MILSTRAP AP3 Introduction

AP3. APPENDIX 3FORMATS INTRODUCTIONAP3.1. General. The AP3 series appendices prescribe the alignment and data entries for the MILSTRAP formats.AP3.2. Formats. MILSTRAP formats are described in Appendices AP3.1 through AP3.64.AP3.3. Special Explanation/Instruction. To prevent repeating lengthy and repetitious footnotes, explanations, and instructions, the following are provided for reference purposes and shall be referred to in the applicable formats:AP3.3.1. For ammunition and ammunition related items in Federal supply group 13, and Federal supply classes 1410, 1420, 1427, 1440, 5330, 5865, 6810 or 8140, quantities exceeding 99,999 may be expressed in thousands by placing an M in record position 29. For example: A quantity of 1,950,000 would be expressed as 1950M (1950 in record positions 25-28 and an M in record position 29). Quantities not evenly divisible by thousands shall require two transactions. The first transaction shall reflect the rounded thousands using the M modifier and the second transaction shall reflect the residual quantity: For example: A quantity of 100,001, the first document shall reflect a quantity of 0100M and the second document shall reflect a quantity of 00001.AP3.3.2. When reversal or cancellation of the original transaction is required, enter a reversal indicator in record position 25. Chapter 9 provides a list of the MILSTRAP transactions that are authorized for reversal.AP3.3.2.1. Reversal Indicator. In punched-card transactions, the reversal indicator was an eleven-zone over punch of the quantity digit in record position 25 of the quantity to be reversed. In non punched-card MILSTRAP 80 record position transactions, the reversal indicator is the Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) or American Standard Code for Information Interchange equivalent of the punched-card entry, which is also entered in record position 25 of the reversal quantity for the 80 record position MILSTRAP transactions. (NOTE: A transaction reversal for Defense Logistics Management System (DLMS) transactions is accomplished with a negative sign in front of the quantity. Therefore, the MILSTRAP legacy 80 record position transaction reversal indicator as described below does not apply in DLMS transactions. The EBCDIC reversal indicators are a minus sign for a blank entry, a } (closing brace) for an entry of zero, or an alphabetic J through R for an entry of 1 through 9 respectively. Since significant digits are to be preceded by zeros, the blank and minus sign indicators in record position 25 are actually invalid entries and are mentioned only to cover all possibilities. The punched card and EBCDIC reversal indicators are as follows:QUANTITY ENTRYRECORD?POSITION 25 PUNCHED-CARDTRANSACTION ENTRYRECORD?POSITION 25 EBCDIC REVERSALEBCDIC REVERSAL QUANTITY ENTRY111-zone and blank- (MINUS)- 10000111-zone and 0 (zero)}}00011000111-zone and 1JJ00012000111-zone and 2KK00013999911-zone and 3LL99994218011-zone and 4MM21805783211-zone and 5NN78326000011-zone and 6OO00007836411-zone and 7PP83648000011-zone and 8QQ00009999911-zone and 9RR9999AP3.3.2.2. For ammunition, an M-modifier may be entered in record position 29 of the quantity field to denote thousands. In such cases, the quantity and reversal indicators would appear as shown in the following example for a reversal quantity of 800000:QUANTITY ENTRYRECORD POSITION 25 PUNCHED-CARDTRANSACTION ENTRYRECORD POSITION 25 EBCDIC REVERSALCHARACTEREBCDIC REVERSAL QUANTITY ENTRY0800M11-zone and 0 (zero)}}800MAP3.3.3. When all data elements, other than quantity, are identical and the quantity due-in or being adjusted exceeds 99,999 or 9999M (M-Modifier thousands - and residual quantities are for ammunition); or when all data elements are the same, except the condition of materiel, for materiel being received or being adjusted; assign consecutive suffix codes in record position 44 beginning with alpha code A in the initial transaction; otherwise, leave blank. AP3.3.4. Date Indicator is a three-position field used to identify the year and month (e.g., 305 is year 2003, month of May). Date indicators refer to the last day of the month unless otherwise noted in the transaction. The Date Indicators in special program requirement (SPR) transactions refer to the first day of the month as noted in the formats.AP3.3.5. Exception Rule Available for Communicating Larger Quantities in Identified Transactions. For ammunition and ammunition related items in FSG 13, and FSC 1410, 1420, 1427, 1440, 5330, 5865, 6810 or 8140, exception rule for ammunition and ammunition related items: By trading partner agreement and by coordination with DLA Transaction Services, an exception rule is available for communicating larger quantities in identified transactions. This rule is only applicable when the initiating system is DLMS compliant (and supports larger quantities), and the receiving system is using legacy MILSTRAP. Under this rule, when the quantity exceeds 99,999, the DLA Transaction Services transaction conversion from DLMS to legacy format shall transmit the initial quantity using the standard configuration using the qualifier “M” in rp 29 to represent thousands, per AP3.3.1. The residual quantity from the DLMS transaction shall be transmitted separately using the original document number and original/blank suffix code. The legacy trading partner system shall be responsible for accumulating the quantities transmitted separately (rather than superseding or rejecting as duplicate transactions). Refer to ADC 441, Exception Rules to Accommodate Communication of Ammunition/Ammunition Related Quantities in Excess of Five Digits.AP3.4. General Guidance for Quantity, Day, and Date EntriesAP3.4.1. Quantity. Unless otherwise stated in the format explanation and instructions, quantity fields must be completely filled. If the quantity being entered does not fill the prescribed number of positions, right justify the entry and precede the significant digits with zeroes. For instance, a quantity of 55 would be entered in record positions 25-29 as 00055.AP3.4.2. Day. The term Julian day is not recognized for data element terminology. Accordingly, all instructions covering the entry of a 3-digit day refer to the ordinal day of the calendar year. For instance, 25 February shall be entered as 056 and 14 July would be entered as 195 or 196 in a leap year.AP3.4.3. Date. Date entries of four positions, unless otherwise specified, consist of the last position of the calendar year and the 3-digit ordinal day of the calendar year. For instance, 25 February 2003 would be entered as 3056. ................

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