:

1. Click on Tools in the toolbar and select General Reports in the drop-down menu.

2. The General Reports folder displays (Expand the folder if necessary).

3. Expand the Client Data folder.

AMH Clients Missing a Diagnosis

4. Click on the AMH Clients Missing a Diagnosis report.

Setup Tab – Department Selection

The report defaults to the Setup tab. You may choose to run the report by Department, by Unit, or by Worker by selecting the appropriate option. Selections made here determine which of the fields display below. The example pictured above illustrates selecting the Department option. This triggers the drop-down menu to reflect Department selections.

Setup Tab - Unit and Worker Report Selections

Selecting Unit changes the drop-down menu to Unit. Selecting Worker adds a Worker drop-down menu beneath the Unit drop-down menu. Selecting Worker also allows you to choose whether to display Active Workers Only.

[pic]To View Results on the AMH Clients Missing a Diagnosis Report:

1. From the Setup tab, select the Department, Unit, or Worker option.

2. Click the Search button.

3. The AMH Clients Missing a Diagnosis tab displays with search results in the grid.


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