Biographical Writing - Voyages in English

Biographical Writing

Choose one of the subjects below for a biographical essay about

someone you know or about whom you can find information. You could also use these ideas to brainstorm your own subjects. Then write a biographical essay about the subject you choose that



focuses on one important event or part of that person's life. Do

interviews or research for facts, when needed.

? Do you have a coach who helps and inspires you in a sport you play? Tell how that person became

interested in the sport, when he or she decided to coach, and why this person is such a good coach.

? Do you have a relative who left the country he or she was born in and came to the United States? Tell

why he or she left home and started a new life in America.

? Do you know a restaurant or store owner? Tell what caused that person to open the restaurant or store

and how he or she has made a success of the business.

? Who is the author of your favorite book or series of books? Tell about the author and what inspired him

or her to write stories.

? Which president of the United States stands out in your mind? Tell about that president's early life

before becoming president.

? What young person--famous or not--has been called a hero? Tell about that person's life and what he

or she did that was heroic.

? What person do you think other people should know about? Introduce that person to readers by telling

about his or her life.

? What explorer of Earth or outer space interests you? Tell about that person's life as an explorer.

? Who has been most important in sports, science, history, music, or art? Tell how this person has made a


Writing Traits for Biographical Writing

Ask yourself these questions throughout the writing process.

Ideas Organization


Am I telling an interesting, true story about one important event in a person's life? Do I include facts about what the subject does, says, thinks, and feels?

Am I planning my writing by organizing facts and details in a time line, a graphic organizer, a list, an outline, or notes? Does the beginning introduce the subject and tell readers how the subject's story starts? Does the middle tell the main part of the subject's story? Does the ending tell the end of the story and summarize why this person's story is interesting? Am I telling the story in chronological order?

Do I use a formal tone?

Word Choice

Sentence Fluency Conventions

Do I use words and phrases that show time order? Do I correctly use abstract nouns, nonliteral words and phrases, and words and phrases with shades of meaning?

Do the sentences have a natural flow? Do I use a variety of sentence types and lengths?

Do I use correct grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation?


Do I include a visual aid, such as a photo or drawing, to help readers picture my subject? Is my writing neat or typed and easy to read? Does the paper have consistent margins and spacing?

Writing Prompts

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