Biological classification worksheet pogil answers

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Biological classification pogil worksheet answer key. Biological classification pogil worksheet answers.

Classification POGIL #1 ? Complete Model 1 and Model 2 in your POGIL groups You have 15 minutes!!! Work Quickly!!! Classification of Organisms p. 145 Fill It In ... Write a definition for the word "classify". To organize, to categorize, to group Isn't every living thing either a plant or an animal? ? Aristotle is credited with the first true classification system. ? He grouped all living things into two basic groups: plant and animal OR Carolus Linnaeus ? Linnaeus further classified plants and animals by dividing them into related groups. ? He used the Latin language, because Latin was no longer spoken conversationally and thus was less likely to change. Latin is a "universal" language Carlos Linnaeus ? He first grouped related organisms. ? He called this a genus. ? For example, all of the dog -like creatures were grouped as the genus Canis. Carlos Linnaeus ? He next gave every different type of organism in the group a specific name, which he called species. ? For example, the dog became Canis familiaris and the wolf Canis lupus. ? Notice the genus is capitalized but the specie begins with a lower case letter. ? Both are italicized or underlined. p. 146 Carlos Linnaeus ? Every organism was given a two-word name, the genus and specie. ? This practice of binomial nomenclature continues today, giving each organism a "scientific name". Loxosceles reclusa (Brown Recluse) Carlos Linnaeus ? The benefit of binomial nomenclature includes eliminating confusion due to common names (ex. cottonmouth and water moccasin are actually the same animal) and allows scientists around the world to more easily communicate. Microbes? ? Even after the microbial world was discovered, the two "kingdom" system continued. ? (Yes, science can be very slow to change. ) plant or animal? Whittaker ? As knowledge of the diversity of organisms increased, Whittaker (in 1969) expanded classification to include five kingdoms. Taxonomy ? The science of classification, taxonomy, now allowed scientists to assign seven levels of classification, or taxa to living organisms. Fill It In ... MEMORY AID! KPCOFGS- Taxonomy ? The kingdom is the most general of these seven taxa, thus the kingdom would contain the greatest number of organisms. Taxonomy ? Specie is the most specific of these seven taxa, thus the specie would contain only one type of organism. ? A specie is defined as a group of organisms which can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. Fill It In ... How are the terms "kingdoms" and "taxa" related? Back to Classification POGIL ? Review #8 ? 16 based on your new and improved understanding from your notes! Classification POGIL #2 ? Complete Model 3 of the POGIL. You have 20 minutes this time. Work Quickly!!! Answer 17 -22 Multi Euk Hetero Fungi Hetero Animalia p. 147 Taxonomy ? Today, we use three domains, which are divided into six kingdoms. ? These domains are based on new information about possible evolutionary relationships. Domain Prokarya, Bacteria Archaea Kingdom Example Eubacteria E. Coli Archaebacteria Thermophiles Protista Algae, Amoeba Plantae Moss, Fern, tree Fungi Mushroom, yeast Animalia Sponge, worm, human Eukarya Fill It In ... The History of Classification: 2 Linnaeus had ____ kingdoms 5 Whittaker used ____ kingdoms 6 Today we use ____ kingdoms Let's Play ... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Which level is the most general? The most specific? At what taxonomic level do the dog and human become different? What is the family name of the dog? Which organism is most closely related to the dog? What is the scientific name of the dog? A genus is composed of a number of related ___? A group of related phyla are called a ___? Which taxon contains the largest number or organisms? Classification POGIL #3 ? Complete Model 4 of the POGIL. You have 10

minutes Work Quickly!!! What happens when you find an unknown organism? ? Dichotomous keys are tools that use a series of paired statements and visible characteristics of the organism. ? Of course, a dichotomous key is only useful if the organism has already been classified and given a scientific name. What happens when you find an unknown organism? ? Always start at statement 1 (or the beginning point). ? Decide which path best describes the organism (Statement A or Statement B) ? Follow that path to find the next choice (Go to ...) ? When you can go no further, you will find the name! Fill It In ... Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dichotomous Key "Lab" ? Read the introduction. ? Half of you will identify the "odd" numbered sharks and the other half will identify the "even" numbered ones. ? Answer all the questions AFTER you've identified the sharks. What happens when you find p. 148 an unknown organism? ? If the organism has NOT been classified, taxonomists must begin the process of classification. ? In order to correctly classify an organism, scientists use many modern tools: What happens when you find an unknown organism? ? 1. Morphology describes the physical characteristics of an organism. ? Typically, this is enough information to place the organism within a domain and kingdom. ? Example: Presence of a nucleus places the organism in Domain Eukarya Fill It In ... WORD HELP! Shape/form "Morph" means ______ The study of "ology" means ______ What happens when you find an unknown organism? ? 2. DNA and biochemical analysis allow scientists to test less visible, but distinguishing, characteristics. ? Example: Gram staining a bacteria cell allows scientists to distinguish between archaea and prokarya. What happens when you find an unknown organism? ? 3. Comparing embryology allows scientists to group organisms that share common fetal development ? Example: the diagram below would suggest the last two organisms are most closely related. What happens when you find an unknown organism? ? 4. Evolutionary phylogeny describes the evolutionary relationships between organisms. ? These relationships are deduced based on shared traits that may have been passed from ancestor to new species. ? Traits may include physical traits (ex. presence of jaws), or may be genetic traits (shared genes). ? These relationships can be illustrated in a phylogenetic tree or cladogram: p. 149 Fill It In ... In this phylogenetic tree, what kingdom is most closely related to animals? Fungi ? they are on the same "branch" What kingdom evolved first? Bacteria ? closest to the bottom or "root" of the tree From what kingdom did plants evolve? Protists Fill It In ... The four things we can compare to classify: 1. Shape ? physical features 2. DNA / Biochemistry 3. Embryology 4. Evolutionary relationships Check Yourself! 1. 2. 3. 4. Who first officially classified organisms? What was the contribution of Linnaeus to taxonomy? What are the two parts of a scientific name? What are the domains used in the current classification system? 5. How many kingdoms are used in the current classification system? 6. What is a dichotomous key? 7. What 4 modern tools are used to classify a newly discovered organism? Check Yourself! 1. Who first officially classified organisms? ARISTOTLE Check Yourself! 2. What was the contribution of Linnaeus to taxonomy? GROUPED RELATED ORGANISMS CREATED BINOMIAL NOMENCLATURE Check Yourself! 3. What are the two parts of a scientific name? GENUS + SPECIE Check Yourself! 4. What are the domains used in the current classification system? ARCHEA BACTERIA EUKARYA Check Yourself! 5. How many kingdoms are used in the current classification system? SIX Check Yourself! 6. What is a dichotomous key? TOOL THAT USES A SERIES OF PAIRED STATEMENTS AND VISIBLE CHARACTERISTICS TO HELP IDENTIFY UNKNOWN ORGANISMS Check Yourself! 7. What 4 modern tools are used to classify a newly discovered organism? MORPHOLOGY BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS EMBRYOLOGY EVOLUTIONARY PHYLOGENY

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