Unit A Biological Diversity

Unit A Biological Diversity

Topic 1.0 Assess Your Learning

Name: ________________ 9 __

Key Concept Review

1. Write a definition of biological diversity that includes a description of its three main components.

Biological Diversity:





2. Define the terms niche and symbiosis. Explain how these terms are related.




3. How does variability within a species affect its survival?

Connect Your Understanding

4. Using examples, explain ways in which different species living within an ecosystem depend on one another.

Example #1

Example #2

5. How does natural selection enhance or reduce the variability of a species?

Explain your answer using an example.

6. Restate the meaning of interspecies competition in your own words. Use an example to illustrate.

7. How does variation within a species contribute to the health of the species?

Of an ecosystem?

8. Describe your niche.

Where do you live?

What school do you attend?

What job do you work at?

What food do you consume?

What temperature do you feel comfortable in?

What influences, if any, do you have on your community?


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