Six Traits of Writing: Personal Narrative Rubric

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Biographical Essay Rubric

| |20 |10 |5 |15 |

|IDEA DEVELOPMENT: The | Text is clear and focused; captures |Text’s ideas are focused but general, |Text lacks clear idea, purpose, and| |

|heart, main idea, or thesis|reader’s attention. |obvious. |details. | |

|of a text; refers to the |Topic is narrow and manageable. |Topic is fairly broad, but |Topic lacking; no evident focus or | |

|details, examples, or |Details are relevant, interesting, |understandable. Details are loosely |purpose. Details are missing, | |

|images that develop and |vivid, accurate. Point is clear; |related, obvious, or dull. Point |incorrect, or unclear. Makes no | |

|support the main idea. |tells whole story; no trivia. Details|vague; gives general idea; incomplete.|point; cannot identify main idea. | |

| |support the paper’s dominant |Details provide weak support for main |Details repeat each other; seem | |

| |impression. Ideas engage, inspire, or|idea. Ideas leave reader guessing; not|random. Ideas confuse and frustrate| |

| |intrigue reader. |specific. |the reader. | |

| |20 |10 |5 |15 |

|ORGANIZATION: The internal |Order compels, enhances, and moves |Order moves reader through with |Order is missing or random; no | |

|structure of ideas. |ideas. |confusion. |identifiable structure. | |

|Effective organization |Introduction intrigues, invites; |Introduction and conclusion are |Introduction and conclusion | |

|begins with a purposeful |conclusion resolves. |evident, weak. Transitions often work |ineffective/missing. | |

|lead and moves toward a |Thoughtful transitions show how ideas|well; connections are vague. |Transitions and connections absent | |

|logical, thoughtful ending.|connect. Sequencing is logical and |Sequencing shows some logic but lacks |or confusing. Sequencing is random;| |

| |effective. Pacing is well controlled |control. |lacks any purpose. Pacing is | |

| |and purposeful. |Pacing is inconsistent but fairly well|awkward, frustrating, or missing. | |

| |Organization flows smoothly; matches |controlled. |Organization makes it hard to | |

| |purpose. |Organization offers limited support; |identify main idea. | |

| | |inappropriate. | | |

| |15 |10 |5 |15 |

|Compelling Description |Writing is compelling, engaging; |Writing seems sincere but not engaged;|Writer is indifferent, distanced | |

| |aware of audience. |it’s plain. |from topic/audience. | |

| |Tone is interesting and appropriate |Tone is nondescript; shows limited |Tone shows no awareness of | |

| |for audience and |awareness of audience; not very |audience, inappropriate | |

| |the purpose. Subject’s life is |appropriate for purpose. Author sounds|for the audience or purpose. Author| |

| |presented in a vivid and engaging |earnest and pleasing, but there is |sounds monotone, flat, even bored. | |

| |way. Stories are interesting and help|nothing that grabs the reader. |Expository writing lacks any | |

| |to develop the dominant impression. |Expository writing lacks details. |commitment. Narrative writing shows| |

| |There are adequate supporting details|Narrative writing is reasonably |no attempt at voice. | |

| |so that the stories are easy to |sincere but plain. | | |

| |follow and clear. Quotes are | | | |

| |relevant and supportive of dominant | | | |

| |impression | | | |

| | | |CONT. on BACK | |

| |15 |10 |5 |10 |

|WORD CHOICE: The right |Words are precise, interesting, |Words are common and obvious; they |Words are simple or vague; limited | |

|word, used in the right |engaging, powerful. |lack energy. |in scope. | |

|way, at the right time. The|Words are specific, accurate; meaning|Words are adequate and correct in a |Words are nonspecific, distracting,| |

|writer chooses words that |is clear. Words and phrases are |general sense. Words and phrases |and vague. | |

|create the intended effect,|striking and memorable. Language is |convey, but aren’t memorable. Language|Words and phrases are dull, detract| |

|impression, or mood. |natural, effective, and appropriate. |reaches for color; thesaurus overload.|from meaning. | |

| |Verbs are lively, nouns precise, |Verbs are passive, nouns common, |Language is used incorrectly, | |

| |modifiers effective. Choices enhance |modifiers dull. |carelessly. | |

| |meaning and clarify meaning. |Choices are random: first word that |Verbs, nouns, adjectives show | |

| | |came to mind. |limited vocabulary. | |

| | | |Jargon or clichés distract, | |

| | | |mislead; redundancy. | |

| |10 |7 |3 |10 |

|SENTENCE FLUENCY: Language |Writing flows with rhythm and |Writing moves along but feels more |Writing lacks flow; it is difficult| |

|that flows with rhythm and |cadence. Elegant. |business-like. |to read. | |

|grace, logic and music. |Sentences are constructed to enhance |Sentences are routine; they lack craft|Sentences ramble, are incomplete or| |

|Sentences are well crafted |meaning. Sentences vary in length and|and music. |awkward. | |

|and want to be read aloud. |structure. |Sentences are usually constructed |Sentences do not connect to each | |

| |Sentences use purposeful, varied |correctly. |other at all. | |

| |beginnings. Connecting words join and|Sentences are not all alike; there is |Sentences begin the same way; | |

| |build on other words. |some variety |monotonous. | |

| |Writing has cadence; it moves, has |Connecting words absent; reader hunts |Endless or no connectives (and, so | |

| |music to it. |for clues. |then, because). | |

| | |Parts invite reading aloud; choppy, |The text does invite reading aloud;| |

| | |awkward, stiff. |no music. | |

| |20 |10 |5 |20 |

|CONVENTIONS: Includes |Observes and uses standard |Reasonable control of conventions; |Errors distract the reader and make| |

|punctuation, spelling, |conventions; few errors. |distracting errors. |reading difficult. | |

|grammar, and usage. |Spelling is mostly correct, even on |Spelling mostly correct; errors on |Spelling errors are frequent and | |

| |difficult words. |difficult words. |distracting. Punctuation is often | |

| |Punctuation is accurate, even |End punctuation mostly correct; |missing or incorrect. | |

| |creative and effective. |internal errors. |Capitalization is random, only | |

| |Capitalization skills are evident and|Capitalization generally correct; some|easiest are correct. | |

| |consistent. |errors. |Grammar and usage errors are | |

| |Grammar and usage are correct and |Grammar and usage problems are not |obvious and serious. | |

| |enhance the text. |serious. | | |

| |15 |10 |5 |15 |

|Paragraphs |Paragraphing is sound and reinforces |Paragraphs have a unified idea but may|Paragraphs are confusing. They | |

| |organization. Paragraphs all have |lack topic sentences, need more |fail to develop a main idea in a | |

| |topic sentences, supporting |supporting details to fully develop, |clear and organized way. Ideas | |

| |sentences, and summary and |or lack proper linkage and transition.|appear haphazard, confused, and | |

| |transitional sentences where | |unsupported. | |

| |appropriate. | | | |

| | | | | |

|Total Grade | | | |/100 |


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