1616741546700FAITH LUTHERAN COLLEGEStage 2 Psychology Introduction to Psychology Practice Test2020199453510795001079500111760NAME:00NAME:The test consists of two sections:SECTION A: - SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONSSECTION B: - EXTENDED RESPONSE QUESTIONAnswer ALL QUESTIONSSECTION A: SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. Refer to the following table, which shows average hours of sleep per week for a group of students and one parent.Participant12345678910Hours of Sleep Students8. of SleepParents6. the median score in this distribution for the students(1 mark)Determine the mean score in this distribution for the parentsright22940800(1 mark) The standard deviation of this distribution for students is 1.5The standard deviation of this distribution for parents is 9.5Explain what the standard deviation for this set of scores tells us about the distribution.right30289500(2 marks) 2.A researcher is interested in investigating opinions about levels of stress in the workplace.20193030861000Describe one weakness of using a subjective quantitative measure for this type of research. (2 marks)State and describe one objective quantitative measure which could be used instead34036021082000 (2 marks)Denise, an educational psychologist, was interested in studying the effects of different types of distractors on concentration. Denise works at Beachside Secondary College, a coeducational secondary school with students from year 8 - 12. There are 200 SACE students at the college, 100 students in Year 11 and 100 students in Year 12. Both year levels comprise 60% males and 40% females, aged between 15 and 17.5 years old. Denise selected 20 SACE students from her Psychology class at her school. Denise used three research assistants to help conduct the experiment. In the first trial, the first research assistant gave participants a logic puzzle to complete with no background distraction.In the second trial, the second research assistant gave participants a different logic puzzle of similar difficulty and asked them to complete it while loud instrumental music was played.In the third trial, the third research assistant gave participants a third logic puzzle of similar difficulty to the first two. They were asked to complete this puzzle while a tape of a loud verbal conversation was played.Each student recorded the time taken to complete the puzzle in the trials, but they were unaware of the other conditions and the hypothesis and were immediately sent back to class after completing the puzzle.The following results were obtained.Table 1. Mean times taken to complete the puzzle (n = 20)Trial 1No background noise 13.40 minTrial 2Loud instrumental music 16.01 minTrial 3Loud verbal conversation 18.36 minName the independent variable and the dependent variable in this study.Independent variable56515022606000(1 mark)Dependent variable right25677100 (1 mark)State one conclusion about the hypothesis based from the results obtained.right1016000(2 marks)Evaluate the procedures used by the researcher in the above scenarioDescribe one limitation of drawing conclusions from this sample.right444500 (2 marks)Describe one relevant ethcial issue that should be considered in the investigation above.5314954191000 (2 marks)If the study was to be repeated, suggest two improvements which would help overcome the issues highlighted in b) and c) above.right9652000 (4 marks)4.To reach consensus of opinion on an issue, a researcher sends a series of questionnaires to the same group of experts. Successive questionnaires use and refine information gathered from the previous questionnaire.right32662100State the name of the qualitative investigation design that is used. (2 marks)5.A psychologist conducts an investigation into the relationship between shift work and fatigue.She selects participants from each of the following groups of people:Group 1 Night shift workersGroup 2 Day shift workersExplain why this investigation design is quantitative observational.13271522860000 (2 marks)(b) Describe one advantage of using a quantitative observational research design for this investigation.20764524892000 (2 marks) 6.Jennifer, an Honours student at the University of Mensa is conducting research on primary school children’s daytime sleepiness. She collects her data by asking children to rate out of 10 how tired they are feeling after lunch play time.34036023939500Explain what is meant by the term validity.(2 marks)right34417000Discuss the validity of using this research method to discover children’s daytime sleepiness levels after lunch.(2 marks)7.Tim is a 17-year-old male who has a very important job interview. He describes himself as a quiet and shy person with low self-confidence. He feels very nervous and anxious as he enters the interview room as there are many other people also waiting in the room. He has his phone with him and is considering ringing his mum to come and get him because he believes that with so many people waiting he has no chance of winning the job. He has a very high level of arousal causing him to lose focus on his interview performance.32385044323000Using the biological level of explanation, explain one symptom of arousal, which is causing Tim’s performance to be effected. (2 marks)Using the basic processes level of explanation, describe the psychological response Tim is experiencing as a result of his stress. 34036029972000 (2 marks)Using the person level of explanation, explain why Tim might be getting so nervous before the job interview. right1016000 (2 marks)Using the socio-cultural level of explanation, describe one strategy for coping with stress which Tim could use to calm down.26543029718000 (2 marks)EXTENDED RESPONSE SECTION (20 marks)You should spend about 20 minutes on this section, 5 minutes planning and 20 minutes writing. Credit will be given for clear, well-expressed answers that are well organised and relevant to the questions. Each dot point is worth 4 marks4 marks will be allocated for using appropriate psychological terms effectively (A2).8.Another research psychologist was also interested in the effects on high school students of assembling a jigsaw puzzle and wanted to examine resulting heart rates. The psychologist tested a sample of 100 students split randomly into two equal-sized groups. Students in one group assembled a jigsaw puzzle for 10 minutes, while students in the other group sat in silence in a separate area for 10 minutes and did not assemble a jigsaw puzzle.Halfway through the 10-minute session, all students had their heart rates measured. When the session was over, all students completed an anxiety questionnaire (AQ).The following graph and table show the results of the psychologist’s investigation.Discuss two factors that would make this an experimental investigation design Evaluate the procedures used in this investigation by describing one advantage and one disadvantage of using an experimental investigation designForm a conclusion about the results of this investigation by providing one possible interpretation of the results shown in the graph and/or the table above Discuss two ethical issues that would be relevant to this investigation right29210000Discuss two factors that would make this an experimental investigation design Evaluate the procedures used in this investigation by describing one advantage and one disadvantage of using an experimental investigation designright29210000Form a conclusion about the results of this investigation by providing one possible interpretation of the results shown in the graph and/or the table above 7429529210000Discuss two ethical issues that would be relevant to this investigation.left22606000Spare page to extend/correct any answers. Clearly indicate the question you are extending/correcting.left31115000 ................

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