UNIT-V241.Image compression comprised ofa)Encoderb)Decoderc)Framesd)Encoder and decoderAnswer: d?242.Decoder is used fora)Image enhancementb)Image compressionc)Image decompressiond)Image equalizationAnswer: c243. A codec is capable ofa)Encodingb)Decodingc)Framingd)Encoding and decodingAnswer: d244. ?Encoder is used fora)Image enhancementb)Image compressionc)Image decompressiond)Image equalizationAnswer: b245.Digitizing the image intensity amplitude is calleda)Samplingb)Quantizationc)Framingd)Sampling and quantization Answer: pressed image can be recovered back bya)?Image enhancementb)Image decompressionc)Image contrastd)Image equalizationAnswer: b247.?Digital video is sequence ofa)Pixelsb)Matrixc)Framesd)CoordinatesAnswer:?b248?Every run length pair introduce newa)Pixelsb)Matrixc)Framesd)IntensityAnswer: d249?If the pixels are reconstructed without error mapping is said to bea)Reversibleb)Irreversiblec)Temporald)FacsimileAnswer: a250?Replication of the pixels is calleda)Coding redundancyb)Spatial redundancyc)Temporal redundancyd)Coding redundancy and spatial redundancyAnswer: d251Transforming the difference between adjacent pixels is calleda)Mappingb)Image compressionc)Image watermarkingd)Image equalizationAnswer: a 252Image segment methods are ofa)2 typesb)3 typesc)4 typesd)5 typesAnswer: b253?Low frequency components are passed bya)Low pass filterb)Band pass filterc)High pass filterd)Max filterAnswer: a254Local histogram processing deals witha)Whole imageb)Slices of imagec)Center of imaged)Edges of imageAnswer: b256Thresholding gradient image produces gooda)Discontinuityb)Segmentationc)Continuityd)Edge detectionAnswer: d 257?Digital functions derivatives are defined asa)Differencesb)Multiplicationc)Additiond)DivisionAnswer: a258Ortho normal filter is developed around filter calleda)Up samplingb)Filteringc)Prototyped)Digital segment filteringAnswer: d259Sensor strip mounted in a ring configuration is used ina)?Microscopyb)Medicalc)Industryd)RadarAnswer: b260?The threshold used for each pixel depends on the location of the pixel in terms of the sub images, this type of thresholding is a)optimal thresholdingb)global thresholdingc)adaptive thresholdingd)local thresholdingAnswer: c261In geometric mean filters when alpha is equal to 1 then it works asa)?Notch filterb)Band pass filterc)Wiener filterd)Inverse filterAnswer: d262?First derivative approximation says that values of constant intensities must bea)1b)0c)Positived)NegativeAnswer: b263?If the inner region of the object is textured then approach we use isa)Discontinuityb)Similarityc)Extractiond)RecognitionAnswer: b264To avoid the negative values taking absolute values in Laplacian image doublesa)Thickness of linesb)?Thinness of linesc)Thickness of edgesd)Thinness of edgesAnswer: a265Gradient magnitude images are more useful ina)Point detectionb)Line detectionc)Area detectiond)Edge detectionAnswer: d266?Image having gradient pixels is calleda)Sharp imageb)Blur imagec)Gradient imaged)Binary imageAnswer: c267?In Laplacian images light shades of gray level is represented bya)0b)1c)Positived)NegativeAnswer: c268?For noise reduction we usea)Image smoothingb)Image contouringc)Image enhancementd)Image recognitionAnswer: a269?Diagonal lines are angles ata)0b)30c)45d)90Answer: c270Transition between objects and background showsa)Ramp edgesb)Step edgesc)Sharp edgesd)Ramp edges and step edgesAnswer: d271Horizontal lines are angles ata)0b)30c)45d)90Answer: a272Standard deviation is referred to as noiseless if having the valuea)0.1b)0.2c)0.3d)0.4Answer: a273For edge detection we usea)?First derivativeb)Second derivativec)Third derivatived)First derivative and second derivativeAnswer: a274Erosion is referred to asa)Reflectionb)Compressionc)Filteringd)DecompressionAnswer: c275Dilation is used for imagea)Expansionb)Compressionc)Decompressiond)TranslationAnswer: a276Two main operations of morphology area)Erosionb)Dilationc)Set theoryd)Erosion and DilationAnswer: d277Reflection and translation of the image objects are based ona)Pixelsb)Framesc)Structuring elementsd)CoordinatesAnswer: c278Structuring elements have origins ata)Top leftb)Top rightc)Centerd)Bottom leftAnswer: b279Dilation followed by erosion is calleda)Openingb)Closingc)Blurringd)TranslationAnswer: b280Tuple is referred to asa)1D vectorb)2D vectorc)3D vectord)4D vectorAnswer: b281Reflection is applied on image'sa)x coordinateb)y coordinatec)z coordinated)x and y coordinateAnswer: d282?Histogram equalization make image intensity changesa)Lowb)Highc)Visibled)InvisibleAnswer: c283?In the coding redundancy technique we usea)Fixed length codeb)Variable length codec)Byted)Fixed length code and variable length codeAnswer: d 284?Morphology refers toa)pixelsb)matrixc)framesd)shape Answer: d 285Source of information depending on finite no of outputs is called a)Markovb)Finite memory sourcec)Zero sourced)Markov and finite memory sourceAnswer: d286. __ is the difference between the actual and predicted value of that pixel.a) New information of a pixelb) Lossless predictive codingc) Lossy compressiond) Lossy predictive codingAnswer: a287. The average code word length achieved bya) b) c) d) Answer: b288. The representation of gray level of m-bit gray scale image in the form of base 2 polynomial is,a) b) c) d) Answer: a289. __________ technique is used to remove inter pixel redundancies.a) Bit-plane decompositionb) Bit-plane codingc) Arithmetic codingd) Huffman codingAnswer: b290. The prediction formed by a linear combination of m previous pixels isa) b) c) d) Answer: b291. A method of compressing a binary image or bit plane by using special code words to identify large areas of contiguous 1's or 0's by dividing the image in to blocks of size PXQ pixels a. run length coding b. contour tracing coding c. predictive coding d. constant area codingAnswer: d292. A simple method of decomposing the image in to a collection of binary images to separate the m coefficients of the polynomial in to m-1 bit planes a. Predictive code b. Arithmetic decomposition c. Bit plane decomposition d. Bit plane and arithmetic decompositionAnswer: c293. The technique for removing coding redundancy is a. Contour coding b. Hamming coding c. Bit plane coding d. Huffman codingAnswer: d294. In most transform coding systems, the retained coefficients are selected on the basis of maximum magnitude a. zonal coding b. threshold coding c. bit plane coding d. run length codingAnswer: b295. When the transform encoding is fixed for all sub images in a transform coding a. lossy predictive coding b. adaptive transform coding c. predictive coding d. non adaptive transform codingAnswer: d296. In most transform coding systems, the retained coefficients are selected on the basis of maximum variance a. run length coding b. threshold coding c. zonal coding d. bit plane codingAnswer: c297. LZW coding is a. lossy predictive compression b. error free compression c. predictive compression d. lossy compressionAnswer: b298. The compression that use image information redundancy to construct an estimate of the gray level value of an image element from values of gray levels in its neighborhood a. predictive compression methods b. bit plane coding methods c. variable length coding methods d. transform based methodsAnswer: a299. A coding technique in which a quantizer is added and redundancies of closely spaced pixels are eliminated by the difference between the actual and predicted value of that pixel [19S05] a. bit plane coding b. Huffman coding c. arithmetic coding d. lossy predictive codingAnswer: d300. An approach based on eliminating the inter pixel redundancies of closely spaced pixels by extracting and coding the new information from the difference between the actual and predicted value of that pixel a. run length coding b. huffman coding c. arithmetic coding d. lossless predictive pixelAnswer: d ................

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