Serrano High School Biology I

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|[pic] |Biology Chapter |

| |2 (Prentice Hall|

| |2008) |

| |Study online at |

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|1.|acid |:|a compound that forms H+ ions in solution |

|2.|activation energy |:|the energy that is needed to get a reaction started |

|3.|active site |:|a site on an enzyme where the substrate binds |

|4.|adhesion |:|attraction between molecules of different substances |

|5.|amino acids |:|compounds with an amino group (NH2) on one end and a carboxyl group (COOH) on the other |

|6.|atom |:|the basic unit of matter |

|7.|atomic number |:|the number of protons in an atom of an element |

|8.|base |:|a compound that produces OH- ions in solution |

|9.|blood |:|a suspension of water, cells, and undissolved particles that moves through the body |

|10|buffers |:|weak acids or bases that can react with strong acids or bases to prevent sharp, sudden |

|. | | |changes in pH |

|11|carbohydrates |:|used as the main source of energy; used in structures for plants and some animals |

|. | | | |

|12|carbon's valence electrons |:|four |

|. | | | |

|13|catalyst |:|a substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction |

|. | | | |

|14|chemical bonds |:|hold atoms in compounds together; the main types are ionic and covalent |

|. | | | |

|15|chemical element |:|a pure substance that consists entirely of one type of atom |

|. | | | |

|16|chemical formula |:|shorthand to show the chemical composition of a compound |

|. | | | |

|17|chemical reaction |:|a process that changes one set of chemicals (reactants) into another set of chemicals |

|. | | |(products) by breaking bonds and forming new ones |

|18|cohesion |:|attraction between molecules of the same substance |

|. | | | |

|19|compound |:|substances formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements in definite proportions|

|. | | | |

|20|covalent bond |:|a bond formed when electrons are shared between atoms |

|. | | | |

|21|DNA |:|deoxyribonucleic acid |

|. | | | |

|22|electrons |:|negatively charged particles in constant motion outside the nucleus |

|. | | | |

|23|elements in carbohydrates |:|carbon, hydrogen, oxygen |

|. | | | |

|24|elements in lipids |:|carbon and hydrogen |

|. | | | |

|25|elements in nucleic acids |:|hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus |

|. | | | |

|26|enzymes |:|proteins that act as biological catalysts and speed up reactions by lowering activation |

|. | | |energy |

|27|examples of carbohydrates |:|starches and sugars |

|. | | | |

|28|examples of lipids |:|fats, oils and waxes |

|. | | | |

|29|fatty acids and glycerol |:|compounds that make up lipid molecules |

|. | | | |

|30|four groups of organic compounds in living|:|carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, proteins |

|. |things | | |

|31|glycogen |:|animal starch that can be released from the liver when blood glucose is low |

|. | | | |

|32|how catalysts work |:|they lower the activation energy for a reaction |

|. | | | |

|33|hydrogen end of the water molecule |:|slight positive charge because it has less attraction for the electrons |

|. | | | |

|34|ion |:|a positively or negatively charged atom |

|. | | | |

|35|ionic bond |:|a bond formed when one or more electrons are transfered from one atom to another |

|. | | | |

|36|ions formed by water molecules |:|hydrogen ion (H+) and hydroxide ion (OH-) |

|. | | | |

|37|isotopes |:|atoms of the same element that differ in the number of neutrons |

|. | | | |

|38|lipids |:|used in living things to store energy; in biological membranes and coverings |

|. | | | |

|39|macromolecules |:|polymers; molecules made from thousands or even hundreds of thousands of smaller molecules |

|. | | | |

|40|mixture |:|material composed of two or more elements or compounds that are physically mixed together |

|. | | |but not chemically combined |

|41|molecule |:|a structure that results when atoms are joined together by covalent bonds; the smallest unit|

|. | | |of most compounds |

|42|monomers |:|small units that join together to form macromolecules, or polymers |

|. | | | |

|43|monosaccharides |:|simple sugars (glucose, galactose (from milk), fructose (from fruit)) |

|. | | | |

|44|neutrons |:|particles with no charge in the nucleus |

|. | | | |

|45|nonspontaneous reactions |:|reactions that absorb energy and will not occur without a source of energy |

|. | | | |

|46|nucleic acids |:|store and transmit hereditary (genetic) information |

|. | | | |

|47|nucleotides |:|monomers that make up nucleic acids |

|. | | | |

|48|nucleotides are made of |:|5-carbon sugar; phosphate group; and nitrogenous base |

|. | | | |

|49|organic chemistry |:|the study of all compounds that contain bonds between carbon atoms |

|. | | | |

|50|organic compounds |:|carbon compounds |

|. | | | |

|51|oxygen end of the water molecule|:|slight negative charge because it pulls the electrons more |

|. | | | |

|52|pH 7 |:|pH of pure water |

|. | | | |

|53|pH above 7 |:|bases |

|. | | | |

|54|pH below 7 |:|acids |

|. | | | |

|55|pH scale |:|a measurement system to indicate the concentration of H+ ions in solution |

|. | | | |

|56|polar molecules |:|molecules in which the charges are unevenly distributed; they can attract each other |

|. | | | |

|57|polymerization |:|a process that forms macromolecules by joining smaller compounds together to form larger ones |

|. | | | |

|58|polysaccharides |:|large macromolecules formed from monosaccharides |

|. | | | |

|59|products |:|the elements or compounds produced by a chemical reaction |

|. | | | |

|60|proteins |:|polymers of amino acid macromolecules that control the rate of reactions, regulate cell processes, form|

|. | | |bone and muscles, transport substances in and out of cells, or help fight disease |

|61|proteins are made of |:|nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen |

|. | | | |

|62|protons |:|positively charged particles in the nucleus |

|. | | | |

|63|reactants |:|the elements or compounds that enter into a chemical reaction |

|. | | | |

|64|reasons carbon is important |:|can make covalent bonds with other atoms (4 valence electrons); can bond to other carbon atoms to make |

|. | | |long chains |

|65|RNA |:|ribonucleic acid |

|. | | | |

|66|solute |:|the substance in a solution that is dissolved |

|. | | | |

|67|solution |:|a mixture in which all the components are evenly distributed throughout the mixture |

|. | | | |

|68|solvent |:|the substance in a solution in which the solvent dissolves |

|. | | | |

|69|spontaneous reactions |:|reactions that release energy |

|. | | | |

|70|starches |:|complex carbohydrates (polymers) where extra sugar is stored |

|. | | | |

|71|subatomic particles |:|protons, neutrons and electrons |

|. | | | |

|72|substrates |:|reactants in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction |

|. | | | |

|73|sugars |:|can be broken down for immediate energy |

|. | | | |

|74|suspensions |:|mixtures of water and nondissolved material |

|. | | | |

|75|van der Waals forces |:|intermolecular forces of attraction between the oppositely chargeed regions of nearby molecules |

|. | | | |

|76|water |:|H2O; the greatest solvent on earth |

|. | | | |

|77|why atoms are uncharged |:|atoms have equal numbers of protons and electrons |

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