Mrs. Anurita Dhiman Office Hours:

mrsdhiman@ Mondays room 81B or P4: 3:40-6:00pm

LEC Voicemail: 604-534-7155 ext. 231 Tuesday room 81B or 82: 1:15-3:15pm

Website: Wednesday room 81B or 80B: 2:10-5:00pm


Welcome to Biology 12, the senior Biology course that concentrates on Cellular Processes and Human Biology. This is an intellectually challenging, fast paced course containing a great deal of interesting and exciting information designed to prepare you for the standards and content of university level Biology and Biochemistry. You will notice a larger workload than you have previously experienced in Biol. 11 and/or other previous science courses, however, with perseverance, hard work, and good study techniques, you will be successful through these challenges and do well in Biology 12. Remember to keep up with all assignments and readings, and be sure to study and review notes and materials daily ~ 1 – 2 hours per day outside of class. Enjoy your trek through Biology 12 and boldly go where few people have gone before!!!

BIOLOGY 12 TOPICS (sequence or dates not written in stone)

|Chapter |Content |Quiz |Test Date |

|1-2 |Study of Life, Molecules of Cells |Ch1-2 Quiz |Tuesday, Sep. 19th |

|3 |Cell Structure and Function | | |

|UNIT 1 EXAM (covers chapters 1-3) |Tuesday, Sep. 26th |

|4 |DNA Structure |Ch4 Quiz |Tuesday, Oct. 3rd |

|5 |Enzymes | | |

|UNIT 2 EXAM (covers chapters 4-5) |Thursday, Oct. 12th |

|8-9 |Human Organization, Digestive System |Ch9 Quiz |Tuesday, Oct. 24th |

|10 |Circulatory System & Lymphatic System |Ch10 Quiz |Tuesday, Oct. 31st |

|11 |Respiratory System | | |

|UNIT 3 EXAM (covers chapters 8-11) |Tuesday, Nov. 7th |

|12 |Nervous System |Ch12 Quiz |Tuesday, Nov. 21st |

|13 |Urinary System |Ch13 Quiz |Thursday, Nov. 30th |

|14 |Reproductive System | | |

|UNIT 4 EXAM (covers chapters 12-14) |Tuesday, Dec. 12th |

*Chapters based on BC Biology 12, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Text Book Total:27 Classes



|Assignments and Labs |10% |

|Project |5% |

|Six Quizzes = 2.5% each |15% |

|UNIT 1 EXAM |15% |

|UNIT 2 EXAM |15% |

|UNIT 3 EXAM |20% |

|UNIT 4 EXAM |20% |

|TOTAL |100% |

Important Information:

• Late assignments will be deducted 50% off the mark you receive.

• There is only one attempt allowed on each of the quizzes. If you miss a quiz, it is counted as zero. There are no rewrites.

• There is a rewrite for every UNIT EXAM only. Rewrites will occur on a specific date outside of class time during my office hours. If the rewrite date and/or time does not work for you, you will not get a rewrite and the original attempt’s mark will be your final mark for that unit exam. If you miss a UNIT EXAM, you will be allowed to do the rewrite only; again during the rewrite date and time scheduled.

• If you are absent for a class, you must make the effort to contact me; however, you are still responsible for all missed work and must keep up with all deadlines and exam dates.

• There are labs and dissections in this course; however, only the dissections are optional, the lab worksheets will still be assigned for marks. If you cannot perform the dissection, you will take the time to observe and take notes on the dissections performed by your classmates or by me.

• Please arrive to school on time and return from breaks on time as well.

• All cell phones, music players, and any noise making device must be turned OFF or SILENCED during class.

• Please avoid eating large meals that are smelly or loud in class. You must clean your area before you leave the class.

• Take care using all the lab equipment and always clean your area before you leave class.

• You can park in the main paved lot at the entrance of the school or in the gravel lot at the back of the field accessed from 56 A.

• NO SMOKING IS PERMITTED ANYWHERE ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. You must go to the edges of the property by the roadways.

Course Help

Do your part:

▪ attend every class & take careful notes

▪ re-read your notes before every class

▪ complete all assigned homework and review

▪ work in groups to prepare for tests

• You can also contact me to make an appointment for extra help during office hours; either in person or online (link is only by weebly site)

• LiveTUTOR from LearnNowBC is a free tutoring service in BC: available from Sunday to Thursday, 6pm to 10pm at

• YouTube can be very helpful providing tutorial on course related material.

Please feel free to ask me questions regularly, either during class or via email or voicemail. Also feel free to inform me of techniques that help you learn, and ask me to clarify if something doesn’t make sense.

Good luck and enjoy Biology 12!!!


Everyone will complete a project as a required task in the course. I will provide you with due dates and a sign-up sheet a few weeks into the course. The project will be from one of chapter 9 to 14 only.

Letter Grades are assigned in accordance with Provincial Guidelines:

86-100% = A

73-85% = B

67-72% = C+

60-66% = C

50-59% = P/C-

0-49% = F


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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