Teacher’s Name: ___Julie McDonald

Teacher’s Name: McKaig Week 0f: Sept. 8-12

Course Title: Bio-related, Communication & Manuf. Technology Unit Title: Bio-related Technology

| |List learning target |Briefly outline daily lesson activities/agenda: |Formative assessment: |

| |(related to Core Academic Standard): | | |

|Monday |I can… |We will begin the next unit today, Bio-related technology. We will first go |Q & A |

| |Define bio-related technology |over systems as they relate to technology, then begin an overview of |Quiz |

| |Define system, label the parts of a system. |bio-related technology, types of bio-related technology, applications of |Observing use of learned skills or knowledge |

| |Discuss applications of bio-related technology |bio-related tech, and how systems apply to bio-related tech. |Checking for understanding |

| |Discuss impacts of bio-related technology | |Recalling information |

| |Analyze how bio-related technology affects my personal life |After the overview discussion, the class will be divided into groups. Groups | |

| | |will look over possible bio-related tech topics and choose one to research. | |

| | |Groups will then brainstorm and present a project idea to the teacher. Ideas | |

| | |will be discussed, and each group will settle on a project idea. | |

|Tuesday |I can… |We will begin working on bio-related, student designed projects. This is the |Q & A |

| |Define bio-related technology |first time this strategy has been tried in this class. If the “student |Quiz |

| |Define system, label the parts of a system. |designed project” approach does not work out, then the class will move on to |Observing use of learned skills or knowledge |

| |Discuss applications of bio-related technology |a couple of lessons on manufacturing tech, then communication tech. |Checking for understanding |

| |Discuss impacts of bio-related technology | |Recalling information |

| |Analyze how bio-related technology affects my personal life. | | |

| |Create a project that informs the class about a specific | | |

| |bio-related technology, benefits, impacts, development of, | | |

| |application of, etc. | | |

|Wednesday |I can… |Work on bio-related tech projects. |Q & A |

| |Define bio-related technology | |Quiz |

| |Define system, label the parts of a system. | |Observing use of learned skills or knowledge |

| |Discuss applications of bio-related technology | |Checking for understanding |

| |Discuss impacts of bio-related technology | |Recalling information |

| |Analyze how bio-related technology affects my personal life. | | |

| |Create a project that informs the class about a specific | | |

| |bio-related technology, benefits, impacts, development of, | | |

| |application of, etc. | | |

|Thursday |I can… |Work on bio-related tech projects. |Q & A |

| |Define bio-related technology | |Quiz |

| |Define system, label the parts of a system. | |Observing use of learned skills or knowledge |

| |Discuss applications of bio-related technology | |Checking for understanding |

| |Discuss impacts of bio-related technology | |Recalling information |

| |Analyze how bio-related technology affects my personal life. | | |

| |Create a project that informs the class about a specific | | |

| |bio-related technology, benefits, impacts, development of, | | |

| |application of, etc. | | |

|Friday |I can… |Work on bio-related tech projects. Depending on the scope of the projects, |Q & A |

| |Define bio-related technology |the projects may be due today. |Quiz |

| |Define system, label the parts of a system. | |Observing use of learned skills or knowledge |

| |Discuss applications of bio-related technology | |Checking for understanding |

| |Discuss impacts of bio-related technology | |Recalling information |

| |Analyze how bio-related technology affects my personal life. | | |

| |Create a project that informs the class about a specific | | |

| |bio-related technology, benefits, impacts, development of, | | |

| |application of, etc. | | |


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