Biology Fall Semester Study Guide - Henry County Schools

Biology Fall Semester Study Guide


|Biology |Resolution |Spermatogenesis |Carrier protein |Sex-linked trait |

|Observation |Scanning tunneling |Sperm |Facilitated diffusion |Polygenic trait |

|Hypothesis |microscope |Oogenesis |Active transport |Incomplete dominance |

|Prediction |Cell theory |Ovum |Sodium-potassium pump |Codominance |

|pH |Cell membrane |Asexual reproduction |Endocytosis |Multiple alleles |

|experiment |Cytoplasm |Clone |Exocytosis |Vaccine |

|control group |Electron transport chain |Sexual reproduction |Receptor protein |Virulent |

|independent variable |NADPH |Life cycle |Second messenger |Transformation |

|dependent variable |Carbon dioxide fixation |Fertilization |Photosynthesis |Bacteriophage |

|theory |Calvin cycle |Sporophyte |Autotroph |Double helix |

|atom |Aerobic |Spore |Heterotroph |Nucleotide |

|element |Anaerobic |Gametophyte |Cellular respiration |Deoxyribose |

|compound |Glycolysis |Heredity |Pigment |Base-pairing rules |

|molecule |NADH |Cytoskeleton |Chlorophyll |Complementary |

|ion |Krebs cycle |Ribosome |Carotenoid |DNA replication |

|cohesion |FADH2 |Prokaryote |Thylakoid |DNA helicase |

|adhesion |Fermentation |Cell wall |Genetics |Replication fork |

|solution |Gamete |Flagellum |Monohybrid cross |DNA polymerase |

|acid |Binary fission |Eukaryote |True-breeding | |

|base |Gene |Nucleus |P generation | |

|carbohydrate |Chromosome |Organelle |F1 generation | |

|monosccharide |Chromatid |Cilium |F2 generation | |

|lipid |Centromere |Phospholipid |Allele | |

|protein |Homologous chromosome |Lipid bilayer |Dominant | |

|amino acid |Diploid |Endoplasmic reticulum |Recessive | |

|nucleic acid |Haploid |Vesicle |Homozygous | |

|nucleotide |Zygote |Golgi apparatus |Heterozygous | |

|DNA |Autosome |Lysosome |Genotype | |

|RNA |Sex chromosome |Mitochondrion |Phenotype | |

|ATP |Karyotype |Chloroplast |Law of segregation | |

|Energy |Cell cycle |Central vacuole |Law of independent | |

|Activation energy |Interphase |Passive transport |assortment | |

|Enzyme |Mitosis |Concentration gradient |Punnett square | |

|Substrate |Cytokinesis |Equilibrium |Test cross | |

|Active site |Cancer |Diffusion |Probability | |

|Light microscope |Spindle |Osmosis |Pedigree | |

|Electron microscope |Meiosis |Hypertonic solution | | |

|Magnification |Crossing-over |Hypotonic solution | | |

| |Independent assortment |Isotonic solution | | |

| | |Ion channel | | |

Major Semester Exam Concepts:

Chapter 1

1. What are the first and last things to do before entering and leaving the lab area?

2. Give 3 examples example of how humans maintain homeostasis.

3. Explain the difference between independent and dependent variables.

4. What is meant by a controlled experiment? Why is it important to only test one variable at a time?

5. What is biology?

6. What is the best graph to use in representing measured data? Categorical data? Percentage data?

7. Be able to interpret information from line graphs, bar graphs, pie charts, and data tables.

8. Explain the difference between a scientific theory and a hypothesis.

9. What is the control in an experiment?

10. Explain what to do if an experiment gives an unexpected result.

11. What are the metric units on a meter stick? A ruler? A graduated cylinder? A balance?

12. What type of microscope would be used to view living samples?

13. Explain the difference between quantitative and qualitative research.

14. Describe the relationship between cells and organisms.

15. List the 4 characteristics that all living things share.

16. Why are observations critical to the scientific process?

17. How do biologists test hypotheses?

18. Explain scientific theories and list one reason why they may be altered or replaced.

19. Distinguish between independent and dependent variables.

Chapter 2

1. What type of bond is responsible for the properties of water?

2. What is an atom? …an element? …a compound? …a molecule?

3. How are compounds and mixtures different?

4. List the four carbon-based molecules and their associated building blocks.

5. What element is found in all organic molecules?

6. What kind of special bonds link amino acids?

7. Why are lipids important?

8. Why are enzymes considered catalysts, and what factors control the efficiency of enzyme function?

Chapter 3

1. What is the main difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?

2. Where would you find water with respect to the cell?

3. How are cilia and flagella similar in function?

4. If rice swells after sitting in water, explain what caused the swelling.

5. Active and passive transport are ways in which the cell works to maintain what?

6. List one example of osmosis.

7. A cell placed in a hypertonic solution will do what? What if it was placed in a hypotonic solution?

8. Which organelle is responsible for producing energy in the cell?

9. What are 2 functions of phospholipids in the cell membrane?

10. Why are lipids important?

11. What organelle synthesizes protein?

12. Draw a picture of the phospholipid bilayer.

13. What are three things found in plant cells that are not found in animal cells?

Chapter 4

1. Write the equation for photosynthesis and explain the reaction in words.

2. Write the equation for cellular respiration and explain how respiration could be measured in humans.

3. Where does glycolysis happen (specifically inside the cell) and how many ATP molecules are generated per molecule of glucose?

4. Draw and label the parts of a chloroplast and include thylakoid and stroma.

5. Where do light dependent reactions take place? …the dark reactions take place?

6. Why do plants look green?

7. How is ATP stored?

8. What factors affect the rate of photosynthesis?

9. ATP is most efficiently produced during what process?

Chapter 5

1. Draw and label the stages of mitosis in the correct order.

2. Why is mitosis important for multicellular organisms?

3. If plants reproduce via vegetative propagation, will the offspring be genetically identical to the parent plant or genetically unique?

4. List the advantages of asexual reproduction.

5. List the advantages of sexual reproduction.

6. During what phase of mitosis do chromosomes become visible?

7. What is dividing during mitosis?

8. Draw the process of binary fission.

9. DNA is replicated during what phase of the cell cycle?

Chapter 6

1. Explain the difference between genotype and phenotype.

2. In a testcross what two individuals are crossed?

3. What is the result of meiosis? What is the result of mitosis?

4. In a cross between a homozygous dominant parent and a heterozygous parent, predict the genotypic and phenotypic ratios in the offspring.

5. Explain the difference between homozygous and heterozygous traits.

6. Draw an illustration of crossing over.

7. What is nondisjunction?

8. During meiosis, in which phase do homologous chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell?

9. What is the difference between haploid and diploid chromosome number?

10. How many chromosomes are in human somatic cells? …in human gametes?

11. Male and female gametes combine to form what?

Chapter 7

1. Explain sex linked traits.

2. How would the following be represented be represented in a pedigree?

a. males exhibiting a trait

b. males without the trait

c. females exhibiting a trait

d. females without the trait

e. female carriers of the trait

Chapter 8

1. Draw an example of inversion.

2. What is deletion?

3. Draw a DNA molecule and explain the structure.

4. What is genetics?

5. What are the parts of a DNA molecule?

6. According to base pairing rules cytosine pairs with what and thymine pairs with what?

7. Explain DNA replication.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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