Unit A: Biological Diversity

Unit A: Biological Diversity

STS and Knowledge:

|Investigate and interpret diversity among species and within species, and describe how diversity contributes to species survival. |

|SIA pp. 9 |[pic] |

| |So, what is biodiversity? |

| |Biodiversity refers to the number and diversity (variety) of living organisms in a community. |

| |A large biodiversity assures the health and survival of natural communities because of the many interactions possible |

| |between species. |

| |Environmental change is better supported when there is a large biodiversity |

| |Ex: a disease may kill members of a certain species but leave others untouched (i.e. Pine Beetles in Banff National |

| |Park) |

|SF pp. 8 |Observe variation in living things, and describe examples of variation among species and within species (e.g., observe |

|SIA pp. 9 |and describe characteristics that distinguish two closely related species) |

| |Species: A group of organisms that are similar in appearance and that can reproduce offspring with the same general |

| |characteristics that can be passed on to future generations of viable offspring. Viable refers to offspring that are |

| |fertile and can breed with each other. |

| | |

| |Example: A horse and a donkey are different species. The mule, which is a hybrid of the two species cannot reproduce |

| |viable offspring, therefore the mule is not considered a species. |

| | |

| |Variation: is differences in a group of living things. Because of variation, no two organisms in the same group are |

| |alike. Variation allows for greater chances of the survival of a population when faced with change. |

| |Examples: Hair colour of people, coat colouring and claw size of grizzly bears. |

| | |

| |Variation within species: all humans have different heights, all grizzly bears have differences in claw sizes and |

| |slightly different coat colours, all snapdragons have differences in the colour of their petals. |

| | |

| |Variation among species: Tigers and lions have different patterns and colours on their coats, grizzly bears have paws|

| |with claws, mule deer have hoofs |

|SF pp. 16 |Identify examples of niches, and describe the role of variation in enabling closely related living things to survive in|

|SIA pp. 18 |the same ecosystem (e.g., investigate different bird species found in local park ecosystem, and infer how each is |

| |adapted to life within that ecosystem) |

| |Ecosystem: any place in which living and non-living things interact with each other |

| |Ecosystem Diversity: the different types of communities and environments (i.e. bogs, marshes, lakes, forests) in which |

| |living and non-living things can be found |

| |Niche: A niche is the organism’s job or role in the environment or ecosystem. |

| |Example: A hawk’s role is a predator in the environment. A fungus’ role is the breakdown of decaying matter in the |

| |environment. |

| |Two types of niches: |

| |Broad: Certain regions permit the establishment of very large populations, but do not support a wide variety of species|

| |In northern Canada, there are limited numbers of different species (little variety). However, there is a very large |

| |caribou population. |

| |Organisms are generalists – they must be able to adapt to a wide variety of environmental conditions to survive (i.e. |

| |eat a wide variety of plants, adapt to temperature and season change) |

| |Species with broad niches can survive environmental changes because they are not specifically adapted to one set of |

| |conditions |

| |Narrow : Certain organisms have very specific ecological niches that permit them to live in close proximity with other |

| |organisms. |

| |Organisms are specialists since they are very effective at surviving in their surroundings. They are so well adapted to|

| |living in their environment that they could NOT survive in another. Thus, they cannot propagate and populate large |

| |areas. |

| |Examples : The macaque monkey is specialized for life in the forest canopy – as tress are cut down it has nowhere to |

| |live! |

|SF pp. 8-10 |The role of variation in enabling closely related living things to survive in the same ecosystem: Variation allows |

|SIA pp. 9,10,20,21 |similar organisms to survive in the same environment. This allows many species that may have similar niches to thrive.|

| |For example a grizzly bear can co-exist with a black bear in the same environment because they feed on different food |

| |sources. |

| |Adaptation: species adjust to the surrounding conditions. There are two types of adaptation |

| |Physical – change in physical or structural characteristics. Ex. The coat colour of a hare changing from summer to |

| |winter |

| |Behavioural - Change in behaviour. Ex Caribou herds and Polar bears migrating as seasons change to find food. |

|SF pp. 21 |Investigate and interpret dependencies that link the survival of one species to the survival of others. (Eg: by |

|SIA pp. 27-29 |providing habitat, food, means of fertilization or a source of oxygen) |

| | |

| |Dependency: Organisms in any given environment depend on one another for their basic needs. These relationships can |

| |include symbiosis, predation, general or specific types of relationships. |

| |Example: Flowers need bees to pollinate and the bees need the nectar from the flowers. |

|SF pp. N\A | |

|SIA pp.17 |Symbiosis is a close relationship between two different organisms over time. |

| |Example: A shark and a remora |

|SF pp. 17 |Identify the role of variation in species survival under changing environmental conditions. |

|SIA pp. 28,29 | |

| |Variation in species: Variation in species allows for the survival of a species because the differences within the |

| |characteristics allows each individual to deal with external threats differently. |

| |Examples: |

| |1. A bacterial population which is exposed to an antibiotic will be killed. However, there will be some bacteria which|

| |can tolerate the antibiotic due to variation. |

| |2. The peppered moth has a variety of colouring from very dark to very light. During the industrial revolution in |

| |England, their environmental conditions changed because the factories emitted smoke and the soot covered the trees. |

| |The light moths were eaten because they no longer could adapt to their dark environment. The peppered moth species |

| |continued because the dark ones survived the environmental change. |

|2. Investigate the nature of reproductive processes and their role in transmitting species characteristics. |

|SF pp. 26-28, 30 |Distinguish between sexual and asexual reproduction and identify and interpret examples of asexual and sexual |

|SIA pp. 30,31 |reproduction in different species, by ; |

| | |

| |Sexual Reproduction involves the union of male and female sex cells and requires two parents. Offspring show variation |

| |because they have characteristics of both parents. |

| |Asexual reproduction does not involve the union of male and female sex cells but is actually the transmission of the |

| |same genetic information from one parent to its offspring. Basically the offspring is an exact copy of the parent. |

| |Describing types of asexual reproduction |

| |Binary Fission: Asexual reproduction found in single cell organisms where the genetic information is copied and the |

| |cell divided into two identical cells equal in size. |

| |Example: bacteria and amoeba cells |

| | |

| |Budding: The formation of a bud (a multicellular copy) on an organism which grows to become a new organism independent|

| |of the parent. Its DNA is identical. |

| |Example: A hydra specimen. |

| | |

| |Spore Production: Production of a hardcoat seed-like structure, but are produced by the division of cells of one |

| |parent and not the union of two sex cells. |

| |Example: A fern plant produces spores in one part of its life cycle. |

| | |

| |Vegetative Reproduction: Involves only plants where a new plant can be formed from the vegetative parts of the parent.|

| |Example: Runners in strawberries, the eyes on the potatoes, cuttings of colius plants, the bulbs of daffodils and |

| |tulips, and suckers from aspen trees. |

|SF pp. 30-35 | |

|SIA pp. 32-33 |Describing representative types of sexual reproduction |

| | |

| |Bacterial Conjugation: This is the primitive type of sexual reproduction. One bacterium grows a tube-like structure |

| |and passes on a copy of its DNA to another bacterium. |

| |Example: bacteria |

| | |

| |Plant and animal reproduction: This involves two parents whose sex cells undergo a process called meiosis where the |

| |DNA of each parent is divided in half and transmitted to the offspring. The offspring receive half of the genetic |

| |information from each parent. |

| |Example: Humans have 46 chromosomes and a person gets 23 chromosomes from their mother and 23 chromosomes from their |

| |father. |

|SIA pp. 35 |Describing examples of organisms that show both sexual and asexual |

| |Reproduction |

| | |

| |Plants: Plants can reproduce by making seeds. Seeds are made by the union of sperm cells within a pollen grain and an|

| |egg cell produced by the ovary of the female plant structure. Plants can also reproduce by cuttings, suckers, |

| |runners, and bulbs. Example: asparagus, potatoes, spider plant |

| | |

| |Yeast can reproduce by both budding and sexual reproduction. |

| | |

|SF pp. 30-35 |Describing the formation of zygote and embryo in plant and animal reproduction |

|SIA pp. 32-33 |Sexual reproduction in plants and animals involves the joining of male and female sex cells called gametes. Gametes |

| |have ½ the chromosomes of regular cells. |

| | |

|SF pp. 33 |Plants: |

|SIA pp. 33 |Self-pollination: the sperm and the egg (the two gametes) come from the same plant |

| |Cross-pollination: gametes come from two different plants |

| |Plants usually produce both male and female gametes although some species produce only male or only female. The |

| |flowers are the reproductive structures of the plant. The pollen is a hard structure that contains the male gametes. |

| |The pollen is found on the male reproductive structure called the stamen. Pollen is made in the anther of the stamen. |

| |Animals, wind, and water can transfer the pollen to the female reproductive structure called the pistil. Sperm that |

| |are in the pollen fertilize the egg to form a zygote. A zygote is the first stage of a new individual. Mitosis occurs |

| |in the zygote forming an embryo. An embryo is a young developing multicelled organism. |

| | |

| | |

|12. Match the number in the diagram to the correct label below. |

| |

|____ ____ ____ ____ |

|pistil anther ovary stamen |

| |

|Identify which are male parts of the flower and which are female parts |

|SF pp. 35 |Animals: When sperm and egg meet, the sperm fertilizes the egg and they form a single celled zygote. As the zygote |

|SIA pp. 32 |through mitosis, an embryo is formed. An embryo is a multi-cellular organism during early development. |

| |**How many chromosomes are there in a zygote? In an embryo? |

| | |

|SF pp. 37,38 |Describe examples of variation of characteristics within a species, and identify examples of both, discrete and |

|SIA pp. 28 |continuous variation. |

| | |

| |Discrete variation refers to a trait that has only a few physical expressions. This means that there is limited ways |

| |of showing this trait. |

| |Example: Crossing your arms or clasping your hands. ABO blood group. |

| |Continuous variation refers to a trait that has a range of expressions. |

| |Example: There is a range of hair colour or eye colour, height, etc. |

| |

|SF pp. Pg.37 |Investigate the transmission of characteristics from parents to offspring, and |

|SIA pp. 39 |identify examples of characteristics in offspring that are : |

| | |

| |the same as the characteristics of both parents |

| |Everyone in a family have blue eyes |

| | |

|SF pp. 30-35 |the same as the characteristic of one parent |

|SIA pp. 32-33 |As one of your parents, you will be either male or female. |

| | |

|SF pp. 41 |intermediate between parent characteristics |

|SIA pp. 53 |Eye colour, height, weight, hand span, feet size. |

| | |

|SF pp. 41 |different from both parents |

|SIA pp. 53 |Red and white snap dragons can produce a pink snap dragon. |

| | |

| | |

|SF pp. 42 |Distinguish those characteristics that are heritable from those that are not heritable and identify characteristics for|

|SIA pp. 32-33 |which heredity and environment may both play a role. |

| | |

| |Heritable: Heritable traits can be passed on from parent to offspring |

| |Example: Genetic traits such as eye colour and hair colour |

| | |

| |Non-heritable: Non-heritable traits cannot be passed to offspring. |

| |Example: Features such as scars that are caused by environmental influences throughout a lifetime. |

| | |

| |Genetics and environment can both influence certain traits. For example, a person’s weight is both the product of |

| |their genetics as well as their eating habits and level of physical activity. |

| | |

|SF pp. 40 |Identify examples of dominant and recessive characteristics and recognise that dominance and recessiveness provide only|

|SIA pp. 50-52 |a partial explanation for the variation of characteristics in offspring. |

| | |

| |Some genes are described as dominant because they are expressed or visible in the offspring. A recessive trait is an |

| |inherited trait that shows up in the offspring only if that trait is passed to the offspring by both parents. When |

| |mixed with dominant traits, the recessive trait does not show up. |

| | |

|Describe in general terms the role of genetic materials in the continuity and variation of species characteristics and investigate and |

|interpret related technologies. |

|SF pp. 46-51 |Describe in general terms the relationship of chromosomes, genes and DNA and interpret their role as repositories of |

|SIA pp. 40-43 |genetic information. |

| | |

| |DNA is a molecule that stores genetic information for heritable traits in all living organisms and directs the |

| |structures and functions of the cell. The DNA molecule is ‘organized’ onto chromosomes. Specific locations on |

| |chromosomes contain genes, which are a section of DNA that controls a single trait. |

| | |

|SF pp. 51 |Distinguish between cell division that leads to identical daughter cells as in binary fission and cell division that |

|SIA pp. 46-47 |leads to formation of sex cells as in meiosis. |

| | |

| |Meiosis – cell reproduction in which the original number of chromosomes is divided in half in the daughter cells, |

| |leading to the formation of gametes. |

| |Mitosis and binary fission - cell reproduction in which the chromosomes are duplicated into both daughter cells so that|

| |each daughter cell has the same number of chromosomes as the original parent. This process is how an organism grows or|

| |repairs tissue. |

|SF pp. N\A |Compare sexual and asexual reproduction in terms of advantages and disadvantages. Eg: Recognize that asexual |

|SIA pp. 35 |reproduction provides an efficient means of transmitting characteristics and that sexual reproduction provides an |

| |opportunity for a recombination of characteristics. |

| | |

| |Sexual Reproduction: |

| |Advantages |

| |Disadvantages |

| | |

| |mixing of traits to produce new traits creating greater variation. |

| |the means of sexual reproduction may not be as efficient |

| |need the right conditions and both sexes |

| |takes a lot of energy and requires a lot of time |

| |can only produce a limited number of offspring because of the limited time and energy. |

| | |

| | |

| |Asexual Reproduction: |

| |Advantages: |

| |Disadvantages: |

| | |

| |-doesn’t require specialized cells or a way of bringing the sex cells together |

| |- can make a lot of individuals quickly. |

| |makes copies of oneself and there are no variations |

| | |

| | |

|SF pp. 58 |Distinguish between and identify examples of natural and artificial selection. |

|SIA pp. 24, 66 | |

| |Natural Selection: Nature decided which organism survives to reproduce and pass on their traits to the offspring. Ex: |

| |Those which resist disease, famine, environmental disasters such as hurricanes and tornadoes. |

| |Example: Long necks in giraffes. A giraffe with a longer neck will have access to more food higher on the tree than a |

| |giraffe with a shorter neck, and will be more likely to survive long enough to reproduce. The trait of a long neck is |

| |‘selected’. |

| | |

| |Artificial Selection: Man decided which traits will be passed on to offspring. (aka selective breeding). Artificial |

| |selection has been used for much longer than genetic engineering techniques. |

| |Ex: Milk production in cows. If a dairy cow produces more milk than another, the farmer may only breed the cow with |

| |the greater milk production, selecting that as a desirable trait to be passed onto offspring. |

| | |

|SF pp. 53-56 |Describe in simple terms some of the newly emerging technologies for recombining genetic material and identify |

|SIA pp. 66-69 |questions and issues related to their application. |

| | |

| |Cloning – The technique where the complete set of DNA is taken out of cell of an organism and inserted into an |

| |enucleated egg cell (DNA of the egg is removed). The result is an embryo that is an identical copy of the original |

| |parent. Ex: Dolly the sheep was successfully born in a laboratory. However, she was the clone of a three year old |

| |sheep and her cells rapidly aged to that of a three year old sheep. Cloning causes a great loss of diversity within a |

| |species. |

| | |

| |Genetic Engineering - The removal a gene from the DNA of a cell. A new section of DNA is inserted in this spot. |

| |Examples: Firefly gene inserted into a tobacco plant so that the tobacco plant grows in the dark. |

| | |

| |Artificial Reproductive Technologies - Artificial insemination (sperm is harvested from a male with desirable |

| |characteristics and inserted into many females) and in vitro fertilization (both sperm and egg are harvested from |

| |desirable animals and fertilized in a Petri dish). |

|Identify impacts of human action on species survival and variation within species, and analyze related issues for decision-making. |

|SF pp.73-76 |Describe the relative abundance of species on Earth. |

|SIA pp. 67-71 | |

| |Example: Insect diversity is greater in tropical climates than at the temperate zones. One hectare of rainforest may |

| |have over eighteen thousand species of beetles whereas in all of Canada and United States there are only twenty four |

| |thousand species of beetles. |

| | |

| |Describe ongoing changes in biological diversity through extinction and extirpation of native species, and investigate |

| |the role of environmental factors in causing these changes |

| | |

| |Extinction is the disappearance of every individual of a species from the entire planet. Example: the dinosaurs |

| |Extirpation is the disappearance of a species from a particular area. Example: the grizzly bear from the prairies. |

| |Grizzly bears are now only found on mountains. |

| |See page 59 SIA |

| | |

| |Natural causes of extinction: |

| |- Catastrophic events like volcanoes, floods, and fire. |

| |Lack of food due to overpopulation |

| |Disease |

| |Overspecialization in a single niche (too suited to a specific area) Ex: Panda eats only bamboo and a Koala eats only |

| |eucalyptus. |

| |Human causes of extinction and extirpation: |

| |Habitat destruction through activities like logging, damming, construction |

| |Introduction of non-native species. Example: cattle were introduced in North America and competed with Bison. |

| |Over-hunting. Example: passenger pigeons |

| | |

|SF pp. 73-76 |Evaluate the success and limitations of various local and global strategies for minimizing loss of species diversity. |

|SIA pp. 72-76 |Developing protected areas which allow organisms to live undisturbed in their natural habitat |

| |Restoring ecosystems and species – setting up programs to reintroduce species into their natural habitats. |

| |Breeding endangered populations in zoos. |

| |Development of seed banks – keep a record or sample of all of the species of plants and in some cases a large storage |

| |of a particular type. P 75 SF |

| |Treaties to protect endangered species. |

| | |

| |Investigate and describe the use of biotechnology in environmental, agricultural or forest management; and identify |

| |potential impacts and issues. |

| |Discuss issues related to the development of patented crop varieties and varieties that require extensive chemical |

| |treatments, selective breeding in game farming and in the rearing of fish stocks. |

|Appendix A- diagrams |

Diagram 1 : SIA Page 33


Diagram 2.10 pg. 32 SIA- Animal Sexual Reproduction


Figure 3.11 pg.47 SIA Cell Division


Figure 3.13 and 3.14 pages 50-51 SIA: Dominant and Recessive Traits




Biological Diversity: the variety of species and ecosystems on Earth and the ecological processes of which they are a part.

Ecosystem Diversity

Community and Species Diversity

Genetic Diversity






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