To: Parents of Mrs

Math Analysis

Mrs. Gallagher


Course Information: I am excited about beginning a new school year and pleased that you will be part of my class. Math Analysis is a demanding course that requires you to think independently and analytically. It is an Honors level course for which students receive an additional .5 grade point adjustment. Topics to be covered during first semester include matrices, conics, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, polar coordinates and vectors. Second semester will include a study of parametric equations, series and sequences, math induction, binomial theorem, and the Calculus topics of limits, continuity, and differentiation. We will analyze functions algebraically and graphically; therefore, you are encouraged to purchase a graphing calculator to use in class and at home.

Mastering the subject will require study and dedication. You should make a commitment now to do your very best. I encourage you to be actively involved in class, to ask questions when you are unsure of a concept, and to seek extra help outside of class when it is needed. I will be available most mornings in L409 at 8:15.

Extra help is also available on Monday and Thursday, and Friday mornings in L401 by members of Mu Alpha Theta, the math honor society.

Recommended Supplies:

Pencil !!!


Graph paper

TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator

Book cover!!

Class Rules: Students are to be honest, respectful of others and the property of others. Take responsibility for your education by preparing for class and participating appropriately. Hats, and other headgear, phones and other electronics, food, drink, and gum are not allowed in class. Consequences for inappropriate behaviors will include warning, parent contact, lunch detention, or administrative referral.

Attendance and Tardies: You are expected to be the room when the tardy bell rings. Students who arrive after the bell are considered tardy/unexcused unless they have a note from another teacher or staff member. Consequences for tardies:

1st Offense: Warning

2nd Offense: Lunch detention

3rd Offense: Lunch detention

4th Offense: After school or early morning detention

Further offenses: administrative referral

Make-up Work: Students who are absent have a right to make up the work that they have missed. With this right comes a responsibility to complete the work in a timely fashion and turn it in for grading. Students who miss a class should not wait until the next class meeting to determine what they have missed. Check the web site, ask a study buddy, or see me about missed assignments and make a strong effort to be prepared for the next class.

Quizzes and tests will need to be made up outside of class time, and should be completed within one week of the original test date. A math make-up room is available before and after school and a schedule is posted in every math classroom. Students who are absent only the day before the test and miss only the review are expected to take the test on time.

Grading: [pic]

Included in this grade are:

1. Daily Assignments: Daily Assignments: Homework/ Classwork will be assigned every class day, and checked the following class period for a 3-point completion grade. The problem should be copied, all problems must be attempted, and all work must be shown. Late homework will be allowed once each quarter, save it for a true emergency!

On the day of a test or quiz the homework leading up to that day will be collected and one problem from each assignment will be graded for a 1-point accuracy grade.

1. Warm-ups/Exit tickets: Many classes will begin or end with a graded warm-up or exit ticket, reviewing previous material. Each problem will be graded for accuracy and will count 1-2 points. At the end of the quarter, your lowest warm-up grades will be dropped.

2. Problem Sets: Three or four problem sets (15-25-points each), reviewing previously learned material, will be assigned each quarter. These are graded for accuracy and all work must be shown. Problem sets may be turned in late, with a 10% deduction per day, but only until the date by which they are returned to the class.

4. Quizzes: Frequent, announced quizzes (30 – 50 points each) will be given, which will

allow me to assess your understanding of the concepts we have studied.

5. Tests: Tests (100 points each) will be given at the end of each chapter or unit. These

will be announced in advance, and class review time will usually be provided.

6. Projects: Projects (20-50 points each) will frequently be assigned to correlate with

material covered in class. They may be or individual or group in nature, and will

usually be completed outside of class.

While students are encouraged to work with partners on homework and other out-of-class activities, it is important that everyone understand the difference between collaboration and cheating. Sitting down with a partner to discuss and solve problems together, or provide assistance to a friend is an acceptable way to complete assignments. Giving a paper to a friend so that he/she can copy your work is not. Students who give or receive such help are both guilty of cheating. All instances of dishonesty, whether on homework or tests, will result in grades of zero, along with administrative and guidance referrals and referral to Honor Societies.

Parents: Please feel free to contact me at school if you have questions about your student’s progress or about this course. You may call the school at 571-252-2200 to discuss your student’s progress. I can also be reached by e-mail, Gayle.Gallagher@.

Please check the web site frequently for information regarding class activities, assignments, due dates for projects and other special assignments, and test and quiz dates.

Please sign and return the following section:

___________________________ ____________

(Student’s Printed Name) (Class Period)

I have read the rules and procedures to be followed in this class and I understand that failure to follow them will result in disciplinary action.


(Student’s Signature)

❑ I hereby allow Mrs. Gallagher to send information to me via email communication regarding my child’s class behavior and academic performance.

❑ I would prefer not to communicate via email regarding my child’s behavior and performance.

_________________________________ ________________________________

(Parent’s Signature) (Parent e-mail address)

__________________________________ ________________________________

(Parent’s Home Phone Number) (Parent’s Work Phone Number)

If there is additional information about this student which should be brought to the teacher’s attention, please write include it below.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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