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Proposal for Emoji: Name

Submitter: name(s). Use [ ; ] between multiple authors.


1. Identification

A. CLDR short name:

B. Other keywords: separated by ‘|’

2. Image

A. Zip File

Need to upload to google drive in zip format.

B. License

C. Document

72px: color image& black and white image 18px:

3. Category

A. Category:

B. Sort Location:

4. Selection Factors - Inclusion

A. Compatibility

B. Expected usage level

1. Frequency

We searched the frequency of ‘related keywords', then compared them with ‘elephant’ respectively.

← Google Search

← Bing Search

← Google Video Search

← Google Trends: Web Search

← Google Trends: Image Search

2. Multiple usages

3. Use in sequences

4. Breaking new ground

C. Distinctiveness

D. Completeness

5. Selection Factors - Exclusion

E. Frequently requested

F. Overly specific

G. Open-ended

H. Already representable

I. Logos, brands, UI icons, signage, specific people, specific landmarks, deities

J. Transient

K. Faulty comparison

L. Exact Images

M. Region flags without code

N. Lack of required rights or license for images

O. Variations on direction

P. Includes text

6. Other information


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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