DATE __________ DIVISION

9/3/18DATEMath/ScienceDIVISIONxREQUIRED COURSENEW COURSExELECTIVE COURSExREVISIONLAKE LAND COLLEGECourse Information FormCOURSE NUMBERMAT124TITLEStatistics PathwaySEM CR HRS4.00LT HRS3.00LAB HRS2.00SOE HRS0.00ECH5.00COURSE PCS#(Assigned by Administration)Prerequisites: Placement by assessment or either MAT005 Beginning Algebra with a grade of “C” or higher. Also one year of high school geometry or MAT009 Geometry.Catalog Description (40 Word Limit): Application of elementary principles of descriptive statistics.Elements of probability, sampling techniques, binomial and normal distribution, correlation/regression and hypothesis testing. Graphing calculator and Excel required. Intended for students that don’tassess directly into MAT – 125 Statistics. Includes supplemental instruction lab.List the Major Course Segments (Units) Contact Lt Hrs.*Contact Lab Hrs.Descriptive Statistics / Pictures of Data117Probability75Probability Distributions53Normal Probability Distributions64Confidence Intervals43Hypothesis Testing 32Correlation and Regression53Technology (Graphing Calculator & Excel)43EVALUATION:QuizzesxExamsxOral Pres.PapersLab WorkProjectsxComp FinalxOtherhomeworkTextbook: TitleElementary StatisticsAuthor Mario F. TriolaPublisherAddison-Wesley Publishing CompanyVolume/Edition13th EditionCopyright Date2018MAJOR COURSE SEGMENTHOURSLEARNING OUTCOMESThe student will be able to:Descriptive Statistics / Pictures of Data11Demonstrate an understanding of the following topics: Introduction to Statistics Tables and Graphs Summarizing Data Measures of Central Tendency Measures of Variation Measures of Positionby displaying these skills in solving applied problems.Probability7Demonstrate an understanding of the following topics: Introduction to Probability Addition Rule Multiplication Rule Conditional Probability Complements and Odds Permutations and Combinationsby displaying these skills in solving applied problems.Probability Distributions5Demonstrate an understanding of the following topics: Discrete Probability Distributions Binomial Distributions Poisson Distributionby displaying these skills in solving applied problems.Normal Probability Distributions6Demonstrate an understanding of the following topics: Standard Normal Distributions Applications of Normal Probability Distributions Sampling Distributions Central Limit Theoremby displaying these skills in solving applied problems.Confidence Intervals4Demonstrate an understanding of the following topics: Estimates and Sample Sizes Student t Distribution Chi-Square Distributionby displaying these skills in solving applied problems.Hypothesis Testing 3Demonstrate an understanding of the following topics: Hypothesis Testing p-value methodby displaying these skills in solving applied problems.Correlation and Regression5Demonstrate an understanding of the following topics: Scatterplots Linear Correlation Correlation Coefficient r Bi-variate Data Regressionby displaying these skills in solving applied problems.Technology (Graphing Calculator & Excel)4Illustrate an ability to use technology (graphing calculator and Excel to conduct statistical analysis and interpret the results. *Lab hours will provide individualized and group instruction on pre-requisite skills and foundational knowledge needed for MAT-125 Statistics.Course Outcomes: At the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:Collect, analyze and interpret data using descriptive pute and understand probability.Set up a probability distribution using the rules of probability including the multiplication rule, binomial probability, etc.Understand the normal distribution with its role in basic statistical methods.Understand the central limit theorem and its role in basic statistical methods.Conduct a hypothesis test and interpret the results.Understand correlation and regression and its role in basic statistical methods.Use technology (graphing calculator and Excel) to conduct statistical analysis and interpret the results.THIS COURSE MEETS THE FOLLOWING GENERAL EDUCATION GOALS:Critical Thinking, Objective b.: Students will apply critical thinking skills though evaluating sources. Students will learn to think carefully about the source of their data and how it affects the validity of the data.Critical Thinking, Objective c.:? Students will apply critical thinking skills through analyzing data and arguments.? Students will analyze measures of central tendency, measures of variation, distribution and measures of relative standing of data sets from both samples and populations. Furthermore students will learn how to analyze results of data from experiments and differentiate between common and unusual outcomes.Critical Thinking, Objective d: Students will apply critical thinking skills through interpreting initial results. Students will learn how to analyze results of data from experiments and differentiate between common and unusual outcomes.Problem Solving, Objective b: Students will demonstrate scientific and quantitative problem-solving skills through performing mathematical operations. Students will learn how to compute mean, median, midrange, mode, variance, range and standard deviation of a data set. Students will also learn how to solve normal distribution problems using mathematical operations. Furthermore, students will use mathematical operations to solve problems dealing with probability and percentages.Problem Solving, Objective c.:? Students will demonstrate scientific and quantitative problem -solving skills through interpreting tables and graphs.? Students will learn how to solve probability problems involving tables and graphs. Students will also learn how to organize and analyze data using frequency distributions, histograms, frequency polygons, and stem-and-leaf plots. Students will also learn how to solve binomial distribution problems using the binomial distribution table. Students will learn how to set up a confidence interval using the z-score, t-score or chi-square table. Furthermore, students will learn how to analyze the properties of the normal distribution using z-score tables and normal curves.Problem Solving, Objective d.:? Students will demonstrate scientific and quantitative problem-solving skills through applying percentages, ratios, and averages.? Students will learn how to calculate theoretical and empirical probabilities. Students will also use ratios to calculate odds. Furthermore, students will learn how to calculate averages using measures of central tendency. ................

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