Chapter 9 & 11 Test (2015)AP PsychologyName_____________Unit 7: Development, Gender, Sex & SexualityPeriod____________1. A cross-sectional study is one in whichA. the same people are retested over a period of years.B. different age groups are tested at the same time.C. different characteristics of a given individual are assessed simultaneously.D. the behavior of a group is assessed by different researchers.Answer: B2. The ability to overcome hardship during childhood again and again is referred to asA. initiative.B. persistence.C. resilience.D. integrity.Answer: C3. During the course of successful prenatal development, a human organism begins as a(n)A. zygote and finally develops into an embryo.B. embryo and finally develops into a fetus.C. zygote and finally develops into a fetus.D. fetus and finally develops into an embryo. Answer: C4. Which of the following is an accurate descriptor of an infant reflex?A. can be temporary or last a life timeB. genetically-wired C. essential for survivalD. All of these.Answer: D5. Baby Janice knows that when she is put in the highchair it is time to eat. So when her father puts her in the highchair and hands her a book, Janice puts the corner of the book in her mouth. Janice is exhibitingA. schematic thinking.B. assimilation.C. accommodation.D. deferred imitation.Answer: B6. According to Piaget, accommodation refers toA. parental efforts to include new children in the existing family structure.B. incorporating new experiences into existing schemas.C. developmental changes in a child’s behavior that facilitate social acceptance by peers.D. adjusting current schemas in order to make sense of new experiences.Answer: D7. Little Franklin takes away his baby sister’s rattle and hides it under her blanket. His sister, who is three-months-old, will probablyA. point at him.B. try to search for it under the blanket.C. act as if the rattle was never there.D. None of these.Answer: C8. You arrange two rows of pennies so they are equal in length. A child views the rows and states that they have the same amount of pennies. You spread out the pennies in the bottom row so that this row is longer than the top one. The child now states that the bottom row has more pennies. This child is in Piaget’s ________ stage of development.A. sensorimotorB. formal operationsC. preoperationalD. concrete operationsAnswer: C9. Jason is working on a problem for his science class and is systematically going over every possible outcome. Jason is in the ________ stage of cognitive development.A. sensorimotor B. formal operational C. concrete operational D. preoperational Answer: B10. The work of Harry and Margaret Harlow established that A. early social experience in humans is essential to normal functioning in adulthood. B. physical development is influenced more by nurture than it is by nature. C. contact comfort is more important than feeding in the attachment process. D. parenting style is reflective of offspring’s physical appearance. Answer: C11. Which of the following most accurately describes Ainsworth’s strange situation?A. caregiver and infant watch as several strangers enter the roomB. caregiver leaves infant with stranger and returns laterC. stranger takes infant away from caregiver and moves to where caregiver cannot be seenD. caregiver allows stranger to take infant to another locationAnswer: B12. Erikson's theory is based on the assumption that A. development is driven by personal choices and is independent of the actions of others. B. life is full of challenges so we must suffer each one without giving up. C. each person faces a set of predictable life-changing challenges at various stages of life. D. most of the social behaviors we learn are acquired by watching other people behave socially. Answer: C13. Sammy is in third grade. When he won the spelling bee, he felt proud of his accomplishment. However, when he could not complete his arithmetic assignment on time, he felt incompetent. Which of Erikson’s developmental stages does this reflect?A. autonomy vs. shame and doubtB. initiative vs. guiltC. industry vs. inferiorityD. trust vs. mistrustAnswer: C14. Mazie’s mom is loving and nurturing, sets clear boundaries, and engages in a lot of verbal give and take. In terms of parenting styles, she would be described asA. conventional.B. authoritative.C. authoritarian.D. permissive.Answer: B15. Parents using the ________ parenting style give strict rules to their children with little discussion of the reasons for the rules.A. authoritativeB. permissiveC. authoritarian D. conventionalAnswer: C16. Changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding principles that guide what people should do is part of ________ development.A. metacognitiveB. cognitive C. temperament D. moralAnswer: D17. According to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, individuals who are willing to risk their lives and freedom for a belief operate on the ________ level of moral development.A. conventional B. preconventional C. postconventional D. concrete Answer: C18. The main class of male sex hormones is A. estrogens.B. androgens.C. estradiol.D. cortisol.Answer: B19. Juliet refuses to go to the dance because she has just developed a pimple on her chin and she is sure everyone will talk about it behind her back. Her behavior illustrates A. the basal metabolic rate. B. the adolescent identity crisis. C. peer influence. D. adolescent egocentrism. Answer: D20. If 20-year-old Peter is unsure of what he should do with his life and where he fits in, Erikson would most likely agree that Peter did not successfully complete the stage ofA. intimacy vs. isolation. B. generativity vs. stagnation. C. autonomy vs. shame and doubt. D. identity vs. identity confusion. Answer: D21. Erikson described early adulthood as a period during which the person is building a network of social relationships and making close contact with potential mates. The crisis experience at this time is known asA. identity vs. identity diffusion. B. intimacy vs. isolation. C. generativity vs. stagnation. D. integrity vs. despair. Answer: B22. Fifty-five year old Margot has retired early and is consumed with her garden.?She calls the police if children ride their bicycles down her sidewalk and shouts at neighbors who come to her door collecting for local charities.?According to Erikson, her lack of generativity will result inA. stagnation.B. isolation. C. despair. D. role confusion. Answer: A23. Which of the following is NOT an example of a secondary sex characteristic?A. development of penisB. facial hairC. development of breastsD. pubic hairAnswer: A24. When Billy checks the “male” box on his application, he is referring to hisA. sex.B. gender.C. sexuality.D. sexual orientation.Answer: B25. While sex typically refers to differences in the biology of males and females, gender typically refers to differences attributed toA. emotional development.B. socialization.C. puberty.D. temperament.Answer: B26. The SRY gene causes one to becomeA. male.B. female.C. undifferentiated.D. androgynous.Answer: A27. Follow up research from the John/Joan story suggested that ________ most strongly affects one’s gender identity.A. biologyB. environmentC. socializationD. surgical interventionAnswer: A28. The term ________ refers to experiencing one’s psychological gender as being different from one’s physical sex.A. androgynyB. expressivenessC. gender confusionD. transgenderAnswer: D29. Although born with female sex organs and characteristics, Kristie has always felt uncomfortable being a girl. Her interests and activities have always been considered masculine, and she is happiest when engaging in masculine behavior. Kristie might be diagnosed withA. gender confusion syndrome.B. gender ambiguity disorder.C. gender identity disorder.D. reassignment conflict.Answer: C30. In terms of exploring the connection between sex and gender, the biological approach focuses onA. societal expectations.B. parenting style.C. the environment.D. genes.Answer: D31. According to Darwin, sexual selection involvesA. gene quality and reproduction ability.B. competition and choice.C. desire and emotion.D. compromise and availability.Answer: B32. Those who adhere to the ________ perspective examine gender development by looking at how experience influences the formation of a person’s sense of gender.A. biologicalB. social cognitiveC. psychodynamicD. social roleAnswer: B33. A mental framework for understanding what is considered appropriate behavior for males and females is called a genderA. stereotype.B. role.C. schema.D. theme.Answer: C34. The difficulty that many divorced fathers experience when trying to gain custody of their children may be due toA. sexual scripting.B. relational aggression.C. gender stereotyping.D. non-conforming behavior.Answer: C35. The research data on gender differences in general intellectual ability suggests thatA. males are superior to females.B. females are superior to males.C. there are no systematic differences between males and females.D. more studies are required to explain the irregularities that are evident.Answer: C36. The evolutionary perspective predicts that, compared to men, women will beA. more influenced by attractiveness when choosing a mate.B. less particular when choosing a mate.C. more ambiguous about choosing a mate.D. more selective when choosing a mate.Answer: D37. Based on the research of Clark and Hatfield, what percentage of women would agree to go to bed with a total stranger?A. 70 percentB. 45 percentC. 10 percentD. 0 percentAnswer: D38. A homosexual man who is watching two lesbian women engage in sexual activity is likely toA. become aroused.B. begin masturbating.C. be disinterested.D. be disgusted.Answer: C39. The occurrence of homosexuality ranges from ________ percent of the population.A. 1 to 5B. 2 to 10 C. 5 to 12D. 9 to 15Answer: B40. Research on the influence of genes on sexual behavior has revealed that genesA. determine sexual behavior.B. play a role in determining sexual behavior.C. are as strong an influence as they are for other characteristics like intelligence.D. impact psychological characteristics just as directly as they impact physical characteristics.Answer: B41. Leslie has two mothers. We can expect that Leslie willA. have psychological problems.B. become a lesbian.C. be relatively unaffected.D. have an excessive number of boyfriends.Answer: C42. Which of the following researchers is considered to be the father of sexology?A. JohnsonB. Michael C. KinseyD. MastersAnswer: C43. With orgasm comes the release of the neurotransmitterA. oxytocin.B. serotonin.C. acetylcholine.D. dopamine.Answer: A44. Felipe is a member of the Mangaian culture. We can expect that heA. began having sex in his mid-twenties.B. avoids sex to maintain his energy levels.C. is ignorant of the needs of his partners.D. has sex nearly every day.Answer: D45. An object or activity that arouses sexual interest and desire is called aA. fetish.B. tool.C. fixation.D. sexual device. Answer: A ................

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