Biogeochemical Cycles

 Biogeochemical Cycles

Max H.

Douglas Wilkin, Ph.D.

Jean Brainard, Ph.D.

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Max H.

Douglas Wilkin, Ph.D.

Jean Brainard, Ph.D.

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Printed: September 7, 2017





The Water Cycle - Advanced



The Carbon Cycle - Advanced



The Nitrogen Cycle - Advanced




Concept 1. The Water Cycle - Advanced

1 The Water Cycle - Advanced

Learning Objectives

? Define and give examples of biogeochemical cycles that recycle matter.

? Describe the water cycle and the processes by which water changes state.

Where does the water come from that is needed by your cells?

Unlike energy, matter is not lost as it passes through an ecosystem. Instead, matter, including water, is recycled.

This recycling involves specific interactions between the biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem. Chances are, the

water you drank this morning has been around for millions of years, or more.

The Water Cycle

Biogeochemical Cycles

Unlike energy, elements are not lost and replaced as they pass through ecosystems. Instead, they are recycled

repeatedly. All chemical elements that are needed by living things are recycled in ecosystems, including carbon,

nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur. Water is also recycled.



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