Loudoun County Public Schools

AP Environmental Science AgendaOctober 6, 2017:FridayA DaySIGNED SAFETY CONTRACTS?????Be sure your name is on your Geo Info/Phenology and Plate Tectonics LabsKEEP your sheet with your tree data, restaple the Geo Info/Phenology lab (if needed) and turn these in if you did not do so last class.WARM-UPS:Biogeochemical Cycles Presentations: We will complete the presentations todayI will pass back your test copy and answer sheets after the presentations (to keep you a focused audience!!)OBJECTIVES:Earth Systems: Biogeochemical Cycles and (review from Biology) using dichotomous keys to identify your tree (that you will be tracking all year!!)Last Biogeochemical Cycles presentationsUse the student handouts provided – take out the packet Return of Unit Test 2A (Earth Systems)IF there is enough time left, we will go “visit your tree” so you can identify it using the dichotomous keysIF we do NOT have enough time to go outside, I will allow you to begin your test corrections: FOLLOW THIS FORMATUse your answer sheet with the corrected responseOn a separate sheet of paper, write the FULL question for those you answered incorrectlyWrite the letter and full statement of the correct responseReference the Power Point slide that supports the correct response – write a STATEMENT and NOT JUST the Section and slide numberHOMEWORK:COMPLETE BOTH LABS IF YOU DID NOT TURN THEM IN TODAY Complete the free response prompt:Biogeochemical cycling of nutrients is essential for the environment. Select three of the following and for each you selected, explain how the cycle occurs and it’s importance to living things. ONE OF YOUR CHOICES MUST BE NITROGEN Water. Carbon Nitrogen Phosphorous SulfurHave this completed by NEXT class so we can do the modified ExC-ELL write around activity (Formulating answers for APES free response questions)Complete the Test Corrections (Mandatory assignment that in theory – if you do it- will give you 100% on a 35 point assignment. PLUS, it will help you master the content!!!! – Woo Hoo!!) ................

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