Freshmen Biology – (prep, general, honors)

Freshmen Biology – College BoundCourse SyllabusMr. Roberts2012 – 2013_____________________________________________________________________________Course DescriptionBiology is the study of living organisms. Biology encompasses all aspects of life such as intake of nutrients, utilization of energy, growth and development, which are necessary for all organisms. Throughout their study of biology, students are asked to demonstrate their knowledge of scientific inquiry by designing experiments, interpreting and analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. In this way, students will be better able to understand and analyze the biological phenomena that occur throughout their lives. Class ProfileBiology is a required life science designed for students at the freshmen level. Students will receive 0.5 credits per semester (1 credit per year), towards the science graduation requirements. Primary TextMiller, Kenneth R. and Joseph S. Levine. Biology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc., 2010. MaterialsThe following materials are required in class everyday:1.5” binder2 dividersloose-leaf lined paper2 different writing utensils (pencil and pen or 2 different colored pens)(There is no pencil sharpener available)Scope and SequenceUnitUnit TitleDate1Scientific MethodSept. 4 – Sept. 24 (15 days)2Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and DynamicsSept. 25 – Nov. 1 (28 days)3From Molecules to Cells: Structures and ProcessesNov. 5 – Dec. 21 (32 days)4From Cells to Organisms: Structures and ProcessesJan. 7 – Feb. 26 (33 days)5Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of TraitsFeb. 27 – Mar. 28 (22 days)6Biological Evolution: Unity and DiversityApr. 8 – May 23 (34 days)7Science FairMay 24 – Jun. 7 (10 days)Learning TargetsThis course will focus on mastery of the next generation science standards and the appropriate College Readiness Standards for science, including scientific inquiry, data representation, and data analysis. This course will focus on Common Core State Standards for reading and writing, specifically writing arguments focused on discipline-specific content, and writing informative/ explanatory texts, including scientific procedures and experiments. AssessmentsSummative assessments include lab reports, MEL-CON/ Document Based Questions, unit tests and the final exam. Unit tests will be given at the end of each unit and are multiple-choice tests covering content and College Readiness Skills. The final exam will be given at the end of the semester. A variety of formative assessments will also be given throughout the year and may include class work, quizzes, drafts, lab work, bellringers and summaries, and class participation. Homework PolicyIt is expected that all students will complete every homework assignment the night it is assigned. Students are expected to make corrections in class and should keep corrected homework until collected, in a packet at the end of the week. Classroom PolicyStudents are expected to follow the Kenwood Academy Code of Conduct. This is a learning environment. Anything that distracts from the learning process will not be tolerated and handled appropriately. When students arrive to class, they are expected to be in appropriate attire with their ID badges on. Students should walk in silently, sit down immediately, and start working on the bellringer. Students are expected to be active and cooperative during the entire class period. This includes things such as, but not limited to, respecting others while they are speaking, respecting the classroom environment, and positive language and movement.Attendance PolicyStudents are responsible for finding out what they missed either from a friend or from the teacher, on their own time (not during class time). No class time will be spent on anything related to an absence, including making up work or tests. Class is about moving forward, not catching up; therefore students are expected to make up work on their own time. Work cannot be accepted once it is graded or reviewed. Extreme circumstances will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Grading PolicyIf a student wishes to retake a unit test, the student must communicate this with the teacher within one day of receiving the test. The teacher and student will then set up an appropriate time for this to happen. The original grade and the retake will be averaged. Extra credit will be given at the discretion of the freshmen biology teachers. Grade DistributionSummative AssessmentsLab reportsMEL-CON / DBQsUnit Tests30%Final Exam10%Formative AssessmentsClass workQuizzesDraftsLab workBellringers and summariesClass participation50%Homework10%Grading Scale90 – 100%A80 – 89%B70 – 79%C60 – 69%D59% and belowFContact InformationSee the information below regarding my availability and contact information. I am available for questions before school and sometimes after school, though I will mostly be on the pool deck in the afternoon during the winter months. I will also respond to questions via email at within 24 hours. To set up an appointment at least 48 hours in advance, please do so via email. Ms. Roberts’ SchedulePeriodClassRoom1Office Hours3252Biology – College Bound3033Physics3254Department Meeting5Office Hours3256Office Hours3257AP Physics 3258AP Physics325Grades will not be entered until both parent/guardian and student have read the above syllabus and signed the detachable portion below. I have read the syllabus and am aware of the scope, sequence, expectations, and procedures for this course.Student Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: __________Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________ Date: __________ ................

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