Testimony of Christ Mission


B o o k s

Books available in hardcopy are indicated by this icon[pic]which links to the catalog.



"According to Christ"



As It Was in the Beginning



The Battle For Life



Called Unto the Fellowship of His Son



The Centrality and Supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ



The Centrality and Universality of the Cross



Christ Our All (Philippians)



The Church Which is His Body



Convincing Evidence



The Cup And The Fire



Discipline Unto Prayer



Divine Order - In Christ



Faith unto Enlargement Through Adversity



Followers of the Lamb (Revelation)



From the Wilderness to the Land



Glorying in the Lord



"God Hath Spoken" (Hebrews)



God's Reactions to Man's Defections



The Gold of the Sanctuary or The Final Criterion



"The Holy City, New Jerusalem" (Revelation 21 & 22)



The Holy Spirit's Biography of Christ



In Christ



The Israel of God



"The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus."






"Let the House Be Builded"



Men Whose Eyes Have Seen The King



The Mission, the Meaning and the Message of Jesus Christ



Nehemiah - A Living Message for God's People Today



Notes On The Book Of Ruth



The On-High Calling Volume 1 - The Great Transition (Hebrews)



The On-High Calling Volume 2 - The Great Transition as Inherent in the Gospel by John



Pioneers of the Heavenly Way



Power With God



Prophetic Ministry



The Recovering of the Lord's Testimony in Fullness



Revelation of Jesus Christ



The School of Christ



The Significance of Christ



Spiritual Ascendency (Revelation)



Spiritual Maturity



Spiritual Sight



"That They May All Be One, Even as We are One" Volume 1



"That They May All Be One, Even as We are One" Volume 2



The Ultimate Issue of the Universe



The Unveiling of Jesus Christ



What it Means To Be A Christian



The Will of God in Relation to His People



The Work of God at the End-Time

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