# !/usr/bin/python# Author : Sabarinath Gnanasekar# This script produce the result of replication lag between master postgresql and replica in measurable of bytes.And the sole purpose of this code bound with# postgresql version 9.0 running with streaming replication which doesn't have any in-built function to measure and alert the replication lag as human unders# tandableimport loggingimport sysimport mathimport psycopg2 as pgsql###Logging function to produce verbose information about scriptLEVELS={'debug':logging.DEBUG,'info':,'warning':logging.WARNING,'error':logging.ERROR,'critical':logging.CRITICAL}def Logging(level,data,mod_name): Level = LEVELS.get(level) logger = logging.getLogger(mod_name) if not len(logger.handlers): logger.setLevel(Level) file_handler = logging.FileHandler('replication-lag.log') formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s -%(levelname)s - %(message)s') file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) logger.log(Level,data)###Math Functions to convert Hex to decimal and convert to unit of bytesdef getDecimalEquivalent(hexadigit) : hexaDict = {'0' : 0, '1' : 1, '2' : 2 , '3' : 3, '4' : 4, '5' : 5 , '6' : 6 , '7' : 7, '8' : 8 , '9' : 9, 'A' : 10, \ 'B' : 11, 'C' : 12, 'D' : 13, 'E' : 14, 'F' : 15} return hexaDict.get( str(hexadigit) )def convertHex2Dec (hexa) : dec = 0 counter = 1 try: for hexadigit in str(hexa).upper() : dec = dec + getDecimalEquivalent(hexadigit) * 16 ** ( len(hexa) - counter ) counter += 1 except TypeError: dec = 0 return decdef computeMegaByteDiff (master , replica ) : multiplier = convertHex2Dec('FF000000') master_val = multiplier * convertHex2Dec( str(master[0][0]).split('/')[0] ) + convertHex2Dec( str(master[0][0]).split('/')[1]) Logging('info','Master postgresql current transaction log write location %s in bytes'%(master_val),'postgres') try: slave_val = multiplier * convertHex2Dec( str(replica[0][0]).split('/')[0] ) + convertHex2Dec( str(replica[0][0]).split('/')[1] ) except IndexError: slave_val = 0 Logging('info','Slave postgresql latest transaction replay log write location %s in bytes'%(slave_val),'postgres') byte = master_val - slave_val Logging('info','Replica postgresql is lag by %s in bytes'%(byte),'postgres') return byte###Database Functions to connect with MAster and slave Postgres to grab query outputdef pgsql_query_get( conn_str,query): pgsql_conn = pgsql.connect(conn_str) Logging('info','postgres connection established with %s'%(conn_str),'postgres') pgsql_cur = pgsql_conn.cursor() pgsql_cur.execute(query) Logging('info','%s Query has been executed against %s'%(query,conn_str),'postgres') result = pgsql_cur.fetchall() Logging('info','Data has been fetched and stored in the variable for further process','postgres') Logging('info','postgres connection closed with %s'%(conn_str),'postgres') return result pgsql_conn.close() pgsql_cur.close() #return result###Calling All above said functionconn_mas = "dbname='postgres' user='postgres' host=''"conn_sla = "dbname='postgres' user='postgres' host='' port='5433'"query_mas = "SELECT pg_current_xlog_location()"query_sla = "SELECT pg_last_xlog_replay_location()"master = pgsql_query_get(conn_mas ,query_mas)slave = pgsql_query_get(conn_sla ,query_sla)print computeMegaByteDiff(master , slave) ................

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